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A very sad story.

Another one of the many reasons why I will never buy or spend a $ here...but if you choose to, then take all the time for due diligence.


I think that is child abuse, making those kids help bear that burden. They are too young to have that heavy weight. This is an adult problem and bad enough for the adults.

They of course have to be aware that something is happening, but should be assured that they don't have to worry about it because the adults will handle it.

This is stealing those kids' childhood. Shame on someone.


This is part of the Colin Vard story from a few years ago that is now on Facebook . They have decided to use their kids now and to be honest I find it disgusting and irresponsible of these parents.


I think that is child abuse, making those kids help bear that burden. They are too young to have that heavy weight. This is an adult problem and bad enough for the adults.

They of course have to be aware that something is happening, but should be assured that they don't have to worry about it because the adults will handle it.

This is stealing those kids' childhood. Shame on someone.

I fully agree with you. It's disgraceful. Act like adults and don't have your kids fighting your battles. Spineless parents.


This is part of the Colin Vard story from a few years ago that is now on Facebook . They have decided to use their kids now and to be honest I find it disgusting and irresponsible of these parents.

Although a similar case of fraud and corruption, this is not the Colin Vard case.

People may remember his 2 children were thrown into a well by their Thai mother/carer and her boyfriend.

In both cases the kids were mentally, emotionally and even physically abused and thrown out of their family homes. I think they are old enough and also have the right to express their opinions about what happened to them.

Vard's daughter is now 16, and is continuing the fight herself to try and achieve justice.


I think that is child abuse, making those kids help bear that burden. They are too young to have that heavy weight. This is an adult problem and bad enough for the adults.

They of course have to be aware that something is happening, but should be assured that they don't have to worry about it because the adults will handle it.

This is stealing those kids' childhood. Shame on someone.

I completely disagree.

Having a childhood marred by a bank selling a house from under my parents taught me a very valuable lesson and has

probably been instrumental in making me a property investor.

I saw the video and thought straight away what a great job this guy has done and how proud he should be of raising two such articulate and aware boys. They will come out of this and have learnt some exceedingly harsh but valuable lessons.

I wish them and their father all the best for the future and suggest that the future is probably better out of Thailand.


Not sure why he went the lease route when he could have easily put the house in one of the sons names.

Easily? Not sure if it is so easy, if possible at all, to put a house/land on the name of an under age child. Does anybody have experience with this?


Not sure why he went the lease route when he could have easily put the house in one of the sons names.

Easily? Not sure if it is so easy, if possible at all, to put a house/land on the name of an under age child. Does anybody have experience with this?

This from Somsack Lawyer at this link: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/803493-transfer-a-house-to-my-children/?p=9120837&hl=%2Bhouse+%2Bin+%2Bchildrens+%2Bname

"Yes you can transfer into your child/childrens name but please understand that if the child/children are under the age of 20 years old they can not do anything in regards to selling. building or renting out as they would be under the child protection Act and services."


I think that is child abuse, making those kids help bear that burden. They are too young to have that heavy weight. This is an adult problem and bad enough for the adults.

They of course have to be aware that something is happening, but should be assured that they don't have to worry about it because the adults will handle it.

This is stealing those kids' childhood. Shame on someone.

umm shoosh. Up to them.


Not sure why he went the lease route when he could have easily put the house in one of the sons names.

umm maybe he did it before they were born?


What I don't understand is why the lease would not be valid anymore. The court already found the cancellation of the lease was faked so it should be still valid.

The house was in his ex's name so she can sell it whenever she wants, lease or not doesn't matter. But the lease remains during a sale.

Also I don't understand why he can't have a visa based on being the guardian of a Thai minor.

I watched the linked video where they explain a bit more what happened and to me it seems very weird and complex. He lost two houses and two businesses to the same "agent". They only explain how a forged signature was used to cancel the lease on the first house. But no explanation how two businesses and another house could have been stolen.

He drafted a "fake" (what was fake about it no idea, seemed like a proper contract) to buy "his" house back (he still can't own so how could he buy it?). For that he then had to pay the money lender and failed to do so, I guess that's how they maybe seized the other things from him? Not sure.

They say the court seized the passport. How can they do that? A passport is not the property of the person but of their home country.

All I can say is that I don't understand what happened really and I doubt anyone else without complete accounts of all events could either.

