seajae Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 Isn't TVF a wonderful place to post, where old farangs constantly whine about everything that is Thai, but still chose to live here the vast majority of their lives ? It doesn't take a lifetime of living here to see that most of the time, many farangs are trying to compare apples to oranges. Students the world over have always complained and protested over serious issues, and niff naff and trivia, I really wonder how many who post here critical of Thai students remember their Uni days, what was it like back in the 60's and 70's when "flower power, free love and communism" were all the rage ? thing is those protesters actually were capable of rational thoughts and knew exactly what they were protesting about, improving the lives of others. The problem with most of this lot is they have no idea at all, they are too juvenile to actually understand what is happening and are being urged on by those trying to cause friction. If they actually came out with facts and not random waffling to promote their reasoning they might sound genuine but they are not capable of it. Protesting is a good thing when you have all the right reasoning behind it, this lot dont have a clue why they are even doing it, if they were actually trying to improve the lives of other thais it would be even better but they are simply trying to big note themselves. how do you know all that? mind reader? interviewed them? or just making it up??? you ever spoken to uni graduates here, an overseas high school junior has more knowledge than most of them, yes 15/20 years ago they had to pass using their own knowledge but these days its all a matter of face or family wealth. I have spoken to lots of them and most are lacking in knowledge, many cant even add up let alone string together a sentence or quote facts. Lana would be the perfect place for them all, make them all feel smart
trogers Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 It is human nature to embrace the big picture but ignore the details. Thus the saying, "I love my country but cannot stand my neighbours". Similarly, I would die for my rights, but forget my responsibilities.
LannaGuy Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 Isn't TVF a wonderful place to post, where old farangs constantly whine about everything that is Thai, but still chose to live here the vast majority of their lives ? It doesn't take a lifetime of living here to see that most of the time, many farangs are trying to compare apples to oranges. Students the world over have always complained and protested over serious issues, and niff naff and trivia, I really wonder how many who post here critical of Thai students remember their Uni days, what was it like back in the 60's and 70's when "flower power, free love and communism" were all the rage ? thing is those protesters actually were capable of rational thoughts and knew exactly what they were protesting about, improving the lives of others. The problem with most of this lot is they have no idea at all, they are too juvenile to actually understand what is happening and are being urged on by those trying to cause friction. If they actually came out with facts and not random waffling to promote their reasoning they might sound genuine but they are not capable of it. Protesting is a good thing when you have all the right reasoning behind it, this lot dont have a clue why they are even doing it, if they were actually trying to improve the lives of other thais it would be even better but they are simply trying to big note themselves. how do you know all that? mind reader? interviewed them? or just making it up??? you ever spoken to uni graduates here, an overseas high school junior has more knowledge than most of them, yes 15/20 years ago they had to pass using their own knowledge but these days its all a matter of face or family wealth. I have spoken to lots of them and most are lacking in knowledge, many cant even add up let alone string together a sentence or quote facts. Lana would be the perfect place for them all, make them all feel smart yea thought so, making it up these students might be medical students or scientists (and much brighter than you) but that would not suit your political right wing tastes now would it? by the way 'Lanna' has 2 'n's Mr Bright Guy
facthailand Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 Actually, news reports have it that NONE of the Bangkok students signed any restriction from further right to protest. Thank you, students, for your determination. Gandhi filled the prisons in India with civil disobedience.
tbthailand Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 It would be very informative to know the academic achievements of these students. How is that relevant? You don't need a PhD to have the RIGHT to freedom of expression. You don't need to be physically fit, employed, nor from the "right" family to have the RIGHT to freedom of expression. Want to know if they have undertaken their main responsibility seriously before engaging in extra curricular activities. freedom is an extracurricular activity?
tbthailand Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 The land encroachment issue is not a single colour, but greed on many's politicians and others in influential poisitions. Why focus on one area, as in Korat, and not hit all the "tourist" areas such as the beaches that have had encroachment issues too? Simple seajae mate, the areas being reclaimed now, which IS A GOOD THING, will not impact "Tourism", there will be no actions on Koh Samui, or Koh Tao, or any other significant tourist destination for fear of driving down tourism. Do you think that's not a form of graft/corruption in itself? Hit one place, but ignore the others as it's going to effect the $$$$$$$$$$$$$ coming in? Land encroachment is a serious crime, but stop being selective about it, favour nobody, but the realistic view is that certain people have a LOT to lose, and it's not just face!! I know it is a bit off topic, but IMO the land should be reclaimed from the rich families on Koh Samui and Koh Tao who are raping nature for their own enrichment. I mean that whether the families are 'encroaching' or not.
