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Postman decided he'd borrow our money!

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"Yes you'd think the farang pub wud be somewhere you could vent with some feel of comradarie but oh well."

You want comraderie, go join the French Foreign Legion, you mass-murdering pedarest.


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No it doesn't work like that here. He takes the money back to service, they give him a receipt and he brings it back. Would I have given him the money without getting a receipt? No. My wife has paid this way many times before with no problems as her bills never exceeded 400 baht. We just put air cons and an oven in hence the large hike and I guess it was too much temptation for him.We've since found out 5 others have complained he's done the same thing to them this month. Obviously in debt and he'll be paying us in three days when he collects the money due this month from other poor suckers.

Its not about the money. I wont die if the monies lost but how does someone in a government position here do this and get away with it?

You said it bud,,,he works for the government,,,he can do anything .bah.gif

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"Yes you'd think the farang pub wud be somewhere you could vent with some feel of comradarie but oh well."

You want comraderie, go join the French Foreign Legion, you mass-murdering pedarest.


Better response to that post might have been a smiley thing, guessing that WitawatWatawit was having some fun given a previous post :D

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"Yes you'd think the farang pub wud be somewhere you could vent with some feel of comradarie but oh well."

You want comraderie, go join the French Foreign Legion, you mass-murdering pedarest.


Better response to that post might have been a smiley thing, guessing that WitawatWatawit was having some fun given a previous post :D

Yes, my bad also for not using a smiley, but some things usually are obvious. I do, btw, sympathise with Mr Pedarest and his plight, having long endured the vagaries of Thailand Post and its quirky staff.

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What are you all doing either in Thailand or on this forum when you clearly cannot stand the lying, thieving Thai people? There must be a genetic study somewhere that shows that The Kingdom's gene pool was overtaken by a defective gene of dishonesty somewhere along the evolutionary line.

I have still not come across this supposed phenomenon, so forgive me if I state that I love The Kingdom and the people who are native to it. Yep, you read that right: I LOVE THAILAND AND THAI PEOPLE.

Also, I relied on Thai Post for over a year for very important deliveries and NOT ONE was misplaced or tampered with. Again, I repeat: I LOVE THE KINGDOM.

Edited by tookwan cottage
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There are a lot of people that will borrow your money here.....The only problem is that once they have "borrowed" it , it is no longer yours......its also strange that the farangs who borrow money here also quickly adapt to the local "borrowing" rules.....

Rule Of Thumb.....Get a reciept or a bill marked PAID.......Include Weddings as well.

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Who said she's too lazy? She's always paid the post man. Before she met me she lived 50ks from a 7 shop without a motorbike.

Well I live in Isaan and I doubt there is anywhere thats 50k from a 7/11--------- 50k !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheesy.gif

"Before she met me she lived 50ks from a 7 shop without a motorbike."

Did you live in Isaan "before"?

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What are you all doing either in Thailand or on this forum when you clearly cannot stand the lying, thieving Thai people? There must be a genetic study somewhere that shows that The Kingdom's gene pool was overtaken by a defective gene of dishonesty somewhere along the evolutionary line.

I have still not come across this supposed phenomenon, so forgive me if I state that I love The Kingdom and the people who are native to it. Yep, you read that right: I LOVE THAILAND AND THAI PEOPLE.

Also, I relied on Thai Post for over a year for very important deliveries and NOT ONE was misplaced or tampered with. Again, I repeat: I LOVE THE KINGDOM.

Wait a while...I still LIKE it here but certain things getting really annoying...but the majority is still enjoyable...

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You are obviously just an old grumpy fat expat that can not get it up anymore...no one else would castigate Thailand this way...just go back home...

Isn't a little bit rude???

It was written in jest...just dishing out the verbiage I have received when airing a grievance on TVF...OP will have to toughen-up to post a rant about Thais here...many apologist abound...smile.png

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Sort of the same thing happened to me recently and I to live in a village in the N.E.

We were waiting for a check from True Vision as we had moved and we were about to get our deposit back from their. We forgot about that and let it slip quite a few more months before this topic came up again. We contacted True Visions and inquired to the whereabouts of our money which was over 1,000 Baht.

They called us back to inform us that this check was sent to my wife months ago by registered mail. That it had been signed for already, but not cashed, then gave us the details. The said good-bye, and good luck and that is all the help I got from them.

