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Clinton received sensitive info on private email account

Lite Beer

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Just wait till we get to the debates debacle.

Debacle is right. How does a bale of hay debate, anyway? Can you just see that sour Hillary "debating" someone who actually has a personality? On national TV? Campaigning and debating is about attracting people.

Right now she's hiding in her closet and not campaigning because every time she gets near the press they hammer her about her scandals. I've been posting some of it and it's from the MSM. Eventually she'd have to come out if she actually wanted to run for POTUS.

She hasn't got to do a thing, other than go around actually meeting people, which is what Bill did.

She can sit and wait and see whoever wins the clown car competition.

She isn't actually campaigning against anyone yet; have you even heard a peep from Bernie?

All of this pitiful attempt at character assassination from the teabaggers is falling on deaf ears. The only ones who are swallowing it aren't the ones she needs to win over anyway.

The campaign proper will only start when it's Hillary vs Head Clown.

I am looking forward very much when she has to say in a debate that she wants to penalise the 1%, given she is a 1%er.

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The Americanthinker, another right wing online rag often used by people like Limbaugh. Yea, certainly something to really believe, NOT. I really do hope that the Dems are waking up to Hillary though. She has REAL baggage especially with the progressive movement. Frankly much of today's Democratic Party is just as owned as the Repubs. The right wing will continue to try to make something out of the emails or what every conspiracy theory they dream up, only the teabaggers will believe. I can't understand why the teabaggers don't jump on her for her bankster, Wall Street criminal connections. Oh, could it be that the astro turf teabaggers are owned by the Koch (John Birch Society traitor) bros. Neither BBC nor CNN are anywhere near what some delusional people like to describe as liberal. When was IS in Paris now? If you are referring to the Charlie Hebdo terrorists it was AQAP that claimed responsibility, not IS. France's government, like the US after 9/11, over reacted with draconian laws. Well, I actually figured that you just fell off the pumpkin truck. Cost of that bridge to you just went up, most Dems have rational brains and don't believe in things like oh say a bridge to nowhere or seeing Russia from the back yard.

The only delusion is you keep talking about news sources, and not Clinton's policies, or the fact that she lied and obstructed justice. But, then that's all you have.

Btw, the Dems have many similar donors. George Soros ring a bell?

Your insults only demean your arguments.

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Let me make this clear again, I do not like Hillary's policies or politics, she is a neocong/neoliberal. I'm not defending her. I'm calling it like it is. There are many, many real reasons to dislike Hillary, I've yet to see one that was not some hair brained delusional right wingnut idea on this forum. Yes she is a 1%, that I agree with whole heartedly. Bill and Hillary broke when the left the White House, oh yea, give me a break. Hillary has not lied or obstructed justice. Although, you might get that impression from faux (not the) news or other right wingnut sources. She has avoided controversy as much as possible, still sitting on the fence for TPP and fast track because she is really for it and her money comes from those that support it. She knows she will lose support among real Democrats, but not the Blue Dogs that have sold out to the plutocrats. Soros at least contributes to a good cause, not a coup of the US by the right wing fanatics. He certainly isn't like the Koch (John Birch Society traitor) bros. type. I don't him like much though. I've made it clear, I DO NOT like Hillary's policies. I dislike her for real reasons, not make believe ones that come out of delusional right wing minds. The right wing should talk about Hillary's and others including their policies, except they don't have any. Wait, they do, it is called reverse Robin Hood, take from the middle/working/poor and give to the rich. http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/why-its-becoming-literally-impossible-take-republicans-seriously?akid=13138.85778.ZAUgQk&rd=1&src=newsletter1036849&t=3 http://cl.exct.net/?qs=c3b96cb6e8557ebc622c00b816a0b7f574db3d68c261dfb2faeee8657de3d5624741f97348bcfdaa http://cl.exct.net/?qs=c3b96cb6e8557ebc622c00b816a0b7f574db3d68c261dfb2faeee8657de3d5624741f97348bcfdaa

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Clinton Foundation hit with racketeering lawsuit



By Sarah Westwood

Published May 27, 2015

Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation have been hit with a racketeering lawsuit in Florida court.

The lawsuit, filed by Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, includes a legal request to have the Florida judge seize the private server on which Hillary Clinton and her aides hosted their emails while she served as secretary of state.


