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I found this in the South Devon Post :


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11:00 - 27 March 2004

A sex offender from Torquay has been jailed for more than a year in Thailand.

Kenneth Harding, 52, is languishing in the notorious Chiang Mai jail after being detained by Thai police nine days ago.

Harding, who is on the Sex Offenders' Register and needs to notify the authorities before leaving the UK, has been put behind bars for 13 months.

His punishment was meted out on Monday when a Thai court dealt with offences involving theft, breaching visa restrictions, presenting forged documents and making false statements.

It's understood he pleaded guilty to the charges put before him.

He was arrested on March 18 just as police in the UK were contacting their opposite numbers in Thailand about Harding.

A Foreign Office spokeswoman confirmed Harding had been sent to prison earlier this week.

"We understand he's been charged with stealing, overstaying his visa, presenting forged documents and making false statements," she said.

And she revealed that the prisoner had been visited by consular officials in Chiang Mai.

Harding is thought to have left the UK earlier this year. He celebrated his 52nd birthday earlier this month.

A Bay police spokesman said: "We had been making inquiries in an effort to locate this man. Those investigations did extend abroad."

She urged people to contact police if they were aware of the travelling intentions of any sex offenders.

"We need people to be vigilant and pass on information to us.

If Harding returns to the UK after his release he faces questioning by the police.


So what do people think - I realise that this guy hasn't been charged with sex offences, only with paperwork misrepresentation, buthow and why did the police pick him up? What has he done to bring himself to their attention?

Maybe I'm overly suspicious, but seems to me the powers-that-be want him out of the country, whereas with young 'big-ears' the feel comfortable making an example.

This, to me, is double standards.

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Sex-offence history, theft, breaching visa restrictions, presenting forged documents and making false statements.....

The best is to have nothing to do with such kind of people.....

It is good for us all, that he is gone.....

What is done by Thai criminals, this is the problem of the Thais, but what is done by foreign criminals, is also our problem as foreigners with a relationship to Thailand.

If you, the Thai Police, arrest such a foreigner, then please kick him out of Thailand as quick as possible.



Kick him outta the country, we dont need a**holes like that spoiling it for the rest of us... Either that or shoot him.

Have a look in www.chiangmai-mail.com he was reported to the police for taking photos of young girl taking a bath.

That was why I asked the question. I had been told, but had not seen in print, the real reason.

This bastard should sit next to our Ecstasy pill f®iend for the rest of his natural. Not just do a few months and then back to Blighty.

Double standards!


From the Chiang Mai Mail

Briton charged with indecent behavior

Also found with 12 passports and stolen items

Autsadaporn Kamthai

Tourist and Immigration Police forces in Chiang Mai this week arrested British visitor Kenneth John Harding, aged 52, accusing him of indecent behavior, stealing a camera, making false declarations to police, traveling on an expired tourist visa and being in possession of 12 fake passports.

Police arrested British visitor Kenneth John Harding, aged 52, charging him with several significant offenses.

A travel company operator had tipped off police, alleging that he had witnessed Harding taking photos of his (the owner’s) niece having a bath, when Harding had gone to use the company toilet.

A police search of Harding’s luggage allegedly turned up a camera and a video camera, which were later shown to be stolen from a tour guide, plus 12 counterfeit passports and two albums of obscene photographs of young girls and boys.

Harding had flown from Bangkok to Chiang Mai in January this year, and stayed at a guesthouse in the city.

His home address was given as St Mary Church, Torquay, Devon, England.

Pol Col Sakolrat Theerasawas, Tourist Police deputy commander, and Pol Col Shinapatra Tansrisakul, Chiang Mai Immigration Police superintendent, led the investigation.


Here we go again. The people's jury, happy to deal out the death sentence on the basis of two newspaper articles. :o

Any policial or judicial entity would stand crestfallen at the amazing speed with which you reach your watertight conclusions and the swiftness of your unfailing judgement. Not to mention the exceedingly scarce information you have to work on.

