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UN chief urges PM to treat boat people with dignity


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UN chief urges PM to treat boat people with dignity

The Nation

Rescued migrants from Bangladesh walk in rows as they prepare for an identification process by Indonesian authorities and the International Organization for Migration at a confinement area in the fishing town of Kuala Langsa in Aceh province

Ban Ki-moon Voices concern about Rohingya, backs forum to resolve crisis

NEW YORK: -- UNITED NATIONS Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged the government yesterday to offer proper treatment to boat people, saying they deserved "human dignity and basic rights", while also supporting Thailand's move to hold an international forum late this month to try to resolve the crisis.

UN chief Ban made a phone call to Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday morning to voice concerns over the plight of Rohingya from Myanmar and migrants from Bangladesh, Deputy Army spokesman Wirachon Sukhonthap-atiphak said.

The UN estimates that more than 25,000 migrants have got into boats in the Bay of Bengal to seek work and better lives in Southeast Asia since last October. Some have already managed to land while thousands are still afloat at sea, as no country in the region wants to welcome them. On Friday, Ban urged governments in Southeast Asia to facilitate timely disembarkation and keep their borders and ports open, so as to help vulnerable people.

Prime Minister Prayut told the UN chief during their phone conversation his government was closely monitoring the migrant crisis and providing necessary humanitarian assistance to them, the spokesman said. "Thai officials found the latest group last week and gave assistance to them by fixing their boat engine, giving fuel, food, water and medicine, as they wanted to go to another country," Wirachon said.

Authorities would not allow them to land on Thai shores, as officials said the migrants wanted to go to another country. Thailand is set to host a special meeting on Irregular Migration in the Indian Ocean on May 29 in Bangkok with participants from 15 affected nations such as Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Bangladesh.

Prayut told Ban that representatives of these countries and international organisations will exchange views and seek solutions to solve the problem constructively, Wirachon said. The forum, as Prayut said, would show Asean unity to take responsibility for the fate of human beings. However, Myanmar, a member of Asean, said on Friday it was unlikely to attend the forum.

Deputy spokesman for the PM's Office Maj-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd has said Thailand is willing to cooperate with other nations to solve the issue of irregular migration by Rohingya refugees. However, a suggestion that Thailand should provide shelter and employment for the migrants was not a proper solution and may violate Thai laws and internal security, he said.

The proper solution for this problem is for international organisations to help regulate refugees from their country of origin, Sansern said.

Army chief General Udomdej Sitabutr said yesterday that Thailand would not set up shelters or refugee camps - as the US has urged - but would set up a temporary holding area pending other countries being prepared to take such people in.

Udomdej said authorities were still looking for the appropriate location for such a facility. He said the government tried to get people in hiding, who entered the country illegally, to step forward so they could be treated in accordance with human rights principles. "Other countries should see Thailand's good intention as we are the transit country and doing our best to solve the problem."

He said many arrest warrants had been issued for the people trafficking the boat people. The Fourth Region Army would arrange joint security teams to check targeted areas in Songkhla and Satun.

In the crackdown on human trafficking, an arrest warrant was issued yesterday for one more suspect - Dared Mansatoh in Songkhla's Rattaphum district - for his alleged role in the trafficking of migrants including Rohingya. Police spokesman Pol Lt-General Prawut Thawornsiri said this took the number of people wanted to 62. And two wanted people were expected to surrender to police late yesterday.

Pichai Khong-eiang and Wirat Bensoh surrendered yesterday afternoon to Songkhla police, bringing the number of suspects in custody to 29.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/UN-chief-urges-PM-to-treat-boat-people-with-dignit-30260348.html

-- The Nation 2015-05-18

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tow them back to where they came from,..its the latest craze like trying to get to europe,,i do feel for them but why does everyone else have to bail these people out,let 1 in you have to let them all in,,

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Thailand just doesn't get it - comments/suggestions/urging are not requests but, rather, a diplomatic

way of demanding changes and, now, as opposed to later or never. The international word is " let them land, feed them,

look for long term solution then and not let them wander the seas and, ultimately die".

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Thailand just doesn't get it - comments/suggestions/urging are not requests but, rather, a diplomatic

way of demanding changes and, now, as opposed to later or never. The international word is " let them land, feed them,

look for long term solution then and not let them wander the seas and, ultimately die".

Thailand gets it all right ....

Thailand is doing the right thing here. Provide food, water, fuel & medicine and send them on their way.

If thailand accepted them and started providing housing, shelter food, assistance etc ....

how do you think that would work with a Buddhist country already stretched to the brink with families getting less than $1 a day. ???

