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CP All responds to 7-Eleven boycott


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CP All responds to 7-Eleven boycott
By Coconuts Bangkok

A 7-Eleven store on Langsuan Road is typically this empty after the morning rush, at least until our afternoon snack runs begin. Photo: Coconuts Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- CP All brushed off a boycott campaign against its ubiquitous 7-Eleven franchises that began today, saying consumers are free to make their own choices while playing down its market domination.

The proposed boycott of 7-Eleven stores from May 7 - 11 to protest CP All’s business practices seemed to get the mega-conglomerate’s attention, as it posted photos of crowds queued up to buy goods on its “We Are CP” Facebook page.

"We can only do our best to serve our customers such as providing the best products with best quality at the best price," Managing Director Kosak Chairassameesak told Post Today. "When a company provides good products and service, everything else will follow. Customers make their own choices."

The campaign to stop buying from 7-Eleven stores May 7-11 emerged over concerns of its anti-competitive grip on the market and after a series of incidents landed the company in hot water, including perceptions it bullied and exploited smaller companies. [read more...]

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/05/07/cp-all-responds-7-eleven-boycott

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-05-07

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Unfortunately, this is the 21st century and the modern 7-11s, Family Marts and supermarkets will always beat the ugly mom and pop stores. It's business.

While I personally would prefer to support small businesses, let's be frank, would you buy from these small and unclean non air conditioned provision shops or would you prefer the nice, bright and cool 7-11s?

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I went to a "mom and pop" shop to buy a beer in Ao Nang. I always check the date the beer was brewed. The beer in the cooler were over 14 months old (Leo). I haven't seen stock in a 7-11 be more than 6 weeks old when it comes to buying a beer.

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Unfortunately, this is the 21st century and the modern 7-11s, Family Marts and supermarkets will always beat the ugly mom and pop stores. It's business.

While I personally would prefer to support small businesses, let's be frank, would you buy from these small and unclean non air conditioned provision shops or would you prefer the nice, bright and cool 7-11s?

Typically I go out of my way (not real far) to go to a mom and pop shop. My dislike for huge corporations grows daily. I also appreciate mom a pop shops because I like like to drink beer anytime I wish.

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I hated the idea of 7-11 when I moved here.

Then I noticed that 7-11 hired all types of people. Skin color or religion wasn't an issue.

Prices are clearly marked etc.

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When I first came here I used to try avoiding the big corporations like Tesco, 7-11, Big C etc. and try to support small local 'mom and pop' type businesses.

Until the small local businesses started trying to rip me off and overcharge me for their goods. Never been ripped off at 7-11, air conditioned, always well stocked, prices marked, normally fairly polite service from staff.

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Its a powerful protest if people boycott certain companies or products but for a lot of people they cant be bothered. I am semi bothered and personally wont eat Mcdonalds anymore as there have been so many reports that show they buy rotten meats unfit even dog food, apply chemicals processes to it to recreate as an edible food like product like their burgers. They only have 19 ingredients in their french fries! Theres no respect for their customers with those practices. Avoid, boycott.

Boots the chemist does lots of trading in the UK but when it comes to paying tax they say they are based in Switzerland not the UK even though you stood at the check-out , paid , bought you stuff in the UK. For them your transaction happened in Switzerland. The tax that Boots avoids gets paid by joe average PAYE worker. I dont use Boots anymore.

Starbucks UK argues it has never made any profit in the UK ever so they never pay tax ever. Strange thing is even though they never make a penny of profit they have opened new stores year in year out. They have 500 stores? More maybe. Most firms cut back or remove themselves from the market when they cant make a profit. Starbucks opens more stores to increase the losses! Its all bogus. The tax they dont pay gets dumped on joe average worker who is not allowed to avoid his or her taxes. Many people though think its stupid to boycott Starbucks even when they have pick up the tax shortfall in their paychecks. They dont get it. They love Starbucks.

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I went to a "mom and pop" shop to buy a beer in Ao Nang. I always check the date the beer was brewed. The beer in the cooler were over 14 months old (Leo). I haven't seen stock in a 7-11 be more than 6 weeks old when it comes to buying a beer.

