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Activist: No regrets about Texas cartoon contest ended by gunfire


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A hundred million adult Americans are currently armed to the teeth - now that number will increase. Neighborhood protection groups will be formed ,,, if not now - certainly at the next Jihadi shooting or bombing. Volunteers who are licensed Conceal Carry (guns) will be ask to attend community events

"A hundred million adult Americans are currently armed to the teeth - now that number will increase."

It already is and has been dramatically.

"Neighborhood protection groups will be formed..."

They already are. Guess what? Obama is known as the best gun salesman the US has ever had. Seriously. The sale of guns and ammo has skyrocket since 2007 and hasn't let up. Many Americans aren't going to wait for their government to protect them because they know that it won't in this matter. I'm not predicting any illegal activity but it is entirely lawful for an American to use deadly force to protect himself and his residence, or even to protect a complete stranger from danger.

In short Americans will seek to protect themselves - not curtail themselves They see what happened to Miss Geller who was holding a private attendance meeting - bothering no one. Americans will not care to be drawn into the fog of nuance put forth by the apologist - cowering news media. They will act much as Miss Geller did... 'I am going to do what I am free to do' will be heard a lot... Bring it on...

America's hero is that one GPD cop who saw the car - the two gunmen... pulled his Glock .45 SemiAuto pistol and fired as he steadily walked directly at them firing 15-16 rounds and took the terrorists down in far less than a minute before they could do much damage with their AK-47s.. That cop will be the guest of honor at the next Forth Worth Rodeo - if he is not too modest to go. There will be a standing ovation for him regardless.

A cold one says they rename the Alamo after the 60 year old GPD traffic cop and build a statue to the new Sgt York with a coonskin cap carved into it and invite Pamela Geller to the next Fort Worth City Rodeo.

But only after Texans defeat the current wholesale invasion of the state by the Barack Obama commanded United States Army. Texans will defeat that which could not be defeated by Saddam Hussein, the Taliban and now the ISIS.

The eyes America are on Texas and the eyes of Texas are upon youse guyz bloodshot as those eyes may be against the onslaught by the likes of ISIS, Barack Obama, the liberal left, the MSM, gun law advocates, nuclear negotiators and the whole pack of 'em.

The two jihadists were all hat and no longhorn cattle so I know I speak for America when I say: Hook 'em Horns! laugh.png


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I've been in Texas and driven through it. Two things jump to mind, first is the song "Happiness is Lubbock Texas in my Rearview Mirror" and the other is that Thelma and Louise were right, if you're up to no good, best to avoid Texas, although that is a mighty big place to avoid.

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Nobody would ever mistake that last post as being from anybody with any knowledge of Texas.

Actually sounds like he made it out to the West Texas scrub area and found some Peyote. :)

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A hundred million adult Americans are currently armed to the teeth - now that number will increase. Neighborhood protection groups will be formed ,,, if not now - certainly at the next Jihadi shooting or bombing. Volunteers who are licensed Conceal Carry (guns) will be ask to attend community events

"A hundred million adult Americans are currently armed to the teeth - now that number will increase."

It already is and has been dramatically.

"Neighborhood protection groups will be formed..."

They already are. Guess what? Obama is known as the best gun salesman the US has ever had. Seriously. The sale of guns and ammo has skyrocket since 2007 and hasn't let up. Many Americans aren't going to wait for their government to protect them because they know that it won't in this matter. I'm not predicting any illegal activity but it is entirely lawful for an American to use deadly force to protect himself and his residence, or even to protect a complete stranger from danger.

Let's ease up on the hysteria, at least just a bit.

The group in Garland was guarded and protected by the local police and the local police only.

No one in the group was armed, the group was not a posse, they were not organized or poised to repel a violent attack, nor did the group in the convention center presume to take the law into their own hands.

Recall the two terrorists who were armed to the maximum for a storm assault of the center and its participants were shot and killed by a 60 year old local traffic cop who dropped the two before they got ten steps away from their car.

Americans have the right to own a firearm and I do own one in the United States, but let's not take it OTT every time which is what youse guyz always do.

Not sure the point you are trying to make but aside from the Garland TX Police, there was at least 7 maybe 9 heavily armed militarily dresses private security guards - body guards. Their photo was published with the Dutch fellow.

