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what could Thailand improve for the Foreigners living/visiting Thailand ?


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i see your online,

i thought you was going to apologize profusely,?

I really don’t know where you come to the conclusion that i don’t live here,

Ive been a member on here for years with the same name, never left and come back as another,

There have been pictures on me and my family, wife and children here in Thailand in the farming section in the farm photos thread,

Yet there you are saying i don’t live here,



Really sorry Jake, you have a VISA.

My mistake ........ looking over balcony now ..............

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It's the attitude of the poster who stated "I ain't paying for his triple bypass" that has made passing national health care so difficult in America. Well, that and a lot of powerful vested interests. Unfortunately, attitudes like that lead to people, especially the young, not having any health insurance. So, when they are sick or in an accident they go to the emergency rooms--where they are treated for free. It leads to sick people not getting treatment because they can't afford it. I believe in a national health care non-profit system that everyone pays into and a triple bypass is covered whether it is 'pre-existing' or not. (try nailing down when some health issues began--just a great excuse for the health insurance companies to wiggle out of covering something!) Yes, some people live unhealthy lifestyles and a healthy person will help pay for his health care. But, the unhealthy lifestyle guy will also pay for the healthy person who falls off his motorcycle at a high rate of speed, runs up a million dollars in medical fees, and will need a health care worker for the rest of his life. I hope the "I'm not paying..." guy stays healthy and doesn't develop some super costly illness that his insurance company decides was "pre-existing".

I can't believe that someone can go to the ER in the States and have a heart transplant for free. I thought they just patched you up and kicked you out.

a national health care non-profit system that everyone pays into

That would be great if it worked like that, but now there are so many unemployed/ unemployable it becomes unfair on the taxpayers. I'd like to see a national health system run by the government that provides not for profit affordable insurance. IMO it is the fact that health care in the States is for profit that makes it unaffordable for many.

I worked for the NHS in the UK and can state that while it is great to have free health care, it's completely exploited by bad people from the consultants and managers that are corrupt to foreign origin citizens that bring in their aged relatives to rip off the system. So much so it's un affordable and will probably vanish at some stage.

IMO, it should only be for unforseeable events ie accidents, cancer etc. Everything else should be insured for if it's forseeable ie heart disease for smokers. Certainly, a public health service should not be doing transplants at taxpayer expense, or IVF/ routine pregnancies etc.

By trying to do everything for everyone ( which was not the intent when it was set up ) it is in danger of doing nothing for anyone in the future.

To make this Thai related. I'd like to see an affordable Thai ( government ) insurance scheme for all farangs. At present once you pass 65 it becomes unaffordable.

The fact that healthcare in the U.S. I'd for profit has nothing to do with how expensive it is. Most everything in the U.S. Is for profit, and most everything but healthcare is very affordable.

What drives the cost of healthcare up in the U.S., is the fact that almost no one pays for it directly. If someone has a $5 co-pay they don't even look at the$10,000 bill they get for the stomach ache they went in for.

If you need heart surgery and tell them you don't have any money they sign you up for Medicaid and the the public steps in and pays your bills.

People that think people in the U.S. are not able to get healthcare are either uniformed or lying or both.

Fair enough. I thought it was the cost of all the new technology that they are buying, and the fact that Drs order far too many unnecessary tests/ procedures that was the driver of costs in the US healthcare industry.

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It's the attitude of the poster who stated "I ain't paying for his triple bypass" that has made passing national health care so difficult in America. Well, that and a lot of powerful vested interests. Unfortunately, attitudes like that lead to people, especially the young, not having any health insurance. So, when they are sick or in an accident they go to the emergency rooms--where they are treated for free. It leads to sick people not getting treatment because they can't afford it. I believe in a national health care non-profit system that everyone pays into and a triple bypass is covered whether it is 'pre-existing' or not. (try nailing down when some health issues began--just a great excuse for the health insurance companies to wiggle out of covering something!) Yes, some people live unhealthy lifestyles and a healthy person will help pay for his health care. But, the unhealthy lifestyle guy will also pay for the healthy person who falls off his motorcycle at a high rate of speed, runs up a million dollars in medical fees, and will need a health care worker for the rest of his life. I hope the "I'm not paying..." guy stays healthy and doesn't develop some super costly illness that his insurance company decides was "pre-existing".

I can't believe that someone can go to the ER in the States and have a heart transplant for free. I thought they just patched you up and kicked you out.

a national health care non-profit system that everyone pays into

That would be great if it worked like that, but now there are so many unemployed/ unemployable it becomes unfair on the taxpayers. I'd like to see a national health system run by the government that provides not for profit affordable insurance. IMO it is the fact that health care in the States is for profit that makes it unaffordable for many.

