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No it definitely did not look like your picture of shoulder.

Again, for whatever reason, I think you are trying to make the product they do serve seem to be worse than it actually is.

No I wouldn't rush out to buy a kilo of it, but served on their pizza, it's nice, at 99 baht very nice.

No I haven't had that on a pizza anywhere else before, but it's their promotion now, and I think worth a try.

Well, when I last went the meat topping was like that photo. Maybe they changed it later.

I dont think I was knocking it at all. As I mentioned, certainly worth 99B and not bad flavour, and, as I also mentioned, if I wasnt on a diet I would surely go back there for it from time to time. Personally I preferred the previous cheaper promo without the meat topping, but that's no longer what they are doing.

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Went for the 99 baht pizza yesterday.

It is far from the best pizza I have ever had but for the price it was tasty enough so OK.

The large slices of ham were a little off putting, there must be a better way to present it even at the price.

It is obviously a leader to get you in the restaurant & hopefully choose a more expensive item.

They didn't count on so many cheap charlies in Pattaya, me being one of them.


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Not seeing much on "the best" when people are using bologna or processed meat on a pizza.

Why I mostly avoid hams on pizza in Thailand...unless a deli place with air dried readily available.

You're right, the Pizza Pizza cotto pizza is definitely not the best in town, but I still think probably the best value.

Also, the meat does not resemble bologna.

It is cooked Italian style ham ... boiled actually.

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I can only smile when I look at what the people here consider good Pizza. Especially the American travesties where quantity often seems to score more highly than quality. That being said, it's a matter of taste, so I'm not knocking any business. Certainly not Pastrami, who make great efforts to cater to their demographic. Their sandwiches are good. Haven't tried their Pizza. I don't think that I've ever had a great Pizza in Pattaya. Most fail on the base, before they even reach the topping. Nothing to do with crispy or thick... but flavoursome or not.

Here is a tasty Pizza devoured recently...in Napoli :


Edited by Jiu-Jitsu
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I've had the Sicilian pizza at Pastrami & it was decent but I've now had 2 thin crusts & both were poor with the base overcooked & a poor dough.

Their sandwiches are excellent as are their cakes but I won't be ordering their pizzas again.

I do however like Casa Fellini Pizzeria in Pattayaland 1 next door to Lewinskys Hotel & Bar (there is another Casa Fellini by that market on Jomtien 2nd rd)

Also an honorable mention to the pulled pork sandwich now being offered at the Sinbin bar opposite Casa Fellini which I found to be outstanding.

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Had the pizza at pastrami on rye. Not recommended. Ordered 2 sandwiches. One was ok the other threw in the garbage. I'm willing to spend over the top money for the right product. This wasn't it tho. Won't be back

My impression is that their sandwiches are better than their pizza. Curious to know which sandwiches you had, but this is a pizza thread, so oh well! I also have noticed a phenomena that people can see Pastrami and Rye has become an amazing highly visible business success and some people just enjoy knocking down that kind of success.

Edited by Jingthing
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Had the pizza at pastrami on rye. Not recommended. Ordered 2 sandwiches. One was ok the other threw in the garbage. I'm willing to spend over the top money for the right product. This wasn't it tho. Won't be back

Pizza is a personal thing, I like their pizza but it is not my favorite. So we have a frame of reference what hot deli sandwich in your opinion excels?

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Pastrami On Rye has gone way down in both taste and quality....sad to say. There italian sausage was so sour last order. And the canned muahrooms are prettt bad. In a country where mushrooms are so cheap I dont understand can ones being used. The dough on the crust was just way undercooked and gooey....wont be back.....

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Pastrami On Rye has gone way down in both taste and quality....sad to say. There italian sausage was so sour last order. And the canned muahrooms are prettt bad. In a country where mushrooms are so cheap I dont understand can ones being used. The dough on the crust was just way undercooked and gooey....wont be back.....

I think they're breaking in a new chef. Tell the owners, they are on premises, easy to talk to and actually listen to their customers. Might have even comped your meal. Speak up.

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