Edit to add: The comments you were responding to were my ideas commented upon by Neversure -- about what Might happen in the weeks and months - what Texans might do AFTER the Geller - Jihadi shooting incident -- NOT DURING.

The comments you were responding to were my ideas...about what Might happen in the weeks and months - what Texans might do AFTER the Geller - Jihadi shooting incident -- NOT DURING.

Yes which is my point entirely.

Nothing happened during the Garland TX shooting incident that would justify a reaction among Texans in particular or Americans in general that would justify the imaginary and aggressive armed to the teeth mass vigilante approach to jihad as it is wished for by extremist right wing self-appointed deputies of law and order and the 'American way'.

The militarily dressed gorillas with the right wing Dutch politician were there because of him and his invited presence at the exhibit and contest, not because of Ms Geller per se or because of her organization in and of itself. The local police were there to protect and serve and the local police handled the developments there with the highest effectiveness and proficiency.

In short, the specifics on the wish list of the paranoid heavily armed far right as proscribed in your post is not on the minds of mainstream Americans. The vast number of Americans instead readily and confidently leave the matter of engaging global jihad to their governments in Washington, their states, their localities......

A hundred million adult Americans are currently armed to the teeth - now that number will increase. Neighborhood protection groups will be formed ,,, if not now - certainly at the next Jihadi shooting or bombing. Volunteers who are licensed Conceal Carry (guns) will be ask to attend community events.

I own a handgun in the United States which includes me among the hundred million Americans who are owners of at least one firearm. I and the same or similar others in the US are hardly counted as being "armed to the teeth" nor will I be interested to 'upgrade' my gun license to provide 'protection' for anyone at any "community events." It might turn out that I the vast number of Americans would want protection against them.

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JDGRUEN, on 09 May 2015 - 19:22, said:

A hundred million adult Americans are currently armed to the teeth - now that number will increase. Neighborhood protection groups will be formed ,,, if not now - certainly at the next Jihadi shooting or bombing. Volunteers who are licensed Conceal Carry (guns) will be ask to attend community events


"A hundred million adult Americans are currently armed to the teeth - now that number will increase."

It already is and has been dramatically.

"Neighborhood protection groups will be formed..."

They already are. Guess what? Obama is known as the best gun salesman the US has ever had. Seriously. The sale of guns and ammo has skyrocket since 2007 and hasn't let up. Many Americans aren't going to wait for their government to protect them because they know that it won't in this matter. I'm not predicting any illegal activity but it is entirely lawful for an American to use deadly force to protect himself and his residence, or even to protect a complete stranger from danger.

Let's ease up on the hysteria, at least just a bit.

The group in Garland was guarded and protected by the local police and the local police only.

No one in the group was armed, the group was not a posse, they were not organized or poised to repel a violent attack, nor did the group in the convention center presume to take the law into their own hands.

Recall the two terrorists who were armed to the maximum for a storm assault of the center and its participants were shot and killed by a 60 year old local traffic cop who dropped the two before they got ten steps away from their car.

Americans have the right to own a firearm and I do own one in the United States, but let's not take it OTT every time which is what youse guyz always do.

Not sure the point you are trying to make but aside from the Garland TX Police, there was at least 7 maybe 9 heavily armed militarily dresses private security guards - body guards. Their photo was published with the Dutch fellow.

Edit to add: The comments you were responding to were my ideas commented upon by Neversure -- about what Might happen in the weeks and months - what Texans might do AFTER the Geller - Jihadi shooting incident -- NOT DURING.

The comments you were responding to were my ideas...about what Might happen in the weeks and months - what Texans might do AFTER the Geller - Jihadi shooting incident -- NOT DURING.

Yes which is my point entirely.

Nothing happened during the Garland TX shooting incident that would justify a reaction among Texans in particular or Americans in general that would justify the imaginary and aggressive armed to the teeth mass vigilante approach to jihad as it is wished for by extremist right wing self-appointed deputies of law and order and the 'American way'.

The militarily dressed gorillas with the right wing Dutch politician were there because of him and his invited presence at the exhibit and contest, not because of Ms Geller per se or because of her organization in and of itself. The local police were there to protect and serve and the local police handled the developments there with the highest effectiveness and proficiency.

