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Thai govt revokes Thaksin's passports, citing 'damaging' interview


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Well guess Thaksin S won't be to concerned about losing his Thai passport. I suspect his PR team will now have a field day publicizing to the world the reasoning cited by the General for this action. Illustrates even further to the free world what this current General thinks about free speech, irrespective of what various people think about Thaksin.

if he would travell back to thailand, he would need a passport,

but now he would have to use his Montenogro or Columbia passport -

for this passports he will need a Visa !!

Which Ambassy will give him a Visa ??

or can the aircontroll allow his plain to land if he have not the correct passport - visa ??

As a Thai citizen, he doesn't need any passport to enter Thailand.

Ya right...if he comes by bus. Try getting on an international flight without "any passport".

He has his own private jet. Why would he fly commercial? He has a diplomatic passport issued by Nicaragua and a regular passport issued by Montenegro. He may have more (he is tight with Robert Mugabe). Even if he didn't have those other passports, he can go to any Thai Embassy or Consulate office and get a document of return that will let him come by bus if he so chooses. He won't come back ever because now, with his stupid/ill-considered statements in S. Korea, he has a Lèse-majesté case against him and that cannot be 'amnestied' under any government. Of course he has many other suspended criminal charges against him so whether he can come back to Thailand without a Thai passport is a moot point. Are you arguing that Thaksin CAN'T come back to Thailand any time he decides to?

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There are 2 clearly discernible groups on ThaiVisa....The vehemently ant-Thaksin camp who seem to regard politics in the same way as one might support a football team.........and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history.

One has to say that the lack of thought by the anti-Thaksin camp is blatantly apparent when one becomes aware of their main tenet; that anyone who disagrees with their mouth-frothingly simplistic points of view must be pro-Thaksin....a premise that unfortunately compels them to fall flat on their face at the first fence of any meaningful discussion

and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history. who are a bunch of Thaksin sycophants and boot-licks. There, fixed it for you.

With all due respect you didn't fix anything for me. I'm anti Thaksin and anti Junta. Is that so impossible? I want to see fair elections and democracy rather than what Thailand has now which I'm not allowed to describe by name.

I don't understand why, if I say something negative about either one I'm automatically labeled by some as in favor of the other. Things aren't that simple.


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There are 2 clearly discernible groups on ThaiVisa....The vehemently ant-Thaksin camp who seem to regard politics in the same way as one might support a football team.........and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history.

One has to say that the lack of thought by the anti-Thaksin camp is blatantly apparent when one becomes aware of their main tenet; that anyone who disagrees with their mouth-frothingly simplistic points of view must be pro-Thaksin....a premise that unfortunately compels them to fall flat on their face at the first fence of any meaningful discussion

and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history. who are a bunch of Thaksin sycophants and boot-licks. There, fixed it for you.

You validated his post.

It seems I have to explain it to you; I'll type s-l-o-w-l-y.

To quote cumgranosalum: There are 2 clearly discernible groups on ThaiVisa....The vehemently ant-Thaksin camp and his descriptor of that camp and the other camp, and his descriptor of that camp.

I corrected his description of the camp that isn't anti-Thaksin. (that would be your camp, BTW)


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There are 2 clearly discernible groups on ThaiVisa....The vehemently ant-Thaksin camp who seem to regard politics in the same way as one might support a football team.........and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history.

One has to say that the lack of thought by the anti-Thaksin camp is blatantly apparent when one becomes aware of their main tenet; that anyone who disagrees with their mouth-frothingly simplistic points of view must be pro-Thaksin....a premise that unfortunately compels them to fall flat on their face at the first fence of any meaningful discussion

and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history. who are a bunch of Thaksin sycophants and boot-licks. There, fixed it for you.

You validated his post.

Reading comprehension is not your forte, is it?

Something about diplomacy and something else about decorum might be good to put on your reading list. thumbsup.gif

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There are 2 clearly discernible groups on ThaiVisa....The vehemently ant-Thaksin camp who seem to regard politics in the same way as one might support a football team.........and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history.

One has to say that the lack of thought by the anti-Thaksin camp is blatantly apparent when one becomes aware of their main tenet; that anyone who disagrees with their mouth-frothingly simplistic points of view must be pro-Thaksin....a premise that unfortunately compels them to fall flat on their face at the first fence of any meaningful discussion

and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history. who are a bunch of Thaksin sycophants and boot-licks. There, fixed it for you.

With all due respect you didn't fix anything for me. I'm anti Thaksin and anti Junta. Is that so impossible? I want to see fair elections and democracy rather than what Thailand has now which I'm not allowed to describe by name.

I don't understand why, if I say something negative about either one I'm automatically labeled by some as in favor of the other. Things aren't that simple.


