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what could Thailand improve for the Foreigners living/visiting Thailand ?


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educate thai,s to get it into their heads that all foreigners are not rich, would be a start.

Of course you are rich,

you can afford visa fees and afford plane ticket half way around world, afford to stay in nice hotel, afford to have long holiday without working, afford to eat farang food, afford to drink beer around the clock...afford to buy .... ect ect

at least this is what im told by current GF. so by their standards, YES you are rich.

Silly thread tho really.

Q.Does your country put a hold on urgent issues so they can consider how to make it a better place for Asians?

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the climate could be improved and four seasons introduced whistling.gif

I don't know for the climate change, but for the four seasons you have to be with Goatfarmer, as it is he has a hand in the classical concerts organizations in Pattaya.

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They want to bond with you because they figure you're going to die soon and leave the coin to them.

Tell me you understand that

Yes I do - and your point is? What does it matter where my coin goes once I'm dead?

You're quite right, of course but my point was that the kind of woman you're describing have a penchant for telling farang men what they think he wants to hear in order to get to his money.

"Thai man, no good" is a classic. If it was true, there'd be LITERALLY millions upon millions of Thai women queueing up to hook up with a Western pensioner.

If you're happy to be targeted for your money, good for you

The government should make it illegal for 55+ year old farangs to marry or breed with women more than15 years their junior.

This would go a long way to improving the perception of foreigners among Thais.

Those who think the Thais aren't utterly nauseated and grossed out by extreme age-gap relationships need to observe their facial expressions a little more closely

What's up! Do the girls prefare the older blokes to you, maybe you lost a g/f to an older guy,get over it.

Don't be ridiculous.

I don't knock around with women that have financial imperatives so it'll be a very cold day in hell when I "lose" one to a older man.

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The government should organize a basic health insurance program that foreigners can buy into that would cover preexisting conditions and require all resident foreigners to buy this basic program. Luxury private plans could be optional.

Why would they do that? Is there any western country offering this to foreigners including your country....

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The government should organize a basic health insurance program that foreigners can buy into that would cover preexisting conditions and require all resident foreigners to buy this basic program. Luxury private plans could be optional.


It would be chronically abused by those who cant afford or simply don't want to cough up coin for private insurance to cover them for existing conditions. Why should the Thai taxpayer cover unhealthy farangs?

The government should make it illegal for 55+ year old farangs to marry or breed with women more than15 years their junior.

This would go a long way to improving the perception of foreigners among Thais.

Those who think the Thais aren't utterly nauseated and grossed out by extreme age-gap relationships need to observe their facial expressions a little more closely

I'd agree it's stupid for a 55+ falang to be fathering children. Who wants to be parenting teenagers when you are 70+? However, bear in mind the pressure to have kids comes from the Thai women - they don't regard themselves as complete without at least one child.

Having said that, a lot of older falangs appreciate having a younger female taking care of them in their dotage - a lot better deal than they will get in their home country.

It's probably the Thai males that are disgusted. My experience is multiple Thai females either wanting to bond with me, or find a falang for them. And I'm 72. As I understand it from these women, Thai males treat them like shit, and falangs are regarded as a much better partner.

They want to bond with you because they figure you're going to die soon and leave the coin to them.

Tell me you understand that

Makes me understand these Thai women u keep talking about are usually in it for the money or land or whatever they think they will get out of it...Thanks for the warning i will stay clear of them!

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educate thai,s to get it into their heads that all foreigners are not rich, would be a start.

Of course you are rich,

you can afford visa fees and afford plane ticket half way around world, afford to stay in nice hotel, afford to have long holiday without working, afford to eat farang food, afford to drink beer around the clock...afford to buy .... ect ect

at least this is what im told by current GF. so by their standards, YES you are rich.

Silly thread tho really.

Q.Does your country put a hold on urgent issues so they can consider how to make it a better place for Asians?

No Europeans do not need to hold these issues cause once asians are allowed in the country example by a marriage then they get treated the same as everyone else in the country....

examples, : health care,property laws,social security,double pricing its all the same so no need to raise these issues there!

European government not racist like it is here!

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Hilarious thread. So much 'they need to do this' and 'they should do that'.

No. They don't need to do any of this shit. And I can't think of a single reason why they should - certainly not because a bunch of whiny, entitled farangs want things their way in someone else's country.

Hey Soibiker,?

Do u only ride your bike in your soi?

The hilarious tread its about improvements and from this tread u can see that many persons are coming up with valid suggestions..

You only can come up with attacking the Op for unknown reasons and i assume for you this country and all its dual laws and its way that it treats their foreigners does not need any improvement what so ever..

My reply to you is : UP TO YOU MATE !

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How come when a Thai marries a European then this Thai person can obtain a European paspoort,social security,health care,can look for jobs without work permits,can buy land or houses,can open a business without unfair regulations and demands,That Thai person will get regarded as a full European citizen.