The local minimart here (Saraphi area) has fresh beer. Local people seem to all buy beer here, stop and drink, and so they seem to have high turnover. Not a bad bottle yet. Of course the choice is limited (Chang, Leo). Your point is a good one, checking the dates is important. A mini mart with minimal stock turnover would be a bad bet.

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It would be nice, though probably neither economic nor practical, if they offered the "moms & pops" training and financing to operate 7-Elevens & Family Marts as owner-operated franchises. It would obviously involve supervision and over-sight and some failures, but at least if done on a restricted basis (as is done with many franchise outlets in the west), it would probably garner them more respect and evidence that they are not entirely soul-less mega corporations.

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Unfortunately, this is the 21st century and the modern 7-11s, Family Marts and supermarkets will always beat the ugly mom and pop stores. It's business.

While I personally would prefer to support small businesses, let's be frank, would you buy from these small and unclean non air conditioned provision shops or would you prefer the nice, bright and cool 7-11s?

Typically I go out of my way (not real far) to go to a mom and pop shop. My dislike for huge corporations grows daily. I also appreciate mom a pop shops because I like like to drink beer anytime I wish.

Well said Sir!

The licensing hours here are are ridiculous. They do nothing to curb excess drinking by the Thais. They only inconvenience normal.people who would have an alcoholic drink in the afternoon or after midnight. Way too much Thainess for me! Wish we could swap out all the 7-11's for privately owned stores.

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I like the ridiculous alcoholic beverage regulations because that way I can time my visits to my local 7-11 or Family Mart so I don't encounter persons buying beer or other imbibes.

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I like the ridiculous alcoholic beverage regulations because that way I can time my visits to my local 7-11 or Family Mart so I don't encounter persons buying beer or other imbibes.

Wow! Someone's a bit precious. :) Or perhaps all buyers of beer are bloated, aggressive, angry, red-faced, spitting, raging torrents of humanity. And they might breathe on you at the checkout. :)

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Unfortunately, this is the 21st century and the modern 7-11s, Family Marts and supermarkets will always beat the ugly mom and pop stores. It's business.

While I personally would prefer to support small businesses, let's be frank, would you buy from these small and unclean non air conditioned provision shops or would you prefer the nice, bright and cool 7-11s?

Typically I go out of my way (not real far) to go to a mom and pop shop. My dislike for huge corporations grows daily. I also appreciate mom a pop shops because I like like to drink beer anytime I wish.

Well said Sir!

The licensing hours here are are ridiculous. They do nothing to curb excess drinking by the Thais. They only inconvenience normal.people who would have an alcoholic drink in the afternoon or after midnight. Way too much Thainess for me! Wish we could swap out all the 7-11's for privately owned stores.

Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. You are now blaming 7-11 for Thailand having alcohol selling times, and they are certainly not responsible for it. By the way, here in Pattaya, you can walk into any 7-11, at any time of day, and buy alcohol. They ignore the selling hours in this tourist city. The law is aimed at Thai's.

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I like the ridiculous alcoholic beverage regulations because that way I can time my visits to my local 7-11 or Family Mart so I don't encounter persons buying beer or other imbibes.

then you will love Indonesia, because, with the exception of Bali, the entire sale of alcohol will be prohibited very soon and those found drinking a beer will go to jail (not sure about caning or stoning, but who knows....)

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Its a powerful protest if people boycott certain companies or products but for a lot of people they cant be bothered. I am semi bothered and personally wont eat Mcdonalds anymore as there have been so many reports that show they buy rotten meats unfit even dog food, apply chemicals processes to it to recreate as an edible food like product like their burgers. They only have 19 ingredients in their french fries! Theres no respect for their customers with those practices. Avoid, boycott.

Boots the chemist does lots of trading in the UK but when it comes to paying tax they say they are based in Switzerland not the UK even though you stood at the check-out , paid , bought you stuff in the UK. For them your transaction happened in Switzerland. The tax that Boots avoids gets paid by joe average PAYE worker. I dont use Boots anymore.