It seems you responded to the wrong poster. It was cumgranosalum who stated that There are 2 clearly discernible groups on ThaiVisa. I never wrote that. But that being said, what would be an alternative to a crooked-but-democratic government run by a fugitive, convicted felon or an honest-but-self-appointed government run by the NCPO? Since, in my and cumgranosalum's opinion, there is no third choice, either you are for Thaksin, who was looting/wrecking the country, or for the Junta, that took away his power to loot/wreck the country.

I'm anti Thaksin and anti Junta. Is that so impossible?

Kinda, yes. Whom DO you support if not one of those two groups?


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Reading all these comments makes me wonder how many of you actually saw the interview he gave? I did, and there was nothing, nada, zilch mentioned about the revered Family. He did, however, make comments in regards to the Privy Council. Let's face it, the guy is a crook, thief and liar, not to mention an ego maniac, but his current "counterpart" and current PM, isn't a hell of a lot better in my opinion. The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

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A few things:

1. Next person who posts an article that mixes the Royal Family in politics is gone for a long, long time if not permanently. The content of what you link to is treated as if you yourself posted it here.

2. Post your own words rather than copy/pasting what others wrote elsewhere. If you can't articulate your opinions in your own words just read from the sidelines please.

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Reading all these comments makes me wonder how many of you actually saw the interview he gave? I did, and there was nothing, nada, zilch mentioned about the revered Family. He did, however, make comments in regards to the Privy Council. Let's face it, the guy is a crook, thief and liar, not to mention an ego maniac, but his current "counterpart" and current PM, isn't a hell of a lot better in my opinion. The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

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"....damage the national security, reputation, and dignity of Thailand."

It must be disappointing for them, taking decades to build their reputation, in a dignified manner of course ,with the rest of the world , for it be ruined by a Man talking about Democracy

A Woman scorned, yet again

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Reading all these comments makes me wonder how many of you actually saw the interview he gave? I did, and there was nothing, nada, zilch mentioned about the revered Family. He did, however, make comments in regards to the Privy Council. Let's face it, the guy is a crook, thief and liar, not to mention an ego maniac, but his current "counterpart" and current PM, isn't a hell of a lot better in my opinion. The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

To be fair I watched in and there were no direct references , I recall he said something that could be viewed, if you were looking for something and were extremely pedantic as a slight dig, I'll have to watch it again , these 2 posts reminded me off it

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Reading all these comments makes me wonder how many of you actually saw the interview he gave? I did, and there was nothing, nada, zilch mentioned about the revered Family. He did, however, make comments in regards to the Privy Council. Let's face it, the guy is a crook, thief and liar, not to mention an ego maniac, but his current "counterpart" and current PM, isn't a hell of a lot better in my opinion. The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

To be fair I watched in and there were no direct references , I recall he said something that could be viewed, if you were looking for something and were extremely pedantic as a slight dig, I'll have to watch it again , these 2 posts reminded me off it

Sorry, I'm afraid that bit of indecision alone will render you a Thaksin sycophant laugh.png

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Thaksin's passports revoked, faces probe for lese majeste



BANGKOK: -- POLICE are investigating whether former premier Thaksin Shinawatra's recent interview insulted the monarch as the Foreign Ministry revoked his two passports on grounds that his remarks in the interview had endangered national security.

In a statement published on its website, the Foreign Ministry said Thaksin's U957441 and Z530117 passports were revoked with effect from Tuesday.

It explained that the decision followed an alert from security authorities regarding Thaksin's recent interview, part of which they believed would have an impact on the security, reputation and integrity of the Kingdom.

"The Foreign Ministry decided that the reasons cited [by security agencies and police] were enough to cancel his passports under the ministry's regulations," the statement said.

The statement also said police are in the process of investigating whether Thaksin had violated criminal laws, including lese majeste, and the Computer Crime Act.

Thaksin's diplomatic passport had earlier been revoked on December 12, 2008 after he was convicted of malfeasance over conflict of interest in the Rachadaphisek land deal.

On April 12, 2009, his normal passport was cancelled by the administration of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva. The then foreign minister Kasit Piromya said the revocation was due to Thaksin's backing for the unrest led by the red-shirt United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship.

However, the normal passport was returned to him when Surapong Tovichakchaikul took office as a foreign minister in the Yingluck administration. Surapong said Thaksin was no threat to the Kingdom and it was the right of every Thai to hold a Thai passport.

Reacting to the latest move yesterday, Surapong shrugged off the revocation of Thaksin's passports and said that if he came back as the foreign minister, he would certainly order the ministry to return the passports to Thaksin because the former PM had done nothing wrong at all.

