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given the thais total lack of regard for all matters of safety(for others and themselves), this unfortunately was always going to happen . Hope this is a good lesson for everyone(but I doubt it). RIP to the deceased

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Poor guy. To those that have done this or similar, how many have taken a visual inspection of the rope and such for safety while being harnessed in? One's worst nightmare..


Despite having a broken neck and other injuries he may have survived if they and left him where he fell fand called an ambulance.

Instead they tossed him in the back of a pickup and dropped him off at hospital!

In spite of you not being there you jump to this conclussion ? Shame on you.

Circusman if you know anything about head and neck injuries you do not move the person until a stabilizer is placed around the neck. There is a good chance his neck was broken whilst in the pickup. Also in this case moving a person in this situation, you can sever the spinal cord.

Yes, that could be the case.

But there also is a good chance he was dead already before put in the truck.

Better to stop with speculating. RIP.


There are reports of fatal bungee jumping accidents all over the world.

Many are due to equipment failure.

This is not "Thai Specific"

It seems to be a problem everywhere .. and to the people who want to make this a "Thai Thing" .. before you do, Google "bungee accident" and do some research.

You will find articles like this:

A BUNGEE jump in tandem turned to tragedy when a young couple plunged 220ft to their deaths from a bridge.
The snap-hooks at the jumping-off point are believed to have given way after Tiziana Accorra, a 26-year-old university student from Rome, leapt from the bridge tied to her boyfriend Alberto Galletti, 25, from Siena and a member of Italy's elite Folgore army parachute regiment. The pair were said to have arrived at the bungee jump centre after it had closed but persuaded the owner, Lorenzo Illuminati, to re-open.
The bridge from which they jumped, at the Polino Jumping Centre near Arrone in Umbria's Valnerina valley, had been used for bungee jumping for six years without accident. It had been Miss Accorra's maiden jump. A shaken Mr Illuminati said: "The two snap-hooks opened, which is a terrible thing to happen. If only one had, it would have been enough to take the strain. I maintain that I have no responsibility for what happened.

Please note the mechanical failure of TWO snap hooks.

It is, in my opinion, bungee jumping is reckless and stupid thing to do .. but to each his own.

I am sorry this young man had his life end this way.
I am sorry for his friends and family.
Criticize all you like (This is a Thai Basher wet dream) .... but please show respect to him and his family.


I suppose bungy jumping and condoms have one thing in common in Thailand: If the rubber breaks you're FLICKED

I suppose you and this tragic accident have something in common.

Neither is funny.


Phuket strikes again Ukrainian killed in bungee jump ? was it an accident or carelessness it has yet to be decided the driver who delivered the body to the hospital did a quick exit after reluctantly admitting it was a bungee jump ....


Great service by the bungee jump team! I bet there will be a 2.000 Baht fine for the bungee jump operator given the company is 100% Thai mafia owned, or conviction and jail sentence for any foreign co-owner followed by a super tough crackdown on foreign, respectively part-foreign owned adventure tour / adventure outdoor action or whatever operators.

Well, the Thais truly know how to make a bad reputation stick, don't they?


Thainess, dodge the bullet. Mai Pen Rai

Apart from the strong suspicion that the equipment is seldom checked or maintained there may also be a case for causing death by reckless endangerment from the manner that he was brought to hospital in a truck. Anyone who suffers a fall from a faulty bungee line needs to be treated with care and the neck should have been immobilized prior to him being transported. Broken necks need significant care to avoid .potential paralysis or death. These bastards have the IQ of a horse turd


So along with terrifying roads,low balcony railings,electrified swimming pools,dangerous trains,crazed bus drivers,and unsafe tourist boats,we can now add bungy jumping,yes i really see where the Minister for tourism was coming from.


Chaiwat said police will investigate that it was an accident or a case of carelessness.

I`ll give 1000 to one odds that they conclude it was an accident.


"Police found the body of Kadhmbahman" how long did they have to look for his body???

Not long as they found him in the HOSPITAL where they were told he would be.

More importantly was the question why paramedics were not called to the scene of the accident and the victim transported to the hospital in an ambulance. A person having broken bones, especially involving the back and potentially pierced lungs, is highly susceptible ot further injury. Incompetent handling of the victim at the scene of the accident and to the hospital in the back of a pickup bed probably doomed the victim if he had any hope to survive.


