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What has become better here for us farangs?

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I, for one, am delighted that the Thais don't allow foreigners to buy/own land.

If they want to own land, they can go home and buy. Oh sorry, what was that? Too expensive; can't afford it!! So the Thais should give us the opportunity to make a killing at the expense of pricing their own bloody citizens out of the market? Uh-huh rolleyes.gif

Why should u be against it? If u do not want to buy land in Thailand just do not buy it your self ..Maybe other foreigners do like to buy their own 1-2 rai here...Just like Thais can buy land plots in your country..Also if u max it to 1-2 rai pro foreigner only then it will boost thai economy surely.The max 1-2 rai pro foreigner will prevent any speculating.

If I had the option to buy land in Thailand, I probably would - it's not like I can't afford to, it's just that I don't think whitey should be able to come here and screw the country up for the locals by pricing them out of a relatively immature market

Thais can buy land in my country because it's a mature market in which most citizens can at least get funding to buy land/real estate so it's at least a relatively level playing field.

Nevertheless, the influx of rich Russians & Asians into Central London has caused daft price rises to spiral out to surrounding areas and even into once-affordable regions pricing out a generation of would-be homeowners so don't tell me it's harmless to allow farangs a few rai.


Anyway, look . . . it doesn't matter what you and I say here; the fact remains foreigners can't own or buy land in the Kingdom and I think the Thais have it just right.

Any farang who, for whatever reason, was unable to benefit/profit from the real estate bubble in his home country should just wait until the opportunity to buy cheap and plentiful property/land comes around again, then go home and fill his boots.

From what's going on in terms of economic/monetary policy around the world, they shouldn't have too long to wait.

What the difference for you if your farang neighbour leases his half of a rai plot or that he bought his half of a rai plot? What your objection?

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What the difference for you if your farang neighbour leases his half of a rai plot or that he bought his half of a rai plot? What your objection?

It makes zero difference to me but it might make a big difference to a Thai and, as it's their country - NOT yours - that's pretty much all that matters

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What the difference for you if your farang neighbour leases his half of a rai plot or that he bought his half of a rai plot? What your objection?

It makes zero difference to me but it might make a big difference to a Thai and, as it's their country - NOT yours - that's pretty much all that matters

Yeah so then u do not need to take their side cause it makes no sense.

With their current Thai property laws it has resulted now in a dead housing market....

Seems its time for some changes..to stimulate the market.

Their property laws are unfair and promote farangs getting scammed out of their investments !

Thats what is going on!

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Why do you think that Thailand needs farang to 'come and live here' while in the most part earning 50,000 baht as a teacher as opposed to High Class, educated and desirable tourists that spend a short period here and spend a fortune while treating Thai people with respect???

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Ask not what Thailand can do for you — ask what you can do for Thailand.

Why should non immigrants do anything for the place?, apart from buying wives houses, cars and supporting her damn family of course

Any expat who supports his wifes family is only doing it so he can hold on to his 30 years younger wife, who will overlook the fact he is fat, ugly, tattooed etc.

Dude, none of your replies make any sense.

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I know what your saying, but Thailand don't really want us, they only want our money.

What else is it you think they should want from us?

The should appreciate what we are contributing to the economy, and treat us as such.

I think most posters will get my drift.

They show their appreciation by allowing us to stay provided we meet some fairly easy criteria.

I guess I am one of the "if you don't like it, get lost" brigade because none of us were brought here against our will.

You have a home country about which you - specifically - bitch relentlessly on the issue of immigrants and their "unchecked" proliferation through society.

Yet here you are, unable to see the irony in complaining that the Thais don't give you and tens of thousands of other similarly-aggrieved farangs the recognition and status you THINK you're entitled to just because you've married a local woman and put a few shekels in the till at Big C?

How arrogant and bwana.

It's as if you're doing the country a favour so they should roll out the red carpet for you and sprinkle flower petals under your feet as you walk.

I, for one, am delighted that the Thais don't allow foreigners to buy/own land.