Also, word gets out that thailand is taking them in then the flood gates would open .... you would not see 1,000's but 100's of thousand jump on boats.

Many on TV just comment and don't know the facts about these people ... or the history ....they are not oriental Asian, they are Bengali migrants, they are muslims, they are muslim radical that dislike Buddhists & Christians.

They are not welcome and I understand why.... unlike many misinformed TV posters here.

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Thailand just doesn't get it - comments/suggestions/urging are not requests but, rather, a diplomatic

way of demanding changes and, now, as opposed to later or never. The international word is " let them land, feed them,

look for long term solution then and not let them wander the seas and, ultimately die".

its the countries that they left that should have stopped them leaving,but there happy to palm off these people for someone else to feed and house them dont keep blaming thailand,....birth control is a huge answer but muslims wont entertain anything that infringes on there selfish way of life,,,,,,

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"If Ban Ki moon is so concerned why doesn't the UN get of their ass and do somethink like set up a refugee camp somewhere"

"tow them back to where they came from,..its the latest craze like trying to get to europe,,i do feel for them but why does everyone else have to bail these people out,let 1 in you have to let them all in,"

​The above comments miss the point here, this is a humanitarian crisis it is not about unwanted guests.The boat people are dying and need help now, sort the details and repatriate later.

The countries of the region are best placed to offer assistance,

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Thailand just doesn't get it - comments/suggestions/urging are not requests but, rather, a diplomatic

way of demanding changes and, now, as opposed to later or never. The international word is " let them land, feed them,

look for long term solution then and not let them wander the seas and, ultimately die".

Thailand gets it all right ....

Thailand is doing the right thing here. Provide food, water, fuel & medicine and send them on their way.

If thailand accepted them and started providing housing, shelter food, assistance etc ....

how do you think that would work with a Buddhist country already stretched to the brink with families getting less than $1 a day. ???

Also, word gets out that thailand is taking them in then the flood gates would open .... you would not see 1,000's but 100's of thousand jump on boats.

Many on TV just comment and don't know the facts about these people ... or the history ....they are not oriental Asian, they are Bengali migrants, they are muslims, they are muslim radical that dislike Buddhists & Christians.

They are not welcome and I understand why.... unlike many misinformed TV posters here.

The amount of money held by the corrupt Thai elite could build 5 star hotels to house all the Rohingya.

I could also go a long way to improve the lot of the poor Thai population as well.

Edited by Oziex1
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tow them back to where they came from,..its the latest craze like trying to get to europe,,i do feel for them but why does everyone else have to bail these people out,let 1 in you have to let them all in,,

"I do feel for them , but..."

There is no "but"...and you don't feel for them, so don't pretend!

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Thailand just doesn't get it - comments/suggestions/urging are not requests but, rather, a diplomatic

way of demanding changes and, now, as opposed to later or never. The international word is " let them land, feed them,

look for long term solution then and not let them wander the seas and, ultimately die".

Thailand gets it all right ....

Thailand is doing the right thing here. Provide food, water, fuel & medicine and send them on their way.

If thailand accepted them and started providing housing, shelter food, assistance etc ....

how do you think that would work with a Buddhist country already stretched to the brink with families getting less than $1 a day. ???

Also, word gets out that thailand is taking them in then the flood gates would open .... you would not see 1,000's but 100's of thousand jump on boats.

Many on TV just comment and don't know the facts about these people ... or the history ....they are not oriental Asian, they are Bengali migrants, they are muslims, they are muslim radical that dislike Buddhists & Christians.

They are not welcome and I understand why.... unlike many misinformed TV posters here.

Yes, here is the biggest problem, as you point out: " ....they are not oriental Asian, they are Bengali migrants, they are muslims, they are muslim radical that dislike Buddhists & Christians. "

They are jihadist muslims, total bloody fruitcakes.

Jihadism (jihadist movement, jihadi movement and variants) is used to refer to contemporary armed jihad in Islamic fundamentalism.

Thailand has enough trouble already, spewing up from Malaysia.

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"Authorities would not allow them to land on Thai shores, as officials said the migrants wanted to go to another country."

They must think everyone is stupid. They are wrong and they are showing their own stupidity.


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After they were persecuted and slaughtered, raped and maimed, they became Jihadist....

No surprises. No big surprise at all. They were marginalized and treated worse than slaves, and are becoming miltarized.....I don't have to agree to understand it. If I was PM Praytuth, I would definitely be very careful with these people....some are murderers responding to being victims, and some are murderers responding to being intolerant of others....