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Not another right wingnut lawsuit by the right wingnut founder of the right wingnut organizations Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Klayman . Of course covered by the right wingnut organizations Washington Examiner and faux (not the) news. I wish there were something illegal in the transactions of the Clinton Foundation but there doesn't appear to be any. While the dealings have the appearance of impropriety and I certainly consider unethical, they have not broken the law. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/05/27/corrupt-fifa-has-clinton-foundation-ties-world-cup-host-qatar-gave-millions.html?via=newsletter&source=DDMorning http://bigstory.ap.org/article/23257badd0614ab29b10b83ee5db6534/bill-clinton-company-shows-complexity-family-finances http://cl.exct.net/?qs=c3b96cb6e8557ebc622c00b816a0b7f574db3d68c261dfb2faeee8657de3d5624741f97348bcfdaa

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Clinton Foundation hit with racketeering lawsuit



By Sarah Westwood

Published May 27, 2015

Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation have been hit with a racketeering lawsuit in Florida court.

The lawsuit, filed by Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, includes a legal request to have the Florida judge seize the private server on which Hillary Clinton and her aides hosted their emails while she served as secretary of state.



On top of that, I don't see this helping get a right wing republican elected, as both Fox and Freedom Watch want.

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Judicial Watch has been a very viable opponent to continued government secrecy, including Hillary's secret e-mail account.

While the State Department is continuing to drag their feet on releasing Hillary's e-mails, they have finally responded to other Judicial Watch legal actions on releasing their own e-mails. These show Hillary would have known the following morning after Benghazi that the attack was not in response to the youtube video.

There have been no e-mails addressed either to or from Hillary that have been released during the pertinent time frame during and immediately following the attack.

It is being covered up, pure and simple.


Judicial Watch: State Department Almost Immediately Labeled Benghazi Attack as “Terrorism Event”
MAY 26, 2015
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released new State Department documents showing the Benghazi attack was called a “terrorism event” almost immediately after the attack took place. Another document suggests that Hillary Clinton tasked an official to contact the FBI, evidently not knowing that the FBI was already on the Benghazi matter under longstanding State Department counterterrorism response protocols. The new documents were forced from the U.S. State Department under court order in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit.
Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request on June 12, 2014, and subsequently a lawsuit on October 16, 2014, seeking:
Any and all activity logs, reports, or other records produced by the Diplomatic Security Command Center between September 10, 2012 and September 13, 2012 regarding, concerning, or related to the attack at the U.S. Special Mission Compound and Classified Annex in Benghazi, Libya.
The article goes on to make this topic related claim:
"Though the State Department has yet to release to Judicial Watch any documents from Hillary Clinton’s secret email records (or the secret email records of other top State Department officials) as required by law and court order, earlier this month the agency released 49 records totaling over 70 pages."
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As I stated, Judicial Watch is nothing but a right wingnut organization led by a right wingnut. A birther, Klayman is also barred in several courts for life because of his antics in the courtroom. There is no cover up, never has been, been proven over and over and over again. Pure right wing fantasy that has wasted taxpayers money and peoples time.

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The desperation of the Right is palpable.

One link from the Herald about how she should be showing more enthusiasm for the "campaign" (not necessary until the head clown is picked); and one from that bastion of independent journalism, the "Washington Examiner" that is more desperation than observation.


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Judicial Watch has been a very viable opponent to continued government secrecy, including Hillary's secret e-mail account.

While the State Department is continuing to drag their feet on releasing Hillary's e-mails, they have finally responded to other Judicial Watch legal actions on releasing their own e-mails. These show Hillary would have known the following morning after Benghazi that the attack was not in response to the youtube video.

There have been no e-mails addressed either to or from Hillary that have been released during the pertinent time frame during and immediately following the attack.

It is being covered up, pure and simple.

I keep wondering why the release of a load of raw data is somehow supposed to tell you anything that contradicts your own party's last report.

It doesn't.

More to the point, why do you keep ignoring this:

Muslim Protests Spread Around the Globe
Sep 14, 2012 ALAN TAYLOR

Outrage in the Muslim community, stoked by a crude anti-Islam video mocking the prophet Muhammad, has spread across much of the globe today. Starting earlier this week in Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt, protesters stormed embassies, resulting in multiple deaths, four of them American. Since then, demonstrations have erupted in more than two dozen countries -- ranging from small peaceful gatherings to violent attacks on western targets. Host nations have been struggling to defend western consulates after thousands took to the streets following Friday prayers. Gathered here are scenes of this growing unrest over the past few days.


On the day of the attack, Islamists in Cairo had staged a demonstration outside the United States Embassy there to protest an American-made online video mocking Islam, and the protest culminated in a breach of the embassy’s walls — images that flashed through news coverage around the Arab world.


As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.


