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The single most troublesome object in Thailand

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The single most troublesome object over here


Yes and no, depends where your heads at, the key is to know that she can be exchanged pronto that can work in your favour what ever that may be, eventually you will get what you deserve so right action right speech right intention will land you where your at.

Always look at yourself first because thats what your attracting to you.

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well if they all have long dark hair how would they ever be able to tell the difference?

oh, believe me they can tell the difference!

back home it was perfume on clothes and bed sheets i had to be careful about... rolleyes.gif

Yes they have some kind of genetic supernatural ability to tell the difference between their hair and someone else's hair.

Nah, nothing like that. They just do that to razz you, there's no hair there even.

It's the guilty look on your face and the feeble excuses that give you away!

Then she's got you by the short and curlies!!

Yes...that is exactly what I was going to say....they are testing you

I used to tell them: That could any one of 10 different girl friends I know as I had a life before I met you.


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missus this morning in the car - preening, and building a birdsnest on the seat...

she's like someone with Dementia, asking the same question - "why? Why? why? it's falling out?..."

so I lean over, and pick up one of 'em, put up to the light (sunlight)...

"see here, its a red one...

see here the next one is a white (heh heh silver) one...

now see here - nothing in my hand - NO black one!!"

"It's less than 6 mths since your last run of bleachings, and it takes months'n'months for it to grow out"

:The red ones have been bleached and are brittle

The white ones are either old/or/and bleached, therefore brittle

The black ones are what have been growing fresh AFTER the bleaching, so are healthy, and still on your head...


half an hour later, she's back at it... beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

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Take this from 8.395 days of LOS experience: The girls that are super jealous, checking for hairs, etc. are the ones who would be the first to voluntarily jump into your best friend's bed! Their very own mindset is mirrored by their actions! My advise - get rid of her!

I think there may be some truth in that statement. They know everything about cheating as they have lots of experience.
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You must let a Thai woman BE HERSELF and ACCEPT as who she is OR you have LOST IMMEDIATELY. Do not worry about her past, it is only the past.

Remember this is a poor country and people do things they do not like to help support their families.

Along with letting her be herself and accepting her as who she is come the Thai woman Love and Loyalty.

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