Was he cheated? Probably. Did he make some big mistakes too? To me it sounds like it.


Not sure why he went the lease route when he could have easily put the house in one of the sons names.

Easily? Not sure if it is so easy, if possible at all, to put a house/land on the name of an under age child. Does anybody have experience with this?

I do. But when i transfered the ownership of my property to my son name, he was 14 years old. I purchased the house and land through Thai Limited Co and now my son name is on the Land tittle (chanote?) And blue book (Tabien baan?) as the owner for the house. But i understood from my lawyer that he had to wait to have ID card because he could in the blue book as the owner. What i mean by "owner" in the blue book is that he is the one that need to approve (sign)whenever it's needed or to add someone in the list of this book. I was also told when I proceeded the transfer that he won't be able to sell until he is 20.


Not sure why he went the lease route when he could have easily put the house in one of the sons names.

Easily? Not sure if it is so easy, if possible at all, to put a house/land on the name of an under age child. Does anybody have experience with this?

I do. But when i transfered the ownership of my property to my son name, he was 14 years old. I purchased the house and land through Thai Limited Co and now my son name is on the Land tittle (chanote?) And blue book (Tabien baan?) as the owner for the house. But i understood from my lawyer that he had to wait to have ID card because he could in the blue book as the owner. What i mean by "owner" in the blue book is that he is the one that need to approve (sign)whenever it's needed or to add someone in the list of this book. I was also told when I proceeded the transfer that he won't be able to sell until he is 20.

Out of curiosity, can a Thai child be the director of a Thai company?


Not sure why he went the lease route when he could have easily put the house in one of the sons names.

Easily? Not sure if it is so easy, if possible at all, to put a house/land on the name of an under age child. Does anybody have experience with this?

I do. But when i transfered the ownership of my property to my son name, he was 14 years old. I purchased the house and land through Thai Limited Co and now my son name is on the Land tittle (chanote?) And blue book (Tabien baan?) as the owner for the house. But i understood from my lawyer that he had to wait to have ID card because he could in the blue book as the owner. What i mean by "owner" in the blue book is that he is the one that need to approve (sign)whenever it's needed or to add someone in the list of this book. I was also told when I proceeded the transfer that he won't be able to sell until he is 20.

Out of curiosity, can a Thai child be the director of a Thai company?

Not sure. I think he must be over 20. My son was not in the company that I used to purchase the property.


@ jphasia

A foreigner setting up a Thai Company, for the purpose of purchasing real estate property, is crime in Thailand, isn't it? biggrin.png

It certainly is. A clear breach of the foreign business act.


@ jphasia

A foreigner setting up a Thai Company, for the purpose of purchasing real estate property, is crime in Thailand, isn't it? biggrin.png

It certainly is. A clear breach of the foreign business act.

"A clear breach of the foreign business act." - do you mean to say foreigners can actually do business in Thailand? cheesy.gif


Quite simply:

Invest nothing in this country that you cannot walk away from without any hurt.


Or, even more simply put"

"Invest nothing in this country." biggrin.png

The best "investment" in Thailand is no "investment." :)


@ jphasia

A foreigner setting up a Thai Company, for the purpose of purchasing real estate property, is crime in Thailand, isn't it? biggrin.png

Is it? But a foreigner owning less than 49% of a Thai limited company is legal? And Thai limited company owning a property in Thailand is legal? At least it was possible 20 years ago and there was plenty of foreigners using this setup to purchase properties. Anyway, I mentioned this point but my original post was to reply about the previous post asking if someone has experience of having a Thai child name in ownership documents.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well done and glad to see a family sticking together like this. Fraud and corruption in Thailand is rampant. Living like a fiefdom in 2015 is unacceptable. Thailand needs to repair it's reputation by adhering to due diligence and the rule of law. mind you this goes on in just about any other country but still it doesn't make it right.


Or better don't have your kids involved like this. It's disgusting. Leave them in school and sort your own affairs out.


A foreigner setting up a Thai Company, for the purpose of purchasing real estate property, is crime in Thailand, isn't it? biggrin.png

Yes in theory if the sole purpose is only to buy to property

"Current regulations require that the company be an actively trading business with money flowing through the books, shareholders meetings must be held, minutes taken and yearly audits filed. Additionally the company must have a legitimate business purpose that is registered with the Business Registration Department."

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