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Thai govt revokes Thaksin's passports, citing 'damaging' interview


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Personally I don't think this is a smart move. He is now an exile who was overthrown by an illegal military coup who will spouting the charges were political etc etc. He will now take the gloves off as he can play to a Worldwide stage now he is an 'exile'. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's aetting up a government in exile. Prayuth has totally played into Thaksin's hands now. Silly person, Thailand and it's junta will now really be under the international spotlight.

Keep up the red mantra. He is free to return at any time with or without a passport. As a fugitive criminal he is not entitled to a passport from this country. nor can he claim that as a passport holder there are not serious charges and a conviction waiting him.

wow, you hear something you don't like or disagree with and instead of saying why you think my opinion is msitaken you start with "red Mantra" b/s. I'm not shouting any mantra, I'm just saying what I think. Doesn't mean I'm right, it means it's what I think. He was overthrown by an illegal coup, this is the crux of the matter as far as the west is concerned. Nothing else. Get back to your Chang.

Why defame Halloween as a "Chang drinker"? But I'm very gratified to see that it "doesn't mean that you are right", because you are very clearly wrong. Now I must get back to my absinthe.

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Actually there is a way to have him arrested and brought to justice in Thailand. He only needs to be officially added to Interpol's list of wanted criminals and his exile will be over sooner than later, especially if a substantial reward is offered for information that leads to his arrest and return to Thailand to stand trial.

Interpol would regard this as a political charge, and would not entertain it.

I take it that you are referring to his conviction. Do you dismiss the other 15 so lightly?

Not me but I expect Interpol would. And his extradition probably wouldn't even get to court in any democratic country.

Rather like Milosovic, Karadic and other assorted mass murderers?

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Personally I don't think this is a smart move. He is now an exile who was overthrown by an illegal military coup who will spouting the charges were political etc etc. He will now take the gloves off as he can play to a Worldwide stage now he is an 'exile'. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's aetting up a government in exile. Prayuth has totally played into Thaksin's hands now. Silly person, Thailand and it's junta will now really be under the international spotlight.

Keep up the red mantra. He is free to return at any time with or without a passport. As a fugitive criminal he is not entitled to a passport from this country. nor can he claim that as a passport holder there are not serious charges and a conviction waiting him.

wow, you hear something you don't like or disagree with and instead of saying why you think my opinion is msitaken you start with "red Mantra" b/s. I'm not shouting any mantra, I'm just saying what I think. Doesn't mean I'm right, it means it's what I think. He was overthrown by an illegal coup, this is the crux of the matter as far as the west is concerned. Nothing else. Get back to your Chang.

Why defame Halloween as a "Chang drinker"? But I'm very gratified to see that it "doesn't mean that you are right", because you are very clearly wrong. Now I must get back to my absinthe.

Actually, in that part he was right. I quite like a Chang or 6, and it's about that time.

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Well That just proves and solidifies his statement that Thailand has a corrupt unethical and broken judicial system. And now will punish him for stating the facts. To bad for Thailand the whole world already knows this. So if im a huge foreign investor and I feel the judicial system is a fraud. I would take my business to China or some other cheap labor country. No benift to using Thailand from a business stand point. And big business tends to listen to Business men of his Caliber.

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Does he not have one (or two) from a banana republic???

By the way this does not make him stateless, it just means that the privileges that his passport bestow upon him will not be honoured, and many countries will be notified of that, I am sure if he wishes to return to Thailand he will be sent Emergency Travel Documents.

I'm guessing one of the banana republics was Thailand .

Once you get outside Thailand, the anti-Thaksin venom dissipates to near zero. There are likely many countries who would view Thaksin as a victim of the corrupt political system in Thailand and would allow him entry.

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I'll be more impressed when they issue an international arrest warrant. But in a country where transfers are favoured over actual punishment, I doubt that will ever happen. China have show some fortitude that is sadly lacking here.

He's best kept at a distance. It pisses him off all the more than no one wants to arrest him, and now the govt gets to have its way with his little sister. If only they would arrest me! Someone in power knows what they are doing and they ain't gonna make TS a martyr.

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Does he not have one (or two) from a banana republic???

