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Clinton received sensitive info on private email account

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9 out of 10 posts are Off Topic... it is about Hillary and sensitive email ... not the Dem or Rep primaries ... But hey ... Hillary is going down the drain for the reasons contained in the OP //

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9 out of 10 posts are Off Topic... it is about Hillary and sensitive email ... not the Dem or Rep primaries ... But hey ... Hillary is going down the drain for the reasons contained in the OP //

But she is not going down the drain. She's on he way to the white house. Like it or not and I'm guessing not.


The only ones going down the drain are those in the clown car. The right wingers can hate her all they want, they do it for all the wrong reasons, same as Obama. Bengasi, birthers, jeez give me a break, find something real, it isn't hard. Hey Jingthing, is the "he" a Freudian slip...lol?


The only ones going down the drain are those in the clown car. The right wingers can hate her all they want, they do it for all the wrong reasons, same as Obama. Bengasi, birthers, jeez give me a break, find something real, it isn't hard. Hey Jingthing, is the "he" a Freudian slip...lol?

Who knows? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and other times it's big smoking ... you know what.


And the clown car rolls on...lol. The repubs in the running for pres. couldn't and shouldn't get elected to dog catcher in a one dog town. Perhaps Bengasi wouldn't have happened at all if the repubs hadn't cut the funding for the State Dept. Then they could have had the protection they should have had. Bengasi, beating a dead horse. There are many, many real reasons Hillary shouldn't be pres. She is a neocon/neoliberal and a tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters. She hasn't kept her mouth shut on TPP and the fast tract that will be needed to screw the American worker even more for no reason. I'm for Sanders all the way, and no he is not a front for the Koch (John Birch Society) brothers. In fact if he by some chance got in, he would more than likely try to put them out of the business of buying our (used to be our) government. I'm hoping Hillary self destructs before the primary. Any Demo can beat the bat-shit crazy clown car.

The reason they died wasn't lack of protection. It was because SOMEONE stopped the CIA boys going to rescue them. No one in the govt. is saying who that was.

Oh give over with this old tosh, even your own party have said it's rubbish man.


9 out of 10 posts are Off Topic... it is about Hillary and sensitive email ... not the Dem or Rep primaries ... But hey ... Hillary is going down the drain for the reasons contained in the OP //

The only reason this is even a story is because the teabaggers' paymasters want it so. If they are going to spend another gazillion dollars trying to buy the whitehouse, they want to give themselves every chance.


And the clown car rolls on...lol. The repubs in the running for pres. couldn't and shouldn't get elected to dog catcher in a one dog town. Perhaps Bengasi wouldn't have happened at all if the repubs hadn't cut the funding for the State Dept. Then they could have had the protection they should have had. Bengasi, beating a dead horse. There are many, many real reasons Hillary shouldn't be pres. She is a neocon/neoliberal and a tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters. She hasn't kept her mouth shut on TPP and the fast tract that will be needed to screw the American worker even more for no reason. I'm for Sanders all the way, and no he is not a front for the Koch (John Birch Society) brothers. In fact if he by some chance got in, he would more than likely try to put them out of the business of buying our (used to be our) government. I'm hoping Hillary self destructs before the primary. Any Demo can beat the bat-shit crazy clown car.

The reason they died wasn't lack of protection. It was because SOMEONE stopped the CIA boys going to rescue them. No one in the govt. is saying who that was.

Oh give over with this old tosh, even your own party have said it's rubbish man.

Have they? The mercs on the ground specifically stated they were ordered to stand down.

As for the emails, it was clearly illegal. There are laws for the handling of government data. And it's not like setting up your own server, domain is something you do by mistake, or cause its the easy option.

Anyway, as a conservative, I hope she does get the nomination, but I'd bet against it.


Hillary is going down. The liberal MSM is all over this. Yesterday the New York Times couldn't have been more bluntly negative about her.

Hillary can't mount a campaign because everywhere she goes the questions are about email servers, foreign contributions to the "charity", back door dealings by her and Bill, huge wealth accumulated by dubious means... She has far too much baggage to break loose and be a real candidate. Early she has been presumed to be the anointed one but she can't hold onto it.

