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Marriage to hi so girl


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A hi-so family would never ask you or your boy 1 baht. But they would ask for a good sinsot. If his girl still obeys every single word her parents are telling her then if you dont do as parents say, they simply tell her to divorce you. Im not joking you when i say she will do it!

If her parents dont show respect for him now then they never will.

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Run while you still can and take your son with you .......It's a gold digging exercise ...

I know the situation ,,it happened to me ...lucky I got out before it cost me everything !

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Any decent middle to upper class Thai woman would never consider getting involved with a farang,

There are tens of thousands of Thai girls studying in UK, USA and Australia. Their social standing ranges from hiso to middle class.

If you think none of these girls date farrangs you are deluded.

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There are plenty of Thai women that would accommodate your son as a surrogate wife for 1000 baht per night...save the 2 mil baht...they are only interested in money...love has nothing to do with it..

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Just curious...are you paying the money or your son. If it is your sons money, who cares. If it is your money then the only way I would pay up would be if I got to sample the goods. Sit down with the little chaf and the future bride and state clearly you will provide the cash but you get a weekend with the little darling. Either way it is win!

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This is out of control. Your son needs to step up and tell everyone how it's going to be done. If he does not do this now it will be the start of a very unhappy arrangement going forward. My Thai wife and I paid for our own wedding and ran it the way we wanted. The generous gifts we received from freinds and family more than covered the cost. It's time for this guy to msn up. It's not right that you be throwing money down a bottomless pit.

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Those three little words that mean so much:


This is a classic.

Run, as fast and hard as you can, never look back .... That Vampire will suck you dry, and sit at a 5 Star bar laughing about it.

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Something is seriously wrong here.

Please .... take your time and then change some things.

My Thai Wife (now 2 months in USA with me):

- Owns her condo in BKK, has stock investments, gold mak mak, many investments.

- We paid for our own wedding.

- I gave her parents 100,000 BAHT as an "honor" and out of respect. They wanted to give it back. I refused.

- Her family is horribly poor, but they don't want my money.

Somewhere .... things got "skewed" a bit.

Perhaps, setting the "Expectation Bar" a bit too high.

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Once again thanks for the contributions, I am reading them.

Yes, I agree with most of you & yes I know the answers, I was wanting some forthright opinions to share with my son.

I agree he should stay at home & forget her, but he is swept up with her & her family, so it is hard to talk to him.

Yes, if he is in love (swept up) with her, it is going to be a delicate situation to handle.

There certainly does seem to be some opportunism going on here by her family.

The daughter of my fiancé married recently. The groom's parents came to my fiancé and offered money. She said, "my daughter is not for sale". How proud she made me!

Alternatively, they gave the bride and groom a large sum. Nice!

Best of luck to you and your son.

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Why does everyone here seem to think that thais having Chinese lineage is a good thing? I don't get it. Last I saw China is still a developing country, even after 5,000 years of culture. Famously responsible only for inventing chopsticks, their greatest achievements seem limited to copying other people's good work. They even had a copy of the iwatch before it was released. Australia has been settled for just over 200 years and is a far more advanced society than the Chinese.

Chinese achievements seem to encompass slightly more than chopsticks


I'd be minimally curious to learn about tv poster achievements, you first.

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Something is seriously wrong here.

Please .... take your time and then change some things.

My Thai Wife (now 2 months in USA with me):

- Owns her condo in BKK, has stock investments, gold mak mak, many investments.

- We paid for our own wedding.

- I gave her parents 100,000 BAHT as an "honor" and out of respect. They wanted to give it back. I refused.

- Her family is horribly poor, but they don't want my money.

Somewhere .... things got "skewed" a bit.

Perhaps, setting the "Expectation Bar" a bit too high.

Well stated Maui !

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Who is worse? Dad for allowing his son into this situation and asking advice on a forum or the son for being a sod like his dad?

A girl I know told me tonight she sat in a bar and listened to a man from England complain that he wants to never come back to Thailand after spending 4 million thb on his thai (bar girl) girlfriend.

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2,000,000 sin sot seems like a excellent investment for u... hahaha

My advise is stop your payments and run as fast as u can in the other direction...

Why on earth people still consider these sin sots,and its just the beginning of their scams...

Later u can finance her name companies land house all of course not in the name of your son...

have a nice wedding with this chick from NAna plazza and good luck all your investments overhere..

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