If they want to own land, they can go home and buy. Oh sorry, what was that? Too expensive; can't afford it!! So the Thais should give us the opportunity to make a killing at the expense of pricing their own bloody citizens out of the market? Uh-huh rolleyes.gif

I don't think anyone is looking for status or recognition... you got that wrong.

Even "Illegal" immigrants have more rights in my country that "Legal" immigrants have here... and let's be honest...the thai's are not know for being kind to any immigrants... Laos, Burma etc.

Your land ownership argument/reason has no merit...can you not come up with a valid reason???

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Ask not what Thailand can do for you — ask what you can do for Thailand.

Not without a work permit, you can't! And that includes unpaid volunteering, also...

I wonder if Thai-bashing violates Thailand's labor laws as well. You have to admit that some people here seem to have turned it into a full-time job. cheesy.gif

Critisisim of Thais and Thailand is OK as long as you also state the many good things about them

which is much more than the bad.

The posters who only come on to be negative about Thailand and the Thai people,

want to get a life.

Stupid rule..I'm not going to follow it. I'll post what I want.

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I don't think anyone is looking for status or recognition... you got that wrong.

Even "Illegal" immigrants have more rights in my country that "Legal" immigrants have here... and let's be honest...the thai's are not know for being kind to any immigrants... Laos, Burma etc.

Your land ownership argument/reason has no merit...can you not come up with a valid reason???

No I didn't get it wrong, bud. You simply may not have the capacity to grasp what's being said.

What exactly do you think people are asking for if not improved status or recognition?

My land ownership argument is perfectly valid . . . if you're thinking about more than just yourself.

Just for you, I'll lay it out again.

I don't think whitey should be able to come here and screw the country up for the locals by pricing them out of a relatively immature market

Thais can buy land in my country because it's a mature market in which most citizens can at least get funding to buy land/real estate so it's at least a relatively level playing field.

Nevertheless, the influx of rich Russians & Asians into Central London has caused daft price rises to spiral out to surrounding areas and even into once-affordable regions pricing out a generation of would-be homeowners so don't tell me it's harmless to allow farangs a few rai.

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I don't think anyone is looking for status or recognition... you got that wrong

Even "Illegal" immigrants have more rights in my country that "Legal" immigrants have here... and let's be honest...the thai's are not know for being kind to any immigrants... Laos, Burma etc.

Your land ownership argument/reason has no merit...can you not come up with a valid reason???

No they don't; your country is horrible in it's treatment of immigrants.

Edited by lostoday
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Life is pretty easy here for farangs, so I'm not sure what improvements could be made specifically for us. One thing I'd like is to be able to buy one house to live in. But doesn't really bother me that I can't.

What changes would the OP like?

I'm not the OP, but I would like to see an end to the non emigrant thing and be more secure here instead of only being here on a year to year basis for expats who have Thai wifes, and are contributing to the Thai economy, and to stop this stupid 90 day reporting.

I would agree with automatic deportation of expats who prove to be undesirable in any way, ie, convicted of any crime, begging in the street etc.

I'm not the OP, but I would like to see an end to the non emigrant thing and be more secure here instead of only being here on a year to year basis for expats who have Thai wifes,

Ever heard of PR or citizenship?

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I know what your saying, but Thailand don't really want us, they only want our money.

What else is it you think they should want from us?

The should appreciate what we are contributing to the economy, and treat us as such.

I think most posters will get my drift.

They show their appreciation by allowing us to stay provided we meet some fairly easy criteria.

I guess I am one of the "if you don't like it, get lost" brigade because none of us were brought here against our will.

You have a home country about which you - specifically - bitch relentlessly on the issue of immigrants and their "unchecked" proliferation through society.

Yet here you are, unable to see the irony in complaining that the Thais don't give you and tens of thousands of other similarly-aggrieved farangs the recognition and status you THINK you're entitled to just because you've married a local woman and put a few shekels in the till at Big C?

How arrogant and bwana.

It's as if you're doing the country a favour so they should roll out the red carpet for you and sprinkle flower petals under your feet as you walk.

I, for one, am delighted that the Thais don't allow foreigners to buy/own land.

