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High household debt takes the fizz out of Thai beer market

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"Many products and services in Asia, such as foods, beverages, apparel and even accommodations, are much cheaper than in Europe."

Another expert talking rubbish. In fact, in Thailand only accommodation and restaurant food is cheaper than in Europe. Alcohol beverages cost more and clothing is about the same for cheap stuff, much more for designer labels.

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Yeah. Is it true they use Formulin?

I'm unable to say with certainty they put it in the beer as, as I said in a previous post, the cost of having it analyzed was too expensive. However, it's certainly used on foodstuffs. Who's going to stop them? No health and safety here. But here's a pretty comprehensive list of it's toxic effects. I've definitely had mild doses of at least three of them http://jem.rupress.org/content/6/4-6/487.abstract

Back in the 1980s a British doctor based in Thailand told me that he had analysed Singha beer and found formalin in it. At the time, it was widely said to be so, therefore he investigated it and proved it was.


The beer market here isn't great due to regulations. It would be wonderful to have micro brews like most other countries have. Or at least cheaper beer! smile.png

If Thailand ever becomes serious about reducing alcohol consumption they should do like they very successfully did in China, where they raise taxes on hard liquor and lowered them on beer.

Ah...wishful thinkingwink.png


Two things. I understand taxes were recently raised on Thai beer and other alcoholic drinks. Thailand economic government brains trust = increase taxes on beer = less beer sales = less taxes collected. Smart operators!

Secondly Singha boss says Singha has already streamed into many neighbouring markets, including Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar and Vietnam. I say BS. I have lived in Vietnam for 10 years and yet to see a bottle of Singha. I buy Hanoi Premium Lager (5.1%) in a 330 ml bottle which is an excellent lager beer. I pay for it delivered to the door US$18 for 2 crates,48 bottles = total 605THB or 12TBH per bottle. Empties are exchanged on the sale. If Singha think they can compete in Vietnam then they are in marketing La La Land. Viets generally wont touch foreign beer except maybe a little Heineken and then only if they are out to impress.


The beer market here isn't great due to regulations. It would be wonderful to have micro brews like most other countries have. Or at least cheaper beer! smile.png

Exactly, beer brewing is reserved for the privileged in Thai society. Another benefit for the elite. When outside of Thailand, I make a point of NOT drinking Thai beer. These people are pathetically lazy as well. China in dominated by Budweiser . In the land of Ching Dao, all you can get is Bud. Thai beer only seems common in Cambodia and Singapore where you have better choices. No Thai brand can stand up to Beer Lao. Beer Lao I hear is cheaper in Taiwan than in Thailand. The Thai beer Titans are weenies outside of protectionist Thailand

Budweiser popular in China? Yeah gad when I lived in Canada and went camping in the USA I always stopped at the border to load up on Labatts Blue. When sitting around the campfire the Yanks noticed I had Labatts Blue and offered 2 Buds for 1 Blue. I of course said NO!! I was to weiser to drink Bud

Wow, that's quite a swap, since Labatt's Blue is scraping the bottom of the Canadian barrel.


The beer market here isn't great due to regulations. It would be wonderful to have micro brews like most other countries have. Or at least cheaper beer! smile.png

There are a number of microbreweries in Pattaya, I went into one of those once, beer tasted like shit!

Never having tasted feces, could you elaborate as to what the beer tasted like in terms that may be more "palatable"?

Here is a great webstie that may be of use. http://brookstonbeerbulletin.com/beer-tasting-terms/


Owners are all multi-billionaires. Crying because they are now pocketing a few million baht less. Boo hoo, we ought to feel so sorry for the poor poor rich men who now are 1% less richer than before.


I can get better beer (Simpler Times) at Trader Joe's in America (16B per beer) than anything in Thailand, 555.

For a "luxury" product, it sure tastes like chemicals in Thailand. Where's the Chocolate Stout???

Bangkok has everything. Sophisticated.

Yeah, right.

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