Hats off! :D

Guest IT Manager

Goodness does that mean it isn't just me that thinks we have the fastest judge/jury and exectutioner on the planet.

Should apply for jobs defending Dung. Or is that prosecuting...never quite sure


Standards for young idiots who act as mules on drug runs, butare small fish in big pond.

Standards for mature pornographers who corrupt the young.

It strikes me that most of the farang offenders who do long, hard time are pawns in their chosen branch of idiocy (usually drugs) whereas the kiddy pornographers who make a good living out of their evil trade get lighter custodial sentences before being thrown out.

I would prefer that these people did the long hard time in BKK Hilton, not just have their names put on a register (for the third or fourth time) after only a year in jail.

Here we go again. The people's jury, happy to deal out the death sentence on the basis of two newspaper articles. :o

Any policial or judicial entity would stand crestfallen at the amazing speed with which you reach your watertight conclusions and the swiftness of your unfailing judgement. Not to mention the exceedingly scarce information you have to work on.

Hats off! :D

If i was Judge, Jury and executioner there would be a lot less "bad apples" in the world...

And thats a bad thing?

:o I have a mate overhere on holiday for three months. He is 57, took early retirement. renting an apartment in Pattaya. He liked using the facilities in the Montien and went there most days, staying near the pool. He stupidly used to take a towel, wash it and bring it back, using it again.

continued. Last wednesday, he was stopped, taking a towel. The police were called. they tried to sort out a compromise so as to not let it go further, but the hotel insisted he go to court. He was cuffed and spent the night on a cell,thenext day, he was taken tothe court, fined and then sent to immigration to await deportation. He occupied a cell 3m X 3m with 29 other men. No room to sit, let alone sleep. On Friday, he was taken to Bangkok to catch his own booked flight home on Saturday. Arriving in Bangkok, they told him his paperwork was not in order and rturnedhim to Soi 8. He is back in the same cell waiting for deportation, whenever that may be. He has paid his debt, why is he being treated like a common criminal still. The british consulate in Pattaya is a waste of space. He couldn't even go and pack his stuff, and now his expensive camera has gone missing. What have all you hanging judges to say about that?

What have all you hanging judges to say about that?

Did you tell us really the whole story?

Did you not forget anything (maybe not so important) to tell us about this man?

You wrote: He has paid his debt, why is he being treated like a common criminal still?

Should be something more than just a wet towel......

Which kind of debt did he pay? Laundry fee for one towel????



Based on what you have told us about this bloke, no its wrong for him to be locked up and deported over a <deleted> towel... of course... but as stated before, hes hardly some kiddie fiddler pervert, hes an international towel thief...

Hang him! :o


My, My Wolfie; why bother with facts and evidence as these illusionary edifices are often inconsistent with what we want to be the case. If someone looks like a "nonce" or a 'pervert' surely that is enough to have them shot or deported. I hope you are clean living good looking lad Wolfie or you might just make the headlines via your own brand of rough justice.


Well maybe you condone that kind of behaviour, but in my opinion taking secret photos of little girls having a bath is a bit too close to Paedophilia...

And yes _those_ kind of people deserve everything they get... and if it was down to me, they would get everything they deserve, and interfereing with children would simply be not possible after i'd finished with them.

But h3ll, thats "rough" justice for you...

Let me ask you a question... what would be your reaction if some pervert took an unhealthy interest in your child, neighbours child or friends child? I presume from the style of your posts in this thread that you would simply turn away and ignore it?

In my country that would get you labeled as an accessory to the crime, putting you squarely in trouble along with the criminal doing it.

Fortuantely/Unfortunately i am neither in my own country, nor am i responsible for law and justice, so people like yourself can sleep soundly at night knowing all those bad people can get away with their crimes, free from reprisal (from me at least).

