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Iran warns Saudi, US against hindering Yemen aid ship


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Iran warns Saudi, US against hindering Yemen aid ship
ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — A senior Iranian military official has warned the Saudi-led coalition targeting Yemeni rebels that blocking an Iranian aid ship bound for Yemen will "spark a fire," as a five-day humanitarian cease-fire appeared to hold early Wednesday after going into effect the day before.

"I bluntly declare that the self-restraint of Islamic Republic of Iran is not limitless," Gen. Masoud Jazayeri, the deputy chief of staff, told Iran's Arabic-language Al-Alam state TV late Tuesday.

"Both Saudi Arabia and its novice rulers, as well as the Americans and others, should be mindful that if they cause trouble for the Islamic Republic with regard to sending humanitarian aid to regional countries, it will spark a fire, the putting out of which would definitely be out of their hands."

Iran says the ship, which departed Monday, is carrying food, medicine, tents and blankets, as well as reporters, rescue workers and peace activists. It says the ship is expected to arrive at Yemen's port city of Hodeida next week. Iran's navy said Tuesday it will protect the ship.

Saudi Brig. Gen. Ahmed Asiri, a military spokesman, said Tuesday that no ship would be permitted to reach Yemen unless there was prior coordination with the coalition, and that if Iran wants to deliver humanitarian aid it should do so through the United Nations.

In Washington, U.S. Army Col. Steve Warren said the American military is monitoring the cargo ship and warned that it would not be helpful if Iran is "planning some sort of stunt." He said the Iranian naval escort is not necessary and that Iran should send the cargo vessel to Djibouti, where humanitarian efforts for Yemen are being coordinated.

The U.S., which supports the coalition, and Saudi Arabia have accused Iran of arming the Yemeni rebels, known as Houthis. Iran supports the rebels, but both Tehran and the Houthis deny it has provided weapons to them.

A five-day humanitarian cease-fire began Tuesday night, just hours after Saudi-led warplanes targeted the Shiite rebels and their allies.

There were reports of continued ground fighting in some areas, with security officials and witnesses saying fierce combat broke out about a half-hour after the cease-fire began when rebels tried to storm the southern city of Dhale, firing tank shells, rockets and mortars. But no airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition were reported.

The conflict has killed more than 1,400 people — many of them civilians — since March 19, according to the U.N. The country of some 25 million people has endured shortages of food, water, medicine and electricity as a result of a Saudi-led naval, air and land blockade.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-05-13

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This is awfully like the Putin approach to send in an aid convoy whose vehicles turn out to weigh about the same each as a shipment of weapons and ammo etc.

In this instance a it's an Iranian ship claiming to be exclusively on a humanitarian mission, yet it is escorted by a warship.

The OP notes the Saudi-led Arab coalition has established an aid receiving port and center in Djibouti which is in fact where this one should also go.

I think as far as the Saudis are concerned this one can go there or to the bottom.

Edited by Publicus
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These extremists thugs are so transparent, they aren't fooling anyone. We are talking a small delay to board and check to make sure arms are not being smuggled in as they almost certainly are by Iran. You don't start wars over this unless you have something to hide. Why the US is making any deals at all with Iran boggles my mind. Whatever treaty they sign will just be a lie.

Edited by oneday
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That will be a show to buy tickets too, with the Saudis and the US patrolling the waters over there

and the Iranians daring any one to do anything to stop the ship, lots of big balls are on display here....

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Place your bets. If the Iranians are rational players they will back down here and sign a deal that really does block their nuclear program, if they are insane end of world twelvers they will escalate.

Unless they have figured out that they can bounce Obama around as much as they like and he'll back down. Heck, they might even get him to join with them and bomb the Saudis.

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The Iran convoy of weapons ships got turned around when the carrier Theodore Roosevelt flagship of the US 5th Fleet out of Bahrain showed up with ships of its strike force. The Revolutionary Guards had to eat a giant shit sandwich on that one.

Same for the Obama bashers who were proved wrong when they said the convey would pass through like a hot knife through butter.

In this one, either there are aid supplies on board or there are weapons, possibly both. This one is more sensitive so we'll find out one way or the other. If the UN consents, the new oncoming Iranian ship will have to go through.

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