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Do many Thais not deal with refusal/rejection very well?


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Some 15000+ murders in the USA per year


Those Americans seem to have serious refusal/rejection issues or maybe its just "anger management" issues in the "States" ?

USA has a population of something like 320 million and everyone has a right to own a gun according to the second amendment. Thailand has a population of about 70 million and few own a legal weapon.

Last year there were ~12.5K deaths related to guns in USA[1]. Now, i can't find any kind of reliable source (this is Thailand after all and nothing is reliable) of how many gun deaths there are each year but i have seen numbers of 20K+. For Thailand to have the same "death by gun" rate as USA they would have to have around 2.8K deaths each year.

[1] http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/tolls/2014

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Some 15000+ murders in the USA per year


Those Americans seem to have serious refusal/rejection issues or maybe its just "anger management" issues in the "States" ?

USA has a population of something like 320 million and everyone has a right to own a gun according to the second amendment. Thailand has a population of about 70 million and few own a legal weapon.

Last year there were ~12.5K deaths related to guns in USA[1]. Now, i can't find any kind of reliable source (this is Thailand after all and nothing is reliable) of how many gun deaths there are each year but i have seen numbers of 20K+. For Thailand to have the same "death by gun" rate as USA they would have to have around 2.8K deaths each year.

[1] http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/tolls/2014

Facts and Logic not allowed, bro.

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Some 15000+ murders in the USA per year


Those Americans seem to have serious refusal/rejection issues or maybe its just "anger management" issues in the "States" ?

USA has a population of something like 320 million and everyone has a right to own a gun according to the second amendment. Thailand has a population of about 70 million and few own a legal weapon.

Last year there were ~12.5K deaths related to guns in USA[1]. Now, i can't find any kind of reliable source (this is Thailand after all and nothing is reliable) of how many gun deaths there are each year but i have seen numbers of 20K+. For Thailand to have the same "death by gun" rate as USA they would have to have around 2.8K deaths each year.

[1] http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/tolls/2014

Facts and Logic not allowed, bro.

That does not cooommmpppppuuuu.... bzzzzz...... [1]

[1] https://goo.gl/DEzIA1

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Some 15000+ murders in the USA per year


Those Americans seem to have serious refusal/rejection issues or maybe its just "anger management" issues in the "States" ?

USA has a population of something like 320 million and everyone has a right to own a gun according to the second amendment. Thailand has a population of about 70 million and few own a legal weapon.

Last year there were ~12.5K deaths related to guns in USA[1]. Now, i can't find any kind of reliable source (this is Thailand after all and nothing is reliable) of how many gun deaths there are each year but i have seen numbers of 20K+. For Thailand to have the same "death by gun" rate as USA they would have to have around 2.8K deaths each year.

[1] http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/tolls/2014

don't you get coming here with your logic......it may upset somelaugh.png

Don't want to ruffle any feathers moved to "inactive forum" hahahaha

Edited by kannot
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Is there actually a world league table of penis severings?

It's no accident that Thailand is recognized as the world's number one authority on penis re-attachment surgery.

That's maybe because a lot of ladyboys change their minds.

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I have research ed this issue extensively, and am more then happy to report my findings for you here again.

Small penis size seems to be the key factor in these outbursts. If you may inspect each and every culprit you would very well find sizes that are much smaller then average, an indeed, miniscule, compared to what most western men consider to be normal.

I will leave you to your own armchair theatrics about why this may be. I'm only interested in the physical factors involved.

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I have research ed this issue extensively, and am more then happy to report my findings for you here again.

Small penis size seems to be the key factor in these outbursts. If you may inspect each and every culprit you would very well find sizes that are much smaller then average, an indeed, miniscule, compared to what most western men consider to be normal.

I will leave you to your own armchair theatrics about why this may be. I'm only interested in the physical factors involved.

1. Gay guys have larger penises and this upsets Thai women. 2. Lady boys really have large shoulders feet and penises. This also upset Thai women. All these good looking guys going around that don't even look at Thai women gets them angry and they have to settle for a Farang. No wonder they get violent.