My lifestyle is both moral and legal, and im comfortable with the fact i'm a good boy (usually), i'm also an opinionated person who likes to discuss/debate/argue on forums and were touching on a subject that i feel _VERY_ strongly about.. being a parent myself.

Child abuse is a very serious thing.

International towel theives are a different ball game however... :o


and for those of you who missed the humour in my post, the guy with the towel from the hotel is being unfairly treated, they are going over the top. He doesnt deserve that over a towel, just buy a new one or get the old one cleaned at some laundry shop, give it back and apologise.. that should be the end of it. Deporting someone, locking someone up because they "borrowed" a towel is just insane. Thats not the issue.

My beef is with people taking photos of kiddies, having kiddie porn etc. People like that dont deserve to breath the air on this planet, and anybody who disagrees with me on that is just simply wrong.

And i will fight THAT argument until there is no longer breath in my body, were not talking about some bar girl or some hooker were talking about a little girl, a baby, taking a bath, she should be reading comics, playing with dolls and eating sweets, not being perved at by some lowlife peice of scum who just wants to stick his meat in her for some sick self gratification or make disgusting pictures available for other equally sick lowlifes to jerk off to. Jeez, i cant beleive i'm alone in this opinion!

Do any of us have all the cold, hard facts in this story? No. There is a chance that this guy is being set-up or victimised... but you dont get your name on the "sex offenders registar" for thinking about it, you get your name on that black list for doing it. Hes already been convicted in the west for these types of crimes, what he got off the plane in thailand and suddenly renounced is past sins? yeah? what was he doing pointing a camera at a baby in the bath then?

Would i blame the Thai authorities for not wanting that kind of person in their country? No, they are fully within their right/privilege to deport that kind of person.

(and i hope they do) We are guests in this country, and with anywhere in this world, if the host doesnt want you there, you go home or somewhere else.

Isn't freedom speach a great thing?



I understand you attitude toward pedophiles. I do however, feel a bit sad for them too. Not that I condone their actions one bit. I don't. But I suspect that for many of them, their interest is along the same lines as being Gay. It's not just a whim or whatever. It's a compulsion and sexual compulsion is pretty hard to ignore for most of the human race.

And of course we have to protect the children. But I've watched reports of parents or grandparents being booked because some tech in a photolab turned them in for having a couple of photos of their kid(s) in the bath or out naked running through the sprinkler on a summer day.

Times have changed, that is obvious. In some ways, they are better. I can only imagine the anquish some child had while being sexually exploited by a Priest. A terrible episode for the Catholic church and one that needed to be stopped. But on the other hand, I remember growing up in the Midwest and doing the sprinkler thing as a kid or seeing other youngsters as I grew up a bit doing it. It was no major concern back then.

No, I didn't grow up in an enclave of naturists. It was the northern edge of the bible belt, farm communities, and the land was covered with Baptists and Methodists regardless of which way you looked. But no one got their feathers ruffled. By the age of four or so, the clothes required rule was invoked.

Now I have fond memories of those times and the idea of a kid running in the buff through a stream of water on a hot summer day has zero sexual nuance for me. I am sad that those times are gone, not only for me, but for everyone these days it seems.


[Note: I am not comparing pedophilia to homosexuality or saying that they are linked in some way that makes homosexuals more likely to be pedophiles.]


"their intrest is along the samelines as being Gay"

<deleted> !

I , myself, am not gay. That does not mean for one minute, I would consider a gay man ( or women ) to be a scum of the earth kiddy fiddler.

This comparison is wrong, and so are you.


Wolfie. My abhorence at child molestation matches yours. My instant penalty (if it were my child) would I am sure match yours. I agree these are very sick, perverted individuals who deserve the FULL penalties that the law can impose - once they have been proven guilty.