In short, the specifics on the wish list of the paranoid heavily armed far right as proscribed in your post is not on the minds of mainstream Americans. The vast number of Americans instead readily and confidently leave the matter of engaging global jihad to their governments in Washington, their states, their localities......

A hundred million adult Americans are currently armed to the teeth - now that number will increase. Neighborhood protection groups will be formed ,,, if not now - certainly at the next Jihadi shooting or bombing. Volunteers who are licensed Conceal Carry (guns) will be ask to attend community events.

I own a handgun in the United States which includes me among the hundred million Americans who are owners of at least one firearm. I and the same or similar others in the US are hardly counted as being "armed to the teeth" nor will I be interested to 'upgrade' my gun license to provide 'protection' for anyone at any "community events." It might turn out that I the vast number of Americans would want protection against them.

"The local police were there to protect and serve and the local police handled the developments there with the highest effectiveness and proficiency."

So you bought the cover story on how the two were taken out, huh?

Did you see any substantiating video of their fatal encounter with the "traffic officer"? I'd like to see the autopsy of those two before jumping to any conclusions about how they were reportedly taken out. There were a lot of "militarily dressed gorillas" [sic] that also appeared to be "militarily-armed" in the vicinity of that building and probably also effective and proficient with their (apparent) M-16s or M-4s.

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Those "militarily dressed gorillas" were from a SWAT team hired by the event organizer. CNN also reported the team fired shots as well as the Garland police officer.

For a more detailed summary of the action, read here:



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It's a wanting quality of thinking, logic, temperament, rhetoric not to mention inquiry that concerns me nationally and globally. wink.png

In 2006 for instance the public prosecutor in Denmark dismissed charges filed by some certain Muslims that drawings of Muhammad published in a local newspaper had violated free speech laws.

The Denmark chief prosecutor agreed with the regional public prosecutor that the drawings constituted a subject of public interest and that, in assessing what constitutes a legal offense, Danish law provides freedom of speech in matters of public interest and that the right of freedom of speech "must" be taken into consideration. Publication of the drawings did not meet the counterbalancing legal considerations of protection of minorities against discrimination, insult, degradation, according to the public prosecutors.

Most of us argue that the drawings in Denmark, in Garland Texas and others elsewhere were not directed at Islam per se but rather were directed at jihadist Muslims. The drawing of Muhammad with a bomb in his turban is for instance directed precisely and exactly against jihadists, not against Muslims in general or against Islam itself.

As had been noted by the poster simple1 and a very few other posters, images of Muhammad are not prohibited in and of themselves or by all Muslims. Idolatry of images is prohibited by the understanding of certain passages of the Quran.

Specifically (emphasis added):

The Quran does not explicitly prohibit images of Muhammad. It prohibts idolatry, but not explicitly visual representations of Muhammad. It reads, "Behold! he said to his father and his people, 'What are these images, to which ye are (so assiduously) devoted?' They said, 'We found our fathers worshipping them.' He said, 'Indeed ye have been in manifest error - ye and your fathers.' sura 21, 52-54)." Muhammad is criticizing Muslims for worshiping an image. But, he does not explicitly criticize the image itself. It should noted that the Dutch cartoons that were created were images that were made outside of the context of worship, and could not be misconstrued as engendering idolatry.

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Those "militarily dressed gorillas" were from a SWAT team hired by the event organizer. CNN also reported the team fired shots as well as the Garland police officer.

For a more detailed summary of the action, read here:



Good to see certain people getting up to speed on this.

As in much else It's one step at a time so let's see what the autopsy reports conclude concerning the number of shots fired, from which direction(s) and distance, the caliber and character of the bullets and much more. We know first reports and speculation consistently are modified or are completely changed by a further review or examination of the facts and circumstances.

It has indeed seemed a Paul Bunyan tale from the outset to accept a single police officer armed with a .45 could drop two jihadists armed with AK-47 weapons of war and presumably wearing protective vests and other protective equipment....even suicide assailants need to live long enough to complete their pathological purposes regardless of how sinister or nefarious they are.

Vital facts are still being discovered and processed by the investigating authorities. Down there Texas way.

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Posted by JDGRUEN on 2015-05-09 15:27:06 in World News

I read all the philosophizing here on these thread pages and all the excuse making to diminish the actions of the Islamist Radicals (but I repeat myself).. Most of the postings mean nothing ... discuss free speech, talk about freedom of expression - all countered by claims of provocation, racism yada yada yada ... all miss the point of the happening - the impact of the event in Garland Texas...