If they want to own land, they can go home and buy. Oh sorry, what was that? Too expensive; can't afford it!! So the Thais should give us the opportunity to make a killing at the expense of pricing their own bloody citizens out of the market? Uh-huh rolleyes.gif

The ploblem for may aint Thai land laws, its their poor choice of (poor) wives.

Surely this must have come up at sin sot negotiations, didnt you see the chanote to prove land ownership?

Didnt you visit and see where your intended lived before you married her?

Over on another forum is some farang asking about land prices to try and make a quick buck.

I fail to understand why so many farang seek to try and circumvent Thai land laws that are there to prevent the farang being ripped off in the first place.

Farangs cant own land, end of.

Buy a condo in Bkk before getting married, rent it out and use the income to rent a place upcountry, jeez, how simple can it be, no wonder the Thais tell us, falang tink too mutt.

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Life is pretty easy here for farangs, so I'm not sure what improvements could be made specifically for us. One thing I'd like is to be able to buy one house to live in. But doesn't really bother me that I can't.

What changes would the OP like?

I'm not the OP, but I would like to see an end to the non emigrant thing and be more secure here instead of only being here on a year to year basis for expats who have Thai wifes, and are contributing to the Thai economy, and to stop this stupid 90 day reporting.

I would agree with automatic deportation of expats who prove to be undesirable in any way, ie, convicted of any crime, begging in the street etc.

I'm not the OP, but I would like to see an end to the non emigrant thing and be more secure here instead of only being here on a year to year basis for expats who have Thai wifes,

Ever heard of PR or citizenship?

Not for retirees.. and not before 5-10 years of being here..
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Life is pretty easy here for farangs, so I'm not sure what improvements could be made specifically for us. One thing I'd like is to be able to buy one house to live in. But doesn't really bother me that I can't.

What changes would the OP like?

I'm not the OP, but I would like to see an end to the non emigrant thing and be more secure here instead of only being here on a year to year basis for expats who have Thai wifes, and are contributing to the Thai economy, and to stop this stupid 90 day reporting.

I would agree with automatic deportation of expats who prove to be undesirable in any way, ie, convicted of any crime, begging in the street etc.

I'm not the OP, but I would like to see an end to the non emigrant thing and be more secure here instead of only being here on a year to year basis for expats who have Thai wifes,

Ever heard of PR or citizenship?

Not for retirees.. and not before 5-10 years of being here..

How log have you been trying?

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What the difference for you if your farang neighbour leases his half of a rai plot or that he bought his half of a rai plot? What your objection?

It makes zero difference to me but it might make a big difference to a Thai and, as it's their country - NOT yours - that's pretty much all that matters

Yeah so then u do not need to take their side cause it makes no sense.

With their current Thai property laws it has resulted now in a dead housing market....

Seems its time for some changes..to stimulate the market.

Their property laws are unfair and promote farangs getting scammed out of their investments !

Thats what is going on!

Their property laws are unfair and promote farangs getting scammed out of their investments !

Doesn't matter if it's "unfair" or not. This is Thailand and they can do whatever they like. If someone chooses to waste their money on risky investments and loses, they can't complain as they knew the risks before parting with the money.

Don't complain because farangs are foolish enough to buy property by circumventing the law and then get caught.

Anyone that buys property in a condo is, IMO, not thinking it through. There is plenty out there to say why it is not a good idea, and if they didn't do their research, you can't blame Thais for that.

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What else is it you think they should want from us?

The should appreciate what we are contributing to the economy, and treat us as such.

I think most posters will get my drift.

They show their appreciation by allowing us to stay provided we meet some fairly easy criteria.

I guess I am one of the "if you don't like it, get lost" brigade because none of us were brought here against our will.

You have a home country about which you - specifically - bitch relentlessly on the issue of immigrants and their "unchecked" proliferation through society.

Yet here you are, unable to see the irony in complaining that the Thais don't give you and tens of thousands of other similarly-aggrieved farangs the recognition and status you THINK you're entitled to just because you've married a local woman and put a few shekels in the till at Big C?

How arrogant and bwana.

It's as if you're doing the country a favour so they should roll out the red carpet for you and sprinkle flower petals under your feet as you walk.

