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Gunfire at home of Sa Kaeo Yellowshirt activist

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Gunfire at Home of Sa Kaeo Yellowshirt Activist
By Khaosod English

Yellowshirt protesters rush into the state-owned Channel 11 in Bangkok after tearing down the gate, 26 August 2008.

SA KAEO — A dozen rounds were fired at the house of a former Yellowshirt activist in Sa Kaeo province yesterday morning.

Ammarin Yeeheng, 30, said the unidentified gunman shot as his residence, which also doubles as an eatery, at around 7 am on 24 May. Police told reporters at least twelve bullet holes were found at the house, but no injuries have been reported.

Ammarin is one of 85 Yellowshirt activists who are currently standing trial in Supreme Court for breaking into the headquarters of state-owned Channel 11 on 26 August 2008 in an attempt to shut down the station's broadcasts. The siege was part of the activists' campaign to oust the government at the time.

The group of 85 was charged with intrusion of state agencies, damaging state property, and illegal possession of firearms. The case is currently before the Supreme Court.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1432537843

-- Khaosod English 2015-05-25


A "yellowshirt" activist in Sa Kaeo? Who would a thought?

I don't think he has to worry about being prosecuted and going to jail since his party is now in power and too busy hunting down and prosecuting "redshirts" as quickly as they can find them. Heck, this guy has been standing trail for 7 years already...no hurry.


Yellow shirt activist aka rent-a-mob member..........coffee1.gif

Still awaiting trial after 8 years, whereas Mr Pongpat "not a purge" was arrested and convicted within a month.

Probably the explanation is very simple, our yellow-shirted friend don't have a niece!!


doesnt matter what colour they support these morons need to jailed and removed from the populace, the sooner all the colours are out of the way the sooner the sh*t stops happening


doesnt matter what colour they support these morons need to jailed and removed from the populace, the sooner all the colours are out of the way the sooner the sh*t stops happening

I like to see the back of the khaki color with gold braids


Just another idiot trying to show his vulnerability....

Yeah. Right.

To what purpose does this idiot need to show his vulnerability.? And why now? Shouldn't he have a motive? Explain or else you sound like you're trolling.

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