By the way this does not make him stateless, it just means that the privileges that his passport bestow upon him will not be honoured, and many countries will be notified of that, I am sure if he wishes to return to Thailand he will be sent Emergency Travel Documents.

I'm guessing one of the banana republics was Thailand .

Once you get outside Thailand, the anti-Thaksin venom dissipates to near zero. There are likely many countries who would view Thaksin as a victim of the corrupt political system in Thailand and would allow him entry.

Excuse me... but TS was the heart and soul of corruption. He was the PM you know, you might call him a victim of his own political and economic corruption. Poor little billionaire baby. My heart weeps.

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Does he not have one (or two) from a banana republic???

By the way this does not make him stateless, it just means that the privileges that his passport bestow upon him will not be honoured, and many countries will be notified of that, I am sure if he wishes to return to Thailand he will be sent Emergency Travel Documents.

I'm guessing one of the banana republics was Thailand .

Once you get outside Thailand, the anti-Thaksin venom dissipates to near zero. There are likely many countries who would view Thaksin as a victim of the corrupt political system in Thailand and would allow him entry.

Excuse me... but TS was the heart and soul of corruption. He was the PM you know, you might call him a victim of his own political and economic corruption. Poor little billionaire baby. My heart weeps.

Political corruption in Thailand neither began nor ended with Thaksin

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Does he not have one (or two) from a banana republic???

By the way this does not make him stateless, it just means that the privileges that his passport bestow upon him will not be honoured, and many countries will be notified of that, I am sure if he wishes to return to Thailand he will be sent Emergency Travel Documents.

I'm guessing one of the banana republics was Thailand .

Once you get outside Thailand, the anti-Thaksin venom dissipates to near zero. There are likely many countries who would view Thaksin as a victim of the corrupt political system in Thailand and would allow him entry.

Yes some corrupt scaly countries would welcome a scaly corrupt compatriot, evidenced by the names of the countries which have issued him passports.

Then there are the other more genuine ethical counties which will no doubt know plenty of details of this person and how scaly (unsavoury is the word used previously by a UK politician) he is but they will just give polite responses where needed.

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Does he not have one (or two) from a banana republic???

By the way this does not make him stateless, it just means that the privileges that his passport bestow upon him will not be honoured, and many countries will be notified of that, I am sure if he wishes to return to Thailand he will be sent Emergency Travel Documents.

I'm guessing one of the banana republics was Thailand .

Once you get outside Thailand, the anti-Thaksin venom dissipates to near zero. There are likely many countries who would view Thaksin as a victim of the corrupt political system in Thailand and would allow him entry.

Excuse me... but TS was the heart and soul of corruption. He was the PM you know, you might call him a victim of his own political and economic corruption. Poor little billionaire baby. My heart weeps.

Political corruption in Thailand neither began nor ended with Thaksin

So what?

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Does it really serve any purpose , I suppose it undermines his authority to speak on Thailand's behalf .The only time he would ever return would be would be if and when a Thaksin friendly Government were in place , so I dare say they would issue him a new one. Its just to unsettle his supporters I suppose and show how the junta can do what they want, Apart from Jailing his sister , not much else they can get at him with

Actually there is a way to have him arrested and brought to justice in Thailand. He only needs to be officially added to Interpol's list of wanted criminals and his exile will be over sooner than later, especially if a substantial reward is offered for information that leads to his arrest and return to Thailand to stand trial.

Interpol would regard this as a political charge, and would not entertain it.

That is true, they will not take political cases.

But they do accept terrorism (2010), crimes against humanity ('drug wars') and corruption (too many to list) as charges so there is still hope ;-).

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Well That just proves and solidifies his statement that Thailand has a corrupt unethical and broken judicial system. And now will punish him for stating the facts. To bad for Thailand the whole world already knows this. So if im a huge foreign investor and I feel the judicial system is a fraud. I would take my business to China or some other cheap labor country. No benift to using Thailand from a business stand point. And big business tends to listen to Business men of his Caliber.

You really believe that?

Ethical big businessmen will maybe politely listen but they know what this man is and will be polite as needed.

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For the international community it may be harder to understand why his passports are revoked for this reason and not for fleeing the country to avoid a corruption conviction.


