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What If ? - What if ISIS became ative in the South ?

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We have all or possibly mostly all of us just read in the news that the IS now control Ramadi in Iraq as the so called Iraqi military once again turned on their heels and ran away.

Now what do you think would happen if the IS, apparently covertly establishing themselves in most Muslim and other countries increased and spread their activities from Malaysia into Thailand's Southern provinces. Do you think the Thai army has the skills, discipline and leadership qualities to send them packing ? or do you think the Thai military will just run away due to poor leadership and ill-discipline, just like the Iraqi army ?

Edited by whatawonderfulday
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Very possible, for the IS to spread they need more than ideology and money

I hit the send button by accident on tablet , getting back to what I was saying, like many groups they get strong then splinter off.

If they were to spread to Sth East Asia that would threaten many countries much like the commo's of the 50's and 60's you can bet big brother will organise a force to fight them after all it's keeping the munition company's working overtime now and we all know where there located.

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The Malaysian government has never been a sponsor of Muslim terrorism.

An escalation of violence in Thailand's south would likely see more cooperation between the two countries.

Confrontation is in no one's interest.

Malaysia doesn't want to see a radical Muslim state created on its northern border.

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Very possible, for the IS to spread they need more than ideology and money

I hit the send button by accident on tablet , getting back to what I was saying, like many groups they get strong then splinter off.

If they were to spread to Sth East Asia that would threaten many countries much like the commo's of the 50's and 60's you can bet big brother will organise a force to fight them after all it's keeping the munition company's working overtime now and we all know where there located.

I assume by big brother you mean the US. ISIS has already tried to hit the US, the attempted bombing in Texas. Yes, they were stopped, but they are recruiting via social media so who knows how many are in the US, or Thailand, or any country.

I highly doubt if the US would fight ISIS like it did communism. We (the US) are an aging population and the young people do not have a sense of duty.

A friend sent me this pic today. It is a picture of Iran before the Islamic revolution. Will we be showing similar pictures about the US, and Thailand, "before ISIS"

I'm glad I'm old.


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I think IS would take over the south in short order

Cannot see the Thais being prepared and cannot see them knowing what to do if it started

Thailand have been fighting a war in the South of Thailand for years, dont underestimate them,

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I think IS would take over the south in short order

Cannot see the Thais being prepared and cannot see them knowing what to do if it started

Thailand have been fighting a war in the South of Thailand for years, dont underestimate them,

I would agree. I feel much safer from Islamic terrorism here than I would in the US.

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IS would have to change for that to happen.

They are about creating a large state in the Levant, baiting the west especially the USA to go to war with them there, and also to a lesser degree possibly going after western targets. I just don't see the connection to Southern Thailand.

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ive allways wondered why the extremists from the south dont hit walking st or bangla rd . you would imagine it would be so easy for them to commit such an atrocity in any of these areas.

Edited by dirtycash
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From reading some of the members comments I see that the US fear mongering is working...what if the sky starts falling?

Most people want peace and that will only happen when the US stops invading and occupying Muslim lands. (For whatever reasons)

I am not pro Muslim nor anti American I do not glorify any war or violence! To date no act of congress (other than

providing the money) as declared a legal war in any Muslim country. Prove me wrong! How would people from the US

UK, Australia, Thailand any country feel if they were invaded by anyone? Friends and family killed? How much apathy

would you all still have?

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I think IS would take over the south in short order

Cannot see the Thais being prepared and cannot see them knowing what to do if it started

Thailand have been fighting a war in the South of Thailand for years, dont underestimate them,

Fighting a war and winning a war are two different kettles of fish.

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Outside of creating some senseless violence, which is already occurring on a daily basis in the deep South, I think the likelihood of ISIS getting any sort of real foothold or influence in Thailand is pretty slim. They are a real threat only in Iraq and Syria, where they can rely on the military expertise of former members of the Baathist army who joined them after the botched US occupation of Iraq. Outside of that, it seems a bit hyped up to me.

In every case outside the Middle East or North Africa where there has been an "ISIS-inspired" attack, it's just some disgruntled losers too stupid to figure out any more productive way to spend their pitiful lives, and they usually end up dead themselves, like those two in Texas who managed to shoot an unarmed security guard in the foot before being extinguished forever.