Starbucks UK argues it has never made any profit in the UK ever so they never pay tax ever. Strange thing is even though they never make a penny of profit they have opened new stores year in year out. They have 500 stores? More maybe. Most firms cut back or remove themselves from the market when they cant make a profit. Starbucks opens more stores to increase the losses! Its all bogus. The tax they dont pay gets dumped on joe average worker who is not allowed to avoid his or her taxes. Many people though think its stupid to boycott Starbucks even when they have pick up the tax shortfall in their paychecks. They dont get it. They love Starbucks.

its for these same reasons i boycott these shops .but they get away with it because there allowed to

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Unfortunately, this is the 21st century and the modern 7-11s, Family Marts and supermarkets will always beat the ugly mom and pop stores. It's business.

When it comes to booze mom and pop shops are normally cheaper, 7/11 prices are the highest, so they do not beat the small shops at all there.

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I like the ridiculous alcoholic beverage regulations because that way I can time my visits to my local 7-11 or Family Mart so I don't encounter persons buying beer or other imbibes.

then you will love Indonesia, because, with the exception of Bali, the entire sale of alcohol will be prohibited very soon and those found drinking a beer will go to jail (not sure about caning or stoning, but who knows....)

I don't care what other people do -- I just don't want to have to deal with them. Cigarette buyers are pushy enough.

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Thailand lacks organized consumers, labor unions and the majority of the people is kept poor and stupid.

Therefore the door is wide open for companies like CP and a few more to rule out competition and exploit the country.

CP owns the whole chain from animal food to the processed meat in the shop that they also own. It's outrageous that simple processed pork meat products are sold at up to twice the price that the same products cost in Europe.

Thailand was never colonized by a foreign country, they are still colonized and exploited by their own elite!

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Let me fix that for you.

"I am semi bothered and personally wont eat Mcdonalds anymore as there have been so many reports rumors that show they buy rotten meats unfit even dog food, apply chemicals processes to it to recreate as an edible food like product like their burgers."

Exactly right. Rumors started by Chipotle and Burger King that the 'King of Burgers' is dead. Ha, ha.

This is not a socialist state and we can eat as we like. Sure, develop a boycott if you wish. Folks everywhere are highly driven by cost, quality and value. And that is why 7/11 and MCD thrive.

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Its a powerful protest if people boycott certain companies or products but for a lot of people they cant be bothered. I am semi bothered and personally wont eat Mcdonalds anymore as there have been so many reports that show they buy rotten meats unfit even dog food, apply chemicals processes to it to recreate as an edible food like product like their burgers. They only have 19 ingredients in their french fries! Theres no respect for their customers with those practices. Avoid, boycott.

Boots the chemist does lots of trading in the UK but when it comes to paying tax they say they are based in Switzerland not the UK even though you stood at the check-out , paid , bought you stuff in the UK. For them your transaction happened in Switzerland. The tax that Boots avoids gets paid by joe average PAYE worker. I dont use Boots anymore.

Starbucks UK argues it has never made any profit in the UK ever so they never pay tax ever. Strange thing is even though they never make a penny of profit they have opened new stores year in year out. They have 500 stores? More maybe. Most firms cut back or remove themselves from the market when they cant make a profit. Starbucks opens more stores to increase the losses! Its all bogus. The tax they dont pay gets dumped on joe average worker who is not allowed to avoid his or her taxes. Many people though think its stupid to boycott Starbucks even when they have pick up the tax shortfall in their paychecks. They dont get it. They love Starbucks.

A person after my own heart! I too stopped eating MacDonalds but for a different reason - they're <deleted>! I avoid shops like boots and Starbucks because of their view on taxation.. Costa Coffee is far better and they do flat white coffee too. Regarding 7-11, that's more of a personal thing as they are franchises. If I go into one and the staff are rude or ignorant (letting somebody push in the queue for a 40 baht mobile top up while I've been standing patiently to pay for my stuff) then I just don't go back. I do go to my local ma & pa store as the people are way nicer and they carry more products (my missus calls it the "magic shop" because whatever I ask for no matter how random they always seem to have it!). On another and newer level I boycott Nandos and any other restaurant that only sell halal meats on their menus.