And indeed, explaining this (why his passports are revoked for this reason and not for fleeing the country to avoid a corruption conviction) to some people on ThaiVisa is easy. But trying to convince the West (America, the European Union, Australia) is going to be impossible !!

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Does it really serve any purpose , I suppose it undermines his authority to speak on Thailand's behalf .The only time he would ever return would be would be if and when a Thaksin friendly Government were in place , so I dare say they would issue him a new one. Its just to unsettle his supporters I suppose and show how the junta can do what they want, Apart from Jailing his sister , not much else they can get at him with

Actually there is a way to have him arrested and brought to justice in Thailand. He only needs to be officially added to Interpol's list of wanted criminals and his exile will be over sooner than later, especially if a substantial reward is offered for information that leads to his arrest and return to Thailand to stand trial.

Interpol would regard this as a political charge, and would not entertain it.

That is true, they will not take political cases.

But they do accept terrorism (2010), crimes against humanity ('drug wars') and corruption (too many to list) as charges so there is still hope ;-).

They don't take poltical cases ? But they accept terrorism (2010), crimes against humanity (drug wars) and corruption ? So there is still hope ? :)

And you will be hoping a long time. They've got to convince the rest of the world that Thaksin did actually do those things, and then Interpol can do it. Convincing the rest of the world, and convincing some people on ThaiVisa are not the same thing ! :)

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Does it really serve any purpose , I suppose it undermines his authority to speak on Thailand's behalf .The only time he would ever return would be would be if and when a Thaksin friendly Government were in place , so I dare say they would issue him a new one. Its just to unsettle his supporters I suppose and show how the junta can do what they want, Apart from Jailing his sister , not much else they can get at him with

Actually there is a way to have him arrested and brought to justice in Thailand. He only needs to be officially added to Interpol's list of wanted criminals and his exile will be over sooner than later, especially if a substantial reward is offered for information that leads to his arrest and return to Thailand to stand trial.

Absolute tripe!

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Does he not have one (or two) from a banana republic???

By the way this does not make him stateless, it just means that the privileges that his passport bestow upon him will not be honoured, and many countries will be notified of that, I am sure if he wishes to return to Thailand he will be sent Emergency Travel Documents.

I'm guessing one of the banana republics was Thailand .

Once you get outside Thailand, the anti-Thaksin venom dissipates to near zero. There are likely many countries who would view Thaksin as a victim of the corrupt political system in Thailand and would allow him entry.

Any country that has a commercial or strategic interests in Thailand has known for a long time how corrupt Thaksin is.

He may have won elections but his personal credibility is zero.Lies, lies and lies

''Judge, it was an honest mistake I and my wife hid millions of baht in my maid and driver's names for years, it's true, moving the money in and out of their accounts....., nothing to do with stock manipulation... no really it was all a mistake!''.

Liar from the word go .


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one word... FEAR

IT IS SO AMAZING... how this country fears the Thaksin group... Prayut n company included... it all indicates ever since they 'stole his position' in 2006... they cannot come to terms on rectifying the matter. so they hide in fear and just use corruptive power to 'deny'

they are trying to railroad his sister who tried ever hard to unite this country, by showing that Thaksin group were not needing gov't to show but to show how the gov't can work for the people... Thaksin is the symbol of democracy to this country... everyone since... is NOT... but power hungry mad men...

bring back thaksin...bring back democracy... and that is what the spoiled corruptive people in bangkok and now the military fear... they have not been able to arrest him on real charges...but only inventive charges... they are doing the same to his sister....

this country will never be at peace until they join and understand Thaksin politics...then he won't be a threat to them any more.... until that time... everyone suffers

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one word... FEAR

IT IS SO AMAZING... how this country fears the Thaksin group... Prayut n company included... it all indicates ever since they 'stole his position' in 2006... they cannot come to terms on rectifying the matter. so they hide in fear and just use corruptive power to 'deny'

they are trying to railroad his sister who tried ever hard to unite this country, by showing that Thaksin group were not needing gov't to show but to show how the gov't can work for the people... Thaksin is the symbol of democracy to this country... everyone since... is NOT... but power hungry mad men...

bring back thaksin...bring back democracy... and that is what the spoiled corruptive people in bangkok and now the military fear... they have not been able to arrest him on real charges...but only inventive charges... they are doing the same to his sister....

this country will never be at peace until they join and understand Thaksin politics...then he won't be a threat to them any more.... until that time... everyone suffers

Invented charges? No, not true, plenty of evidence, easy to find. 2 years jail specifically related to abuse of power, the Thai populace well informed of the specifics of the seriousness of the charge and the undeniable evidence.