The Saudis don't like the Rohingya version of Islam, which includes Sunni and Sufi theological aspects...they are somewhat pariahs among their own kind. The following link has a lengthy list of stupidities committed by both sides in Bangladesh and Myanmar....

Idiots all around. Coexistence is the only sustainable solution. https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2013/12/22/burma-rohingya-jihad-mujahideen-terrorist-training/

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Ban supports Prayut’s irregular meeting to resolve Rohinya problem


BANGKOK: -- United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has voiced his support for Thailand's initiative to host an irregular international meeting to discuss and resolve the Rohinya migration problem on May 29, a Thai government spokesman said Sunday.

The spokesman said the UN secretary-general has made a phone call to Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha, on Sunday expressing his concern of the ongoing migration issue of the Rohinya refugees.

As the NNT reported Mr Ban reportedly stressed that the refugees’ human dignity and human basic rights principle should be upheld while Gen Prayut has also expressed his concern about the situation, and has appointed all related agencies to closely monitor developments, including the establishment of a special unit to patrol the Thai coasts.

He said the prime minister has affirmed that Thai authorities have always provided help, based on humanitarian principles to the Rohingya vessels found in the Thai waters, and has also stressed that all operations have been carried out in keep with basic human rights practises and international laws.

The UN secretary-general thanked the Thai government, and praised Thailand’s initiative to hold the meeting on the Irregular Migration in the Indian Ocean on May 29 to seek international cooperation that will lead to the solution of this problem.

The spokesman said the prime minister has mentioned that a sustainable solution requires cooperation from all involved countries, and international organisations such as the UN.

The meeting will be held with 15 countries participating, and will serve as a stage for various exchanges of information and suggestions on this issue, to pave way for a constructive conclusion that will solve this problem.

Mr Ban voiced support for the meeting and willingness to cooperate.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/ban-supports-prayuts-irregular-meeting-to-resolve-rohinya-problem

-- Thai PBS 2015-05-18

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"Ban Ki-moon urged the government yesterday to offer proper treatment to boat people, saying they deserved "human dignity and basic rights"

Good luck with that. The Junta doesn't treat the Thai people with human dignity and basic rights. Why should it be different with univited foreigners?

Article 44

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Ban Ki moon is a clown ...... if he was really that concerned and eager to help why hasn't the UN jumped in. ?????

Easy to say, someone with a better job than you will ever have, is a clown.. The UN has jumped in. They're asking the region to deal with it since it is a regional problem, sounds both reasonable and proper to me.

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tow them back to where they came from,..its the latest craze like trying to get to europe,,i do feel for them but why does everyone else have to bail these people out,let 1 in you have to let them all in,,

'Let one in and you have to let then all in'? What are you or more importantly who do you think they are? It's strange to me how photos of boat people are seen through the eyes of prejudice. It's interesting how TV is divided between liberals and fascists. Some see boatloads of people as jihadi sub humans waiting to cut everyone's throats at worst or at the very least thieves and low life trying to steal jobs and muscle in on others lives and possessions.


Others see boatloads of refugees fleeing from certain death at worst or at least persecution and marginalization.Then there are those wanting to have a better lives for their families and children escaping extreme poverty. Everyone on TV wants that too, it's called human rights.But Winstonc calls it the 'latest craze'.People wanting a better life have been around since the beginning of time.

The situation is desperate and serious.There's already been so many drownings whether in this area or in Europe.There has to be screening and integration, education of potential contributors to the economy and society and adjoining countries have to work out a solution between them.Difficult I know and there will be many failures, but what is the other choice? Only the racist xenophobic rants like "tow them out to sea and drown them" etc from so many bitter and jingoistic contributors on here.So much hate speech and fear mongering that is drowning (being the operative word) out contributors who have a little sense of justice and humanity.

They are PEOPLE in those boats, not lesser lives because they are poorer,of a different color,religion and different from us.There are always going to be people with ill intent. That is the mix. Same as exists on TV.

But EVERYONE on TV would do exactly the same as those people in the boats if in their shoes. So let's count ourselves lucky that we were dealt a better hand..........

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Thailand has enough problems already in the South of the country and areas bordering Malaysia without the addition of these groups as well.

The Bangladeshis are no more than economic migrants and The Rohingha will be up to nonsense and demanding this, that and the other as soon as they have been fed and watered.

As soon as Thailand softens and allows them in, as another poster has said, it won't be thousands coming, it will be hundreds of thousands. Also, out of the three countries involved, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, which are the two that are Muslim?