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From reading some of the members comments I see that the US fear mongering is working...what if the sky starts falling?

Most people want peace and that will only happen when the US stops invading and occupying Muslim lands. (For whatever reasons)

I am not pro Muslim nor anti American I do not glorify any war or violence! To date no act of congress (other than

providing the money) as declared a legal war in any Muslim country. Prove me wrong! How would people from the US

UK, Australia, Thailand any country feel if they were invaded by anyone? Friends and family killed? How much apathy

would you all still have?

. You have Putin and his schemes , North Korea,ISIS, and China making moves in the Ocean and Artic, are you that detached from Current Events, Fear Mongering, OK if that's what you wanna call it...Geez, TVF never ceases to Amaze.
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ISIS is active where those who finance and supply it feel the need to destabilze governments or start another type of confilct.

It doesn't look like Thailand is in that league at the moment so don't worry.

For general fear mongering and seeding of islamophobia, yes, Thailand with it's global flow of tourists could be an easy target with it's utter lack of security awareness and easy accees to anything you need to make something that goes BOOM!

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They're already here on Koh Samui and besides the bomb at Central Festival, they are assaulting vulnerable Westerners at night. Now there is a visible increase in security at all transport hubs and popular nightspots.

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They're already here on Koh Samui and besides the bomb at Central Festival, they are assaulting vulnerable Westerners at night. Now there is a visible increase in security at all transport hubs and popular nightspots.

. Time for bed, Crusty...
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From reading some of the members comments I see that the US fear mongering is working...what if the sky starts falling?

Most people want peace and that will only happen when the US stops invading and occupying Muslim lands. (For whatever reasons)

I am not pro Muslim nor anti American I do not glorify any war or violence! To date no act of congress (other than

providing the money) as declared a legal war in any Muslim country. Prove me wrong! How would people from the US

UK, Australia, Thailand any country feel if they were invaded by anyone? Friends and family killed? How much apathy

would you all still have?

am not so sure this is about payback time for what the west has done in the past but more of a sunni v shia thing,and also that they are hell bent on sharia law!

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ISIS is active where those who finance and supply it feel the need to destabilze governments or start another type of confilct.

It doesn't look like Thailand is in that league at the moment so don't worry.

For general fear mongering and seeding of islamophobia, yes, Thailand with it's global flow of tourists could be an easy target with it's utter lack of security awareness and easy accees to anything you need to make something that goes BOOM!

yes destabilise,divide and conquer,i would have thought southern thailand would be perfect for ISIS,but its too early for that,they have bigger fish to fry in the levant.

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Well there aye some very interesting comments and sharing of opinions but apart from "LuckyLew" no one has answered the question, rather gone of at distinct tangents.

Now to focus ones mind the question I asked was " Do you think the Thai army has the skills, discipline and leadership qualities to send them packing ? or do you think the Thai military will just run away due to poor leadership and ill-discipline, just like the Iraqi army ?

So does any one else have anything to contribute in direct response to this question ?

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it would be good for the thai people to have ISIS visit here so that thai people can finally see whether their military and fairy tale government have any balls or NOT

...bring it

...awake oh sleeping buffalo

....ahhh...dream on

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One of the biggest soapie customers are those ISIS guys, so I don't think they'll mess with Thailand.

True dat.

Thailand is a playground for a lot of people of a certain character or belief system or criminal record. Ironically, this ensures that no large scale bullsh*t takes place. It is kind of the reason sharks don't bite lawyers. Professional courtesy.

As for the South specifically, there are no real Islamic fundamentalist organizations around, even Indonesia. Philippines and Malaysia have problems but they are different and have nothing in common with ISIS.

Lastly, the area is controlled by mafia who happen to wear uniforms, and they make money by prolonging the situation. Same could be said for the other side. Nobody wants ISIS in the mix. They are in the business of $$ and slave trade, drugs, and other goods are profitable.

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Well there aye some very interesting comments and sharing of opinions but apart from "LuckyLew" no one has answered the question, rather gone of at distinct tangents.

Now to focus ones mind the question I asked was " Do you think the Thai army has the skills, discipline and leadership qualities to send them packing ? or do you think the Thai military will just run away due to poor leadership and ill-discipline, just like the Iraqi army ?

So does any one else have anything to contribute in direct response to this question ?




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