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Australia warns children of foreign fighters risk charges

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Australia warns children of foreign fighters risk charges
ROD McGUIRK, Associated Press

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — An Australian boy who was photographed holding the severed head of a Syrian soldier could reportedly return to Australia with his mother and siblings, prompting the prime minister to warn Wednesday that children as well as adults who break terrorism laws face prosecution.

Sydney-born convicted terrorist Khaled Sharrouf horrified the world last year by posting on his Twitter account from Syria a photograph of his 7-year-old son clutching the severed head.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry described the image as "one of the most disturbing, stomach-turning, grotesque photographs ever displayed."

Fairfax Media newspapers reported Wednesday that the Australian family of Sharrouf's Muslim convert wife, Tara Nettleton, was trying to help her and her five children return to Sydney.

Asked about the family, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said if the children had committed a crime, they would be treated by the Australian courts the same way as other juvenile offenders.

"But the point I want to stress is that criminals will be punished whether they're young, whether they're old, whether they're male, whether they're female, whether they're criminals abroad or criminals at home," Abbott told reporters.

"Criminals will be punished and to participate in the kind of barbarism that we have seen so often in the Middle East is just wrong. It's morally wrong and it's a crime under Australian law and it will be punished," he said.

There is no evidence that Sharoouf, who slipped out of Australia in late 2013 using his brother's passport because his own had been cancelled, wanted to return to Australia, the newspapers reported. Police have confirmed he faces an arrest warrant in Australia on terrorism offenses.

Nettelton later brought their three young boys and two teenage daughters to Syria, flying with return tickets via Malaysia to hide from Sydney Airport officials their intended destination.

Nettelton's father, Peter Nettelton, said Wednesday he had not seen his daughter in more than a decade and had met only two of his grandchildren.

He said he did know the family's whereabouts and would not comment on the Fairfax report.

"I still love my daughter and hope she comes home safely," the father told reporters outside his Sydney home.

Australia used controversial new counterterrorism laws in December to make even visiting the Islamic Statement movement's stronghold of al-Raqqa province in Syria a criminal offense punishable by 10 years in prison.

Australia has cancelled the passports of scores of suspected terrorists, preventing would-be jihadis from leaving the country and stranding foreign fighters overseas.

Australia also plans to pass a law soon to give the government the power to strip citizenship from dual nationals who are suspected terrorists even if they are not convicted of a crime.

But Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said Wednesday that children of terrorists would be treated as a special case. The children could become wards of the state if their mother was imprisoned.

Sharrouf was among nine Muslim men accused in 2007 of stockpiling bomb-making materials and plotting terrorist attacks in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia's largest cities.

He pleaded guilty to terrorism offenses in 2009 and served less than four years in prison.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-05-27

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....And the children should be removed from the parents' custody and placed with a good Christian family and taught some morals and values.


....And the children should be removed from the parents' custody and placed with a good Christian family and taught some morals and values.

Erm nope, the kids should be placed with sane people who don't believe any ridiculous religious fairy tales.


....And the children should be removed from the parents' custody and placed with a good Christian family and taught some morals and values.

Erm nope, the kids should be placed with sane people who don't believe any ridiculous religious fairy tales.

Nope. Let them look at both sides. They may decide on their own that no religion is the way to go.


....And the children should be removed from the parents' custody and placed with a good Christian family and taught some morals and values.

Erm nope, the kids should be placed with sane people who don't believe any ridiculous religious fairy tales.

Nope. Let them look at both sides. They may decide on their own that no religion is the way to go.

Can they not do that in a non-religious environment??


I am being facetious.

But, it might be a motivation to the parents to behave if they thought their kids were going to end up being Christian, God forbid!


....And the children should be removed from the parents' custody and placed with a good Christian family and taught some morals and values.

Have you never heard of the stolen children generation?

I say send them all back to the hell that is their homeland. Kick all the fools out of Australia, they don't like the regime there and deserve to understand that they get what their families give them.


....And the children should be removed from the parents' custody and placed with a good Christian family and taught some morals and values.

Erm nope, the kids should be placed with sane people who don't believe any ridiculous religious fairy tales.

Nope. Let them look at both sides. They may decide on their own that no religion is the way to go.

Can they not do that in a non-religious environment??


They'll end up as killers if they don't value life.


This is all insane.... People loosing sight of their humanity.

People discussing that a child should have a Christian upbringing to balance the woes of the opposing beliefs.

Children need and should be given a healthy and balanced upbringing - with good parenting that can exist whatever the religion and beliefs.

When this does not happen, as is the case here, the healthy balance needs to be readdressed, not by swinging the educational-religeous bias so far in the opposing direction in the manner one may use to balance weighing scales - that ideology is simply dumb.... but by simply brining back a healthy and stable balance by being there as a good caregiver.

This example is tragic, a parents belief pushed so far towards extremism any form of intelligent balance has been lost. This child needs rescuing from both parents and placed in a loving and healthy environment. The child is Muslim, I'm sure there are healthy and balanced parents in the Muslim community willing to take on this child... but thats less important than the primary aim of providing care, religion should take a back seat to the healthy development of this child for the sake of their future.


They should not be allowed to return to their nice welfare payments Australia has given them it time politicians realise the Muslim experiment was a major mistake and start removing their criminal elements and religious fanatics from the country forever /


Yes, of course. No need to change the religious value system.

In a modern nation religion should be separated from citizenship. Many Asian countries are more modern than those people who insistently talk about "terrorists" only when it comes to Islam.

There are large Christian minorities in many Asian states.

Would Australia welcome the population of eg Kerala, India?


OP (quote): "He pleaded guilty to terrorism offenses in 2009 and served less than four years in prison."