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Some 15000+ murders in the USA per year


Those Americans seem to have serious refusal/rejection issues or maybe its just "anger management" issues in the "States" ?

They all own 1 or more guns its like the wild wild west. Maybe most of their DNA is related to Jesse James or Wild Bill Hickok. I think they call it 2nd amendment rights.

Edited by elgordo38
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If you fill a water tank,full to bursting,and cap it,and continue to add water,it will burst,this is what happens when you have a society based on,putting up with,shoddy service,not being able to voice your opnion,and bowing to people who are richer than you,older,more up the social ladder,and always having to think about Face,no wonder they blow,it's like a volcano,think how us 'falangs' for want of a better word,like to blow up,and yell,kick a chair over,next day it's gone,but the Kon Thai mostly cannot,so it builds and builds until one day- Kaboom.

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You pose an interesting question,happy? A hard commodity to come by,and yes,one,i should have,yet it never really feels within my grasp,i have had happy moments,but can you really be happy all the time,i cannot,are you Soi,and mate if you are good on you,for me it is transient.

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Well here one for thought....wifes land has been encroached...now she wants it back and the neighbour has threatened to kill all of us if we take it back...twice.

It's definitely my wifes land...she has all the GOV paperwork....

Have all this on tape...and will record tomorrow again when the stuff hits the fan......If dead the next day please find the tapes.

Are you actually a Glaswegian? If so I'm guessing you know just how unmanageable dumb feuding is. The only answer to being in a bad bit of Halfway is not to be in a bad bit of Halfway. [i'd sell the land to a local lunatic at a knock down price and let him do the eviction].

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I have research ed this issue extensively, and am more then happy to report my findings for you here again.

Small penis size seems to be the key factor in these outbursts. If you may inspect each and every culprit you would very well find sizes that are much smaller then average, an indeed, miniscule, compared to what most western men consider to be normal.

I will leave you to your own armchair theatrics about why this may be. I'm only interested in the physical factors involved.

Are we talking "ready", or "just having played five aside in winter"? If it's the latter I'm like weasel, but it makes me more curious than angry.

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Do many Thais ...

Totally ridiculous question posed solely to rattle the cages of the Thai Bashers.

Most people on Thai Visa do not know many Thais or anything about many Thais other than the fantasy nonsense posted in these threads.

Considering how many people go berserk and shoot up schools, post offices, restaurants, malls, etc in the US because they're harboring some trivial loss of face, Thailand would have to go a long way before it reached that level. How many recent riots have there been sparked by marginalized people due to the heavy handed police treatment of someone most of the rioters never knew.

In UK all it takes is for some football match to take place to fray some nerves or for police brutality to incense segments of the population and whole streets of cars and shops will be destroyed for no other purpose than to assuage bent egos.

If you can actually see a few examples of a few Thai people behaving in a certain way and not understand that similar behavior occurs everywhere in the world, you're living in a racist bubble where you can only see things that satisfy your bigoted notions while ignoring similar or worse behavior of the same sort in all of FarangLand.

Edited by Suradit69
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Do many Thais ...

Totally ridiculous question posed solely to rattle the cages of the Thai Bashers.

Most people on Thai Visa do not know many Thais or anything about many Thais other than the fantasy nonsense posted in these threads.

Considering how many people go berserk and shoot up schools, post offices, restaurants, malls, etc in the US because they're harboring some trivial loss of face, Thailand would have to go a long way before it reached that level. How many recent riots have there been sparked by marginalized people due to the heavy handed police treatment of someone most of the rioters never knew.

In UK all it takes is for some football match to take place to fray some nerves or for police brutality to incense segments of the population and whole streets of cars and shops will be destroyed for no other purpose than to assuage bent egos.

If you can actually see a few examples of a few Thai people behaving in a certain way and not understand that similar behavior occurs everywhere in the world, you're living in a racist bubble where you can only see things that satisfy your bigoted notions while ignoring similar or worse behavior of the same sort in all of FarangLand.

Who are the "marginalized" people you are refering to?