Turns out that My Wife's Father signed for it, but it wasn't him or his signature. So off to the Post Office we did go. After some investigation and a couple of trips into town it turns out that our friendly post delivery man signed for this check himself, using my wife's fathers name, then took the check home. He brought it to us the next day. Perhaps because my wife's father is the Head Man of the village and is a Government Official.

Now had this happened in my Home Land, the police would have been involved right away. At the very least, this Postman would be looking for a new job. But not so in Thailand. He was told never do this again and still delivers our mail. Or at least delivers some of it? I hope!

On several occasions I have had trouble with mail delivery and also including Courier Service, if you can believe it. Most sent by Registered Mail which I was able to track down later. Many Post Card sent normal from out of the country, I never got. With the Courier it is a problem of them accepting anyone's signature to turn over the parcel or package. In a Hotel or Condo, they will drop it off at the Front Desk, which they will put away. But many times, or almost all the time, they won't tell you about that, hoping you will not come to claim it. I was only able to get my packages by tracking it down through the Courier to the Front Desk.

Again, since nobody seems to get punished for these acts it continues. So be very careful when sending mail, or receiving mail, especially if it is suspected on containing something valuable, and stay on top of this.

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This is the 21st century. I pay all my bills on-line and now with auto pay just get notified when bill was paid, how much and what for. All I do is track and verify....

I don't live in Thailand but does that matter? gigglem.gif


I do the same with all my bills in The Netherlands. Would I do this in Thailand? Absolutely never! Where do you go when they accidentally take f.e. 120,000 baht instead of 120 baht?

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The local post office in town is fine,but the small sub post office in the village is hopeless,i was once waiting for some important papers from Australia,after a month i went to enquire,the postmistress nearly jumped out of chair,she had put them up on a shelf and forgotten them,when i looked at the post marks,it had been sitting there for three weeks,also the one time i posted my 90 day there,guess what,it never got to immigration,now i am waiting in trepidation for a renewal credit card from australia[luckily no pin to be sent afterwards],just hope it gets here.The problem is that she is lazy the postmistress,i talked to my wife but she just shrugged,"what can do', and that is it,if i go and complain she will loose face,and then i may never get any mail again,the face thing is so messed up here.

Edited by marko kok prong
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Do what someone here advised me to do. Get a PO Box in Ur main town. 200 baht. I'm tired of the face thing too. More like 2 face. Same as the not want make problem thing. Someone blatantly rips you off or steals something from outside Ur home, lies to Ur face and if u do anything about it or say something Ur the troublemaker? Same as the if you dont come and drink with us and buy sll the grog youre kie neow thing....same as the up to you thing etc etc.

Edited by Kenny202
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I know Kenny it drives me nuts, i am always getting told if i complain "why you make big ploblem",the best one ever was in Chiang Mai,when the forgot or did not realise you have to take the plastic outer skin off the salami,before putting it on the pizza,i waited until we had all finished then told my wife i was going to tell them about it,she literally started shaking,and fled with the stepdaughter and stepson in tow,when i got outside she was most concerned i had not made "big ploblem'. They had the last laugh though as i went back the next day to get some air rifle pellets i had left on the table,first they denied all knowledge ,then i was told giggilingly,they were locked in the managers office and he would not be back for 2 days,i was leaving the next day,it left a sour taste in my mouth in more ways than one.

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There are a lot of people that will borrow your money here.....The only problem is that once they have "borrowed" it , it is no longer yours......its also strange that the farangs who borrow money here also quickly adapt to the local "borrowing" rules.....

Rule Of Thumb.....Get a reciept or a bill marked PAID.......Include Weddings as well.

I never loan money I expect to get back. That is International policy. I also never loan money I can't afford to do without.

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I know Kenny it drives me nuts, i am always getting told if i complain "why you make big ploblem",the best one ever was in Chiang Mai,when the forgot or did not realise you have to take the plastic outer skin off the salami,before putting it on the pizza,i waited until we had all finished then told my wife i was going to tell them about it,she literally started shaking,and fled with the stepdaughter and stepson in tow,when i got outside she was most concerned i had not made "big ploblem'. They had the last laugh though as i went back the next day to get some air rifle pellets i had left on the table,first they denied all knowledge ,then i was told giggilingly,they were locked in the managers office and he would not be back for 2 days,i was leaving the next day,it left a sour taste in my mouth in more ways than one.

I hear you. My wife thinks I am being "negative" when I just am telling it like it is. Calling a spade a spade or whatever the saying is.

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Complained to the local post office that he took your money... Not sure they would have understood this as being a problem as they all do it.

Sent from my c64

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