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Thai govt revokes Thaksin's passports, citing 'damaging' interview


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one word... FEAR

IT IS SO AMAZING... how this country fears the Thaksin group... Prayut n company included... it all indicates ever since they 'stole his position' in 2006... they cannot come to terms on rectifying the matter. so they hide in fear and just use corruptive power to 'deny'

they are trying to railroad his sister who tried ever hard to unite this country, by showing that Thaksin group were not needing gov't to show but to show how the gov't can work for the people... Thaksin is the symbol of democracy to this country... everyone since... is NOT... but power hungry mad men...

bring back thaksin...bring back democracy... and that is what the spoiled corruptive people in bangkok and now the military fear... they have not been able to arrest him on real charges...but only inventive charges... they are doing the same to his sister....

this country will never be at peace until they join and understand Thaksin politics...then he won't be a threat to them any more.... until that time... everyone suffers

The funniest post of the year- understand Thaksin politics- understand Thaksin politics means everyone is under Thaksin,

MPs are mere servants to vote as he orders, policies are simply to gain votes, whatever the damage to the country.

Everything is simply for the Shinawat family, his enormous financial treasure chest buys or threatens whoever gets in his way.

Well it's all over, his sister is facing jail due to open negligence, warned repeatedly about corruption, she ignored all advice.

A lot of ex Pheua Thai MPs may well have decided the Shinawat era is over, time to join a new party possibly forged by Pravit and Nevin. With ongoing reform as the clarion call, they may portray themselves as the new face of Thai politics, leaving behind the outdated model of patronage politics dominated by the Shinawats.

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His sister when PM and his number 1 cousin when Foreign Minister specially opened the foreign ministry, which was closed due to the appalling floods, so a new one could be issued. Cousin then hand delivered it to him for his birthday in Dubai.

Was that illegal - yes. Did the Ombudsman question it - yes. Did Yingluck and lackey cousin ever answer - no. Did anyone check to see who paid for the passport, all the costs associated with the FM delivering it etc - probably not.

Let's see, a known convicted criminal fugitive, wanted on 15 more serious charges for which warrants are out, openly meets with said criminal and presents new passports to him as a birthday present. So much for PTP respecting the law.

And still, the Shin boiler boys will be on, declaring Thaksin, Yingluck and the clan never ever did anything wrong, because they are above the law and entitled to use the country as they see fit. The Shins certainly think so,

Why they've never cancelled these before, or followed up on the Ombudsman's questions - who knows.

The crazies continue to rant and froth about how Thaksin got his passports.I have no idea and care even less.I would be quite surprised if he could not find some way to continue his travels - but the subject is of not much interest to me.

The thread however is about something his different, namely his speech in Korea which obviously hit a nerve and profoundly upset the Junta - prompting them to take action which could have been taken at least a year ago if it was just a question of nobbling Thaksin

So what exactly was it that upset their delicate senstivities? It seems it was the suggestion that the coup was long planned by the army (Lawks a mercy, fetch the smelling salts) in liaison with old established elites and Suthep.Since in general terms this is of course the most credible general explanation It's easy enough to understand the coupsters' rage.The trouble is that the evidence is rather overwheming not least including Suthep's own admission he co-ordinated matters with Prayuth for many months.The lese majeste charge is more puzzling because a sane person's reading of Thaksin's speech would find no possible reference.However we are not here dealing with entirely sane people and as the BBC"s Jonathan Head recently pointed out the reactionary right in Thailand is akin to a cult.One can only conclude the LM charge is in connection to Thaksin's reference to individual Privy Councillors playing politics (which we know from Wikileaks and other sources they have).If this is the case it is yet further evidence that the LM law needs to be restricted to its true purpose and not exploited by soldiers and politicians.

Well, well. The one who always starts with an insult is back. Lunatics in an asylum often claim everyone else is crazy but them too. Makes them think they're not insane.

You don't want to know or care that his sister and cousin abused their powers and illegally issued passports to him when in office? So you don't mind the Shins lying, cheating and breaking laws when in power? Ignoring the inconvenient truth - a trait of the Shins, their lackeys and those who want to pretend they are really democracy loving champions of the poor.

