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Locked Up (with Internet Access)

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Guest IT Manager

This just in...

IT, I'm in Jail, well sort of. I was driving between two cities enroute to a third yesterday when I rounded a long curve. I saw a lady standing sort of bent over at the left side shoulder of the road. About 20 meters away from her, she actually staggered onto the road way to my absolute shock!!!

I slammed on the brakes and she finally looked (for the first time?) and I ended up clipping her with my driver's side mirror.(even superman couldn't have braked in 20 meters!) I stopped, ran back, narrowly diverting 2 large transports bearing down on her (thought we were both done for a second there), then I dragged her off the road, ran to a neighbor's, told them to call the police and ran back.

Now, there's a crowd at the scene, about 30 at first. Within minutes the whole village was there. The head man told me the lady was drunk (she wreaked, I also noticed) and many others said I was good to help the 'drunk' lady and even the police when they showed up. Off to the hospital we all went and after an x-ray, she was fine, thank god (not even a bruise despite an academy award) BUT the doctor noted a compressed disc in her lower back...then the fun really begins.

I have to pay her hospital bill (about 50.00) but then he says she must go to the big hospital and receive at least 2 months therapy and wear a lumbar at all times...(I remember she was bent over at the side of the road-how long has she had this disc problem I wondered?) Then, I thought because I paid the initial bill, I might be on my way. NO.

Back to the village police station and reports etc (thankfully I have my Thai drivers license I thought) then the Captain goes out and I ask his junior if I can go pee. Sure, 200 baht he says-I paid.

When I come back, while sitting, he slaps me in the back of the head a few times and rattles his cuffs for effect. Jerk. Captain came back thankfully and when jr. left I told him (a calculated risk) and luckily the captain sent jr. home after a loud speech and a lot of animated gestures.

Then the captain got me out of their dismal hot jail and invited me to sleep upstairs in his small house. Better than the jail at least! I called my friend (who's car I have) and he called the insurance company of course and they're apparently sending a 'bail bondsman' from Phuket today (4 hrs away) . No idea why I need a bail bondsman, I'm just along for ride at this point.

For the record, I did try offering cash at a couple points along the way, but was denied. I overheard a six figure baht sum they're pondering. We'll see. I'm typing this at the captain's house on my laptop via modem.

He's been great under the circumstances. Made me eggs last night, bought breakfast at the local stand this morning too.

Well, if I end up here for a bit, at least I can check mail. Really concerned about finishing my current task. That's # 1 in my mind (at least it was).

Bottom line, IF I should be so cursed to have this happen again in this lifetime, I'm sure my instincts would take over again and I'd do the right thing. I sure hope so! I sms'd a friend as I figure he may have some advice at the least. He was great. Called me back and said if I don't get this sorted, call and he will get his guys on it. Outstanding.

Will for sure let you know. I'm actually optimistic with the bail guy coming. Maybe I can get sprung today. That would be ideal.

Your mate

John Cash

(names changed to protect the driver)

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I feel great sympathy.

When working in Libya my (then) wife was driving back thru' the village to our compound. No traffic, she was doing about 30 kph (she claimed).

Old man standing on the central median waiting for her to pass. Suddenly jumps in front just as she drew level. catches him with the wing of the car, but he staggers away. Like an eedjit she stops to help. He staggers over to the car, nose bleeding, proceeds to smear blood over the car.

Rest of village, including PC Ali Plod, turn up, start to get hostile. My wife offers to run the man in to our medical centre (small clinic, really) Man climbs in car, smears more blood over upholstery. Wife not amused. PC Plod accompanies her.

Ran tests at the clinic, find he has a fractured wrist and abrasions. PC says he has to go to local hospital.

All this time the guy is saying it is his fault. PC even writes this down.

At hospital they x-ray everything and find he also has a cracked bone in lower leg, just under the knee.

Statements taken - he still says it's his fault.

Hospital puts leg and wrist in plaster.

Week or two later, the old boy (he was 84) decides that the hospital treatment isn't making him any better, so he heads for the hills and his local witch-doctor. (Or herbalist, or alternative practitioner) gets soething to stuff on the wrist.

Comes back to his village and dies.

Brown stuff and rotating device in ceiling collide.

Family claim blood money. Wife accused of manslaughter, even tho' it is now five or six weeks after the event and he has received various treatments.

It cost us US $ 15,000 and a repaint of the local nick to quieten down the family and the law. But for a couple of months we were terrified.


Wow, This is definiitely not a good thing for someone who plans to move to Thailand like myself. Good grief, it sounds like they are the victim of a double standard there. Best of luck.


re-gatsby If you do decide to live here, don't buy anything you cannot afford to walk away from. Leave all your money in your own country. Get in to trouble here and you will know it! :o


I own a car rental business in Pattaya, and I can honestly say that in the last year not one of my customers has had major problems with the police or I would be aware of it. There is a lot of shit spread about driving out here. Yes it is different, and you have to have your wits about you but thats the same for a lot of European countries to, France, Spain, Italy for example. The problem here is the number of Thais without insurance especially motorbikes (and they way out number cars on the road). I know people who have had years of trouble free motoring here, and others who are always ready to tell you thier horror stories.