tbthailand Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 "bailed", not "freed" and never should have been arrested in the first place.
tbthailand Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 It is human nature to embrace the big picture but ignore the details. Thus the saying, "I love my country but cannot stand my neighbours". Similarly, I would die for my rights, but forget my responsibilities. regarding responsibilities : someone in Thailand has the responsibility to stand up and call out the junta for what they are and what they have done. These students are remembering their responsibilities to their fellow Thais.
trogers Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 It is human nature to embrace the big picture but ignore the details. Thus the saying, "I love my country but cannot stand my neighbours". Similarly, I would die for my rights, but forget my responsibilities. regarding responsibilities : someone in Thailand has the responsibility to stand up and call out the junta for what they are and what they have done.These students are remembering their responsibilities to their fellow Thais. Seems such a memory was lost when farmers were committing suicide over failure by YSL to pay them early last year...
seajae Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 thing is those protesters actually were capable of rational thoughts and knew exactly what they were protesting about, improving the lives of others. The problem with most of this lot is they have no idea at all, they are too juvenile to actually understand what is happening and are being urged on by those trying to cause friction. If they actually came out with facts and not random waffling to promote their reasoning they might sound genuine but they are not capable of it. Protesting is a good thing when you have all the right reasoning behind it, this lot dont have a clue why they are even doing it, if they were actually trying to improve the lives of other thais it would be even better but they are simply trying to big note themselves. how do you know all that? mind reader? interviewed them? or just making it up??? you ever spoken to uni graduates here, an overseas high school junior has more knowledge than most of them, yes 15/20 years ago they had to pass using their own knowledge but these days its all a matter of face or family wealth. I have spoken to lots of them and most are lacking in knowledge, many cant even add up let alone string together a sentence or quote facts. Lana would be the perfect place for them all, make them all feel smart yea thought so, making it up these students might be medical students or scientists (and much brighter than you) but that would not suit your political right wing tastes now would it? by the way 'Lanna' has 2 'n's Mr Bright Guy hahahaha, looks like your slip is showing, you obviously are not capable of independent thinking so you avoid what I said and make up your own answers instead, talk about pathetic. The only time they would be brighter is when they are holding a spotlight, like you they lack the most vital thing, a brain. Keyboard dropped one "n" but hey, if it makes you feel good about yourself go for it, you have to get something right eventually to make you feel a little bit relevant in this world, must make you feel at home with all the buffalo's up there.
tomacht8 Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 The suppress of critical voices brings nothing. Thailand must now come into the phase, that open political opinions flow in the creation of political parties.The old two Party polarizing behavior must be out.It is better to invite the students to a Parliamentary debate.Vibrant democracy must always have access into democratic processes.
musiclover Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 thing is those protesters actually were capable of rational thoughts and knew exactly what they were protesting about, improving the lives of others. The problem with most of this lot is they have no idea at all, they are too juvenile to actually understand what is happening and are being urged on by those trying to cause friction. If they actually came out with facts and not random waffling to promote their reasoning they might sound genuine but they are not capable of it. Protesting is a good thing when you have all the right reasoning behind it, this lot dont have a clue why they are even doing it, if they were actually trying to improve the lives of other thais it would be even better but they are simply trying to big note themselves. how do you know all that? mind reader? interviewed them? or just making it up??? you ever spoken to uni graduates here, an overseas high school junior has more knowledge than most of them, yes 15/20 years ago they had to pass using their own knowledge but these days its all a matter of face or family wealth. I have spoken to lots of them and most are lacking in knowledge, many cant even add up let alone string together a sentence or quote facts. Lana would be the perfect place for them all, make them all feel smart yea thought so, making it up these students might be medical students or scientists (and much brighter than you) but that would not suit your political right wing tastes now would it? by the way 'Lanna' has 2 'n's Mr Bright Guy hahahaha, looks like your slip is showing, you obviously are not capable of independent thinking so you avoid what I said and make up your own answers instead, talk about pathetic. The only time they would be brighter is when they are holding a spotlight, like you they lack the most vital thing, a brain. Keyboard dropped one "n" but hey, if it makes you feel good about yourself go for it, you have to get something right eventually to make you feel a little bit relevant in this world, must make you feel at home with all the buffalo's up there. I'm assuming English is not your first language because your command of it is pathetic! It makes a joke of your criticisms of the Thai students whom you have the the nerve to call 'buffaloes' without even knowing who they are !