How come Mr. Head never ever points out that Thaksin is wanted on 15 more serious charges; or that these passports were illegally issued; or that Yingluck and her cousin refused to answer repeated questions from the Ombudsman. Thaksin is a convicted criminal and proven liar. Why is he always shown is such a good light by journalists like Mr. Head or AFP. Could it be that billionaire elitist Thaksin and his PR lobbying machine have managed to convince the impressionable, by whatever means, that he and the Shin clan are working class socialist heroes rather than a gang of immoral exploiters?

Why Thailand didn't cancel these passports earlier and why they don't seek extradition on all those outstanding charges and conviction is something they'll regret. The criminal will always push and push, looking for the knee jerk reaction which he hopes his PR boys will exploit.

"How come Mr. Head never ever points out that Thaksin is wanted on 15 more serious charges; or that these passports were illegally issued; or that Yingluck and her cousin refused to answer repeated questions from the Ombudsman. Thaksin is a convicted criminal and proven liar. Why is he always shown is such a good light by journalists like Mr. Head or AFP. Could it be that billionaire elitist Thaksin and his PR lobbying machine have managed to convince the impressionable, by whatever means, that he and the Shin clan are working class socialist heroes rather than a gang of immoral exploiters?".

Baerboxer, so, the BBC and AFP are biased towards Thaksin, and Thaksin's PR lobbying machine has managed to convince people that he's a socialist heroe ?? We can claim that Fox News caters for a certain type of American people, and we can claim that newspapers like the Sun, Daily Telegraph, the Times, the Guardian (newspapers from Britain) are biased towards whatever target audience that they have. We can claim that the Nation Newspaper caters for anti-Thaksintes who read English. Fine.

But, the BBC ?? What is the BBC's target audience ? The BBC is paid for by the British public, and this means that it is not tailored towards right-wing or left-wing groups. Does Thaksin pay the BBC, in order to get a positive image ? Surely, not. Has the BBC been fooled by Thaksin's PR machine ? Is that why the BBC (according to certain people on ThaiVisa) is biased towards him ?

Man, if the Nation Newspaper ever gets closed down because of stuff that it prints, well, fair enough, I would not be that worried. It's not that good a newspaper, anyway. BUT, but if the BBC was to ever be removed from Thailand, well, I would be worried for Thailand. Very worried. We all will be, including everybody on ThaiVisa. That's because we all know that the BBC tries to give a fair and balanced report on things. It is accurate and reasonable. And no, I don't think that the British government tries to secretly control the content on the BBC.

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>>Due to Thailand’s strict lese majeste law, which criminalizes insulting the monarchy, Khaosod English is unable to elaborate on the comments he made in the interview.<< Quote

What a stupid and sad old man Mr T is!!

Even a farang arrived yesterday would know better than to insult the institution.................

You have not read the original comment have you? I recommend that all those chiming in with their Thaksin comments, to take the time to read the original interview. NO COMMENT was made in respect to the person you think. At least the other major English language daily had the courage to print the relevant details. The information is nothing new.

You are grabbing on to the reason that the military admin wants you to believe. If the military admin had been open and transparent to date, I could understand your eagerness to accept the reason given. What we have is innuendo and hint- hint-nudge-nudge behaviour that suggests to me is intended to encourage people to ASSUME someone was inappropriate. Read the full comments and make your own judgement.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Very clever move from the Junta. To accuse Mr T of lèse majesté his interview cannot be shown in Thailand anymore under the threat of LM.

It simply makes the junta look terrible to the whole world because that law already looks terrible to the civilized world.

Thaksin one, Junta zero.

Are you saying that no other country in the world has laws and regulations in regard to issuance / removal of passports?

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So which passports were cancelled? How could have a regular passport, official passport, and a diplomatic passport. How could well have all of these + those of other nationalities. I doubt it will be a hindrance.

Never mind hindrance - it's a major loss of face!

Face is only an impediment for the chronically under-educated; same as with any other society. Be serious.

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Very clever move from the Junta. To accuse Mr T of lèse majesté his interview cannot be shown in Thailand anymore under the threat of LM.

It simply makes the junta look terrible to the whole world because that law already looks terrible to the civilized world.

Thaksin one, Junta zero.

Are you saying that no other country in the world has laws and regulations in regard to issuance / removal of passports?

They do, but no country in the developed and the advanced developing world have a law similar to Thailand's in this regard.

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You can't be more right. Without the help of the US government Thaksin would have long been history.


Bit of a stretch don't ya think?

He is still not getting enough. He is luck that Thailand does not have Mossad!