"Expressing an opinion does not cause any damage and cannot be blocked. It is up to the public to believe what he said or not. Khun Thaksin should have the right to explain the facts," Surapong said.

Meanwhile National Legislative Assembly member Somchai Sawangkarn backed the Foreign Ministry's decision, saying it was the result of Thaksin's interview that defamed individuals and affected national security.

He did not think the move would have any repercussion or political movement, but would affect only those who served under Thaksin."

Somchai was one of the so-called 40 senators' group, who used to campaign for revocation of Thaksin's passports during the Yingluck government.

Another senator Prasarn Marukpitak, said he wanted to urge the Royal Thai Police to strip Thaksin off his rank of police lieutenant colonel because his wrongdoings were very obvious.

Deputy government spokesman Maj-General Weerachon Sukhontapatipak said that the police had gathered and sent a list of those whose passports could be revoked to the ministry for a decision.

"Thaksin is one of those in the list. The government did not focus just on Thaksin's case and the Foreign Ministry made its decision based on the evidence. If the government had ignored this provocation, it would be blamed for being negligent to wrongdoers."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Thaksins-passports-revoked-faces-probe-for-lese-ma-30261097.html

-- The Nation 2015-05-28

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Reading all these comments makes me wonder how many of you actually saw the interview he gave? I did, and there was nothing, nada, zilch mentioned about the revered Family. He did, however, make comments in regards to the Privy Council. Let's face it, the guy is a crook, thief and liar, not to mention an ego maniac, but his current "counterpart" and current PM, isn't a hell of a lot better in my opinion. The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

To be fair I watched in and there were no direct references , I recall he said something that could be viewed, if you were looking for something and were extremely pedantic as a slight dig, I'll have to watch it again , these 2 posts reminded me off it

Sorry, I'm afraid that bit of indecision alone will render you a Thaksin sycophant laugh.png

Hahahahahaha,I got the right hump with that and then I realized you were joking, Got to stop getting up so early thumbsup.gif

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Another knee jerk reaction from insecure people out of their depth.

What's the point of LM charges, he's overseas and unlikely to be within jurisdiction anytime ?

I'm not sure Interpol would accept LM as grounds for a Red Notice and many countries would ignore anyway as they don't have anything similar on their statute books.

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Reading all these comments makes me wonder how many of you actually saw the interview he gave? I did, and there was nothing, nada, zilch mentioned about the revered Family. He did, however, make comments in regards to the Privy Council. Let's face it, the guy is a crook, thief and liar, not to mention an ego maniac, but his current "counterpart" and current PM, isn't a hell of a lot better in my opinion. The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

To be fair I watched in and there were no direct references , I recall he said something that could be viewed, if you were looking for something and were extremely pedantic as a slight dig, I'll have to watch it again , these 2 posts reminded me off it

Sorry, I'm afraid that bit of indecision alone will render you a Thaksin sycophant laugh.png

No, ExPratt is not a troll. He has a reputation for thoughtful posts and is capable of seeing other's viewpoints. You, on the other hand...


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It wont make a jack crap difference, because he also holds citizenship of other countries, the only way they will ever get him back is if they issue an international arrest warrant and deportation, but that would never happen, but it should have be done a long time ago, just another waste of news paper, and lets face it, the les majestic card is no different than a racist card, and can only be used when all else fails, and lets be honest most countries abroad don't give a shit about a LM charge and will not issue a red card, what a croc of shit

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Another knee jerk reaction from insecure people out of their depth.

What's the point of LM charges, he's overseas and unlikely to be within jurisdiction anytime ?

I'm not sure Interpol would accept LM as grounds for a Red Notice and many countries would ignore anyway as they don't have anything similar on their statute books.

Why do anti-Junta posters keep inserting INTERPOL into this thread. No where in the OP is there any mention of INTERPOL or even of arresting Thaksin. It's starting to look like a Straw Man argument. INTERPOL has NO ability to arrest anyone. They coordinate between countries to locate wanted criminals but extradition is strictly between countries.

To keep Interpol as politically neutral as possible, its charter forbids it, at least in theory, from undertaking interventions or activities of a political, military, religious, or racial nature or involving itself in disputes over such matters.


As far as I know, no Thai government has requested Dr. Thaksin's name be put on any INTERPOL list. It seems to me that the Abhisit government, the Sondi government, the Surayud government, nor the Prayut government has any desire to deal with Thaksin within Thailand's borders. This latest action of bringing LM charges will 'seal the deal' on his never returning as there is no 'statute of limitations' nor is amnesty possible even if one of his nominee puppet governments gains enough power.