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CP All is part of the Charoen Pokphand Group, Thailand’s largest corporation and one of the largest conglomerates in Asia, with holdings in agribusiness, telecommunications, retail centers, automobiles, real estate and commercial fishing

Slave traders!


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Its a powerful protest if people boycott certain companies or products but for a lot of people they cant be bothered. I am semi bothered and personally wont eat Mcdonalds anymore as there have been so many reports that show they buy rotten meats unfit even dog food, apply chemicals processes to it to recreate as an edible food like product like their burgers. They only have 19 ingredients in their french fries! Theres no respect for their customers with those practices. Avoid, boycott.

Boots the chemist does lots of trading in the UK but when it comes to paying tax they say they are based in Switzerland not the UK even though you stood at the check-out , paid , bought you stuff in the UK. For them your transaction happened in Switzerland. The tax that Boots avoids gets paid by joe average PAYE worker. I dont use Boots anymore.

Starbucks UK argues it has never made any profit in the UK ever so they never pay tax ever. Strange thing is even though they never make a penny of profit they have opened new stores year in year out. They have 500 stores? More maybe. Most firms cut back or remove themselves from the market when they cant make a profit. Starbucks opens more stores to increase the losses! Its all bogus. The tax they dont pay gets dumped on joe average worker who is not allowed to avoid his or her taxes. Many people though think its stupid to boycott Starbucks even when they have pick up the tax shortfall in their paychecks. They dont get it. They love Starbucks.

its for these same reasons i boycott these shops .but they get away with it because there allowed to

They pay the tax that the tax rules require of them. Seems wrong to me but international tax agreements approved by governments led to this situation. Can't really blame the companies involved for following the law. l only pay the amount of tax the law requires and expect you do too. Why pay more?

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7-11 doesn't protect franchisers with an exclusive sales territory like you would think. We have some on Samui that are literally across the street from each other. Makes me consider them as not very caring for the people who invest in their stores. The closest one to me however, seems to have been a winner for the people running the store it replaced - they leased them the space they had their largish mom and pop store in and then renovated their building next door and continued in business with a variety of goods 7-11 doesn't carry and (very slightly) lower prices on beer and cigs. Brilliant move!

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I hated the idea of 7-11 when I moved here.

Then I noticed that 7-11 hired all types of people. Skin color or religion wasn't an issue.

Prices are clearly marked etc.

I agree. For all the detractors, 7-11 provides jobs for people and provides goods for consumers conveniently and for the most part fairly.

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Now in Europe,can't believe how much cheaper everything in supermarkets is, for example, beer 15 baht a bottle!

apropos of absolutely nothing.

Edited by HooHaa
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I prefer the Mom & Pop shops as long as I don't get the Falang price

And that's the thing isn't it? If I find a shop that charges me sensible prices - I don't mind paying a bit over - I keep going there. I had one that I was buying ciggies and occasional beer from for a couple of years, then all of a sudden, for no apparent reason she charged me almost double for 5 packs of ciggies. I couldn't believe it - very politely I indicated that the price she was asking was wrong and offered the correct money, but no. It was almost double. She insisted.

I declined to buy them, walked away shaking my head and started going to the 7/11.

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When I first came here I used to try avoiding the big corporations like Tesco, 7-11, Big C etc. and try to support small local 'mom and pop' type businesses.

Until the small local businesses started trying to rip me off and overcharge me for their goods. Never been ripped off at 7-11, air conditioned, always well stocked, prices marked, normally fairly polite service from staff.

TOPS stores could learn a thing or two. They consistently have their names and prices in large THAI and waay smaller English.

I just about have to get on my knees to read prices on low-shelf products, and I don't give a durn that it's in a pink or blue bottle - I need to know if I'm buying conditioner or bleach!


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