They talk about all Muslims being their brothers and the rest of us being " infidels " Well, let their brothers take care of them. Thailand was 94% Buddhist last time I looked.

Every time, and I mean bar none, that a country helps Muslim minorities, it comes back to bite them. All of a sudden things are not good enough for them, they want their own schools, they want their own customs, they want food cooked this and that way, They want to import their versions of Islam into their host country.They then want to change the host country into a mini version of the countries they are fleeing from; especially in the Middle East.These people are not from the Orient, they are historically migrants from the likes of Bangladesh, India, and surrounding areas. This is also why they are not recognized by the Burmese.

As soon as they get any form of power base, they are spewing unrest and hatred. It has to stop! Although,It is not appropiate to say " Well done Thailand" I certainly understand the Thai point of view here.

The traffickers also need to be caught and a big example made of them.Extremely long prison sentences for damaging the peace, harmony and prosperity of the Thai nation would be an appropiate charge and throw the book at the greedy b******s!

The poster who talked about the Thai elite and the ' tongue in cheek " remark about five star hotels that could be bought to house these people. Well, we all know, that will never happen so it's pointless mentioning it. It's the same as asking for "likes" on Facebook praying for a miracle when you see a sad story; a waste of your time.

Edited by Scouse123
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Thailand has enough problems already in the South of the country and areas bordering Malaysia without the addition of these groups as well.

The Bangladeshis are no more than economic migrants and The Rohingha will be up to nonsense and demanding this, that and the other as soon as they have been fed and watered.

As soon as Thailand softens and allows them in, as another poster has said, it won't be thousands coming, it will be hundreds of thousands. Also, out of the three countries involved, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, which are the two that are Muslim?

They talk about all Muslims being their brothers and the rest of us being " infidels " Well, let their brothers take care of them. Thailand was 94% Buddhist last time I looked.

Every time, and I mean bar none, that a country helps Muslim minorities, it comes back to bite them. All of a sudden things are not good enough for them, they want their own schools, they want their own customs, they want food cooked this and that way, They want to import their versions of Islam into their host country.They then want to change the host country into a mini version of the countries they are fleeing from; especially in the Middle East.These people are not from the Orient, they are historically migrants from the likes of Bangladesh, India, and surrounding areas. This is also why they are not recognized by the Burmese.

As soon as they get any form of power base, they are spewing unrest and hatred. It has to stop! Although,It is not appropiate to say " Well done Thailand" I certainly understand the Thai point of view here.

The traffickers also need to be caught and a big example made of them.Extremely long prison sentences for damaging the peace, harmony and prosperity of the Thai nation would be an appropiate charge and throw the book at the greedy b******s!

The poster who talked about the Thai elite and the ' tongue in cheek " remark about five star hotels that could be bought to house these people. Well, we all know, that will never happen so it's pointless mentioning it. It's the same as asking for "likes" on Facebook praying for a miracle when you see a sad story; a waste of your time.

So you say but a huge amount of generalizations here. You speak from experience or presumption? You speak of "they" "they" "they" throughout your dissertation. Do you KNOW any Muslims? I do and because they come from so many diverse countries and cultures they are all so different. Most can't speak each other's languages, can't understand each others cultures and most I know are horrified by the jihadists. I have a Muslim neighbor who tells me he doesn't know any Arabs. "Who are these guys?" he tells me.The only thing that they have in common is Islam, and there are many interpretations of that as there are in all religions. More Muslims kill each other than any other religion.They are at war while we speak. They have to settle their own problems. While many terrible things happen you have to be careful of headlines.turning into generalizations that sell newspapers because it panders to peoples fears and prejudice. Most Muslims just want to take care of their families and get on with their lives.

"It won't be 1000's coming, it will be 100's of 1000's" Is there a factual basis here or just more rant to whip up racial hatred and fear mongering?So much insecurity on TV

One thing I agree with you though was that traffickers should be made an example of. Cheers for that.

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Thailand has enough problems already in the South of the country and areas bordering Malaysia without the addition of these groups as well.

The Bangladeshis are no more than economic migrants and The Rohingha will be up to nonsense and demanding this, that and the other as soon as they have been fed and watered.

As soon as Thailand softens and allows them in, as another poster has said, it won't be thousands coming, it will be hundreds of thousands. Also, out of the three countries involved, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, which are the two that are Muslim?

They talk about all Muslims being their brothers and the rest of us being " infidels " Well, let their brothers take care of them. Thailand was 94% Buddhist last time I looked.