I own a car rental business in Pattaya, and I can honestly say that in the last year not one of my customers has had major problems with the police or I would be aware of it. There is a lot of shit spread about driving out here. Yes it is different, and you have to have your wits about you but thats the same for a lot of European countries to, France, Spain, Italy for example. The problem here is the number of Thais without insurance especially motorbikes (and they way out number cars on the road). I know people who have had years of trouble free motoring here, and others who are always ready to tell you thier horror stories.

It's OK as long as you remember the rules of the road - driving on the right is wrong, driving on the left is right.

With regard to Europe, the French drive on the right, the British on the left. The Germans drive along the centre line, especially when they holiday in Italy, whereas the Spanish and Italians drive in the shade.

I own a car rental business in Pattaya, and I can honestly say that in the last year not one of my customers has had major problems with the police or I would be aware of it.

I am driving in Thailand every year about for one month during my vacation. I am using a rent-a-car, full insurance cover, and my daughter is also sometimes driving, when with us. We have been quite everywhere between Nong Khai in the NorthEast and Sungai Kolok in the farest South during the last 10 years. To drive a car outside of the big city of Bangkok is really very convenient. Easy with luggage, easy to visit any place you like. Very good streets almost everywhere. Never any problem.....

Driving on highway during night time is dangerous however, due to crazy truck drivers, also you have to go very slow during heavy rain, as you never know, what the others, especially motor-cycles are doing in the next moment.

Our Thai friends, living near Chonburi, 2 ladies in their 50s, have their own car, driving slowly and carefully, and they never had any problem. Same to some foreign friends, who are in Pattaya area, using their motor-cycles, and same to one friend, living in Hadyai driving her own car.....

A car in Thailand is expensive to buy, but it is very convenient and useful to have one, and many Thai are now owning their cars - pickup trucks or motorcycles.

I had never any problem, nor I heard anything about from my Thai friends.....

I cannot comment about the above posted accident, but I myself, feeling innocent, would never pay any fee for a hospital, or for a policeman to use the rest-room. I would never offer any money to anybody nor sign anything, what I cannot read...

To do so, means to accept some responsibility...some fault, some guilt.....

In that situation I would send out as much emails as possible and make phone calls to as many people as possible to inform them about my situation. Of course with my full name and with any information about my whereabouts.

It is strange to me that such people always write that stories without signing their name and without details about the date, place, weather, time, 4 hours from Phuket, where can we find and visit you? What is your name?.......



It doesn't help the poor 'good samaritan' in the local nick, but I have always been advised to never stop at the site of an acident whether one is involved or not. Advice I have always taken. If involved a visit to the local police station the next day or even later that day, together with your insurance representative should sort out the problem.

I have heard that if one stops to help a Thai person involved in an accident or other mishap (as one would naturally do in the civilised world) thenone becomes rersponsible for all the costs of their treatment. Hey! its back to money again.

I cannot comment about the above posted accident, but I myself, feeling innocent, would never pay any fee for a hospital, or for a policeman to use the rest-room. I would never offer any money to anybody nor sign anything, what I cannot read...

To do so, means to accept some responsibility...some fault, some guilt.....

In that situation I would send out as much emails as possible and make phone calls to as many people as possible to inform them about my situation. Of course with my full name and with any information about my whereabouts.

In which case you might well have an unintended and extended vacation in the local nick. You don't think they will let you phone and e-mail all your mates, do you? Righteous indignation I fully understand, but this has nothing to do with justice, right or wrong - just MONEY.

In which case you might well have an unintended and extended vacation in the local nick.  You don't think they will let you phone and e-mail all your mates, do you?  Righteous indignation I fully understand, but this has nothing to do with justice, right or wrong - just MONEY.

Maybe you misunderstood my posting.

I was commenting about the man, who had the accident and who said, he is living now together with the policeman in the same house....and he is allowed to use the internet and the phone. - However all his explications are not really clear to me - too many open questions....


Yes, I agree with your opinion. I think, we both think similar about what to do in a case of traffic accident in Thailand.

This is my opinion:

As long as the car still is moving somehow, just disappear from the place of accident. - You have not seen anything, you do not remember anything...

And if the car is not moving anymore and you have to stop, then do not help anybody, or do not offer money for whatever they tell you, and do not sign any paper you cannot read - or you are responsible and guilty.

Yes, Thai laws are rather formidable...and anyway nobody really cares about....

It is still an adventure to travel through Thailand by own car....


As long as the car still is moving somehow, just disappear from the place of accident. - You have not seen anything, you do not remember anything...

A Thai friend of mine has a relative who owns a transportation company.

They have a rule for the drivers:

If you have an accident and some people are injured or worse, dead, you have to disappear (usually in Laos,...) and the company will provide for you.