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Some 15000+ murders in the USA per year


Those Americans seem to have serious refusal/rejection issues or maybe its just "anger management" issues in the "States" ?

I'm pretty sure DLang, KarenBravo, and kannot will tell you those murders in the U.S. were committed by Thai people living in the States.

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Do many Thais ...

Totally ridiculous question posed solely to rattle the cages of the Thai Bashers.

Most people on Thai Visa do not know many Thais or anything about many Thais other than the fantasy nonsense posted in these threads.

Considering how many people go berserk and shoot up schools, post offices, restaurants, malls, etc in the US because they're harboring some trivial loss of face, Thailand would have to go a long way before it reached that level. How many recent riots have there been sparked by marginalized people due to the heavy handed police treatment of someone most of the rioters never knew.

In UK all it takes is for some football match to take place to fray some nerves or for police brutality to incense segments of the population and whole streets of cars and shops will be destroyed for no other purpose than to assuage bent egos.

If you can actually see a few examples of a few Thai people behaving in a certain way and not understand that similar behavior occurs everywhere in the world, you're living in a racist bubble where you can only see things that satisfy your bigoted notions while ignoring similar or worse behavior of the same sort in all of FarangLand.

Very, very well said. I am around normal Thai people every day. Thais are actually much more composed and tolerant than westerners in many respects. A few isolated incidences does not make the whole of Thai society.

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Some Thai people are dicks. Just as some British people are dicks. Or some Germans. Or some Americans.

That's just the way things are. But in none of this cases should you look at the behaviour of a few people and decide that their entire nation acts the same way. People are individuals.

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Some Thai people are dicks. Just as some British people are dicks. Or some Germans. Or some Americans.

That's just the way things are. But in none of this cases should you look at the behaviour of a few people and decide that their entire nation acts the same way. People are individuals.

So your answer would be yes to the OP's question?

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Some Thai people are dicks. Just as some British people are dicks. Or some Germans. Or some Americans.

That's just the way things are. But in none of this cases should you look at the behaviour of a few people and decide that their entire nation acts the same way. People are individuals.

So your answer would be yes to the OP's question?

Of course not. Your reading comprehension must be pretty poor if you got that impression from my post.

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Some Thai people are dicks. Just as some British people are dicks. Or some Germans. Or some Americans.

That's just the way things are. But in none of this cases should you look at the behaviour of a few people and decide that their entire nation acts the same way. People are individuals.

So your answer would be yes to the OP's question?

Of course not. Your reading comprehension must be pretty poor if you got that impression from my post.

About as poor as your sense of sarcasm.

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Geez man, you're bringing up examples of crazy people doing crazy things. I can give you countless examples in the USA and beyond. A woman calling 911 (emergency number/police) because her internet was down and she couldn't do Facebook. Or some guy who attacked his son's little league manager because his son was pulled from a game. Or some lady who went berserk at a McDonald's drive-through because she couldn't get her McNuggets. And so on, and so on.

People acting crazy is not a "Thai thing." Or are you suggesting that this is normal in Thai society?

Yes, but, the majority of these don't end in death.

Because Thai society is paternalistic and values consensus, they don't learn conflict resolution as we do in the West, where arguing is considered normal and there is no "face" to lose.

You're kidding me, right? I just brought up those examples off the top of my head. A few minutes on Google and I found the following:










And yes, some of these crazy episodes tragically ended in death. Do you want some more examples? These are fairly recent. There are thousands more.

Yes, it happens, but, look at each case against that countries population.

In Thailand, it happens very, very frequently. Chuck in all the penis severings (the world's most) and all the crazy fights and stabbings over inconsequential stuff and I still believe Thailand has way more of these incidents for the reasons I have described, than most other countries.

Is it a coincidence that most of your examples are Hispanics? With their macho culture, they also have "face" issues.

Amazing how you would be so focused on race/ethnicity. I never bothered to check, these are all Americans. Perhaps next time, I should only bring up examples where the crazy people are 100%, pure lily white, Caucasian folks? I could do that, but why bother. You've clearly made up your mind.

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