His sister tried to unite the country. What total and absolute rubbish rubbish.

Stole his position. Wrong he was falsely trying to be the PM. Do a little research, all will be revealed.

Thaksin is a symbol of democracy to this country. What rubbish, he and his cronies and red thugs tried to convince the N and NE populace a version of democracy which was pure lies, nothing more, There is plenty of comment that the good N and NE people were taught that the word Democracy in English means savior in Thai language. Research the red democracy schools and you will find they didn't ever explain what the term democracy really means to even one village.

... the gov't can work for the people ... Wow, his political manifesto business model has no connection whatever to the development of Thailand and opportunities for all. His party platform is quite simple ... join the get rich real quick club and just say yes as directed. Not once in his 10 to 12 years in politics, did he, his brother-in-law, his sister, or any of the scaly corrupt incapable members of the get rich quick club ever made a speech, or mention macro or even micro policies aimed at getting the populace into a better quality of life through their own productivity.

Understand thakin's politics. Please enlighten us, with specifics.

...and that is what the spoiled corruptive people in Bangkok... no doubt you mean the paymaster and his cronies.

... they are doing the same to his sister.... so please enlighten us as to why anybody would believe she was a good PM.

Please respond with specifics.

Edited by scorecard
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Very clever move from the Junta. To accuse Mr T of lèse majesté his interview cannot be shown in Thailand anymore under the threat of LM.

It simply makes the junta look terrible to the whole world because that law already looks terrible to the civilized world.

Thaksin one, Junta zero.

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To Plutojames88, I think you've said your stuff to make us giggle a bit, a send up of the conspiracy theorists ?? smile.png

I'm now going to say, that I reckon that Thaksin IS actually (secretly) backed by the USA. Remember, America has constantly backed whatever leaders in whatever areas, America has constantly 'meddled' in other countries' situations. Let's put it this way, if America (the West) was to not support Thaksin, well, Thaksin really would be a person would no power or influence, he really would be irrelevant.

You can't be more right. Without the help of the US government Thaksin would have long been history.

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I dont think Junta attempting to be spiteful revoking his passports will cause Mr Thaksin any grate hardship most countries around the world know who he is former democratic elected P.M of Thailand. Detrimental to national security so all the generals all on high alert now.

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well played PM

No,...the game has hardly begun.

Thailand's Traditional elites have a steel grasp on state organs, like the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission, which fabricated a corruption convictions against both Shinawatra’s, and anyone else who they feel threaten them.

"Thailand's conflict is largely rooted in the conflicting egos of the elitist few." Bangkok Post

Checkmate will be after a Lanna/Issan independent State is formed, and the Bangkok Elite are overthrown by Muslims from the South,...unless the Elite wake up by then.

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Does it really serve any purpose , I suppose it undermines his authority to speak on Thailand's behalf .The only time he would ever return would be would be if and when a Thaksin friendly Government were in place , so I dare say they would issue him a new one. Its just to unsettle his supporters I suppose and show how the junta can do what they want, Apart from Jailing his sister , not much else they can get at him with

Actually there is a way to have him arrested and brought to justice in Thailand. He only needs to be officially added to Interpol's list of wanted criminals and his exile will be over sooner than later, especially if a substantial reward is offered for information that leads to his arrest and return to Thailand to stand trial.
I don't think Interpol would waste their time with draconian charges against a former politician by a self appointed government.

I am sure Thaksin is free to travel to far more countries that our self appointed director general and history has show not too many survive very long.

There will be a very big power shift in Thailand and when it happens certain groups of people will be brought to justice one way or another. Only afterwards will Thailand have a chance to move forward and take advantage of its position in the Asian community for the benefit of all people.

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" Thaksin loses his passports for damaging Thailand reputation."..... What reputation is that?????

Thailand's reputation is firmly grounded in the fact that they hold the world record for military coups by a wide margin.

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