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Changes in Thailand

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I’m pretty sensitive to little changes in surroundings and people in Thailand and I would be interested in observations from other TV members regarding changing moods.

I have recently noticed an increasing numbers of Thai’s (particularly shop assistants) who are not only in a bad mood but are sometimes quite snappy even and quite intolerant. It comes as a bit of a shock sometimes when you’re the customer in a business because I have never experienced this kind of behaviour so often by Thais in such a short space of time. The other day it happened three times in one day in three different locations. I just assumed this has to do with increasing strains from more difficult economic conditions so may be less optimism.

It’s just that it’s become more noticeable very recently. Then I wondered is it just me. But I don’t think it’s just me? Anyone else feel the same and have noticed this change in people?

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It's all part of the new Thai Happiness campaign. They are learning that they are in debt up to their ears, that their entire government and police force is useless and corrupt, that tourists are getting fed up with being killed over here so they are going elsewhere, that there will not be any chance to make money selling their votes since there will not be another election soon, that the military is stifling their income from drug dealing and on and on. So they are so HAPPY!

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Well that is a loaded question. You can discount a lot of the negative reply's. Makes no difference what you say about the Thais they are going to bash them. So it is not really an increase for them.

As for myself I have noticed English is not as available as it was and I am starting to see shops with signs in Chinese as well as English and Thai. It seems to me the people are a little less willing to try and understand me. I am not talking about small shop operators I am also including clerks in department stores and my recent experience with True.

So far it is not a big problem to me but then again I am an easy going guy. I don't approach every thing like it was life or death and I am more than willing to accept my part in communication problems.wai.gif

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Can't say I have noticed any change. My life continues to be great and communication never seems to be a problem. Then again, I do my communicating in Thai and don't live in a tourist area.

Edited by villagefarang
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When I first came here my Wife was 29................now for some reason shes 38?

I also noticed her salary was 11k when I got here and now its 300k..............something's going on for sure and I don't like it, she still smiles though?????????

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It maybe just me, certainly just lately and maybe just the people in the places I've been but, yes, I regret to say I have noticed 'same,same' and put it down to my having now truly hit 'papa' age in appearance!

I like your post but it hasn't made my day only caused me to wonder if Thailand will be my final resting place after all.

Edited by piersbeckett
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Can't say I have noticed any change. My life continues to be great and communication never seems to be a problem. Then again, I do my communicating in Thai and don't live in a tourist area.

Well, you should be able to pick it up quick if it hitz the stix

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Can't say I have noticed any change. My life continues to be great and communication never seems to be a problem. Then again, I do my communicating in Thai and don't live in a tourist area.

Well, at least you should be able to pick it up quick if it hitz the stix

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Yesterday we took a little road trip to Chiang Mai and two weeks ago we were in Bangkok for a few days and Hua Hin for one night. Lots of shopping, dining with friends, stayed in a couple different hotels and no bad experiences, sorry to say. We even enjoyed a night at the theater in Bangkok, watching the popular Thai musical Homrong. Not one negative encounter, and just because someone chooses to live in the sticks, does not mean they are stuck there every day of the year.

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Well that is a loaded question. You can discount a lot of the negative reply's. Makes no difference what you say about the Thais they are going to bash them. So it is not really an increase for them.

As for myself I have noticed English is not as available as it was and I am starting to see shops with signs in Chinese as well as English and Thai. It seems to me the people are a little less willing to try and understand me. I am not talking about small shop operators I am also including clerks in department stores and my recent experience with True.

So far it is not a big problem to me but then again I am an easy going guy. I don't approach every thing like it was life or death and I am more than willing to accept my part in communication problems.wai.gif

I have always been prepared during my regular visits to Chiang Mai that a large proportion of the shop assistants and restaurant workers have more limited English than in Bangkok or Pattaya and that has never bothered me because even though my Thai isn't that good they seem to understand me up there.smile.png

I'm talking more about attitude-as if you are being a nuisance by being a customer and requesting (certainly not demanding) something.I have never noticed this in the past as much as I do now.

