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21-year-old man arrested for assaulting 51-year-old man to death

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21-year-old man arrested for assaulting 51-year-old man to death
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A 21-year-old man who was caught on a security camera repeatedly kicking the head of a 51-year-old man who later died at a hospital in Prachinburi early Tuesday was arrested Friday, police said.

The young man was identified as Krissana Puithong.

The two drove their motorcycles past each other and both used headlight before they hurled abuses against each other. Krissana then made u-turn and caught up with Wichai Chaitrakul and attacked him.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/21-year-old-man-arrested-for-assaulting-51-year-ol-30259608.html

-- The Nation 2015-05-08


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Years of repressed anger and frustration explode over nothing. Result: Violence until the other is dead.

You see it again... and again... and again... and again....

Perhaps there's a cultural reason why Thailand has 23,000 gun homicides every year (4th highest in the World). Keep it all in until you can't any longer.

Edited by DLang
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At the very bottom of the screen in the video footage if you look carefully you can see the heads of at least two onlookers as well of course as the female who is passively trying to stop him and another who nonchalantly walks away? In England or America they could also be tried for depraved indifference. What is wrong with these people?

Makes me wonder how many Thais are seething with this level of anger under the surface.

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All the land of smiles drivel that TAT would like to promote

is complete nonsense. Thais are some of the most violent and hot

tempered people I have ever seen. Some sort of repressed rage that

I cannot begin to fathom. The kicking of the head of the unconscious

man is a nice touch. I have said it before and I will say it again. If you

end up in a fight with a Thai man, you are in a fight for your life. As this

poor guy found out too late. So be prepared to go nuclear at the very

beginning unless you want your head to be used as a foot ball.

What an absolutely sickening video to watch....... :-(

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An animal with an IQ below 20 trying to impress his probably equally stupid female companions...............

Just another Thai male trying to compensate for the missing inches!!

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It was the arrogant way he went about it that is sickening. What is it with so many Thai males and their belief that they cannot be wronged or criticised? That they are perfection personified and death to you for daring to question them? Just a few weeks ago, I gave a very brief toot on my bike horn to warn a guy he was about to hit a pothole (he came up the inside of me and swerved in front and I thought he could not see it), and he felt I had criticised his riding. That resulted in him threatening me in a way that left me very fearful of my life, very fearful. I am not joking - I honestly prepared myself for the worst, so aggressive was his response. You really do have to be wary out there.

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Violently killed for flashing their headlight.

That's about three instances of that I've seen in the last two years.


Peaceful buddhists, right.

Thailand is not Buddhist. Thailand is Bahtist. True Buddhists do not act like this lowlife scumbag. LOS = Land of slaughter.

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Cold blooded murder, nothing else and this coward should rot in prison and get same treatment he gave to this poor guy ...

and the girls ... wow are they total airheads, just walking around like its nothing - what a disgusting youth here

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This is one of the most inhumane displayes of violence I have ever seen! To kick someone in the head, again and again and again is unforgivable! If this young murderer is not jailed for life, there is TRULY no justice in Thailand!

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That was horrible.

What would possess someone to repeatedly kick man when is down and unconscious...for flashing his headlight?

I hope this coward gets all he deserves and more.

Yabba and 'ice' abuse coupled with alcohol. Not too much. I was assaulted like this in Australia. Ice abuse with alcohol.

It really doesn't take that much. That chemical cocktail is deadly. Then you combine it with some Thai characteristics,

and whammy.

Like others I sincerely hope he gets it back in jail. What a pathetic grub to kick an old guy when he's down.

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Assaulting to death- who comes up with a word creation like this for murder? Was it the RTP spokesperson who used the term "cardiac arrest" after the victim was pushed from a balcony at the 18 floor?

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Yeah, very romantic videoclip, lovely.
Identity confirmed? Well, immediate and total obliteration, anything else is pure waste of time and resources!
After all that's what little helpers like Heckler & Koch, Smith & Wesson or old mate Sauer-Siggy are just made for.

Then again even half a round is an entire waste on that useless effer, i'd suggest: wet towel, slowly.

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When they blow they explode. Over the years here you learn not to ever go up against a thai period. I have seen the come running a whole block just to get invloved and get a few kicks in. .....Its hard for guys who are in shape and could under normal or fair circumstances take care of themselves......not here, not worth the risk.

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Give him life in jail and let him think about what he did for the rest of his life,

I know BUBBA is waiting for him in jail. Will make him his girlfriend.

What a looser scum bag Kicks a man when he is down ,

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