I worked for the NHS in the UK and can state that while it is great to have free health care, it's completely exploited by bad people from the consultants and managers that are corrupt to foreign origin citizens that bring in their aged relatives to rip off the system. So much so it's un affordable and will probably vanish at some stage.

IMO, it should only be for unforseeable events ie accidents, cancer etc. Everything else should be insured for if it's forseeable ie heart disease for smokers. Certainly, a public health service should not be doing transplants at taxpayer expense, or IVF/ routine pregnancies etc.

By trying to do everything for everyone ( which was not the intent when it was set up ) it is in danger of doing nothing for anyone in the future.

To make this Thai related. I'd like to see an affordable Thai ( government ) insurance scheme for all farangs. At present once you pass 65 it becomes unaffordable.

The fact that healthcare in the U.S. I'd for profit has nothing to do with how expensive it is. Most everything in the U.S. Is for profit, and most everything but healthcare is very affordable.

What drives the cost of healthcare up in the U.S., is the fact that almost no one pays for it directly. If someone has a $5 co-pay they don't even look at the$10,000 bill they get for the stomach ache they went in for.

If you need heart surgery and tell them you don't have any money they sign you up for Medicaid and the the public steps in and pays your bills.

People that think people in the U.S. are not able to get healthcare are either uniformed or lying or both.

Fair enough. I thought it was the cost of all the new technology that they are buying, and the fact that Drs order far too many unnecessary tests/ procedures that was the driver of costs in the US healthcare industry.

It's the frivolous malpractice suits. These lead to high malpractice insurance rates for the doctors, and these are passed on to the patients.

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I can't believe that someone can go to the ER in the States and have a heart transplant for free. I thought they just patched you up and kicked you out.

a national health care non-profit system that everyone pays into

That would be great if it worked like that, but now there are so many unemployed/ unemployable it becomes unfair on the taxpayers. I'd like to see a national health system run by the government that provides not for profit affordable insurance. IMO it is the fact that health care in the States is for profit that makes it unaffordable for many.

I worked for the NHS in the UK and can state that while it is great to have free health care, it's completely exploited by bad people from the consultants and managers that are corrupt to foreign origin citizens that bring in their aged relatives to rip off the system. So much so it's un affordable and will probably vanish at some stage.

IMO, it should only be for unforseeable events ie accidents, cancer etc. Everything else should be insured for if it's forseeable ie heart disease for smokers. Certainly, a public health service should not be doing transplants at taxpayer expense, or IVF/ routine pregnancies etc.

By trying to do everything for everyone ( which was not the intent when it was set up ) it is in danger of doing nothing for anyone in the future.

To make this Thai related. I'd like to see an affordable Thai ( government ) insurance scheme for all farangs. At present once you pass 65 it becomes unaffordable.

The fact that healthcare in the U.S. I'd for profit has nothing to do with how expensive it is. Most everything in the U.S. Is for profit, and most everything but healthcare is very affordable.

What drives the cost of healthcare up in the U.S., is the fact that almost no one pays for it directly. If someone has a $5 co-pay they don't even look at the$10,000 bill they get for the stomach ache they went in for.

If you need heart surgery and tell them you don't have any money they sign you up for Medicaid and the the public steps in and pays your bills.

People that think people in the U.S. are not able to get healthcare are either uniformed or lying or both.

Fair enough. I thought it was the cost of all the new technology that they are buying, and the fact that Drs order far too many unnecessary tests/ procedures that was the driver of costs in the US healthcare industry.

It's the frivolous malpractice suits. These lead to high malpractice insurance rates for the doctors, and these are passed on to the patients.

Hmmmmm. Surely the US is the only country where you can sue for being so brain dead stupid that you leave a cup of hot coffee in your lap in a moving car, burning yourself, and WIN. The mind boggles.

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How come when a Thai marries a European then this Thai person can obtain a European paspoort,social security,health care,can look for jobs without work permits,can buy land or houses,can open a business without unfair regulations and demands,That Thai person will get regarded as a full European citizen.

So when a European marries a Thai person then why this European person does not get treated simular as we treat that Thai person in Europe?

Does not sound fair to me and makes me understand that farangs begin to feel duped about this country with their policies !

You are getting unhappy farangs here who are fed up with unfair laws.

Concerning owning property most Thai women settling in Europe with hubby dont have a pot to piss in to buy said property in Europe en most marry older men wich most banks would not fork out a mortgage too because of his age,And if they do earn money most off it is sent of to the motherland.

Secondly before being able to start a bussiness in the most European countrys said Thai woman would have to learn the lingo ,follow courses to get a permit to run a small bussiness and again getting a loan to start a small bussiness will be next to impossible when not having certain monetary or other assets.