Okay, lets say Thailand goes and creates something that is similar to Mossad. And Thailand's agents have the ability to go and arrest or kill 'enemies' abroad. Can Thailand do this ? I think not !

In Israel's case, they send their agents to foreign countries, and do lots of things. Now, the USA backs Israel in almost every thing that Israel does. Israel can do this, it can do that, and the USA will NOT put up sanctions against Israel. The USA will not reduce or cut political links with Israel. And what America does, well, the rest of the West will follow America. But if Thailand was to do the same thing, then what ? The USA are not going to back Thailand in the way Israel is backed. If Thailand is to be criticised by the international community, and it has no solid backing from America, well, Thailand will have real problems.

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Very clever move from the Junta. To accuse Mr T of lèse majesté his interview cannot be shown in Thailand anymore under the threat of LM.

It simply makes the junta look terrible to the whole world because that law already looks terrible to the civilized world.

Thaksin one, Junta zero.

Are you saying that no other country in the world has laws and regulations in regard to issuance / removal of passports?

The civilized world won't recognize will abhor Thai LM laws.

Thaksin wins this round on the world stage of opinion.

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To Plutojames88, I think you've said your stuff to make us giggle a bit, a send up of the conspiracy theorists ?? smile.png

I'm now going to say, that I reckon that Thaksin IS actually (secretly) backed by the USA. Remember, America has constantly backed whatever leaders in whatever areas, America has constantly 'meddled' in other countries' situations. Let's put it this way, if America (the West) was to not support Thaksin, well, Thaksin really would be a person would no power or influence, he really would be irrelevant.

What are you babbling about? You think anyone that gains power and influence must first be endorsed by America?

1. America itself is not "the west", although many of them would like to think they are.

2. Taksin has no power or influence outside of Thailand, only with his family and followers, mostly in Isaan. In fact, the only powers he does have are those that any rich dude would have worldwide. Not mentioning of course, his riches are ill-gotten gains, the fruits of corruption.

3. In the past, America has only meddled in things that gained themselves power and money. Siding with countries engaging in war (selling them weapons) and profiting in lands where rich American republicans have oil interests.

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So which passports were cancelled? How could have a regular passport, official passport, and a diplomatic passport. How could well have all of these + those of other nationalities. I doubt it will be a hindrance.

Never mind hindrance - it's a major loss of face!

Yes but Prayuth is pretty thick skinned so he will get over it ........eventually

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>>Due to Thailand’s strict lese majeste law, which criminalizes insulting the monarchy, Khaosod English is unable to elaborate on the comments he made in the interview.<< Quote

What a stupid and sad old man Mr T is!!

Even a farang arrived yesterday would know better than to insult the institution.................

Thaksin is a wily old fox and knew that interview would get right up Prayuts nostrils. Seems to have worked, Thaksin certainly won't be losing any sleep on what farangs write on TVF. Best to go back to your bar stool.

I have a friend that had a Diplomatic passport for a while,...he told me, it's a great wonderful feeling to travel with one. you almost feel like a god or a rock star. airline and airport personnel are over friendly to you. you never have to wait in line and you can use great lounges with free food and drinks... customs never check your luggage, but it hurts when the fun stops.....

Ok, Thaksin won't loose any sleep over it, he's a billionaire....but as a Thai loss of face is more severe than for us....

Best regards. Off Road Pat.

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Personally I don't think this is a smart move. He is now an exile who was overthrown by an illegal military coup who will spouting the charges were political etc etc. He will now take the gloves off as he can play to a Worldwide stage now he is an 'exile'. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's aetting up a government in exile. Prayuth has totally played into Thaksin's hands now. Silly person, Thailand and it's junta will now really be under the international spotlight.

Keep up the red mantra. He is free to return at any time with or without a passport. As a fugitive criminal he is not entitled to a passport from this country. nor can he claim that as a passport holder there are not serious charges and a conviction waiting him.

wow, you hear something you don't like or disagree with and instead of saying why you think my opinion is msitaken you start with "red Mantra" b/s. I'm not shouting any mantra, I'm just saying what I think. Doesn't mean I'm right, it means it's what I think. He was overthrown by an illegal coup, this is the crux of the matter as far as the west is concerned. Nothing else. Get back to your Chang.

as a junta-hugger, I believe he should be drinking Singha or Leo. thumbsup.gif

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Personally I don't think this is a smart move. He is now an exile who was overthrown by an illegal military coup who will spouting the charges were political etc etc. He will now take the gloves off as he can play to a Worldwide stage now he is an 'exile'. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's aetting up a government in exile. Prayuth has totally played into Thaksin's hands now. Silly person, Thailand and it's junta will now really be under the international spotlight.

