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Thai fishery exports: EU's motive behind yellow card queried


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BS, of course there's criminals in Thailand like in any other country in the world.

Rules and regulations should be compared when it comes to evaluating the necessity of new restrictions.

And then, please, Farangs, evaluate your own laws/regulations and find out how immigrants in Europe are treated under European laws. Don't forget women and children.

Edited by micmichd
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BS, of course there's criminals in Thailand like in any other country in the world.

Rules and regulations should be compared when it comes to evaluating the necessity of new restrictions.

And then, please, Farangs, evaluate your own laws/regulations and find out how immigrants in Europe are treated under European laws. Don't forget women and children.

what utter rubbish you write. Immigrants are well protected and looked after,too well in the eyes of many of the host countries, never heard of the mass murder of immigrants or of a flourishing slave trade in Europe, Fortunately we don't have the massive corruption that is prevalent in Asia and have a well educated population,unlike Thailand.

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I would have thought that a smarter man would have kept his trap shut & taken a long, hard look at his Associations track

record in many ways.

This industry has reaped in huge money for Thailand & made many very rich (including himself, no doubt) with total

disregard to just about every rule in the book, including drastic overfishing & basic slavery & human intimidation

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Guess Thailand don't need the EU to handle the problem of overfishing.

Thailand doesn't need anybody to handle any of their problems, that is the greater part of the difficulties that they have. All show and no substance.

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Fishing at and destroying protected reefs, like i.e. Similan Island no. 1, shark fin reef, etc. and dragging nets right through marine natinal park areas? No, a Thai would never do that!

Fishing with nets that are almost as fine-woven so they could even catch plancton? No, a Thai would never do that!

Allowing mafia alike structures to "control" the fishing practices in Thailand? No, a Thai would never do that!

Having underpaid or unpaid burmese slaves to the dirty work for them and if they won't comply, simply throw them overboard? No, a Thai would never do that!

Channging engine oil at sea and have the used oil simply pumped out into the ocean, trash, feces, etc. "released" directly into the sea? No, a Thai would never do that!

Long line fishing in protected areas, and shark finning all over Thailand? No, a Thai would never do that!

Keeping even the smallest catch so fish population can't recover? No, a Thai would never do that!

Fishing protected marine species, killing everything that moves, eventually leading endangered species to be extinct? No, a Thai would never do that!

I have more than 3.000 scuba dives under my belt and I have seen the reefs here 23 years ago, and see them now... The destruction of reefs and the decrease in marine life I have witnessed is beyond believe. The scuba diving business in Thailand is dying, what is truly sad since scuba divers, especially instructors and dive masters have been the ones to report and fight against the fishing industry's atrocities, all to no avail - money talks! First thing to root out would be the corrupt national park rangers who put millions of Baht per season into their pockets while doing absolutely nothing. In regards to the fishing industry - seize all vessels on which slaves were held, raped, killed (99% of all vessels) and sink them! I am so disgusted with all this Thai "Mind your own business, farang, you don't understand Thainess!" BS that I wanna puke. It appears that all people in charge here had serious oxygen deprivation at birth to say the least.

I was watching two young Thai boys fishing for their dinner in a pond the other day. They were catching small Pha nim about 3 inches long on garden worms. They were using tiny hooks and occasionally they would catch the tiniest of fishes...think 1 inch or less. Too small to eat, but rather than return any of these to the water they instead would torture each one to death and then throw it up on the bank to rot in the sweltering heat. The men now in charge of the Thai fishing industry were those very same little boys 40 years ago.

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anyway i think it's uselees to try to explain them the less respectual way for human rights, the preservation of the nature, the ecology,and and.... you speak to a wall . you know nothing cause you are not thai , so you are just stupid . it's well know in the hole world that thai are so superior in everythink and so respectfull for all the culture . when i read the comments of micmichd i understand that we just lose time . that's the real face of the land of smile - just laught in the face of the foreign .

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you speak about things you don't know as many thai-peoples who think that all the farangs are rich . i'm not rich and i know a lot of farangs who are not rich . many peoples in europe are working and don't have with their salary to finish the month . but in europe , most of the people make a budget and respect it and make plan for long term . but you canot understand that here - budget , plan for the future . it's right that you need time but i think that hundred years would not be enough . you like the money to much , it's your only wish . all the rest is not important , and the way to get the money is not important for you .

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micmichd - thailand don't wait for the farang came in thailand for the prostitution , they use it for hundreds years already before the first farang came in thailand , second if you look at the statistics , more then 80% of the prostitution in thailand is use by thai-people .

Hmmmm, I think that the guy you post about is a newbie who thinks that if he makes many posts he will be listened to?

But he is quite funny, but his humour might be better directed into one of the many humorous threads currently running!

Thanks for listening to a smiling ting tong robot, core in Asia since 1969 biggrin.png

Siam, back then, was already a country where prostitution was a large and important part of Thai culture. Common and overall accepted practice was that Thai and especially Chinese/Thai businessmen after meetings would dine together and then hit the whore houses to have some fun. You can blame the white man for a lot of things but they were not the ones to bring prostitution to Thailand, that is utter BS!

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You've got absolutely no idea what it's like to be poor, although your own countries are full of slums. Why don't you give credit to Thais to widen their time perspective?

How much time would you like to give them? They've had a lifetime to get their shit together, how much longer is needed to keep pulling the wool over the rest of the worlds eyes??