In Thailand, if no driver, no trial,...

Of course, if you are a farang, not so easy to follow the rule,...

Guest IT Manager
And driving a motor vehicle is the surest, quickest for a farang to get in trouble in Thailand.


Guest IT Manager
And driving a motor vehicle is the surest, quickest for a farang to get in trouble in Thailand.

ain't that the truth :o

More of the same...crap.

Guest IT Manager
Any news from the guy in Jail?

It is 3 days already!

At last. Yes. He is off and running, but has been asked to pop into the same police station on his way home.

And driving a motor vehicle is the surest, quickest for a farang to get in trouble in Thailand.

You never went to any girlie bar in Thailand, did you? :o

Guest IT Manager
I own a car rental business in Pattaya, and I can honestly say that in the last year not one of my customers has had major problems with the police or I would be aware of it.

I am driving in Thailand every year about for one month during my vacation. I am using a rent-a-car, full insurance cover, and my daughter is also sometimes driving, when with us. We have been quite everywhere between Nong Khai in the NorthEast and Sungai Kolok in the farest South during the last 10 years. To drive a car outside of the big city of Bangkok is really very convenient. Easy with luggage, easy to visit any place you like. Very good streets almost everywhere. Never any problem.....

Driving on highway during night time is dangerous however, due to crazy truck drivers, also you have to go very slow during heavy rain, as you never know, what the others, especially motor-cycles are doing in the next moment.

Our Thai friends, living near Chonburi, 2 ladies in their 50s, have their own car, driving slowly and carefully, and they never had any problem. Same to some foreign friends, who are in Pattaya area, using their motor-cycles, and same to one friend, living in Hadyai driving her own car.....

A car in Thailand is expensive to buy, but it is very convenient and useful to have one, and many Thai are now owning their cars - pickup trucks or motorcycles.

I had never any problem, nor I heard anything about from my Thai friends.....

I cannot comment about the above posted accident, but I myself, feeling innocent, would never pay any fee for a hospital, or for a policeman to use the rest-room. I would never offer any money to anybody nor sign anything, what I cannot read...

To do so, means to accept some responsibility...some fault, some guilt.....

In that situation I would send out as much emails as possible and make phone calls to as many people as possible to inform them about my situation. Of course with my full name and with any information about my whereabouts.

It is strange to me that such people always write that stories without signing their name and without details about the date, place, weather, time, 4 hours from Phuket, where can we find and visit you? What is your name?.......


Dear Mr Perfect,

You are lucky, not brilliant.

The person who sent it to me has good reason not to sign his name.

Perhaps you could note all your brillainace on your personal web page where you write what you want at www.yohan.com


Guest IT Manager
It doesn't help the poor 'good samaritan' in the local nick, but I have always been advised to never stop at the site of an acident whether one is involved or not. Advice I have always taken. If involved a visit to the local police station the next day or even later that day, together with your insurance representative should sort out the problem.

I have heard that if one stops to help a Thai person involved in an accident or other mishap (as one would naturally do in the civilised world) thenone becomes rersponsible for all the costs of their treatment. Hey! its back to money again.

This one is as accurate as any you will find. Don't Stop. Ever.

Guest IT Manager

No bored with banal.

Dear Mr Perfect,

You are lucky, not brilliant.

The person who sent it to me has good reason not to sign his name.

Perhaps you could note all your brillainace on your personal web page where you write what you want at www.yohan.com


Hello, Mr. ######,

Yes, you are right, I am lucky, not brilliant....

Where did I ever say, I am brilliant?

By the way, my name is Johann, and my identity is no secret.... What about you?

Anyway, thank you for addressing me as Mr. Perfect - still much better, than other titles people are sometimes using, when writing to me....- and of course, all of them forget to sign with their real name....

If a person has good reason not to sign his name, when asking for help in a difficult situation, then this makes me just more curious....

You are IT Administrator...so you should know, that the site


is not my site and not related in any way with me.....

My own site is


and yes, I write in my own homepages what I like, there are some pages about radioamateur, some pages about computers, some pages about my family and some pages about Thailand ......

What else should I write in my own homepages? Should I write something, what I do not like?

What is wrong with posting my opinion on this forum and

what is wrong with my webpage?

Yes, I like driving a car, a motorcycle, a truck and even a big 50 seater bus.... my job, beside other work in a driving school for 15 years in Europe and over 20 years in Japan.

I also like to drive a car in Thailand, and my daughter and our Thai friends also like to drive a car in Thailand.

I have some experience about driving in various countries...this is for sure....

What is wrong with that? Why should I not post it on this forum?



Aren't you pushing it a bit,... :o

Bluecat, maybe you know better, may I ask you something?

###### here is thinking, my own homepage is




is not my website....sorry, it is not related to me at all.

Why not to tell him that?

And to proof it, by telling him the correct URL?

And anyway, what was wrong with my postings to that subject?

Is it pushing to ask that?


Guest IT Manager

Dear Loong Perfect

Nothing at all.

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