Keep up the red mantra. He is free to return at any time with or without a passport. As a fugitive criminal he is not entitled to a passport from this country. nor can he claim that as a passport holder there are not serious charges and a conviction waiting him.

wow, you hear something you don't like or disagree with and instead of saying why you think my opinion is msitaken you start with "red Mantra" b/s. I'm not shouting any mantra, I'm just saying what I think. Doesn't mean I'm right, it means it's what I think. He was overthrown by an illegal coup, this is the crux of the matter as far as the west is concerned. Nothing else. Get back to your Chang.

........"He was overthrown by an illegal coup, this is the crux of the matter as far as the west is concerned. Nothing else. Get back to your Chang."......................

Please stop embarrassing yourself with these stupid comments regarding Thaksin's demise. Do some research, I suggest Google, and you will soon see how false your statement is.

You guys can repeat this lie over, and over and over again, and it will not make it fact.

Besides that it is against forum rules to post anything that is "false" or "inaccurate".

I think I know who is on the Chang, hic. biggrin.png

Speaking as a "one eyed red flavoured troll" (do you remember that pearl of reasoned debate Mikemac?)

You really know that a member has exhausted all the arguments when he falls back on the old "it is against forum rules to post anything which is false or inaccurate" line!:)

Edited by JAG
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I thought he had his passport taken off him years ago and travelled around on a Serbian passport or something like that?

Obviously you don't follow the news...he was issued a new Passport by his sisters goverment (Yingluck) and hand delivered. (I wonder if the Thai taxpayers funded the delivery costs ??) He did have a Montenegro passport previously

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Actually there is a way to have him arrested and brought to justice in Thailand. He only needs to be officially added to Interpol's list of wanted criminals and his exile will be over sooner than later, especially if a substantial reward is offered for information that leads to his arrest and return to Thailand to stand trial.
Interpol would regard this as a political charge, and would not entertain it.

I take it that you are referring to his conviction. Do you dismiss the other 15 so lightly?

Not me but I expect Interpol would. And his extradition probably wouldn't even get to court in any democratic country.

Rather like Milosovic, Karadic and other assorted mass murderers?

An utterly different situation.

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To Plutojames88, I think you've said your stuff to make us giggle a bit, a send up of the conspiracy theorists ?? smile.png

I'm now going to say, that I reckon that Thaksin IS actually (secretly) backed by the USA. Remember, America has constantly backed whatever leaders in whatever areas, America has constantly 'meddled' in other countries' situations. Let's put it this way, if America (the West) was to not support Thaksin, well, Thaksin really would be a person would no power or influence, he really would be irrelevant.

The Carlyle Group, based in Washington, D.C., is not the US government but, as the largest private equity firm in the world, has serious clout, politically, in the US government.


He was appointed by the Carlyle Group as an adviser while holding public office, and attempted to use his connections to boost his political image… Upon becoming prime minister in 2001, Thaksin would begin paying back the support he received from his Western sponsors. In 2003, he would commit Thai troops to the US invasion of Iraq, despite widespread protests from both the Thai military and the public. Thaksin would also allow the CIA to use Thailand for its abhorrent rendition programIn 2004, Thaksin attempted to ramrod through a US-Thailand Free-Trade Agreement (FTA) without parliamentary approval, backed by the US-ASEAN Business Council who just before last year's 2011 elections that saw Thaksin's sister Yingluck Shinawatra brought into power, hosted the leaders of Thaksin's "red shirt" "United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship" (UDD)… Since the 2006 coup that toppled his regime, Thaksin has been represented by US corporate-financier elites via their lobbying firms including, Kenneth Adelman of the Edelman PR firm (Freedom House, International Crisis Group,PNAC), James Baker of Baker Botts (CFR), Robert Blackwill of Barbour Griffith & Rogers (CFR), Kobre & Kim http://www.zoominfo.com/p/Thaksin-Shinwatra/178384352

The Carlyle Group. This is the DC-based private equity outfit that once had George H. W. Bush on its board. Previous board members of its Asian operations included Fidel Ramos (ex-President of the Philippines) and Thaksin Shinawatra (ex-PM of Thailand). http://seekingalpha.com/article/54630-the-carlyle-group-takes-position-in-china-recycling-energy-corp

People who think, "Oh, it's just Thaksin, why doesn't everyone just forget/ignore him", are missing the point that he and Thailand are involved in a global struggle for control of the world's finances. Thaksin is not backed by the US government but by financial elites in the US who want Thailand to be under their control and use their connections in the US government to achieve those goals. As you can see in the above links, Thaksin is/was never for Thailand, but sold out his loyalty to King and country for the personal gain to himself and his Shinawatra clan. He does not deserve to be considered Thai as he is, and has been, an internationalist.