The Dem leaders hate her personally and are scrambling. She has a large walk-in closet full of enemies in her own party. This isn't only about the numerous scandals. This is about not being able to hold onto her own party leaders. If Hillary were inevitable, the MSM including the OP would shut up but to the contrary we are watching them dump her.

Hillary is a proven loser having already lost out on the nomination for potus to an unknown named Obama. The only thing she's ever won is a senate seat where there is a narrow band of voters. This is a national election, and her main struggle is against herself and the actual Dem party.



Hillary is going down. The liberal MSM is all over this. Yesterday the New York Times couldn't have been more bluntly negative about her.

Hillary can't mount a campaign because everywhere she goes the questions are about email servers, foreign contributions to the "charity", back door dealings by her and Bill, huge wealth accumulated by dubious means... She has far too much baggage to break loose and be a real candidate. Early she has been presumed to be the anointed one but she can't hold onto it.

The Dem leaders hate her personally and are scrambling. She has a large walk-in closet full of enemies in her own party. This isn't only about the numerous scandals. This is about not being able to hold onto her own party leaders. If Hillary were inevitable, the MSM including the OP would shut up but to the contrary we are watching them dump her.

Hillary is a proven loser having already lost out on the nomination for potus to an unknown named Obama. The only thing she's ever won is a senate seat where there is a narrow band of voters. This is a national election, and her main struggle is against herself and the actual Dem party.


This is Fox News baloney. HRC is the overwhelming favorite. No one can touch her. She stands between the clown car and the Presidency. The Presidency that is crucial to the future of the United States. The next President will choose the majority of the Supreme Court. The United States of America is toast with a Republican President. It simply ain't gonna happen.


Hillary is going down. The liberal MSM is all over this. Yesterday the New York Times couldn't have been more bluntly negative about her.

Hillary can't mount a campaign because everywhere she goes the questions are about email servers, foreign contributions to the "charity", back door dealings by her and Bill, huge wealth accumulated by dubious means... She has far too much baggage to break loose and be a real candidate. Early she has been presumed to be the anointed one but she can't hold onto it.

The Dem leaders hate her personally and are scrambling. She has a large walk-in closet full of enemies in her own party. This isn't only about the numerous scandals. This is about not being able to hold onto her own party leaders. If Hillary were inevitable, the MSM including the OP would shut up but to the contrary we are watching them dump her.

Hillary is a proven loser having already lost out on the nomination for potus to an unknown named Obama. The only thing she's ever won is a senate seat where there is a narrow band of voters. This is a national election, and her main struggle is against herself and the actual Dem party.


This is Fox News baloney. HRC is the overwhelming favorite. No one can touch her. She stands between the clown car and the Presidency. The Presidency that is crucial to the future of the United States. The next President will choose the majority of the Supreme Court. The United States of America is toast with a Republican President. It simply ain't gonna happen.

The race hasn't started yet because there is no nominee yet for either party. And it's early.

Hillary also lead these polls by a comfortable margin in 2007 when an unknown named Obama came out of nowhere and knocked her off. She was stunned.

Hillary is a proven loser who has already lost this once. Her support isn't very deep as Obama proved. Right now there just isn't anyone to challenge her because there isn't another Dem on the horizon nor is there a chosen Repub. This is why polls can't be trusted any more than they could pre-Obama in 2007. The real competition hasn't been revealed yet.

Hillary has to try to claw her way past all of the scandals and all of her heavyweight Dems who hate her personally. It ain't gonna happen. Hillary is actually hiding from her "campaign" because questions from the media ignore her candidacy and her platform and go straight to scandals.


9 out of 10 posts are Off Topic... it is about Hillary and sensitive email ... not the Dem or Rep primaries ... But hey ... Hillary is going down the drain for the reasons contained in the OP //

But she is not going down the drain. She's on he way to the white house. Like it or not and I'm guessing not.

You're going to owe me a beer when you're proven wrong. smile.png


OK Hillary haters for all the wrong reasons, read this about the emails: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-32853708. Look right wingers, I'm on your side in stopping Hillary, but you have to find something real, as in well you know, true. That is in your playbook isn't it?