And Australian Gov't really thinks they are fighting terrorism? Get out of here!


I am being facetious.

But, it might be a motivation to the parents to behave if they thought their kids were going to end up being Christian, God forbid!

Surely Jewish would be better, what with no pork eating and circumcision dealt with?

Syria a photograph of his 7-year-old son clutching the severed head.

These Islamic terrorists are obviously insane...inhumane...creatures...

Save the children...destroy the terrorists...

There is no place in the world that is safe from these animals...if left unchecked...they will move about the world destroying the so-called infidels while leading the weak of spirit into becoming reluctant Muslims...

You terrorist should be so proud...

The world will come to its senses...before it is too late...new aggressive leadership is needed at the highest level of government...


These people, the terrorists, are starved for meaning in life. Their authoritarian religion of no tolerance, no acceptance, no alternative offers the glorious next life of material reward. Eg, countless sex experiences, unlimited goat meat, cigarettes of every flavor at no charge...so why not die?


Syria a photograph of his 7-year-old son clutching the severed head.

These Islamic terrorists are obviously insane...inhumane...creatures...

Save the children...destroy the terrorists...

There is no place in the world that is safe from these animals...if left unchecked...they will move about the world destroying the so-called infidels while leading the weak of spirit into becoming reluctant Muslims...

You terrorist should be so proud...

The world will come to its senses...before it is too late...new aggressive leadership is needed at the highest level of government...

I doubt if the world will come to its senses as there is too much PC around to allow anyone to speak the reality of the situation


The issue of Islamic fundamentalism is a problem that the Islamic community needs to address. From an Australian perspective I think the government needs to stop talking and start deporting.


....And the children should be removed from the parents' custody and placed with a good Christian family and taught some morals and values.



I am being facetious.

But, it might be a motivation to the parents to behave if they thought their kids were going to end up being Christian, God forbid!

Duplicate. Somebody beat me to the punch line. Nevermind. lol


This is all insane.... People loosing sight of their humanity.

People discussing that a child should have a Christian upbringing to balance the woes of the opposing beliefs.

Children need and should be given a healthy and balanced upbringing - with good parenting that can exist whatever the religion and beliefs.

When this does not happen, as is the case here, the healthy balance needs to be readdressed, not by swinging the educational-religeous bias so far in the opposing direction in the manner one may use to balance weighing scales - that ideology is simply dumb.... but by simply brining back a healthy and stable balance by being there as a good caregiver.

This example is tragic, a parents belief pushed so far towards extremism any form of intelligent balance has been lost. This child needs rescuing from both parents and placed in a loving and healthy environment. The child is Muslim, I'm sure there are healthy and balanced parents in the Muslim community willing to take on this child... but thats less important than the primary aim of providing care, religion should take a back seat to the healthy development of this child for the sake of their future.

Problem here is," Islam will never take a back seat to the healthy development of a child, for the sake of their future," It's all about the programming, from birth, There is no reasoning with them. The religion is the first & foremost, thing, It will always be that way. The future of the child is Islam, No if's, No but's, Islam. The control the programmers have over their minds is unbelievable. The only thing that i can see that might change things in the future is education, The more that are educated, the more free thinkers it will produce, & when they can think for themselves, Then things might change.


....And the children should be removed from the parents' custody and placed with a good Christian family and taught some morals and values.

I think religion has enough to answer for, "Good Christian Family" or why not with an Irish Priest, sure they will be safe there.

The IS is all about God and you want to place them with someone else who will preach about God. The Christian Church also has allot of blood on their hands. Much more than the IS has, only difference is the IS brag about it and the Christian Church tries to conceal it. You might want to check some history books about what good Christians have done in the past.

All in the name of God!

Religion needs to be band in public places, people are free to believe what they wish but please don't force it on others!


CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — An Australian boy who was photographed holding the severed head of a Syrian soldier could reportedly return to Australia with his mother and siblings, prompting the prime minister to warn Wednesday that children as well as adults who break terrorism laws face prosecution.

I find it quite amazing that certain posters who were castigating proposed new Laws to get rid of undesirables in Australia, have so far refrained from commenting on this abomination.



OP (quote): "He pleaded guilty to terrorism offenses in 2009 and served less than four years in prison."

And Australian Gov't really thinks they are fighting terrorism? Get out of here!

Took the words right out of my mouth.

So what has he been planning for the last 2 years since he's been out?

He was released and departed for Syria, using his brothers passport, his was cancelled, in 2013. The guy is a diagnosed schizophrenic and was a drug addict & petty criminal before getting involved with terrorism. During his trail the judge described him as 'a highly unintelligent man who has no perception of himself'


OP (quote): "He pleaded guilty to terrorism offenses in 2009 and served less than four years in prison."

And Australian Gov't really thinks they are fighting terrorism? Get out of here!

Took the words right out of my mouth.

So what has he been planning for the last 2 years since he's been out?

He was released and departed for Syria, using his brothers passport, his was cancelled, in 2013. The guy is a diagnosed schizophrenic and was a drug addict & petty criminal before getting involved with terrorism. During his trail the judge described him as 'a highly unintelligent man who has no perception of himself'

He sounds like a perfect candidate for ISIS.

If he is so unintelligent, how did he manage to steal a passport and use it to leave Australia. In spite of what some think, they don't all look alike.

At least we see the tolerant side of ISIS, they accepted a drug addicted, schizophrenic with criminal habits. Will he come back with one hand chopped off?


"no perception of himself" probably means he was religious.

Which means religious mania if he happened to be not Christian.

"No perception of himself", was I believe in reference to his mental illness, from a transcript...

"He was unfit to plead. And that means in legal terms that he was simply incapable of understanding what the court case would be about"

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