Most of the bussinesses run by Thai in my country is on farang hubbys name and paid for by him and if the bussines folds he gets the bill.

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How come when a Thai marries a European then this Thai person can obtain a European paspoort,social security,health care,can look for jobs without work permits,can buy land or houses,can open a business without unfair regulations and demands,That Thai person will get regarded as a full European citizen.

So when a European marries a Thai person then why this European person does not get treated simular as we treat that Thai person in Europe?

Does not sound fair to me and makes me understand that farangs begin to feel duped about this country with their policies !

You are getting unhappy farangs here who are fed up with unfair laws.

Concerning owning property most Thai women settling in Europe with hubby dont have a pot to piss in to buy said property in Europe en most marry older men wich most banks would not fork out a mortgage too because of his age,And if they do earn money most off it is sent of to the motherland.

Secondly before being able to start a bussiness in the most European countrys said Thai woman would have to learn the lingo ,follow courses to get a permit to run a small bussiness and again getting a loan to start a small bussiness will be next to impossible when not having certain monetary or other assets.

Most of the bussinesses run by Thai in my country is on farang hubbys name and paid for by him and if the bussines folds he gets the bill.

Nice you admit also that governments in Europe and in Thailand do not treat its foreigner citizens the same..

maybe for to attract more foreign investments they can consider this :

Well lets see if Thailand will set up some program that attracts new foreign investors.

What we have now is is a bit poorly :

Land lease max 30 years.

Business for foreigners 49% and thais 51%.(often used to control house and land too)

Freehold hold condos.max 49% in a building

how about this :

For land plots bigger then one rai offer us a standard 99 years lease.

business for foreigner in Thailand make it 100% foreign freehold, company can not be used to control houses and land.

Land Plots till maximum one rai offer limited foreign ownership foreigner must min bring in the country 4 M BHT.Investment program based on malaysia model..

Make Condominiums in Hua hin,Pattaya,Phuket,Chiang mai ,Bangkok 100% foreigner free hold,now there many buildings only half sold.

These changes might bring back some foreign investments.

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Well lets see if Thailand will set up some program that attracts new foreign investors.

Great-- I'm just dying to hear what the Ministry of Interior folks have to say about your proposals. I realize today is a holiday but surely they will meet with you Tuesday on a matter of such great importance to the Kingdom.

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Well lets see if Thailand will set up some program that attracts new foreign investors.

Great-- I'm just dying to hear what the Ministry of Interior folks have to say about your proposals. I realize today is a holiday but surely they will meet with you Tuesday on a matter of such great importance to the Kingdom.

Maybe u not aware but There was a vote poll survey ...on this website and 700 folks voted and a stunning 92% is agreeing on easing of property laws regulations for foreigners.(to attract foreign investors will not work with current laws)

just a lousy 8% with u including did not agree on easing probably as long as the beer prices in your favorite Gogobar remains the same u bunch be fine...

If you got nothing to add to improve here then why keep come here with ur sarcastic replies? och i get it that is your function here on this website..Changes will come cause nothing gets sold that is why changes will come.

But for you it does not matter Singha rules 0,80 bht the bottle u be fine..

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Well lets see if Thailand will set up some program that attracts new foreign investors.

Great-- I'm just dying to hear what the Ministry of Interior folks have to say about your proposals. I realize today is a holiday but surely they will meet with you Tuesday on a matter of such great importance to the Kingdom.

Maybe u not aware but There was a vote poll survey ...on this website and 700 folks voted and a stunning 92% is agreeing on easing of property laws regulations for foreigners.(to attract foreign investors will not work with current laws)

just a lousy 8% with u including did not agree on easing probably as long as the beer prices in your favorite Gogobar remains the same u bunch be fine...

If you got nothing to add to improve here then why keep come here with ur sarcastic replies? och i get it that is your function here on this website..Changes will come cause nothing gets sold that is why changes will come.

But for you it does not matter Singha rules 0,80 bht the bottle u be fine..

92% of 700 is what percentage of all the farangs living in Thailand? Sorry, but that is an infetisimal number overall.

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The government's primary goal should be how to improve for the citizens of Thailand, not the foreigners living/visiting here.

Let's poll 700 of McDonald's customers and ask them if they think McDonald's should reduce their price by 50% and double the size of the burger patties and see what percentage agrees.

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Well lets see if Thailand will set up some program that attracts new foreign investors.

Great-- I'm just dying to hear what the Ministry of Interior folks have to say about your proposals. I realize today is a holiday but surely they will meet with you Tuesday on a matter of such great importance to the Kingdom.