Hillary probably won't go down due to any one scandal but they are additive. For instance right now she is essentially hiding to avoid the press. When she is out it's for small gatherings and the press asks her questions about the scandals instead of her campaign plans or platform. She is dodging the press including the liberal press. She can't get herself out of the blocks due to these road hazards.

I remind that she had this lead in 2007 in the polls because there was no one else and then Obama appeared and knocked her out of the running. Many "supporters" who actually just want a Dem president were more than happy to have a better (more charismatic) contender and Hillary fell of the bandwagon.

Hillary's numbers look high because she is all the Dems have. Who else are they going to pull for?

Don't forget that the Repubs won the last national election quite easily. (The mid terms.) Don't count them out. Even if Hillary could get this nomination despite all of the noise about her, she would still be crippled in a general election. The Dems would do better without her. I have to ask myself why they are even thinking about running damaged goods.


The Dems need to Dump Hillary and demand that Jeb Bush run as a Democrat ... his platform is right on the money with the Democrat agenda.


9 out of 10 posts are Off Topic... it is about Hillary and sensitive email ... not the Dem or Rep primaries ... But hey ... Hillary is going down the drain for the reasons contained in the OP //

But she is not going down the drain. She's on he way to the white house. Like it or not and I'm guessing not.

I'll bet you said this about her when she had a big lead in these same polls in 2007. Obama came out of nowhere and sent her packing. Suddenly the Dems had a choice and she didn't even win the primaries.

If no decent candidate shows up to get her in the primaries she'll be blown out in the general election. She can't campaign because all the media wants to talk about is illegal foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, emails, backdoor dealings as Secretary of State, two cell phones... That's too much mud for her to shed.

You really should be hoping for a different candidate.




And Willie Nelson got more trouble over a few bucks of tax money than Bush and Cheney got for lying away trillions of tax dollars.

What's that got to do with private emails?


There is no one in the bat-shit crazy, theocratic, woman hating, racist clown car that can beat her if she wins the primary. The hope is like NeverSure posted that the total of all the scandals and non-scandals will add up to enough to stop her bid at the primary. Ahem, Hillary is certainly not like Tricky Dick Nixon, who was a traitor that went behind the Presidents back to delay the Paris Peace talks with a promise of a better settlement to the ones representing the corrupt government of the South if he got elected. It worked. Jeb Bush is just like his brother and just about as smart, even thinks it was the correct (certainly was the "right" as in neocon) thing to do in invading Iraq and setting the mid-east on fire. BTW, he also wants to privatize the VA. He certainly is no where near a Democratic platform. Ahem, who in their right, oh better make that correct, mind would believe anything that came our of Breitbart? The emails are another non-starter. A stupid move on her part, but unfortunately no smoking gun.


There is no one in the bat-shit crazy, theocratic, woman hating, racist clown car that can beat her if she wins the primary. The hope is like NeverSure posted that the total of all the scandals and non-scandals will add up to enough to stop her bid at the primary. Ahem, Hillary is certainly not like Tricky Dick Nixon, who was a traitor that went behind the Presidents back to delay the Paris Peace talks with a promise of a better settlement to the ones representing the corrupt government of the South if he got elected. It worked. Jeb Bush is just like his brother and just about as smart, even thinks it was the correct (certainly was the "right" as in neocon) thing to do in invading Iraq and setting the mid-east on fire. BTW, he also wants to privatize the VA. He certainly is no where near a Democratic platform. Ahem, who in their right, oh better make that correct, mind would believe anything that came our of Breitbart? The emails are another non-starter. A stupid move on her part, but unfortunately no smoking gun.

"A stupid move on her part, but unfortunately no smoking gun."
Hillary scandals (which will dog her with the press throughout the campaign) off the top of my head:

Chinagate scandal.