So when a European marries a Thai person then why this European person does not get treated simular as we treat that Thai person in Europe?

Does not sound fair to me and makes me understand that farangs begin to feel duped about this country with their policies !

You are getting unhappy farangs here who are fed up with unfair laws.

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The government should organize a basic health insurance program that foreigners can buy into that would cover preexisting conditions and require all resident foreigners to buy this basic program. Luxury private plans could be optional.

No insurance company would issue a policy that covered existing conditions, unless at a premium which would exceed the cost of treatment. They are there to make money, not to provide a health service.

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to make life easier for the foreigners who live in Thailand get rid of the two tier system allow people to buy land and property with no attachments and no thai companies .regulate prices inrshops and hospitals and one price to cover all tourist amenities across the board .

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For me the only thing that should be improved is to facilitated the process for those foreigners with familly ties( wives, children etc) and that wish or need to work in in Thailand to get the PR and also to become a citizen, the rest seems ok, for me.

While you have every right to put that on a wish list, in the real world, no one that got married/ had a family here didn't know the restrictions from the Thai government.

Yes, so...?

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How come when a Thai marries a European then this Thai person can obtain a European paspoort,social security,health care,can look for jobs without work permits,can buy land or houses,can open a business without unfair regulations and demands,That Thai person will get regarded as a full European citizen.

So when a European marries a Thai person then why this European person does not get treated simular as we treat that Thai person in Europe?

Does not sound fair to me and makes me understand that farangs begin to feel duped about this country with their policies !

You are getting unhappy farangs here who are fed up with unfair laws.

Because Europe/US have had far long to DEVELOP economically and socially.

95% of their populations are fed, have shelter and access to medical care. These countries can afford to indulge the whims of bride-shoppers by granting their spouses the things you mentioned.

Thailand still has huge swathes of its population living below the poverty line.

Thailand has a duty to further the interests of its own people -first & foremost - before accommodating whinging expats like wowfactor10 who think their chump change entitles them to privileges.

Expats/Retirees - NOT TOURISTS - seriously over-estimate the importance of their relatively modest income to the Thai economy.

Edited by Cypress Hill
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Driver education.

Enforce the road laws.

Stop corruption.

These will be a benefit to Thai's and falangs.

One other thing that would be good for all mankind in Thailand ........Compulsory defensive driving course.coffee1.gif

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The government should organize a basic health insurance program that foreigners can buy into that would cover preexisting conditions and require all resident foreigners to buy this basic program. Luxury private plans could be optional.

No insurance company would issue a policy that covered existing conditions, unless at a premium which would exceed the cost of treatment. They are there to make money, not to provide a health service.

Of course not a private company.

I was CLEARLY talking about including foreigner on some kind of Thai GOVERNMENT plan and forcing all foreigners to participate in the pay in, so that the pool is large and not only high risk people who can't get private insurance to cover their problems.

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The government should organize a basic health insurance program that foreigners can buy into that would cover preexisting conditions and require all resident foreigners to buy this basic program. Luxury private plans could be optional.

No insurance company would issue a policy that covered existing conditions, unless at a premium which would exceed the cost of treatment. They are there to make money, not to provide a health service.

Of course not a private company.

I was CLEARLY talking about including foreigner on some kind of Thai GOVERNMENT plan and forcing all foreigners to participate in the pay in, so that the pool is large and not only high risk people who can't get private insurance to cover their problems.

So healthy farangs should subsidise medical care for farangs who have pre-exisitng conditions?

Out of the question

If an expat chooses to neglect his health, that's up to him.

I ain't covering his triple bypass

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The government should organize a basic health insurance program that foreigners can buy into that would cover preexisting conditions and require all resident foreigners to buy this basic program. Luxury private plans could be optional.

No insurance company would issue a policy that covered existing conditions, unless at a premium which would exceed the cost of treatment. They are there to make money, not to provide a health service.

Of course not a private company.

I was CLEARLY talking about including foreigner on some kind of Thai GOVERNMENT plan and forcing all foreigners to participate in the pay in, so that the pool is large and not only high risk people who can't get private insurance to cover their problems.

So healthy farangs should subsidise medical care for farangs who have pre-exisitng conditions?

Out of the question

If an expat chooses to neglect his health, that's up to him.

I ain't covering his triple bypass

You may understand that the fat slob expat may want you to subsidise his lifestyle thus to free up more money for the baht bus :D

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How come when a Thai marries a European then this Thai person can obtain a European paspoort,social security,health care,can look for jobs without work permits,can buy land or houses,can open a business without unfair regulations and demands,That Thai person will get regarded as a full European citizen.

So when a European marries a Thai person then why this European person does not get treated simular as we treat that Thai person in Europe?

Does not sound fair to me and makes me understand that farangs begin to feel duped about this country with their policies !

You are getting unhappy farangs here who are fed up with unfair laws.