Can we stop with the INTERPOL Straw Man you guys keep propping up and knocking down. None but anti-Junta posters are mentioning INTERPOL.


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Is this a democracy? A country ruled by the people for the people?

Where do we find democracies these days?

It is a pity Thaksin was corrupt himself. He put a lot of crap up the noses of a few people that needed it.

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To be fair I watched in and there were no direct references , I recall he said something that could be viewed, if you were looking for something and were extremely pedantic as a slight dig, I'll have to watch it again , these 2 posts reminded me off it

Sorry, I'm afraid that bit of indecision alone will render you a Thaksin sycophant laugh.png

Hahahahahaha,I got the right hump with that and then I realized you were joking, Got to stop getting up so early thumbsup.gif

Understood...The poster boy du jour hasn't realized that yet

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Another knee jerk reaction from insecure people out of their depth.

What's the point of LM charges, he's overseas and unlikely to be within jurisdiction anytime ?

I'm not sure Interpol would accept LM as grounds for a Red Notice and many countries would ignore anyway as they don't have anything similar on their statute books.

Why do anti-Junta posters keep inserting INTERPOL into this thread. No where in the OP is there any mention of INTERPOL or even of arresting Thaksin. It's starting to look like a Straw Man argument. INTERPOL has NO ability to arrest anyone. They coordinate between countries to locate wanted criminals but extradition is strictly between countries.

To keep Interpol as politically neutral as possible, its charter forbids it, at least in theory, from undertaking interventions or activities of a political, military, religious, or racial nature or involving itself in disputes over such matters.


As far as I know, no Thai government has requested Dr. Thaksin's name be put on any INTERPOL list. It seems to me that the Abhisit government, the Sondi government, the Surayud government, nor the Prayut government has any desire to deal with Thaksin within Thailand's borders. This latest action of bringing LM charges will 'seal the deal' on his never returning as there is no 'statute of limitations' nor is amnesty possible even if one of his nominee puppet governments gains enough power.

Can we stop with the INTERPOL Straw Man you guys keep propping up and knocking down. None but anti-Junta posters are mentioning INTERPOL.


People post about LoS issuing international warrants etc. so it's natural to mention Interpol as the possible conduit

Why are your knickers in a twist ?

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Reacting to the latest move yesterday, Surapong shrugged off the revocation of Thaksin's passports and said that if he came back as the foreign minister, he would certainly order the ministry to return the passports to Thaksin because the former PM had done nothing wrong at all.

Here's the problem with Thai politicians. They don't follow the laws. Thaksin has been charged with crimes. Ones he would probably still be fighting in court (or gotten them resolved by now) if he hadn't gone on the run. The courts charged him, yet the highest levels of politicians don't want to abide by the laws. #1 problem here. No respect for the laws. They feel they are above them.

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Well that screws up his plans to return to Thailand under his own steam... which was never going to happen, his hopes are now pinned on dear Sis being let-off or his son taking over the helm then they'll make him a nice new shiny one & have it delivered to him like the last time!!

Guess he'll have to use his other foreign passports or pay-up for another citizenship somewhere!

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Another knee jerk reaction from insecure people out of their depth.

What's the point of LM charges, he's overseas and unlikely to be within jurisdiction anytime ?

I'm not sure Interpol would accept LM as grounds for a Red Notice and many countries would ignore anyway as they don't have anything similar on their statute books.

Why do anti-Junta posters keep inserting INTERPOL into this thread. No where in the OP is there any mention of INTERPOL or even of arresting Thaksin. It's starting to look like a Straw Man argument. INTERPOL has NO ability to arrest anyone. They coordinate between countries to locate wanted criminals but extradition is strictly between countries.

To keep Interpol as politically neutral as possible, its charter forbids it, at least in theory, from undertaking interventions or activities of a political, military, religious, or racial nature or involving itself in disputes over such matters.


As far as I know, no Thai government has requested Dr. Thaksin's name be put on any INTERPOL list. It seems to me that the Abhisit government, the Sondi government, the Surayud government, nor the Prayut government has any desire to deal with Thaksin within Thailand's borders. This latest action of bringing LM charges will 'seal the deal' on his never returning as there is no 'statute of limitations' nor is amnesty possible even if one of his nominee puppet governments gains enough power.

Can we stop with the INTERPOL Straw Man you guys keep propping up and knocking down. None but anti-Junta posters are mentioning INTERPOL.


There has been at least one case of people raising the issue of Interpol. Look at page 7 ! smile.png

And I think they or he is/are not anti-Junta !

BTW, thanks for the writing about the Carlyle Group. I might or might not accept the writing about the Carlyle Group, but I do believe the stuff about powerful groups in the US (or the US government) secretly backing Thaksin ! smile.png

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