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Military junta has done a good job in a year performance, poll says

Lite Beer

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Military junta has done a good job in a year performance, poll says


BANGKOK: -- The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) has done a good job over the past one year in office with a public opinion survey showed the military junta received an average 8.15 scores out of 10 from ratings by respondents.

The survey was conducted on 1,969 people during May 15-22 by Rajabhat Suan Dusit University’s Suan Dusit Poll.

On the question of satisfaction over the NCPO’s 12 months after the 22 May 2014 coup, 50.97 per cent of those surveyed said they were “rather satisfied” and another 33.06 per cent said they were “very satisfied”.

A little over 11 per cent said they were “rather dissatisfied” and slightly less than 5 per cent said they were “totally dissatisfied”.

The outstanding performance of the NPCO is its decisiveness and speed (52.67%), suppression of corruption and influential people (30.17%), social reorganisation (17.16%).

Asked to rate the overall performance of the NCPO over the past 12 months for the given 10 scores, the respondents gave an average scores of 8.15.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/military-junta-has-done-a-good-job-in-a-year-performance-poll-says

-- Thai PBS 2015-05-23

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Economy is in the tank, people are being arrested for speaking their opinion, a constitution was created clearing the current administration from any future reprisals, and a clause that allows them to kick out any elected official and replace them. Of course the polls show constant approval.

The funny thing is that Thaksin never got such high approval ratings. 85+% are pro this government, when I am done laughing can you please stop making me sniff glue.

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Not everyone ready or deserve democracy. In a crruptep society total freedom always flavor the rich and powerful. As I have seen here for past 10 years. People give away their freedom for little money.

Edited by givenall
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What about the deep south? Things seem to get worse over there with deadly incidents almost everyday and of course more than half of them are unreported in the news.

You have a good point there. How ever there is another way to look at it. Not saying it is rite but worth a think.

Could the terrorists in the deep south see the end coming and are mounting a desperate last ditch attempt to win what ever it is they think they are going to gain?

Things have been real bad down there for a long time. Just not got the attention they are getting now. Are daughter and son in law were working in Nakhon Si Thammarat The province right next to Yala. This was two years ago when we weren't hearing much about it. They living right next door to it were a lot more aware of what was going on in Yala. Their employer tried to transfer them to Yala and they quit rather than go there and moved to Chiang Mai.

Food for thought.

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Agree, The Prime Minister and the goverment are doing a great job

erm are you being sarcastic?

They are a self imposed military government denying the Thai citizens their basic human rights = how ignorant can one be to say they are doing a good job?

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Polls are only what you make of them , if for instance you asked 10 thousand, has the junta done a good job and you got 100% agree they have , you have still got 70 million who possibly disagree , polls are the feel good measure for the insecure and arse lickers , as for what the people think , who knows, Thai's are shrewd enough not to show their hand and at present why should they. coffee1.gif

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Agree, The Prime Minister and the goverment are doing a great job

erm are you being sarcastic?

They are a self imposed military government denying the Thai citizens their basic human rights = how ignorant can one be to say they are doing a good job?

What basic human rights are being denied exactly?

The right to throw grenades?

Life goes on the same as it did before except

- people aren't getting shot in the street

- politicians are pitting people against each other

- stolen land is being taken back

- the corrupt are more nervous

I'm about to go out to breakfast, on the way, I wont be stopped at any military checkpoints, I won't be asked to show my papers, in fact I am free to do everything I please.

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Agree, The Prime Minister and the goverment are doing a great job

erm are you being sarcastic?

They are a self imposed military government denying the Thai citizens their basic human rights = how ignorant can one be to say they are doing a good job?

What basic human rights are being denied exactly?

The right to throw grenades?

Life goes on the same as it did before except

- people aren't getting shot in the street

- politicians are pitting people against each other

- stolen land is being taken back

- the corrupt are more nervous

I'm about to go out to breakfast, on the way, I wont be stopped at any military checkpoints, I won't be asked to show my papers, in fact I am free to do everything I please.

...unless, it would please you to express your disagreement with the "government" or you might find pleasure in actually electing the government that represents you.

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...or you might find pleasure in actually electing the government that represents you.