Edited by rametindallas
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You can't be more right. Without the help of the US government Thaksin would have long been history.


Bit of a stretch don't ya think?

He is still not getting enough. He is luck that Thailand does not have Mossad!

Okay, lets say Thailand goes and creates something that is similar to Mossad. And Thailand's agents have the ability to go and arrest or kill 'enemies' abroad. Can Thailand do this ? I think not !

In Israel's case, they send their agents to foreign countries, and do lots of things. Now, the USA backs Israel in almost every thing that Israel does. Israel can do this, it can do that, and the USA will NOT put up sanctions against Israel. The USA will not reduce or cut political links with Israel. And what America does, well, the rest of the West will follow America. But if Thailand was to do the same thing, then what ? The USA are not going to back Thailand in the way Israel is backed. If Thailand is to be criticised by the international community, and it has no solid backing from America, well, Thailand will have real problems.

There obviously is a secret deal between the Thai government and Thaksin. and Thaksin did not respect his side of the deal.........!? ..just for my two bits worth....

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His sister when PM and his number 1 cousin when Foreign Minister specially opened the foreign ministry, which was closed due to the appalling floods, so a new one could be issued. Cousin then hand delivered it to him for his birthday in Dubai.

Was that illegal - yes. Did the Ombudsman question it - yes. Did Yingluck and lackey cousin ever answer - no. Did anyone check to see who paid for the passport, all the costs associated with the FM delivering it etc - probably not.

Let's see, a known convicted criminal fugitive, wanted on 15 more serious charges for which warrants are out, openly meets with said criminal and presents new passports to him as a birthday present. So much for PTP respecting the law.

And still, the Shin boiler boys will be on, declaring Thaksin, Yingluck and the clan never ever did anything wrong, because they are above the law and entitled to use the country as they see fit. The Shins certainly think so,

Why they've never cancelled these before, or followed up on the Ombudsman's questions - who knows.

The crazies continue to rant and froth about how Thaksin got his passports.I have no idea and care even less.I would be quite surprised if he could not find some way to continue his travels - but the subject is of not much interest to me.

The thread however is about something his different, namely his speech in Korea which obviously hit a nerve and profoundly upset the Junta - prompting them to take action which could have been taken at least a year ago if it was just a question of nobbling Thaksin

So what exactly was it that upset their delicate senstivities? It seems it was the suggestion that the coup was long planned by the army (Lawks a mercy, fetch the smelling salts) in liaison with old established elites and Suthep.Since in general terms this is of course the most credible general explanation It's easy enough to understand the coupsters' rage.The trouble is that the evidence is rather overwheming not least including Suthep's own admission he co-ordinated matters with Prayuth for many months.The lese majeste charge is more puzzling because a sane person's reading of Thaksin's speech would find no possible reference.However we are not here dealing with entirely sane people and as the BBC"s Jonathan Head recently pointed out the reactionary right in Thailand is akin to a cult.One can only conclude the LM charge is in connection to Thaksin's reference to individual Privy Councillors playing politics (which we know from Wikileaks and other sources they have).If this is the case it is yet further evidence that the LM law needs to be restricted to its true purpose and not exploited by soldiers and politicians.

Well, well. The one who always starts with an insult is back. Lunatics in an asylum often claim everyone else is crazy but them too. Makes them think they're not insane.

You don't want to know or care that his sister and cousin abused their powers and illegally issued passports to him when in office? So you don't mind the Shins lying, cheating and breaking laws when in power? Ignoring the inconvenient truth - a trait of the Shins, their lackeys and those who want to pretend they are really democracy loving champions of the poor.