I was gently poking fun at your all embracing attitude of annihilation. It is becoming increasingly more difficult to know what the facts are in any case, certainly in Europe and the States. In the UK for example a female merely has to report to a police station that she has been sexually harrassed and that is sufficient for the man being reported to be issued with an official caution. An official caution is guilty. There is no checking of evidence, no interviews just the word of a female. The next time she reports the same fellow the real process of evidence gathering starts. She can drop her accusation at any stage. Even if the matter gets to court and NO EVIDENCE IS PRESENTED the fellow concerned has had his reputation muddied, possibly lost his job, who believes the chap anyway. All this and he may not even know the girl concerned - he could be her teacher, or in a position of authority at a club or other venue.

What about What about all those women who are being taken back to their childhood by hypnotherapists and who subsequently remember being abused by their parents or others. These remembered attrocities (abuse of children) now become real live cases. The world has gone mad.

But when all is said and done, wolfie, I totally agree with you so long as a person has been found guilty in due process of law.

It is becoming increasingly more difficult to know what the facts are in any case, certainly in Europe and the States.  In the UK for example a female merely has to report to a police station that she has been sexually harrassed and that is sufficient for the man being reported to be issued with an official caution.  An official caution is guilty.

This is a very good posting and I like it. It is however a bit off the subject.

1- About this poor foreigner in Thailand, if this guy carries with him 12 passports and stolen items and a catalog with pictures of little girls, then something must be wrong with this person........

This was the original subject and my opinion to that situation is, that the Thai police should arrest him and kick him out of Thailand quickly and forever...

2- Your posting is a good one, and should be worth a new thread. In the typical female dominated society we find in Europe and USA, women can go ahead with any kind of fictive accusations against any man and it is difficult to do anything against it....

The only you can do, AFTER you are cleared as innocent, is to suit this woman for defamation and liable.

I can only recommend in any case you as man feel to be misused or attacked by a woman, to look for legal advice as quick as possible. Sounds for many men ridiculous, but this is a very serious matter and a problem in Europe and USA.

I think, it is the best to keep off any private contact with a Western Europe female, and as the next step, look for a foreign wife....

I did so, married since 1976, Japanese wife....


Guest IT Manager

Johan you missed "see MY homepage" www.mr.perfect.com/johan, didn't you?


Now hang on a minute.

These so called "sex crimes" where not known in Thailand until about 10 years ago.

No I am not joking, they were not on the statute book.

The age of consent was 13. After that if both parties consented, fine.

The Thai's did not consider sex a crime, that is a western concept of the Judeo-Christian countries.

Victorian prudery has finally reached Thailand.

Another case of Imperialism perverting Thailand?

Now hang on a minute.

These so called "sex crimes" where not known in Thailand until about 10 years ago.

No I am not joking, they were not on the statute book.

The age of consent was 13.  After that if both parties consented, fine.

The Thai's did not consider sex a crime, that is a western concept of the Judeo-Christian countries. 

Victorian prudery has finally reached Thailand.

Another case of Imperialism perverting Thailand?

True, but this was 10 years ago, now child-sex is a crime.

In Japan about up to 10 years ago, child-porno was legal and could be found in any video rental shop openly among other sex movies.

Legal are - without any restriction as far as I know up to date - any kind of sadomasochist movies or magazines.

You can find them even at the gas-station while waiting, when they fill up your car....This is a very free society here in Japan.

With a percentage of less than 1 percent Christianity, these religious ideas of a female dominated society never made it totally, not like in the USA or in Western Europe....

Time is advancing even in Asia, slower however....we should respect that.

We should accept responsibility, that we have to protect our children.

What about a work-around for the Caucasian gentleman?

It is soooooooo easy. Look for a very small flat-breasted, slim Thai girlie, who is 20+ but not much older, and then carefully shave her off everything hairy you can find on her body, except the hair on her head.........

Gilette is the name of this very important supplier of required tools.

If you are really into the kiddie mood, then just strip her off the panty anytime, make a deep look or careful touch and do whatever you like....

it is nice and totally legal.....

I read here somewhere on this forum about young Burma maids, short and cute, baht 2500,- per month. And just a little over 20+ is not so bad....not bad at all, I would say.


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