Travelgate scandal.
Whitewater scandal.
Vince Foster Jr. Mystery scandal.
Filegate scandal.
Cattle-Futures Miracle scandal.
Lootergate scandal.
Drug Dealer Donor Scandal - Convicted drug trafficker Jorge Cabrera scandal.
Ponzi Scheme and Political Favor Scandal - Norman Yung Yuen Hsu
Benghazi Blizzard of Lies scandal.
The mega Clinton Foundation including illegal foreign donors scandal.
Sale of uranium scandal.
Two cell phones scandal.
Email Scandal.
What did I miss, LOL?

What you missed was a real scandal. About the only one that may be a real scandal is the Clinton Foundation, the rest, non-starters. Like Bengasi, Bengasi, Bengasi, just fantasies in the right wing pea brain. Personally I wish that weren't true. Maybe if the right wing quit running around like a dog chasing it's tail and did some real work they could find something, anything real.



APR. 28, 2015, 8:53 AM

The Clinton foundation has now acknowledged mistakes in its accounting and has pledged greater transparency into its foreign donations, after the author of a forthcoming book on the foundation's finances — and their alleged connections to Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State — did a tour on the Sunday shows promoting his forthcoming revelations.

The first glimpse of these came at the end of last week, when the New York Times came out with an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, the State Department, and some very nefarious-sounding players (Russians! Uranium!), growing out of the book, "Clinton Cash" by Peter Schweizer.


What you missed was a real scandal. About the only one that may be a real scandal is the Clinton Foundation, the rest, non-starters. Like Bengasi, Bengasi, Bengasi, just fantasies in the right wing pea brain. Personally I wish that weren't true. Maybe if the right wing quit running around like a dog chasing it's tail and did some real work they could find something, anything real.

The thing to notice is that she can't get a campaign out of the blocks because she IS hiding from the press. If she holds a rally or gives an interview the reporters want to talk about scandals instead of her campaign or her platform.

That press is left wing as in the beating she took from the New York Times this week. You can blame it on right wing or whatever you want to call it, but the left wing press is hounding her. They want her out because she has too much baggage.

It's catch 22 for the Dems. No one has stepped up to run against Hillary because she appears to have such a lead, but she has such a lead because no one is running against her.

Just remember what Obama did to her the last time she ran (2007) and Obama showed up and knocked her off. She was way ahead that time too. She also didn't have all of these recent scandals to attack.

Wait until there is a real Republican and perhaps a real Libertarian nominee and watch what they do to her. She's in isolation right now but with a lot of heat.



APR. 28, 2015, 8:53 AM
The Clinton foundation has now acknowledged mistakes in its accounting and has pledged greater transparency into its foreign donations, after the author of a forthcoming book on the foundation's finances — and their alleged connections to Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State — did a tour on the Sunday shows promoting his forthcoming revelations.
The first glimpse of these came at the end of last week, when the New York Times came out with an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, the State Department, and some very nefarious-sounding players (Russians! Uranium!), growing out of the book, "Clinton Cash" by Peter Schweizer.

As I've said before, there are lots of reasons I don't want her elected. Sounds like "Clinton Cash" covers quite a few of them.

So why can't the Repubs let go of that measly email bone, (in fact- the whole Benghazi non-issue) and free up the time and effort of all those people to do constructive public service work. Or spend their effort shoring up evidence of the real abuses.

But they need to be careful how deep they dig, 'cause Clintons aren't the only ones with skeletons buried all over.


As I said, the emails are a no-starter as are the rest of the non-scandals. They will continue to be a pain in her ass though. There hasn't been a real Republican since Dwight Eisenhower, who btw was to the left of the present day Dems. As long as the teabagging base controls the Repubs, there will never be any thing but the clown car. Peter Schweizer, just a right wing proven liar. His "book" has been so shot full of holes it looks like a sieve. Sanders is the only hope and the only other declared Dem, but he will never raise enough money because he won't be beholding to big money crooks and they probably consider him their enemy. Sanders isn't a "Manchurian President" for the Wall Street Criminals, banksters and big corporations like Obama. You are right about slow off the blocks, but she has the money. Her refusal to take a stand on TPP is telling and many are paying attention to that including Sanders and Warren. There is no "liberal" press, never has been (another right wing fantasy-lie) and with only 6 corporations owning main (lame) stream media there never will be. There are a few remaining honest reporters that dare to tell the truth these days but often face harrasment and prison threats from the Obama regime.