How come Mr. Head never ever points out that Thaksin is wanted on 15 more serious charges; or that these passports were illegally issued; or that Yingluck and her cousin refused to answer repeated questions from the Ombudsman. Thaksin is a convicted criminal and proven liar. Why is he always shown is such a good light by journalists like Mr. Head or AFP. Could it be that billionaire elitist Thaksin and his PR lobbying machine have managed to convince the impressionable, by whatever means, that he and the Shin clan are working class socialist heroes rather than a gang of immoral exploiters?

Why Thailand didn't cancel these passports earlier and why they don't seek extradition on all those outstanding charges and conviction is something they'll regret. The criminal will always push and push, looking for the knee jerk reaction which he hopes his PR boys will exploit.

"How come Mr. Head never ever points out that Thaksin is wanted on 15 more serious charges; or that these passports were illegally issued; or that Yingluck and her cousin refused to answer repeated questions from the Ombudsman. Thaksin is a convicted criminal and proven liar. Why is he always shown is such a good light by journalists like Mr. Head or AFP. Could it be that billionaire elitist Thaksin and his PR lobbying machine have managed to convince the impressionable, by whatever means, that he and the Shin clan are working class socialist heroes rather than a gang of immoral exploiters?".

Baerboxer, so, the BBC and AFP are biased towards Thaksin, and Thaksin's PR lobbying machine has managed to convince people that he's a socialist heroe ?? We can claim that Fox News caters for a certain type of American people, and we can claim that newspapers like the Sun, Daily Telegraph, the Times, the Guardian (newspapers from Britain) are biased towards whatever target audience that they have. We can claim that the Nation Newspaper caters for anti-Thaksintes who read English. Fine.

But, the BBC ?? What is the BBC's target audience ? The BBC is paid for by the British public, and this means that it is not tailored towards right-wing or left-wing groups. Does Thaksin pay the BBC, in order to get a positive image ? Surely, not. Has the BBC been fooled by Thaksin's PR machine ? Is that why the BBC (according to certain people on ThaiVisa) is biased towards him ?

Man, if the Nation Newspaper ever gets closed down because of stuff that it prints, well, fair enough, I would not be that worried. It's not that good a newspaper, anyway. BUT, but if the BBC was to ever be removed from Thailand, well, I would be worried for Thailand. Very worried. We all will be, including everybody on ThaiVisa. That's because we all know that the BBC tries to give a fair and balanced report on things. It is accurate and reasonable. And no, I don't think that the British government tries to secretly control the content on the BBC.

Do you even watch the BBC news these days ?. It is absolutely terrible : they have someone setting an agenda then they all push towards it. They never actually lie, they omit key facts to leave the viewer with a distorted impression. You have to go online and find out for yourself then it becomes clear.

And as for Mr Head : I am amazed at the bias in his reports. Lies by omission are lies just the same. A bit of research on the web shows he is obviously a Thaksin crony - the BBC should have pulled him out after the Les Majeste affair in 2008. I wonder why he is still here : it's certainly not to expose the truth or any other sound journalistic principles. He would be more suited to reporting for The Sun where truth is always optional.

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I dont think Junta attempting to be spiteful revoking his passports will cause Mr Thaksin any grate hardship most countries around the world know who he is former democratic elected P.M of Thailand. Detrimental to national security so all the generals all on high alert now.

They also know he is a cowardly Criminal

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Very clever move from the Junta. To accuse Mr T of lèse majesté his interview cannot be shown in Thailand anymore under the threat of LM.

It simply makes the junta look terrible to the whole world because that law already looks terrible to the civilized world.

Thaksin one, Junta zero.

Absolutely, this is not for domestic consumption, but for international. And it is a spectacular own goal.

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To Plutojames88, I think you've said your stuff to make us giggle a bit, a send up of the conspiracy theorists ?? smile.png

I'm now going to say, that I reckon that Thaksin IS actually (secretly) backed by the USA. Remember, America has constantly backed whatever leaders in whatever areas, America has constantly 'meddled' in other countries' situations. Let's put it this way, if America (the West) was to not support Thaksin, well, Thaksin really would be a person would no power or influence, he really would be irrelevant.

The Carlyle Group, based in Washington, D.C., is not the US government but, as the largest private equity firm in the world, has serious clout, politically, in the US government.