I, for one, am delighted that the Thais don't allow foreigners to buy/own land.

If they want to own land, they can go home and buy. Oh sorry, what was that? Too expensive; can't afford it!! So the Thais should give us the opportunity to make a killing at the expense of pricing their own bloody citizens out of the market? Uh-huh rolleyes.gif

The ploblem for may aint Thai land laws, its their poor choice of (poor) wives.

Surely this must have come up at sin sot negotiations, didnt you see the chanote to prove land ownership?

Didnt you visit and see where your intended lived before you married her?

Over on another forum is some farang asking about land prices to try and make a quick buck.

I fail to understand why so many farang seek to try and circumvent Thai land laws that are there to prevent the farang being ripped off in the first place.

Farangs cant own land, end of.

Buy a condo in Bkk before getting married, rent it out and use the income to rent a place upcountry, jeez, how simple can it be, no wonder the Thais tell us, falang tink too mutt.

Surely this must have come up at sin sot negotiations


Not all of us were foolish enough to fall for that con.

Some of us, like me, paid ZERO sin sod, ergo NO negotiations. Good grief, it must be like buying a piece of meat at the market, haggling over how much she is worth.

Some us didn't even build houses for them, pay for university education for the family, buy them cars and generally become an ATM for people that have nothing to do with us.

How many would do that if getting married back home- not a lot, I'll warrent.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Surely this must have come up at sin sot negotiations


Not all of us were foolish enough to fall for that con.

Some of us, like me, paid ZERO sin sod, ergo NO negotiations. Good grief, it must be like buying a piece of meat at the market, haggling over how much she is worth.

Some us didn't even build houses for them, pay for university education for the family, buy them cars and generally become an ATM for people that have nothing to do with us.

How many would do that if getting married back home- not a lot, I'll warrent.

More of a tradition than a con as Thai people also pay sin sot.

Some people in the West do. I built my ex wife two homes and her family one house. Her mother and father deeded me the land in return for me building them the house. My ex in the West has become rich through marriage (3 times).

My ex worked her way up. Now she has the winner and my children have beautiful homes and cars from the new step dad. I don't begrudge them their wealth.

She got most of my money and I ran away to Thailand with what little I had left before she could get all of it.

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Life is pretty easy here for farangs, so I'm not sure what improvements could be made specifically for us. One thing I'd like is to be able to buy one house to live in. But doesn't really bother me that I can't.

What changes would the OP like?

I'm not the OP, but I would like to see an end to the non emigrant thing and be more secure here instead of only being here on a year to year basis for expats who have Thai wifes, and are contributing to the Thai economy, and to stop this stupid 90 day reporting.

I would agree with automatic deportation of expats who prove to be undesirable in any way, ie, convicted of any crime, begging in the street etc.

I'm not the OP, but I would like to see an end to the non emigrant thing and be more secure here instead of only being here on a year to year basis for expats who have Thai wifes,

Ever heard of PR or citizenship?

Not for retirees.. and not before 5-10 years of being here..

Ask yourself not what can Thailand do for me, but what can I do for Thailand?

Personally, work brought me here, transferable skills and experience.

What do you have to offer apart from a pulse and a wallet, do you have a Thai wife and family, how much are you pumping into the Thai economy?

How many kids at international schools?

I take it you have been here long enough to be au fait with this Thai phrase, took panha mee tang ork.

How about setting up a paperwork excercise business?

Too many of the 15 and a tanner Pattaya pensioners over exaggerate their importance to the Thai economy, if truth be told, they are nothing more than economic migrants who cant afford healthcare in their own country.

I assume form you username you are Swiss, how easy would it be for me to rock up in your country and park a paltry 800k baht in the bank and then get citizenship?

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Typical "me, me, me" culture. What's better for me? What is someone else doing to improve life for me? Me, me, me.

Maybe time to stop focusing on yourself. What have you done for others. You will generally get in proportion to what you give.

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Typical "me, me, me" culture. What's better for me? What is someone else doing to improve life for me? Me, me, me.

Maybe time to stop focusing on yourself. What have you done for others. You will generally get in proportion to what you give.

