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Incredible acts of kindness


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OP, welcome to the real Thailand and not the Thailand we know reading the TVF.

There are many more good people around than bad people.

It's who you choose to be with and associate with.

Enjoy your life there are many more good things and situations to come across you.

+1...good story.

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Wonderful story---its a bit like that really old one where the guy gets woken at 3 am with a banging on the door & he leans out of the window says <deleted>, an obvious inebriated man calls back....I need a push, go away says the house guy.

when he gets back to bed & his wife asks him who's that he said someone needed a push.......his wife berated him saying do you remember that old car we had, always breaking down & so many people came to help us, you should be ashamed turning him away.

So the guy gets up dresses go downstairs to give him a push--- opens the door, shouts where are you mate.........the drunk shouts back over here on the swing.

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I have traveled to over 50 countries and lived for at least 6 months in 7. I have found good AND evil people in every place I lived and visited. And it is VERY nice to hear such a beautiful story here in Thailand!

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I had a tire explode on the highway a while ago. Could get to a trucking companies parking. This guy came up to us and helped us with tools and pointing out how to change the wheel and everything. Very nice guy, I will go there to give him a nice basket of fruit or something.

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Too many times we hear of only the negative stories. I am sure there are countless good positive things happening out there that never gets mentioned.

It would be great if the ministry of tourism collect such stories and give an award of recognition for good Samaritans like this. This is a good way to justify the land of smiles image and counter all the negatives we hear constantly.

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I think your personal experiences of Thailand begin with your own state of mind, if your kind and thoughtful that's what you see, if your negative and angry that's what you see to..I have more Thai friends than westerners.

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