He was appointed by the Carlyle Group as an adviser while holding public office, and attempted to use his connections to boost his political image… Upon becoming prime minister in 2001, Thaksin would begin paying back the support he received from his Western sponsors. In 2003, he would commit Thai troops to the US invasion of Iraq, despite widespread protests from both the Thai military and the public. Thaksin would also allow the CIA to use Thailand for its abhorrent rendition programIn 2004, Thaksin attempted to ramrod through a US-Thailand Free-Trade Agreement (FTA) without parliamentary approval, backed by the US-ASEAN Business Council who just before last year's 2011 elections that saw Thaksin's sister Yingluck Shinawatra brought into power, hosted the leaders of Thaksin's "red shirt" "United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship" (UDD)… Since the 2006 coup that toppled his regime, Thaksin has been represented by US corporate-financier elites via their lobbying firms including, Kenneth Adelman of the Edelman PR firm (Freedom House, International Crisis Group,PNAC), James Baker of Baker Botts (CFR), Robert Blackwill of Barbour Griffith & Rogers (CFR), Kobre & Kim http://www.zoominfo.com/p/Thaksin-Shinwatra/178384352

The Carlyle Group. This is the DC-based private equity outfit that once had George H. W. Bush on its board. Previous board members of its Asian operations included Fidel Ramos (ex-President of the Philippines) and Thaksin Shinawatra (ex-PM of Thailand). http://seekingalpha.com/article/54630-the-carlyle-group-takes-position-in-china-recycling-energy-corp

People who think, "Oh, it's just Thaksin, why doesn't everyone just forget/ignore him", are missing the point that he and Thailand are involved in a global struggle for control of the world's finances. Thaksin is not backed by the US government but by financial elites in the US who want Thailand to be under their control and use their connections in the US government to achieve those goals. As you can see in the above links, Thaksin is/was never for Thailand, but sold out his loyalty to King and country for the personal gain to himself and his Shinawatra clan. He does not deserve to be considered Thai as he is, and has been, an internationalist.

Affiliated Politicians with the Carlyle Group.

Politicians North America Europe Asia
  • Anand Panyarachun, former Prime Minister of Thailand (twice), former member of the Carlyle Asia Advisory Board until the board was disbanded in 2004[91]
  • Fidel V. Ramos, former president of the Philippines, Carlyle Asia Advisor Board Member until the board was disbanded in 2004[91]
  • Peter Chung, former associate at Carlyle Group Korea, who resigned in 2001 after 2 weeks on the job after an inappropriate e-mail to friends was circulated around the world[92][93]
  • Thaksin Shinawatra, former Prime Minister of Thailand (twice), former member of the Carlyle Asia Advisory Board until 2001 when he resigned upon being elected Prime Minister.[94]
  • Norman Pearlstine – editor-in-chief of Time magazine from (1995–2005), senior advisor telecommunications and media group, 2006–
Just for your information ! Best Regards.
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Well That just proves and solidifies his statement that Thailand has a corrupt unethical and broken judicial system. And now will punish him for stating the facts. To bad for Thailand the whole world already knows this. So if im a huge foreign investor and I feel the judicial system is a fraud. I would take my business to China or some other cheap labor country. No benift to using Thailand from a business stand point. And big business tends to listen to Business men of his Caliber.

And who was the greatest benefactor of the corrupt unethical and broken judicial system -- surprise surprise the one and only Thaksin Shinawatra and his lackies - - but luckily this is being brought to a stop.

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one word... FEAR

IT IS SO AMAZING... how this country fears the Thaksin group... Prayut n company included... it all indicates ever since they 'stole his position' in 2006... they cannot come to terms on rectifying the matter. so they hide in fear and just use corruptive power to 'deny'

they are trying to railroad his sister who tried ever hard to unite this country, by showing that Thaksin group were not needing gov't to show but to show how the gov't can work for the people... Thaksin is the symbol of democracy to this country... everyone since... is NOT... but power hungry mad men...

bring back thaksin...bring back democracy... and that is what the spoiled corruptive people in bangkok and now the military fear... they have not been able to arrest him on real charges...but only inventive charges... they are doing the same to his sister....

this country will never be at peace until they join and understand Thaksin politics...then he won't be a threat to them any more.... until that time... everyone suffers

Well- must say this is definitely the best laugh this week - could ever be the best of the month..

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Does he not have one (or two) from a banana republic???

By the way this does not make him stateless, it just means that the privileges that his passport bestow upon him will not be honoured, and many countries will be notified of that, I am sure if he wishes to return to Thailand he will be sent Emergency Travel Documents.