Because Europe/US have had far long to DEVELOP economically and socially.

95% of their populations are fed, have shelter and access to medical care. These countries can afford to indulge the whims of bride-shoppers by granting their spouses the things you mentioned.

Thailand still has huge swathes of its population living below the poverty line.

Thailand has a duty to further the interests of its own people -first & foremost - before accommodating whinging expats like wowfactor10 who think their chump change entitles them to privileges.

Expats/Retirees - NOT TOURISTS - seriously over-estimate the importance of their relatively modest income to the Thai economy.

Mate :

Please spare me your excuses of Thailand its suddenly a third world country jada jada..last time all of you Thailand believers told me Thailand was a middle income country so what is it now? Giving us equal rights its not involved with money its simply not their intentions.

Foreigners need to remember that they get very poorly treated here by the Thai Governement.

A Thai marries a European can become a full citizen in Europe.

A European marries a Thai remains a Alien in Thailand !

Thats how u get served over here.

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Thanks for sharing your political POV about health care access.

I only made a suggestion.

Yes there are other countries that offer expats a buy in option into their national health systems.

There was actually something like this in Thailand rather recently that many western expats did sign up for but it turned out it was only intended for people from neighboring countries.

Not going to get bogged down in debating this here.

Edited by Jingthing
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Because Europe/US have had far long to DEVELOP economically and socially.

95% of their populations are fed, have shelter and access to medical care. These countries can afford to indulge the whims of bride-shoppers by granting their spouses the things you mentioned.

Thailand still has huge swathes of its population living below the poverty line.

Thailand has a duty to further the interests of its own people -first & foremost - before accommodating whinging expats like wowfactor10 who think their chump change entitles them to privileges.

Expats/Retirees - NOT TOURISTS - seriously over-estimate the importance of their relatively modest income to the Thai economy.

Mate :

Please spare me your excuses of Thailand its suddenly a third world country jada jada..last time all of you Thailand believers told me Thailand was a middle income country so what is it now? Giving us equal rights its not involved with money its simply not their intentions.

Foreigners need to remember that they get very poorly treated here by the Thai Governement.

A Thai marries a European can become a full citizen in Europe.

A European marries a Thai remains a Alien in Thailand !

Thats how u get served over here.

You're either being deliberately obtuse or you're a troll.

I see no point in continuing this discourse but, in your case, I derive a little pleasure hoping that, as you will never get what you want from Thailand, you'll do yourself and everyone else a favour and head home where you can get all the privileges and benefits you can't get here.

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Stop viewing us as the Goose that lays the golden eggs.

regards Worgeordie


Exactly, I find that at every opportunity the majority of Thais try to scam you but let's be honest when you pay on average 25000 baht for a flight, nice room in a hotel you are a millionaire to them. They also need to realise also that we are not walking ATMs.

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How come when a Thai marries a European then this Thai person can obtain a European paspoort,social security,health care,can look for jobs without work permits,can buy land or houses,can open a business without unfair regulations and demands,That Thai person will get regarded as a full European citizen.

So when a European marries a Thai person then why this European person does not get treated simular as we treat that Thai person in Europe?

Does not sound fair to me and makes me understand that farangs begin to feel duped about this country with their policies !

You are getting unhappy farangs here who are fed up with unfair laws.

Because Europe/US have had far long to DEVELOP economically and socially.

95% of their populations are fed, have shelter and access to medical care. These countries can afford to indulge the whims of bride-shoppers by granting their spouses the things you mentioned.

Thailand still has huge swathes of its population living below the poverty line.

Thailand has a duty to further the interests of its own people -first & foremost - before accommodating whinging expats like wowfactor10 who think their chump change entitles them to privileges.

Expats/Retirees - NOT TOURISTS - seriously over-estimate the importance of their relatively modest income to the Thai economy.

I don't believe you are correct,

100% of the Thai population are fed, have shelter (local temple will provide if asked) and free medical care (Thai government provides).

They are better off than many US citizens, and at least on a par with Europe.

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Thailand believers told me Thailand was a middle income country so what is it now? Giving us equal rights its not involved with money its simply not their intentions.

Foreigners need to remember that they get very poorly treated here by the Thai Governement.

A Thai marries a European can become a full citizen in Europe.

A European marries a Thai remains a Alien in Thailand !

Thats how u get served over here.

You are also incorrect,

It is only foreign men that are discriminated against.

Foreign women can get Thai citizenship very easily on marriage to a Thai man.

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Stop viewing us as the Goose that lays the golden eggs.

regards Worgeordie


Exactly, I find that at every opportunity the majority of Thais try to scam you but let's be honest when you pay on average 25000 baht for a flight, nice room in a hotel you are a millionaire to them. They also need to realise also that we are not walking ATMs.


Where do you spend most of your time? Sukhumvit soi 4?

Maybe they don't like your face

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