Utterly brilliant post, just about sums up the economic migrants from the FIAT currency countries, nothing to offer, heck they cant even afford Thai health insurance.

Time for the Thais to beef up the laws, lets say for married to a Thai, 750k baht in the bank or 70k per month, for the freeloading Retirees, 1.5 million.

No need for grandfathering, fit in of ferk off.

Please mr immi man please introduce this now and clear out the farang kee nok types types.

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Ask yourself not what can Thailand do for me, but what can I do for Thailand?

Personally, work brought me here, transferable skills and experience.

What do you have to offer apart from a pulse and a wallet, do you have a Thai wife and family, how much are you pumping into the Thai economy?

How many kids at international schools?

I take it you have been here long enough to be au fait with this Thai phrase, took panha mee tang ork.

How about setting up a paperwork excercise business?

Too many of the 15 and a tanner Pattaya pensioners over exaggerate their importance to the Thai economy, if truth be told, they are nothing more than economic migrants who cant afford healthcare in their own country.

I assume form you username you are Swiss, how easy would it be for me to rock up in your country and park a paltry 800k baht in the bank and then get citizenship?

Or maybe just ask yourself 'do I want to live there for a while?'

Not everybody came here to take something from the place. Not everybody kids themselves that they're contributing something. Sometimes just the experience of living somewhere is worthwhile - even if it seems to be a pretty low priority for the average TV poster.

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Typical "me, me, me" culture. What's better for me? What is someone else doing to improve life for me? Me, me, me.

Maybe time to stop focusing on yourself. What have you done for others. You will generally get in proportion to what you give.

Utterly brilliant post, just about sums up the economic migrants from the FIAT currency countries, nothing to offer, heck they cant even afford Thai health insurance.

Time for the Thais to beef up the laws, lets say for married to a Thai, 750k baht in the bank or 70k per month, for the freeloading Retirees, 1.5 million.

No need for grandfathering, fit in of ferk off.

Please mr immi man please introduce this now and clear out the farang kee nok types types.

But, but, if all pensioners would leave it would be a devastating blow to the Thai economy! Yeah right, couple of millions worth of beer money, gasoline and Mama noodles...

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Surely this must have come up at sin sot negotiations


Not all of us were foolish enough to fall for that con.

Some of us, like me, paid ZERO sin sod, ergo NO negotiations. Good grief, it must be like buying a piece of meat at the market, haggling over how much she is worth.

Some us didn't even build houses for them, pay for university education for the family, buy them cars and generally become an ATM for people that have nothing to do with us.

How many would do that if getting married back home- not a lot, I'll warrent.

More of a tradition than a con as Thai people also pay sin sot.

Some people in the West do. I built my ex wife two homes and her family one house. Her mother and father deeded me the land in return for me building them the house. My ex in the West has become rich through marriage (3 times).

My ex worked her way up. Now she has the winner and my children have beautiful homes and cars from the new step dad. I don't begrudge them their wealth.

She got most of my money and I ran away to Thailand with what little I had left before she could get all of it.

If farangs adhered to the TRADITION that might be something else, but I'll bet there are a lot that pay sin sod for marrying a previously married woman with children, or pay far too much.

No wonder marriage in the west has lost it's appeal. However, the women are not slow, having already made co habitation equal to marriage when it comes to the ex wife being legally allowed to strip her ex husband of his wealth.

I do enjoy it though, when a man manages to get money out of an ex wife and hear her screaming how unfair it is, LOL.

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Ever heard of PR or citizenship?

Not for retirees.. and not before 5-10 years of being here..

Ask yourself not what can Thailand do for me, but what can I do for Thailand?

Personally, work brought me here, transferable skills and experience.

What do you have to offer apart from a pulse and a wallet, do you have a Thai wife and family, how much are you pumping into the Thai economy?

How many kids at international schools?

I take it you have been here long enough to be au fait with this Thai phrase, took panha mee tang ork.

How about setting up a paperwork excercise business?

Too many of the 15 and a tanner Pattaya pensioners over exaggerate their importance to the Thai economy, if truth be told, they are nothing more than economic migrants who cant afford healthcare in their own country.