The significance of the Garland Islamist Attack - the impact - Again Islamic Radicals - Jahidies have WOKEN UP AMERICA. A mini / micro 9-11 event... but a crystal clear one. It is not a theory, it is not a talking point, it is not a prediction, it is not 14 year old history - IT JUST HAPPENED. .NOW Americans Know. If there is any event, meeting, conference ... any grouping of people coming together to talk about an issue - AND if it is one that Radical Islamists do not like - they will come out of the woodwork and try to shoot you or bomb you - stop you and make you an example in some way. The Clock can not be turned back - the video will not be restarted - the rabbit cannot be put back in the hat - to make disappear the violent event and the knowledge of who did it - and Why they did it.

Americans now stands Forewarned and Americans will take action. The American reaction will be to increase even more the bearing of arms, to work harder to have Open Carry laws in each state - already on the rise, to remove licensing as a requirement for Concealed Carry of guns, to make interstate cross recognition of Concealed Carry permits from one state to another. States will begin to take the example of Texas and form State (Guards) Militias to back up the National Guard in each state. The efforts to stop the mega arming of American citizens will be tossed aside and dismissed.

States will form Quick Reaction Forces extracting elements of various law enforcement units into one elite force to be called up and assembled with a phone call.

These two Jihadi Nutcases have done more for the cause of advancing the Freedom of the Second Amendment than all the work of the past ten years combined. And will remove many obstacles to that advancement.

No amount of efforts by the Liberal / Leftist media to restrain or push back this movement will do any good.

People will apply the Duck Test to this Jihadist Act in Texas... it looks like a duck, it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, it swims like a duck ... ITS A DUCK ... No amount of Leftists Media Propaganda will change the Duck into a Lamb.

Thank You Miss Geller...

Posted by JDGRUEN on 2015-05-09 19:22:43 in World News

I never used the words Thank You... you made that up - you said it.

I am just pointing out the fallout of what the two Neanderthal Jihadies did ... unintended consequences. Poke the Lion with a stick and here comes the entire Pride. With American Social Internet being what it is ... I would wager that near 85% of adult Americans are aware of the attack and what Miss Geller was doing and what the Jihadis did. There will be a big discussion of this event by the millions and millions of Facebook, Twitter,members and a score of others. There will be a bit of debate but bottom line ... the reaction in the coming weeks and months will be much as I describe. A hundred million adult Americans are currently armed to the teeth - now that number will increase. Neighborhood protection groups will be formed ,,, if not now - certainly at the next Jihadi shooting or bombing. Volunteers who are licensed Conceal Carry (guns) will be ask to attend community events ... 4th. of July and that sort of thing. ...

In short Americans will seek to protect themselves - not curtail themselves They see what happened to Miss Geller who was holding a private attendance meeting - bothering no one. Americans will not care to be drawn into the fog of nuance put forth by the apologist - cowering news media. They will act much as Miss Geller did... 'I am going to do what I am free to do' will be heard a lot... Bring it on...

America's hero is that one GPD cop who saw the car - the two gunmen... pulled his Glock .45 SemiAuto pistol and fired as he steadily walked directly at them firing 15-16 rounds and took the terrorists down in far less than a minute before they could do much damage with their AK-47s.. That cop will be the guest of honor at the next Forth Worth Rodeo - if he is not too modest to go. There will be a standing ovation for him regardless.

Posted by Publicus on Yesterday, 09:39 in World News

The comments you were responding to were my ideas...about what Might happen in the weeks and months - what Texans might do AFTER the Geller - Jihadi shooting incident -- NOT DURING.

Yes which is my point entirely.

Nothing happened during the Garland TX shooting incident that would justify a reaction among Texans in particular or Americans in general that would justify the imaginary and aggressive armed to the teeth mass vigilante approach to jihad as it is wished for by extremist right wing self-appointed deputies of law and order and the 'American way'.

The militarily dressed gorillas with the right wing Dutch politician were there because of him and his invited presence at the exhibit and contest, not because of Ms Geller per se or because of her organization in and of itself. The local police were there to protect and serve and the local police handled the developments there with the highest effectiveness and proficiency.

