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Visa - So I Can Stop My Border Run And Be Legal .

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I just read the news on possible tighten of VISA Run to no mor ethen 3 entry .

So here i am pondering and agreeing that i should somehow get myself a better VISA to stay here..

OK here the few pondering question i have ..

First of all i am from Singapore .

list of question - if anyone can help kindly please help out cos i am in a pond of ink here about VISA>

What Country should to apply for my VISA ( to stay longer )

why i ask this cos some told me penang have a higher chance and yet some said vietnam and some said Laos .

i am thinking Penang .

- My father and mother Both have " O " VISA since i move them to thailand .

Is there some kinda of VISa that Give me and my brother Longer stay ?

-IF i just want to stay in Thailand and not work . what kinda VISA do i Needs .

Non-Imm VISA - i try reading some of the thread but it just made me more confuse .. and some thai website link is either under constuction or lead to a dead link .

What kinda Cost i am looking at . for the process -

20k bath ? 30k Baht ? 40k baht ?

alot of thanks

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Some questions in order to help you...

How old are you? 29 my brother 27

Are you married to a Thai national?- NO -

Do you own a condo that was bought from a developer?-- we rent a House


Do you have 3 million Baht in a bank account? No. lmited fund used in oversea payment for house

How did you get your folks here on a "O" visa?-- both on 800k bank account D/p standard O visa rule


If i start a Small bussiness what should i do .

i am in chiangmai

Thanks :o

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Sorry none of your answers were able to help you obtain a long term extension here.

If i start a Small bussiness what should i do .

i am in chiangmai

Thanks :o

With you being in that area, I would export Thai handicrafts.

You could own a exporting company 99.994% in your name and get a work permit. You then would be able to get a one year multi entry visa.

But be advise you will have around 1,500 Baht per month in personal tax, you must file this withholding tax and Vat ( Vat is good as exports are zero tariff and you could get money back from the government)

In order to set up a limited company in Thailand, the following procedures should be followed:

1/ Reservation of your Corporate Name

The name to be reserved must not be the same or similar to the name of any other companies. There are names that are not allowed and the name reservation guidelines of the Commercial Registration Department in the Ministry of Commerce need to be observed. The approved corporate name is valid for 30 days. No extension is allowed.

2/ File a Memorandum of Association

A Memorandum of Association must be filed with the Commercial Registration Department. This has to include the name of the company that has been successfully reserved, its business objectives, the capital to be registered, the province where the company will be located, and the names of the seven promoters. The capital information must include the number of shares and the value per share. At the time of formation, the authorized capital, although partly paid, must all be issued.

Although there are no minimum capital requirements, the amount of the capital should be of a respectable amount, and adequate for the business operation to function healthily.

The Memorandum registration fee is 50 baht for every 100,000 baht of registered capital. The minimum fee is 500 baht, and the maximum is 25,000 baht.

3/ Convene a Statutory Meeting

Once the share structure has been decided, a statutory meeting needs to be called, during which the bylaws and articles of incorporation are approved, the Board of Directors are nominated and an auditor selected. A minimum of 25% of the value of each subscribed share must be paid.

4/ Registration

Within three months of the date of the Statutory Meeting, the directors must submit their application to establish the company. The Company registration fees are 500 baht per 100,000 baht of registered capital. The minimum fee is Thai 5,000 baht, and the maximum is 250,000 baht.

5/ Tax Registration

Within 60 days of incorporation, or within 60 days of the start of operations, businesses liable for income tax must obtain a tax identity card and a number for the company from the Revenue Department. Business operators earning more than 1,200,000 baht per annum must register for VAT within 30 days of the date they reach that figure in sales.


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I try reading your reply - which in someway is helpful but i am still confuse ..

can you give me a more simple term ..

HOw much CASH in BAHT do i need to start up a Busiensss

Please give in term of how much i got to PAY per YEARS .

Eg.. 50k a years ? 100k a year , 200k a years ?

or how much cash i need to have so i can put this into porcess..

Please give me a Min amount i need

Thansk you

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- what i had in mind is get myself some kinda VISA - well mainly cos my family is now here .

since both my father and mother had their O visa done ..


Kindly give me some suggestion as to how i can apply a 1 years VISA .

if i am willing to fork out as much as 30k- 40kbaht a years . ( without income )

or ..

maybe a small investment of about 300k baht to start a business . well i am really confuse here .

i don't want to leave my parent alone here in thailand cos there don't speak a bit of thai .

well .. thing change , and we got to change with it .. but i need direction and advice badly .


cos of my age i can't do much .. and i am not born silver spooon to throw money to get a Visa .

ect ect ect ..

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Sunbelt - Can you give me a rough idea how much Cash i must ready myself - to start the company

and the kinda fee i need to have .

i am considering starting a small compnay so i can start some kinda bussiness .

Just start it mate! A Brothel would be good. If you're a Singaporean, why bother??? You can get your visa easily mate. If not just pay for it. In LOS, everything is possible!!!! Bribe????

Come on you clean Singaporeans......Just get your cash out and all will work!


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whhahaha - been stressful and worrying for alot of people .

i am planning on a bussiness but - a few thing is not in place , example , location and helper.

the cash parts is not that hard as long as it profitable .

and of cos the feel safe factor is very importance .

who would invest in a busisness - when he is not sure of how the country rule and law apply to his investment .

any blind investment is done by either people too rich or just people with enough cash to speard .

i am sad to say i am not one of those rich blind investor .

is all caculative risk .

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