He still holds a diplomatic passport from Nicaragua so he gets special treatment wherever he goes.

THAILAND said yesterday it had no extradition agreement with Nicaragua, which has given a diplomatic passport to fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

http://www.smh.com.au/world/thaksin-granted-nicaragua-passport-20090416-a8th.html 17Apr09

Thaksin Shinawatra is now carrying six passports issued by foreign countries, Puea Thai MP chief Chalerm Yubamrung says. http://thailandtonight.blogspot.com/2009/05/thaksin-carries-6-passports.html

Convicted Thaksin holds Montenegro passport http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/04/27/politics/politics_30101407.php

Dr. Thaksin is not at all inconvenienced by the taking of his Thai passports. The part of the story about violating Article 112, the Lese Majesty Law, is the real story. He will never return now as no government can amnesty violation of the Lese Majesty Law. As rural people in the US Deep South have been known to say, "He shit and fell back in it".

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Does it really serve any purpose , I suppose it undermines his authority to speak on Thailand's behalf .The only time he would ever return would be would be if and when a Thaksin friendly Government were in place , so I dare say they would issue him a new one. Its just to unsettle his supporters I suppose and show how the junta can do what they want, Apart from Jailing his sister , not much else they can get at him with

Actually there is a way to have him arrested and brought to justice in Thailand. He only needs to be officially added to Interpol's list of wanted criminals and his exile will be over sooner than later, especially if a substantial reward is offered for information that leads to his arrest and return to Thailand to stand trial.
I don't think Interpol would waste their time with draconian charges against a former politician by a self appointed government.

I am sure Thaksin is free to travel to far more countries that our self appointed director general and history has show not too many survive very long.

There will be a very big power shift in Thailand and when it happens certain groups of people will be brought to justice one way or another. Only afterwards will Thailand have a chance to move forward and take advantage of its position in the Asian community for the benefit of all people.

Get a few facts straight -

Thasksin was found guilty by the legal system while HIS "party" was in power by judges mainly appointed by his cronnies. So to say and I quote your very words "draconian charges against a former politician by a self appointed government." is beyond belief.

There are some pretty stupid statements made in TV over a year - but this one must surely be in the running for the 2015 prize .

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Valued opinions ? How to screw billions out of a country in three easy lessons ?? There are plenty around the world who already know how to do that !!

The western media in Particular America are giving MR T a good deal of support for his valued opinions.

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Personally I don't think this is a smart move. He is now an exile who was overthrown by an illegal military coup who will spouting the charges were political etc etc. He will now take the gloves off as he can play to a Worldwide stage now he is an 'exile'. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's aetting up a government in exile. Prayuth has totally played into Thaksin's hands now. Silly person, Thailand and it's junta will now really be under the international spotlight.

Why do you perpetuate the lie that Thaksin was overthrown? His term as caretaker PM ran out and he stepped down to be replaced by Police General Chitchai Wannasathit (Acting Prime Minister by Royal Command) 5 April 2006 - 23 May 2006, was installed as caretaker PM to facilitate new elections. Seven weeks later, Dr. Thaksin moved back into government house and there was no power to stop him. Though Dr. Thaksin was in Government House acting as PM, he had no legal authority under the constitution to be there. When the Army moved in, they did not oust a sitting PM but they did oust a pretender and power grabber.



Thaksin had no constitutional right to be in Government House when the military stepped in.

If you want to provide some evidence that Thaksin was legitimately, under the constitution, the PM when the military stepped in, I will consider it. I thought not.

BTW, the rest of your post sounds like wishful thinking.

Edited by rametindallas
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Does it really serve any purpose , I suppose it undermines his authority to speak on Thailand's behalf .The only time he would ever return would be would be if and when a Thaksin friendly Government were in place , so I dare say they would issue him a new one. Its just to unsettle his supporters I suppose and show how the junta can do what they want, Apart from Jailing his sister , not much else they can get at him with

Actually there is a way to have him arrested and brought to justice in Thailand. He only needs to be officially added to Interpol's list of wanted criminals and his exile will be over sooner than later, especially if a substantial reward is offered for information that leads to his arrest and return to Thailand to stand trial.

Interpol would regard this as a political charge, and would not entertain it.

Not the criminal conviction, or the 15 criminal charges waiting in court for which warrants have been issued.

The Shins would like all charges against them to be considered political - and wiped clean. Other countries courts might not fall for it.

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