New York Times: "Libyans Who Witnessed the Assault And Know The Attackers" Say They Cited The Video. On October 16, in a story featuring Suliman Ali Zway's contributed reporting from Benghazi, Libya, theTimes reported that according to "Libyans who witnessed the assault and know the attackers," the perpetrators had cited their anger at the video as the reason for their actions:

Reuters Reporter On NPR: "Almost Everybody Here Believes That It Was A Reaction To The Movie." One the September 13 edition of NPR's Morning Edition, the network interviewed Hadeel Al-Shalchi of Reuters, who "ha[d] been talking with authorities and protestors." According to Al-Shalchi, Libyans who visited the ruins of the diplomatic facility linked the attack to the film. From Morning Edition:

Al Jazeera: Attackers Were Responding To News Of "American Movie Insulting The Prophet Mohammed. On September 12, Al Jazeera producer Suleiman El Dressi reported from Benghazi:

Associated Press: "Witness Accounts... Suggest The Militants May Have Used The Film Controversy As A Cover For the Attack." An October 27 Associated Press account bylined Tripoli, Libya, reported that witness accounts both "corroborate the conclusion largely reached by American officials that it was a planned militant assault" and "suggest the militants may have used the film controversy as a cover for the attack."


You can put a fork in Benghazi - it's done.


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You should have ignored those links as well.

I have a strong suspicion that the private e-mail account being hidden by Hillary holds information that, if released to the public, could have a disastrous impact on her candidacy.

Following is the FactCheck timeline of events as it relates to the administration's blaming game.


There were no protesters at the Benghazi consulate prior to the attack, even though Obama and others repeatedly said the attackers joined an angry mob that had formed in opposition to the anti-Muslim film that had triggered protests in Egypt and elsewhere. The State Department disclosed this fact Oct. 9 — nearly a month after the attack.
Libya President Mohamed Magariaf insisted on Sept. 16 — five days after the attack — that it was a planned terrorist attack, but administration officials continued for days later to say there was no evidence of a planned attack.
Magariaf also said the idea that the attack was a “spontaneous protest that just spun out of control is completely unfounded and preposterous.” This, too, was on Sept. 16. Yet, Obama and others continued to describe the incident in exactly those terms — including during the president’s Sept. 18 appearance on the “Late Show With David Letterman.”
Matt Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, was the first administration official to call it “a terrorist attack” during a Sept. 19 congressional hearing. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did the same on Sept. 20. Even so, Obama declined opportunities to call it a terrorist attack when asked at a town hall meeting on Sept. 20 and during a taping of “The View” on Sept. 24.
Edited by chuckd
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Sensitive info kept private........interesting.

I am sure the GOP would be happier if she had made the sensitive info public!

Keep fishing...

and see if you can not come up with a decent candidate this time guys! lol

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Judicial Watch has been a very viable opponent to continued government secrecy, including Hillary's secret e-mail account.

While the State Department is continuing to drag their feet on releasing Hillary's e-mails, they have finally responded to other Judicial Watch legal actions on releasing their own e-mails. These show Hillary would have known the following morning after Benghazi that the attack was not in response to the youtube video.

There have been no e-mails addressed either to or from Hillary that have been released during the pertinent time frame during and immediately following the attack.

It is being covered up, pure and simple.

I keep wondering why the release of a load of raw data is somehow supposed to tell you anything that contradicts your own party's last report.

It doesn't.

More to the point, why do you keep ignoring this:

Muslim Protests Spread Around the Globe
Sep 14, 2012 ALAN TAYLOR

Outrage in the Muslim community, stoked by a crude anti-Islam video mocking the prophet Muhammad, has spread across much of the globe today. Starting earlier this week in Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt, protesters stormed embassies, resulting in multiple deaths, four of them American. Since then, demonstrations have erupted in more than two dozen countries -- ranging from small peaceful gatherings to violent attacks on western targets. Host nations have been struggling to defend western consulates after thousands took to the streets following Friday prayers. Gathered here are scenes of this growing unrest over the past few days.


You can put a fork in Benghazi - it's done.


The attack by islamic extremists in Benghazi was unrelated to the video. Demonstrators don't bring RPGs and AKs.

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Contrary to right wing fantasies, the initial protest was provoked by the film, oh it was terrible, really so bad it was a comedy...lol, but the terrorist used the demo as an opportunity and where in the Hillary emails do you find any other conclusion. Repub committee has tried time and time again and everything right wing conspiracy theorists has brought up has been debunked, put a fork in it. Look for something real to stop Hillary.

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Judge sets trial for RICO claims against Clintons

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations case was filed by Larry Klayman, of Freedom Watch, who alleges over the last decade, the Clintons have participated in “acts” that constitute a “criminal enterprise” that was designed to enrich them.


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Klayman and his right wing organizations will lose this just like they always do. No standing, no evidence, ahem isn't this the same guy that tried to get Obama deported? A pain in the ass for the court system that has much better things to deal with than this wacko who is banned for life in at least 2 courts, one in Calif. the other in New York. World Net Daily, a real wacko website on the Southern Poverty Law Center's Extremist list. http://www.splcenter.org/get%20informed/intelligence%20files/groups/WorldNetDaily

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