Every time, and I mean bar none, that a country helps Muslim minorities, it comes back to bite them. All of a sudden things are not good enough for them, they want their own schools, they want their own customs, they want food cooked this and that way, They want to import their versions of Islam into their host country.They then want to change the host country into a mini version of the countries they are fleeing from; especially in the Middle East.These people are not from the Orient, they are historically migrants from the likes of Bangladesh, India, and surrounding areas. This is also why they are not recognized by the Burmese.

As soon as they get any form of power base, they are spewing unrest and hatred. It has to stop! Although,It is not appropiate to say " Well done Thailand" I certainly understand the Thai point of view here.

The traffickers also need to be caught and a big example made of them.Extremely long prison sentences for damaging the peace, harmony and prosperity of the Thai nation would be an appropiate charge and throw the book at the greedy b******s!

The poster who talked about the Thai elite and the ' tongue in cheek " remark about five star hotels that could be bought to house these people. Well, we all know, that will never happen so it's pointless mentioning it. It's the same as asking for "likes" on Facebook praying for a miracle when you see a sad story; a waste of your time.

I wasn't seriously suggesting the rich are going to build hotels or offer any form of accommodation for these unfortunate people.It was a simple metaphor for the indifference of the creedy to the plight of those in desperate need. Expecting the countries in the region to assist is not expecting a miracle.

I say again they don't have to offer asylum to the Rohingyas just immediate emergency life saving aid, As any decent compassionate person, or country would do without hesitation. I am aware that some assistance has been given, however there needs to be an active search and rescue mission to locate and help those cast adrift by the traffickers of Thailand, Bangladesh and Malaysia.

My comments are not tongue in cheek or pointless and I would hope you could add some depth to your thinking on this issue and see beyond their race and religion, they are people and they need help. Help that can and should be forthcoming from the authorities of the countries in the region.

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tow them back to where they came from,..its the latest craze like trying to get to europe,,i do feel for them but why does everyone else have to bail these people out,let 1 in you have to let them all in,,

"I do feel for them , but..."

There is no "but"...and you don't feel for them, so don't pretend!

you know nothing of what i feel,your just after some liberal likes,so dont pretend you know mork...

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tow them back to where they came from,..its the latest craze like trying to get to europe,,i do feel for them but why does everyone else have to bail these people out,let 1 in you have to let them all in,,

'Let one in and you have to let then all in'? What are you or more importantly who do you think they are? It's strange to me how photos of boat people are seen through the eyes of prejudice. It's interesting how TV is divided between liberals and fascists. Some see boatloads of people as jihadi sub humans waiting to cut everyone's throats at worst or at the very least thieves and low life trying to steal jobs and muscle in on others lives and possessions.


Others see boatloads of refugees fleeing from certain death at worst or at least persecution and marginalization.Then there are those wanting to have a better lives for their families and children escaping extreme poverty. Everyone on TV wants that too, it's called human rights.But Winstonc calls it the 'latest craze'.People wanting a better life have been around since the beginning of time.

The situation is desperate and serious.There's already been so many drownings whether in this area or in Europe.There has to be screening and integration, education of potential contributors to the economy and society and adjoining countries have to work out a solution between them.Difficult I know and there will be many failures, but what is the other choice? Only the racist xenophobic rants like "tow them out to sea and drown them" etc from so many bitter and jingoistic contributors on here.So much hate speech and fear mongering that is drowning (being the operative word) out contributors who have a little sense of justice and humanity.

They are PEOPLE in those boats, not lesser lives because they are poorer,of a different color,religion and different from us.There are always going to be people with ill intent. That is the mix. Same as exists on TV.

But EVERYONE on TV would do exactly the same as those people in the boats if in their shoes. So let's count ourselves lucky that we were dealt a better hand..........

where did someone write tow them out to sea and drown them...no-one..enough of your drama and lies .are you a labour supporter or something...the beginning of time what was the worlds population ..???..they thought the world was flat 500 years ago..if your so concerned nip down to phuket hire a jetski.and take out some life saving goodies for them..go on be the good samaritan..why dont ya..

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tow them back to where they came from,..its the latest craze like trying to get to europe,,i do feel for them but why does everyone else have to bail these people out,let 1 in you have to let them all in,,

"I do feel for them , but..."

There is no "but"...and you don't feel for them, so don't pretend!

you know nothing of what i feel,your just after some liberal likes,so dont pretend you know mork...

Yeah I am just one of the bleeding heart ones!

Well..at least, I have a heart!

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