I assume form you username you are Swiss, how easy would it be for me to rock up in your country and park a paltry 800k baht in the bank and then get citizenship?

Now I do not know where your rant agains me comes from... all I said that as an (unmarried) retiree, getting PR / citizenship is pretty much impossible. I do not moan about it, i just take note that for me, it is not worth thinking about it for various reasons:

  1. I have my 800K bank account for long time already and this account will never get touched. When I finally retire in 3 months, I will never have to think about seasoning this account, it will always BE seasoned. Should I ever e desperate enough to have to think about touching this account, I would probably have to think about exit strategies - like the best bottle of single malt, some sleeping pills and a hot bath tub...

  2. I do never again want to own land / house / property. I had it, I know all the hassle around it, so I am only going to rent in my future and with that, I keep my flexibility to move to whereever and whenever I want. For that, I again need neither PR or citizenship.

  3. I am (will be) a retiree.. 365 days available for sun, diving, golf, beach, learn Thai, otherwise nothing to do... why the f*** should I get excited about having to spend 5 out of 365 days going to Immigration for 90d reports and extension renewal? And when 90d online reporting will really work in few years to come, I will not even have to do that personally anymore... with so much time at hand, why should I care about PR / citizenship only to not have to spend those days at immigration? My only worry will be to meet my Tee Time...

  4. I am retiring because I do NOT want to work anymore.. so not need for any other thing than my retirement extension.. no need and no value in pursuing PR / citizenship. I do not expect anything "from Thailand", and what I will give is my spending for rent, food, entertainment, insurance, car etc. and with high certainty also spending to make the life of a woman / kid / family enjoyable together with me (I do not see me living as a monk / hermit

Now all that said.. I DO understand that for some people, pursuing PR and citizenship is a goal that will help them in their future in Thailand, I DO understand that the 90d / annual extention renewal is a hassle specially for working expat who have to take the time out of their busy schedule. If laws would change and make it easier for those people, I will be happy for and with them, but it is of no relevance for my situation.

Of course I would NOT mind if some time down the road, Thailand might introduce multi-year residence permits as we know them in Switzerland (C-Visa). When this would come, I would happily accept it, but until then, I will be more than happy when I am healthy enough to walk down to Jomtien Soi 5 for my 90d reports and my annual extensions.

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Definitely public transport. With the BTS, public transport in Bangkok is now more superior compared to the west.


Look at a map of the BTS. Then look at a map of the London Underground. Then think about how ridiculous what you just said was.

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Definitely public transport. With the BTS, public transport in Bangkok is now more superior compared to the west.


Look at a map of the BTS. Then look at a map of the London Underground. Then think about how ridiculous what you just said was.

The platform edge gates are a big improvement. I think that BTS were fortunate that there was never an accident at Siam.

The new trains seem to be OK, and the extension out to Bangna is handy. So the BTS has definitely got better, in my opinion.


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Definitely public transport. With the BTS, public transport in Bangkok is now more superior compared to the west.


Look at a map of the BTS. Then look at a map of the London Underground. Then think about how ridiculous what you just said was.

London Underground is far more extensive in its coverage but I think, in terms of sheer comfort - especially in the summertime - BTS has it beat hands down.

Quick, clean, efficient and, most of all, affordable

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Definitely public transport. With the BTS, public transport in Bangkok is now more superior compared to the west.


Look at a map of the BTS. Then look at a map of the London Underground. Then think about how ridiculous what you just said was.

London Underground is far more extensive in its coverage but I think, in terms of sheer comfort - especially in the summertime - BTS has it beat hands down.

Quick, clean, efficient and, most of all, affordable

And it serves Sukhumvit Village very well. Not so handy for the millions of Thai people who live in many diverse parts of the city, but great for us farangs who seem to congregate in a fairly narrow corridor. Some people like to stay near the BMCL underground route as well.


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Maybe its time for an evaluation.

Its obvious that Thailand needs more tourists and so Thailand needs more foreigners that come to live in Thailand for longer periods of time farangs who spend all of their income here in thailand..I assume this will be a good thing cause it will bring loads of money and create more jobs for thais right..

