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British Embassy ridiculous.

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Not in the context of this thread; Next of Kin would have received that upon the Embassy being notified, inc a Thai language version where necessary.

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I'm sure you don't consider yourself to be junk mail; but it seems the embassy does; probably because they receive many similar offers daily.

Maybe my mistake was thinking that they could differentiate between the two! smile.png

Are you qualified in any way to offer this service? legal training or a track record in citizen's advice in the UK for example?

I don't want to put the boot in, but I get the idea that you are of the type that thinks merely being born British anoints you with some superior, do-goodery powers.

So here's a quick story for you; I know a member of this forum who is actively trying to prevent a British daughter from inheriting a modest amount of money from her now-deceased Dad. This guy has decided that his Thai wife should get the dough. The father was terminally ill for a while - and didn't go to the trouble of making either a will, or transferring the money to Thailand.

So - witless wonder - the real Rule Britannia type - leapt into action. Half-wit Harry, he knows best. It has never occurred to him that the father - who had plenty of opportunity to transfer the funds - didn't do so for a reason.

What would you do in that situation? Me? - I'd stay out of it and leave it to the courts.

Anyway - you want to don a cape and run to the rescue of damsels. Just supposing you're a con man? Con men would love to get a grip on the financial affairs of the deceased - especially when they have a gullible foreign wife to manipulate.

How long would the thread on Thaivisa be is it were known that the Embassy had given credence/details/support to a con man who ripped off widows and estates blind?

Are you starting to see a flaw in your cunning plan?

Do you still think the British Embassy was wrong to ignore you?

You have an interesting perspective on life - flawed, but interesting.

Yes - I still believe the embassy was wrong in not responding to my letter.

Nonsense - you are proving my point.

You are not qualified in any way to provide this service,

Odds on you don't have a work permit.

Odds on that you have no idea of the fudiciary implications of what you are asking.

I am prepared to accept that you are a good hearted man that would like to be of help.

However, you have to accept that merely being good hearted is insufficient qualification.

The Embassy were right to ignore you.

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