If you don't have big bucks for campaign contributions, you'll never get to elect a government that represents you. And that's not unique to Thailand.

They may occasionally vote for policies that you like, but that's only coincidental. It certainly doesn't mean they're representing your interest.

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Actually a lot of things are getting a hell of a lot better thanks to the junta. But it's easy to complain. Sometimes to fix something you need to break some eggs...

Edited by Evolare
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Agree, The Prime Minister and the goverment are doing a great job

I agree the government, the 18th coup, is doing the same great job all the other 17 coups accomplished, as well as all the previous governments.

they are terrific!

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Not everyone ready or deserve democracy. In a crruptep society total freedom always flavor the rich and powerful. As I have seen here for past 10 years. People give away their freedom for little money.

And who decides whether or not theThais deserve democracy, the man with the guns, old Mr Corruption (Suthep) himself, or a poster on Thai Visa called "givenall"?

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But but, a convicted fugitive criminal says the opposite, and according to his followers he is 100% correct - so which one is correct. If answering please list your political preference as well so as to eliminate any bias.

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Economy is in the tank, people are being arrested for speaking their opinion, a constitution was created clearing the current administration from any future reprisals, and a clause that allows them to kick out any elected official and replace them. Of course the polls show constant approval.

The funny thing is that Thaksin never got such high approval ratings. 85+% are pro this government, when I am done laughing can you please stop making me sniff glue.

the reason why Thaksin never got such a high approval rating might be the fact that there are still quite a few smart and intelligent people who realized that the only thing that he in fact did was exploit the country for his own ill gains, and throwing a few crumbs into the cheering crowd if supporters

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Thailand... was so deeply infested with corruption up to a level that everybody was thinking its normal...

The latest military coup... imho, the long needed cure, to bring back Thailand as it should be...

Politicians... I have seen many kinds... those who take 50% from Thailand for own benefits and did not gave to the People in return...

and some who did take 100% from Thailand for own benefit and gave 10% back to the people ( very popular )

Mr. Prayut, i pray that you can stay and that you, the cure, are able to do what many before promised but never did...

Please , disinfect Thailand, bring back the quality of the Thai culture.

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Agree, The Prime Minister and the goverment are doing a great job

erm are you being sarcastic?

They are a self imposed military government denying the Thai citizens their basic human rights = how ignorant can one be to say they are doing a good job?

What basic human rights are being denied exactly?

The right to throw grenades?

Life goes on the same as it did before except

- people aren't getting shot in the street

- politicians are pitting people against each other

- stolen land is being taken back

- the corrupt are more nervous

I'm about to go out to breakfast, on the way, I wont be stopped at any military checkpoints, I won't be asked to show my papers, in fact I am free to do everything I please.

...unless, it would please you to express your disagreement with the "government" or you might find pleasure in actually electing the government that represents you.

I've not been happy with ANY Thai government so far.

In particular, the way the 2 main Thai parties have tried to tear Thailand apart.

There is a specific reason for the current bans. On political gatherings it's because these have been a cause of hatred and violence. Enough people have died. Political gatherings here turn deadly quickly. So which is better - to allow something that causes mayhem to continue or say "OK guys - you all need to chill out on this for a couple of years". The latter is what we see now.

And really - the issue has never been about expressing your disagreement with the government because that is plainly allowed. It goes on in the press each day and even on this forum each day. To say it's not allowed is absurd.

But a line is being drawn. Spew hatred and you'll have your TV channel cut.

Do you really see intelligent debate going on in this country? Or really any debate at all? Nope - it's all about pitting one side against the other. It's stopped now. It is NOT a basic human right either.

Some people seem to put the right to blockade central Bangkok on par with breathing.

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Given that expressing an opinion that the government disagrees with can land you in trouble, it must be a worry for the government that they are not getting Kim Jon Ill style ratings from these surveys.

What utter garbage. Say whatever makes you feel good, but if you still believe that nonsense after all this time, you are an idiot.

Considering even high-publicity, deliberate political protestors are released the next day without charge - do you seriously think someone answering questions for an independent poll thinks they might get arrested if they give the wrong answer ?.

Grow up.

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