Maybe u not aware but There was a vote poll survey ...on this website and 700 folks voted and a stunning 92% is agreeing on easing of property laws regulations for foreigners.(to attract foreign investors will not work with current laws)

just a lousy 8% with u including did not agree on easing probably as long as the beer prices in your favorite Gogobar remains the same u bunch be fine...

If you got nothing to add to improve here then why keep come here with ur sarcastic replies? och i get it that is your function here on this website..Changes will come cause nothing gets sold that is why changes will come.

But for you it does not matter Singha rules 0,80 bht the bottle u be fine..

I am truly stunned. So you think writing on a farang website that Thailand should do this and Thailand should do that is accomplishing something? ... and I do drink Singha -- soda water with lime.

Edited by JLCrab
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So when a European marries a Thai person then why this European person does not get treated simular as we treat that Thai person in Europe?

You forgot the word 'man'.

Foreign women get Thai citizenship very easily.

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The government's primary goal should be how to improve for the citizens of Thailand, not the foreigners living/visiting here.

Let's poll 700 of McDonald's customers and ask them if they think McDonald's should reduce their price by 50% and double the size of the burger patties and see what percentage agrees.

I know its the function of you bunch on this site to turns things round.

Your contributions to the thread what could thailand improve for its foreigners are :

Foreigners here need learn more thai language ,55 plus years foreigners can not make ladies pregnant younger then 40 years,stricter visa rules for foreigners..

Ok nice contribution now go back your beer garden bar and enjoy ur evening..

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How come when a Thai marries a European then this Thai person can obtain a European paspoort,social security,health care,can look for jobs without work permits,can buy land or houses,can open a business without unfair regulations and demands,That Thai person will get regarded as a full European citizen.

So when a European marries a Thai person then why this European person does not get treated simular as we treat that Thai person in Europe?

Does not sound fair to me and makes me understand that farangs begin to feel duped about this country with their policies !

You are getting unhappy farangs here who are fed up with unfair laws.

Concerning owning property most Thai women settling in Europe with hubby dont have a pot to piss in to buy said property in Europe en most marry older men wich most banks would not fork out a mortgage too because of his age,And if they do earn money most off it is sent of to the motherland.

Secondly before being able to start a bussiness in the most European countrys said Thai woman would have to learn the lingo ,follow courses to get a permit to run a small bussiness and again getting a loan to start a small bussiness will be next to impossible when not having certain monetary or other assets.

Most of the bussinesses run by Thai in my country is on farang hubbys name and paid for by him and if the bussines folds he gets the bill.

Nice you admit also that governments in Europe and in Thailand do not treat its foreigner citizens the same..

maybe for to attract more foreign investments they can consider this :

Well lets see if Thailand will set up some program that attracts new foreign investors.

What we have now is is a bit poorly :

Land lease max 30 years.

Business for foreigners 49% and thais 51%.(often used to control house and land too)

Freehold hold condos.max 49% in a building

how about this :

For land plots bigger then one rai offer us a standard 99 years lease.

business for foreigner in Thailand make it 100% foreign freehold, company can not be used to control houses and land.

Land Plots till maximum one rai offer limited foreign ownership foreigner must min bring in the country 4 M BHT.Investment program based on malaysia model..

Make Condominiums in Hua hin,Pattaya,Phuket,Chiang mai ,Bangkok 100% foreigner free hold,now there many buildings only half sold.

These changes might bring back some foreign investments.

Nope Thai woman or any other foreign nationality sending hard earned cash back to their respective countrys get nice tax cuts for this in some European countrys.

Ever read or hear about foreigners having trouble sending their cash back from Thailand to their country.........

A lot of condo projects around de tourist areas are just being built by foreign criminals to lauder their ill gotten gains,dont you now Thailand is the walter Mitty capital of the world.

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The government's primary goal should be how to improve for the citizens of Thailand, not the foreigners living/visiting here.

Let's poll 700 of McDonald's customers and ask them if they think McDonald's should reduce their price by 50% and double the size of the burger patties and see what percentage agrees.

I know its the function of you bunch on this site to turns things round.

Your contributions to the thread what could thailand improve for its foreigners are :

Foreigners here need learn more thai language ,55 plus years foreigners can not make ladies pregnant younger then 40 years,stricter visa rules for foreigners..

Ok nice contribution now go back your beer garden bar and enjoy ur evening..

What is your primary language anyway?

The only reason I post here is for entertainment.

I made a couple suggestions that I thought were good, yet you failed to address them. I'm certain that if you polled the guys here about the suggestions I actually made rather than the nonsense you made up and are pretending suggested I'm sure at least one of them would be widely supported.

Guys like you crack me up, and I'm always in for a good laugh.

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