BSJ Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 The use of the term "Civil Liberties" IS USUALLY BANDIED ABOUT by the lefties and malcontent troublemakers like it's the start, middle and end of a book on being a citizen. How about the term 'Civil Obligations'. Along with the privileges that go with liberties how about the obligation to allow a good man to fix what is broken in the country and bring happiness to the ordinary people without the references to unsavory dictators and despotes from past times. Fairness is all that's asked for. No ordinary Thai people going about their daily lives have been questioned or interned. No ordinary people have been stopped from traveling around the country. No ordinary people are worse off because the PM is in power. As my dad would say to whingers and whiners: How about giving it a rest now?"
tbthailand Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 The use of the term "Civil Liberties" IS USUALLY BANDIED ABOUT by the lefties and malcontent troublemakers like it's the start, middle and end of a book on being a citizen. How about the term 'Civil Obligations'. Along with the privileges that go with liberties how about the obligation to allow a good man to fix what is broken in the country and bring happiness to the ordinary people without the references to unsavory dictators and despotes from past times. Fairness is all that's asked for. No ordinary Thai people going about their daily lives have been questioned or interned. No ordinary people have been stopped from traveling around the country. No ordinary people are worse off because the PM is in power. As my dad would say to whingers and whiners: How about giving it a rest now?" no ordinary people? who are the 750+ detained for no other reason than the junta wanted to do so? are they not ordinary people? The 'obligation to allow a good man to fix what is broken in the country" ?? NO ONE is obliged to accept military rule, nor does anyone have the obligation to suffer human rights abuses. But there are folks who believe that 'this time' the general is a 'good man' in spite of his involvement (command) of the bloodiest internal military action since 1992 and repeated denials of the military's responsibility in the violence and deaths. Or that he is seeking "reconciliation" in spite of his clear campaigning on one side of the political spectrum... or in spite of his amazing personal wealth as a career military man (and that of his brother...) .... no - in the face of all that, some people believe the general is "fighting corruption"... The army has run this country for well over half of it's history since 1932 - and yet some people seem to think that the military is NOW suddenly here to 'fix' things for the better. That never happened before. ....
geriatrickid Posted May 25, 2015 Posted May 25, 2015 It would be very informative to know the academic achievements of these students. How is that relevant? You don't need a PhD to have the RIGHT to freedom of expression. You don't need to be physically fit, employed, nor from the "right" family to have the RIGHT to freedom of expression. Want to know if they have undertaken their main responsibility seriously before engaging in extra curricular activities The students did not have a violent protest, nor did they disrupt anyone else during their rather mild gathering did they? They were expressing a position in a peaceful manner weren't they? And yet you see this as a serious crime. Were you as vociferous in your condemnation of the PAD seizure of aerodromes, or the violence of Suthep and his thugs? A university student does not give up his/her fundamental human right to have an independent political position. Your position is rather scary as it uses some of the same arguments as the supporters of the Thammasat University massacre used. Think about your position very, very closely because it is wrong, both morally and legally.
trogers Posted May 25, 2015 Posted May 25, 2015 The use of the term "Civil Liberties" IS USUALLY BANDIED ABOUT by the lefties and malcontent troublemakers like it's the start, middle and end of a book on being a citizen. How about the term 'Civil Obligations'. Along with the privileges that go with liberties how about the obligation to allow a good man to fix what is broken in the country and bring happiness to the ordinary people without the references to unsavory dictators and despotes from past times. Fairness is all that's asked for. No ordinary Thai people going about their daily lives have been questioned or interned. No ordinary people have been stopped from traveling around the country. No ordinary people are worse off because the PM is in power. As my dad would say to whingers and whiners: How about giving it a rest now?" no ordinary people?who are the 750+ detained for no other reason than the junta wanted to do so? are they not ordinary people? The 'obligation to allow a good man to fix what is broken in the country" ?? NO ONE is obliged to accept military rule, nor does anyone have the obligation to suffer human rights abuses. But there are folks who believe that 'this time' the general is a 'good man' in spite of his involvement (command) of the bloodiest internal military action since 1992 and repeated denials of the military's responsibility in the violence and deaths. Or that he is seeking "reconciliation" in spite of his clear campaigning on one side of the political spectrum... or in spite of his amazing personal wealth as a career military man (and that of his brother...) .... no - in the face of all that, some people believe the general is "fighting corruption"... The army has run this country for well over half of it's history since 1932 - and yet some people seem to think that the military is NOW suddenly here to 'fix' things for the better. That never happened before. .... Welcome to the 21st century!