In short, the specifics on the wish list of the paranoid heavily armed far right as proscribed in your post is not on the minds of mainstream Americans. The vast number of Americans instead readily and confidently leave the matter of engaging global jihad to their governments in Washington, their states, their localities......

A hundred million adult Americans are currently armed to the teeth - now that number will increase. Neighborhood protection groups will be formed ,,, if not now - certainly at the next Jihadi shooting or bombing. Volunteers who are licensed Conceal Carry (guns) will be ask to attend community events.

I own a handgun in the United States which includes me among the hundred million Americans who are owners of at least one firearm. I and the same or similar others in the US are hardly counted as being "armed to the teeth" nor will I be interested to 'upgrade' my gun license to provide 'protection' for anyone at any "community events." It might turn out that I the vast number of Americans would want protection against them.

Posted by JDGRUEN on Yesterday, 21:12 in World News

@Publicus # 126

I disagree with your entire response in this post -- it is amazing how you can manufacture a position just to be against something so you can rattle on ... your post - is blather - nothing but blather.

You also edited the text of what I said -- you removed some words.

And I am not sure how you expect posting page after after page after page on this thread to help you win the day or what ever you are trying to do... Most of your effort just discourages others from posting because they do not want to be drown out by the shear volume of your sometimes off topic missives or they just cannot figure out what the topic subject was or is about... Looking at your multi-page posts on just this thread alone is like looking at a roll of toilet paper unrolled by a cat - helter-skelter all over the floor.


My posts to the thread have responded to right wing drivel.

Read the first 4 pages of the thread to see I did not post until page 5 yet certain other posters repeatedly filled the first four pages with their many and frequent posts of right wing drivel.

It is clear to see the right is losing the discussion and the discourse of the thread. And it is losing badly.

Carry on.

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My posts to the thread have responded to right wing drivel.

Read the first 4 pages of the thread to see I did not post until page 5 yet certain other posters repeatedly filled the first four pages with their many and frequent posts of right wing drivel.

It is clear to see the right is losing the discussion and the discourse of the thread. And it is losing badly.

Carry on.

“When a writer tries to explain too much, he's out of time before he begins.”

Isaac Bashevis Singer

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My posts to the thread have responded to right wing drivel.

Read the first 4 pages of the thread to see I did not post until page 5 yet certain other posters repeatedly filled the first four pages with their many and frequent posts of right wing drivel.

It is clear to see the right is losing the discussion and the discourse of the thread. And it is losing badly.

Carry on.

“When a writer tries to explain too much, he's out of time before he begins.”

Isaac Bashevis Singer


Carry on.

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She is a whacko, she motivates other whackos and she is considered persona non grata in Britain.

Two prominent US bloggers have been banned from entering the UK, the Home Office has said.

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer co-founded anti-Muslim group Stop Islamization of America.

They were due to speak at an English Defence League march in Woolwich, where Drummer Lee Rigby was killed.

A government spokesman said individuals whose presence "is not conducive to the public good" could be excluded by the home secretary.

He added: "We condemn all those whose behaviours and views run counter to our shared values and will not stand for extremism in any form."


Anders Breivik, the Norwegian who killed dozens of fellow Norwegians and published a long, rambling screed justifying his murderousness, cited Geller repeatedly to justify his terrorist actions

Well the US independence fighters dressed up as AmerIndians and dumped British tea into the harbor. Surely the Brits considered that whacko and offensive as well, but it worked in combatting tyranny by King and Pope.

That's exactly what Geller says she's doing. The fact that the only 2 responses shown to her are:

(1) calling her a whacko/Islamophobe/etc, (the lefty terror-sympathizers' response) and

(2) trying to murder her (the jihadist response), shows that her reasoning is watertight. The US MSM was too cowardly to print the images of the alleged prophet, effectively backing down to religious bullies.

Geller courageously continued with this and as a result, brought the 2 jihadists out of the woodwork and apparently exposed a domestic terrorist network to US law enforcement/military officials in the process.

And revealing that the so-called human rights crowd spend 8 years and hundreds of thousands of pounds fighting to keep Abu "The Hook" Hamza inside Britain, while refusing entries to the two anti-islamofascist bloggers.

Edited by squarethecircle
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