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typical for thais, blame everyone else but themselves, they operate on a take everything scale, no size limits, fish protected waters, dont follow any of the laws regarding what is and isnt legal then say its someone elses fault when they are caught plus they use slave labour but that ok because they make a sh*tload of profit from it all. They simply do not want to have to follow the laws as it will decrease profits for them, they dont give a sh*

t about the sustainability as long as they make money

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You've got absolutely no idea what it's like to be poor, although your own countries are full of slums. Why don't you give credit to Thais to widen their time perspective?

How much time would you like to give them? They've had a lifetime to get their shit together, how much longer is needed to keep pulling the wool over the rest of the worlds eyes??

Roughly, a thousand years... cheesy.gif

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How come Farangs pretend to be rich if they are not?

How come people pretend to be intelligent when they're not?

Define being rich?

Being able to spend more than a month's income within a month.

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How come Farangs pretend to be rich if they are not?

You are a hilarious character, i give you hat. I'd say the HiSo Thais are the most virtuous, yet most blatant "Look, I'm rich!" pretenders on this planet. You guys have nothing to show, really - tell me anything a Thai invented? Show me any important machine part, anything that only Thais can produce or have developed? The white people don't need to pretend to be rich since most progress in the civilized world came from there, yet same goes for destruction and destructive force... If anything honorable, great enough to mention was achieved by Thais, then it always were your women who did all the work and made the greatest effort. They even managed to defend Phuket alone, as women, against Burmese forces. For the Thai men, times are over (also thanks to the internet) where all your shortcomings can be swept under the carpet of superficial smiles. The world is waking up (also waking up to the lies and BS our white politicians and leaders come up with), thus nowadays actions count rather than clueless blahblah and blasts of empty word shells just like yours!

The poor economic background you mention in regards to prostitution has nothing to do with it. Driving factor here, in 2014 in all red light districts, gogo bars, etc. is simply: greed and quick money! There's enough jobs out there to be filled by skilled Thai ladies who would do the effort of learning proper English, Chinese, whatever... also the educational systems are there, even to help the ones who have a 9 to 5 job, as they could study at places like Rajhabat University Phuket on weekends. But no! It is easier and more fun to sit and drink with other hookers until early morning while shouting a dishonest "hello, sexy man!" into the dark from time to time and reel in 6.000 THB a night doing three "short times" or better - only one short time for 5k after doing the Bangkok shuffle in a gogo bar, reeling in 4k on lady drinks in one single night. Poor economic background, my butthole!

Edited by catweazle
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Formalin is used to preserve already dead corpses from further rotting.

In Europe I had a fish allergy, in Thailand I am not allergic anymore. It's usually living, swimming fish they sell in the markets.

Up to European fish trawlers what they add to the fish they caught, but please don't blame Thai fish for Europeans poisoning European citizens. In Thailand the contamination of food and fish with formalin would be illegal.

Anyway, formalin can often be washed away.

But Farangs are not so good in washing, are they?

seems you have no idea about what you are talking about, thai seafood is rarely fresh, I have not been able to eat seafood in Thailand since moving here as it is too contaminated and I can taste it in every piece I try. Add to that the fact the fish live in putrid waters as thais do not care about what goes into the ocean so they simply dump everything in there, the fish gills are grey in most of the fish they sell, you can smell the contamination in the meat on them. At a guess I would imagine this has had a major effect on your thought capacity as you seem to rave about anything with no proof or back up what so ever. Looks like all your contaminated thai food has done a number on your brain and you lack the ability to even realize it. You really should get some toilet paper and wipe your chin, there is a lot of ugly stuff coming out of your mouth and dribbling down your face

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How come Farangs pretend to be rich if they are not?

How come people pretend to be intelligent when they're not?

Define being rich?

Being able to spend more than a month's income within a month.

I Have drank more than a months income in a week when I was younger, does that count?

So if you saved up 2 months income and spent one in a week, that makes you rich?

Nothing to do with your gross/net incomes based on where you live and the standard of living?

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Never mind, I'm used to being bashed.

Don't worry about my brain, it is one of the best examined Expat brains in Heidelberg.

I insist on my thesis that prostitution in Thailand (Isaan, Pattaya) is mainly driven by poverty, and the vast majority of Isaan women are willing and fit to get a decent job instead. Still they are all bashed as prostitutes by German propaganda (maybe less in the rest of EU)

I also came to Thailand with the idea that all Thai chicks are unresponsible and greedy, only after their own personal advantage. But I finally found out that this is not true.

I made a mistake in Germany. I trusted those people because of their idle talk.

Now I'm here in Thailand, and now I know who I can really trust. It was Thais only that gave me credit when I needed it, and now it's Thais only that get credit from me. I do this on a monthly basis, and no regrets at all so far.

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The EU can set what ever it wants, if they are the buyers of your product, you can either agree or sell to other countries, the same can be said with the EU, they too can buy from other countries, so they can not be held to any kind of ransom, Thailand must learn to accept that other countries are not as corrupt as they are, and take things a bit more serious

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Preservatives is used in europe by fishermen to prolong the shelflife of fish, most countries would use some form of preservative but i can assure you its a much safer option than the formalin.

a well known product i am very familiar with is xyrex, check their website for product info, I helped trial and market this product to the fishing industry in Scotland

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