trogers Posted May 25, 2015 Posted May 25, 2015 It would be very informative to know the academic achievements of these students. How is that relevant? You don't need a PhD to have the RIGHT to freedom of expression. You don't need to be physically fit, employed, nor from the "right" family to have the RIGHT to freedom of expression. Want to know if they have undertaken their main responsibility seriously before engaging in extra curricular activities The students did not have a violent protest, nor did they disrupt anyone else during their rather mild gathering did they? They were expressing a position in a peaceful manner weren't they? And yet you see this as a serious crime. Were you as vociferous in your condemnation of the PAD seizure of aerodromes, or the violence of Suthep and his thugs? A university student does not give up his/her fundamental human right to have an independent political position. Your position is rather scary as it uses some of the same arguments as the supporters of the Thammasat University massacre used. Think about your position very, very closely because it is wrong, both morally and legally. In the eyes of their parents?Go back to 1917. Students were also part of a force that place Lenin in power. What happened thereafter?
trogers Posted May 25, 2015 Posted May 25, 2015 Yeah, the czar was a lot better... Uh huh. Yes, the Russians had more freedom during the times of the czars, before Lenin and Stalin came to rule.
chainarong Posted May 25, 2015 Posted May 25, 2015 Civil disobedience is a very powerful thing. The majority of us owe our present-day good fortune to the disobedience of our fore-fathers. Well done kids. Great comment, I like it
trogers Posted May 25, 2015 Posted May 25, 2015 Civil disobedience is a very powerful thing. The majority of us owe our present-day good fortune to the disobedience of our fore-fathers. Well done kids. Great comment, I like it I would say the same to those who supported Chairman Mao.
geriatrickid Posted May 25, 2015 Posted May 25, 2015 Civil disobedience is a very powerful thing. The majority of us owe our present-day good fortune to the disobedience of our fore-fathers. Well done kids. Great comment, I like it I would say the same to those who supported Chairman Mao. An underlying theme common to all of your responses is "communism". The big red threat. Well, there is no threat of communism in the region. In case you missed it, Vietnam morphed into a national factory state. China is a factory state too and its military is one of the largest business operators in the country. If anything, Thailand's current administration has more in common with the Chinese system than the former PTP government as the Thai military is a engaged in commercial enterprise. Examples are its prime real estate, operation of:for profit airports, private hospitals, resorts and golf courses. Interesting enough the militaries of Taiwan, Japan, Australia, Canada and many others don't undertake such commercial activity. Countries like China, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Myanmar, North Korea, do. The students when they expressed their dissent were expressing support for the concept of a separation of powers and influence in a government. Perhaps you see nothing wrong with an army running both a commercial enterprise and a country, but there are those in the business community who resent the unlevel operating environment that such a structure brings. It is unfortunate that you do not support fair trade business practices let alone civil political representation. It seems to me that your views are more likely to encourage a commie uprising than those of people seeking fair play because you are against ethical business practices and wish to deny the people a right to express their views.
tbthailand Posted May 25, 2015 Posted May 25, 2015 The students did not have a violent protest, nor did they disrupt anyone else during their rather mild gathering did they? They were expressing a position in a peaceful manner weren't they? And yet you see this as a serious crime. Were you as vociferous in your condemnation of the PAD seizure of aerodromes, or the violence of Suthep and his thugs?A university student does not give up his/her fundamental human right to have an independent political position. Your position is rather scary as it uses some of the same arguments as the supporters of the Thammasat University massacre used. Think about your position very, very closely because it is wrong, both morally and legally. In the eyes of their parents?Go back to 1917. Students were also part of a force that place Lenin in power. What happened thereafter? I believe that you have gone off the deep end in this rant against the students...
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