Prison threats from the Obama regime???? What a bunch of nonsense. I know it's hard for the Republicans to believe, but the party is in a death spiral. The lemmings are all marching off the clift being led by Roger Ails. Hillary or any democrat will crush the Republican nominee. There is no credible opposition.

1. Support for same-sex marraige is at a record high

2. President Obama's favorability numbers are at the highest level in two years. 11 points higher than last fall.

3. It took only six months to set a new record as to how negatively Americans view Congress despite the fact they now control the House and Senate

Conservatives won't ever these get these facts because Fox News will never report on them. Conservatives blindly believe whatever it is they're told. Anything that's not coming from Fox is all part of the liberal media and is dismissed.

If you got your facts from any other source than Fox News (or the rest of the Conservative media) you would see what is true and what isn't.

Who cares? Republicans live in their own little world of make believe. If you changed the channel you would realize no one is worried about Hillary.

Or...maybe you wouldn't. It doesn't matter.


People who constantly throw out words like clown car and berate Republicans and Conservatives -- do not have a clue about the American voter uprising coming in November 2016. The leftists that steer the Democrat ship these days will run aground even after spending mountains of effort trying to stir up black votes for 2016 by fabricating phony racism .. Never mind the crazed rhetoric of the lib Left ... The American voter uprising will see new faces who will not be shouted down by the rabid politically correct liberals-leftists-progressives - what ever they are calling themselves these days.

It is not enough to wish to keep the heady days of Obama... heady for his worshipers. Obama was an anomaly coming out of nowhere with lies that the gullible half of the voters believe. The other half of are not gullible and are deeply motivated to rid the country of all he stands for... and that will be the Democrat standard bearer... Just watch ... 2010, 2014 and 2016. We will have a strong hard nosed Presidential candidate - not the old geezer fuzzy brain McCain nor namby pamby Romney... but rather someone with guts. The Conservative voter segments are highly motivated and will pour out to the polls to shut down the progressive train wreck...

Cruz and Walker - smart and hard nosed campaigners will excite the Republican voters to a degree not seen in several Presidential Elections. Hillary Clinton will bring Republican voters - of all flavors - out of the woodwork as Hillary in the eyes of Republicans is the absolute epitome of lies, treachery, and dishonesty that the Democrats could ever nominate.

Go ahead - laugh - use your silly name calling - make snide comments -- We'll see who has the last laugh.


Go ahead - laugh - use your silly name calling - make snide comments -- We'll see who has the last laugh.

Personally, I'd love for one or the other party to put up a candidate that gets us all excited.


Go ahead - laugh - use your silly name calling - make snide comments -- We'll see who has the last laugh.

Personally, I'd love for one or the other party to put up a candidate that gets us all excited.

Even though I "liked" your post, I question whether that's always the best thing.

Obama got Americans very excited and he's been rather a disappointment on many issues.

I think if Americans elect Hillary and I think they will, they'll be saying, the time we'll go with BORING.


Pinot if you think I get any information from faux (not the) news I have a bridge from LA to Bangkok to sell you. I seldom watched in the states and only then to get a laugh and see what the enemy was up to. Thanks Impluse for the reply, I really do have other things to do beside pay attention to this forum. The teabagging base of the Republican party will insure that one of the clown car members run, they will loose. I realize the American public has been dumbed down since Regan regime fiasco sent American down the road to ruin, but even the voters will have enough sense to not put another Bush or any other clown car member in the President's office. The problem will be the same as in the mid-terms, getting people out to vote, gerrymandering and voter suppression by the Repubs. Until big money (Koch=John Birch Society, brother traitors) can be stopped from buying elections the US will continue to have a non-functional Congress of bought and paid for whores. I don't really think, unfortunately, the emails will be a big problem. One thing for sure, the right wing made up it's collective pea brain long ago and would never vote for her, just as I will never vote for a Republican. Like I've said, Eisenhower, to the left of most of today's Dems and considered conservative at the time, was the last real conservative Repub in the president's office.

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