So the question is what positive things by this new government have been done especially for us foreigners,tourists to make our stay in Thailand more comfortable ,and our lives here more easy and or more safe and or more equal and fair...:

I am very curious about all the accomplishments and positive changes that have been implemented recently for us the farangs..Kindly upload here under you list :

I've seen nothing practical that's been implemented for our benefit but, then again, most of us have it pretty sweet here already.

We spend our money here whether they fawn over us or not so why should they make an effort.

We don't feature high on their list of priorities and, frankly, I don't think we should.

Those who feel they're under-appreciated or there's not enough red carpet being rolled out for them are invited to leave.

Fascinated by the arrogance of the question ! Most countries welcome Tourists because they come and spend money then go away...and hopefully come again and repeat the spending. Those farang who come nd stay in Thailand are a minority by comparison and the funds they spend decrease with time. Therefore any Govt. policy will naturally be aimed at enciuraging tourism. Long stay farang in a country with burgeoning population growth are not needed! Land is already being fractionalised within familes in agricultural districts so the idea that farang should be free to buy up is ridiculous!

Thailand has long had a tight door policy on immigration. That the Govt. should have new liberal policy especially for long stay farang is a joke.

And the objection to the legitimate ending of illegitimate manipulations and corrupt methods to stay in Thailand demonstrates exactly the good reason to NOT to pander to those who do so. And never think Thai are not aware that too many farang are social rejects from their home country who stay because of only that reason despite having an attitude of superiority.

If long stay farang want respect then display respect for the country and the people that "permits" you to stay! Many western regimes would have you gone long ago!

Hahaah and you too completely failed to come up with any anwser...

May i assume your answer is : Nothing sofar has improved for us ?

Can i ask you about your reply with the social reject from own country is that part referring to your self?

objection to the legitimate ending of illegitimate manipulations and corrupt methods to stay in Thailand ?? sorry did u overstay or what problem u got?

Firstly I apologise for a long delay to respond. Did I fail to answer? The ending of illegitimate graft methods and manipulation of processes I see as positive for "farang". A legitimate system that is clear cut is of advantage to those who are willing to submit to it. Only of disadvantage to those who are in a position to or necessarily willing pay the graft and thus support an expanding corruption.

I have been staying in Thailand for 13 years and in East Asia for 16 years. I travel in and out of Thailand for business. I have an annual extension of stay that has never cost me 1 setang more than the stated fee. And within hours I could exit to my home country if that was required but to the horror of my wife and daughter.

As a long stay visitor I see the aim of the current regime to remove corruption as a betterment for Thais. I see that as a of benefit for people such as myself. Infrastructure that works is useful to everybody surely? To look for special consideration for longstay farang ? To what benefit to Thailand? Do the home countries of long stay farang give special considerations/ concessions to Asians? Mine certainly does not!... In theory the law and rules are for all.

The social reject aspect? In that I refer to the beer bellied unattractive individuals who squat daily in bars drunkenly groping young hookers and smugly believe they have "made it" in life. That copiously visible numbers of those who would be likely shunned in their home country do nothing to enhance the image of farang in the minds of Thai. In fact they create attitudes that are the cause of problems for the majority of more respectful visitors in general. And done in a manner that presumes they are somehow superior ! To a degree where an underbelly industry thrives on them albeit that industry is a scar on Thailand.

I have come from a Western culture and so yes there are many things that frustrate me in life here. But it is my choice to stay as long as I am welcome. Over the years many things have made life easier. Mostly due to the available range of products across the board. Until recent times I have never seen a genuine attempt to improve infrastructure across the board. Real term legal recognition for rule abiding farang already is in place. For the others? Som num nah!

Thailand is bigger than seedy tourist towns and farang strongholds. And struggling Thais do not care squat about farang ! Why should they? Too many farang don't care squat about Thai. Sadly they come to a developing country and expect the same or more of a "life style" than from whence they came..but probably never had there either ! And now the threat of the same as whence they came is objectionable !? Real law, real systems, no under the table? The honey now comes with lemon ! LMAO !

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