And I should add I have never encountered this kind of thing once in Chiang Maithumbsup.gif

Edited by Asiantravel
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I think that pretty much across the world there seems to be a funk in most economies and a lot of people are in debt and are just unhappy. Since I have been living here in Thailand I have noticed the price of everyday items and utilities increase but I am pretty sure most people's salaries have stayed the same or maybe only a slight % increase. I noticed that salaries for native English speakers, that the salaries have not increased since 2005. Another factor I have also noticed is the "Zombification" of a lot of people since the release of smart phones. Anywhere you go, restaurants, bars, department stores, schools and even the hospitals almost everyone is staring at their phones and not talking anymore. I have a smart phone but I am sure as hell do not let it take over my life. Maybe in the OP's case he interrupted the shop assistant from their "Utopia" which is Facebook for a few minutes but for them he might as well of ended their universe. Either that or they are just mardy <deleted> and dislike foreigners. Who knows???

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Funnily enough, this morning at the local Isuzu dealership, I tried to use a coupon which offered no labor charge for the 40,000 km or 24 month scheduled maintenance service on my pickup truck.

The customer service counter started trying to tell me that because I only had 37,000 km on the vehicle and was coming in at 27 months rather than at 24 months, I wouldn't be able to use the coupon. Pretty comical actually, as on the one hand they were saying the mileage wasn't enough, but the number of months was too much. It took forever to get them to agree that I could use the coupon, and I have to admit that everyone's nerves, including mine, got quite frayed in the process of finally getting this resolved in my favor. But this unpleasantness was a fairly rare occurrence.

In fact, it was just this past week, I was telling my wife about how truly friendly everyone in all the shops in town were. Honest to God, I really do feel I enjoy laughy-scratchy, palsy-walsy, yuck-it-up, wave-as-you-walk-by, where-you-going?, what's-in-your-bag, where-you-been? style good relations with almost all the vendors I deal with.

From the farmer's markets to the sidewalk noodle stalls, the dimly lit 'mom-and-pop' shops, even to the local 7-11 and Lotus whose counter clerks are friendly enough, I feel like it's all good.

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I have noticed no change.

Maybe it is your perspective that has changed?

My perspective has changed a few times since I come to live in Thailand.

We all "grow" and change.

No matter how old we are or how long we remain in the same place..we change.

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I have noticed no change.

Maybe it is your perspective that has changed?

My perspective has changed a few times since I come to live in Thailand.

We all "grow" and change.

No matter how old we are or how long we remain in the same place..we change.

Neither have I.

I treat them with the same courtesy that I expect to be treated with.

It usually works.

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I agree with gecko123 I get more the same friendly smiles when I walk by a shop or go to a shop or restaurant. Even BigC has clerks who remember me and always smile and ask how am i or something like that. The longer I stay in one place the nicer the people get. Now its like I am part of the community.

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OP, I've learned one thing here in Thailand.

Show respect to the people and spare a smile for them and they will return the courtesy 100 times back to you.

Be an Ahole to them and they will treat you as an Ahole.

Try it next time and you will notice the results.

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It's all part of the new Thai Happiness campaign. They are learning that they are in debt up to their ears, that their entire government and police force is useless and corrupt, that tourists are getting fed up with being killed over here so they are going elsewhere, that there will not be any chance to make money selling their votes since there will not be another election soon, that the military is stifling their income from drug dealing and on and on. So they are so HAPPY!

Judging by the gaggle of shop assistants in deep conversation whenever I am looking for some help, they get annoyed as you've broken up their little chat.

Just stand back and stare at the group. Sooner or later someone will get the message.

It reminds me of the old question, "how many people work in this store?"

Reply: About half!

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Thailand has some of the highest rated hotels in the world and it is not because customer service is not part of their culture. If you are dealing with low end retailers with low pay, high employee turnover and no training then sure customer service is not going to be great but that is true the world over.

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