This event happened at World Bungy Jump Patong Beach.


Despite having a broken neck and other injuries he may have survived if they and left him where he fell fand called an ambulance.

Instead they tossed him in the back of a pickup and dropped him off at hospital!

In spite of you not being there you jump to this conclussion ? Shame on you.

Circusman if you know anything about head and neck injuries you do not move the person until a stabilizer is placed around the neck. There is a good chance his neck was broken whilst in the pickup. Also in this case moving a person in this situation, you can sever the spinal cord.

"There is a good chance his neck was broken whilst in the pickup."

Yes, you're probably right, falling head first from a bungy on to the ground is much less likely to break the neck than just placing him in the pickup. Bol locks of the day post.


Notice to Thai Bash Department:

Before you go hog wild pointing out how awful and "Thai" this is:

I believe this tragedy happened at Jungle Bungy Jump / Phuket:

If (big if) so, it is managed by a group from New Zealand, including the jump master.

Would you now care to elaborate on how stupid, irresponsible and careless people from New Zealand are?

Didn't think so.

No, different bungee jump operation.


In the big picture with so many losing their lives in just crossing a street or swimming or

just going on about their daily business, sympathy for those climbing mountains, skydiving,

swimming with sharks and BUNGEE JUMPING is hard to come by.


Notice to Thai Bash Department:

Before you go hog wild pointing out how awful and "Thai" this is:

I believe this tragedy happened at Jungle Bungy Jump / Phuket:

If (big if)so, it is managed by a group from New Zealand, including the jump master.

Would you now care to elaborate on how stupid, irresponsible and careless people from New Zealand are?

Didn't think so.

No, different bungee jump operation.

You are correct, and it is confirmed that the accident occurred at World Bungy Jump Patong Beach


Kuwaiti Man dies in tragic Phuket bungee jump fall

Eakkapop Thongtub


Police question a member of the bungee jump's staff.

PHUKET: -- A Kuwaiti man died yesterday (May 27) when the ankle straps he was wearing when he jumped from the World Bungee Jump in Patong came off. Police are currently investigating to find whether this incident was was due to faulty equipment or was just a tragic accident.

Patong Hospital called police at 5:30pm to say that a tourist who had sustained serious injuries in a fall when jumping at the World Bungee Jump on Sai Nam Yen Rd in Patong had died shortly after arriving at the hospital.

The victim, whose name has been withheld until his family has been notified, suffered a broken neck and fractured several ribs.

Hospital staff told police that the man had been taken to the hospital in a pick-up truck and that the driver, an employee of World Bungee, had told nurses that the Kuwaiti had fallen from the bungee jump.

Kathu police superintendent, Col Chaiwat Uykam took a team of investigators to the World Bungee Jump, the highest bungee jump in Southern Thailand.

Col Chaiwat said that witnesses told police that the victim̕ had jumped from the bungee platform. As he rebounded from the bottom of his dive the ankle straps came off, and he crashed to the ground next to the lake under the platform.

The victim hit the ground hard, injuring his neck and body.

Police are now try to find out the truth behind this tragic accident and are to inspect all the bungee jump equipment and cords.

Police have contacted the Kuwait embassy so that the family of the deceased can be notified.

The Phuket News can confirm that the police have now closed down the World Bungee Jump until their investigations are complete.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/kuwaiti-man-dies-in-tragic-phuket-bungee-jump-fall-52509.php

-- Phuket News 2015-05-28


Is there anything in this country that ain't dangerous?

My Hammock. Twelve inches off the ground. The rope has broken before, but a foot is only a short fall.


Reading the story above, it typically contradicts other news reports (that says the bungy broke, not that the straps came off). Shouldn't be too difficult to get to the bottom of it, but TIT, so be prepared for this to be brushed under the carpet with no verifiable outcome after envelopes are shuffled.


I often wonder about the Pattaya Park tower and the cables used for the zip line and trolleys......there getting old.


Reading the story above, it typically contradicts other news reports (that says the bungy broke, not that the straps came off). Shouldn't be too difficult to get to the bottom of it, but TIT, so be prepared for this to be brushed under the carpet with no verifiable outcome after envelopes are shuffled.

The other news source says that first reports indicate that the bonds broke, but the header says the cord came lose. So most likely the report has bene adjusted and the present reports say that the cord came lose.


As sad as this senseless, negligent fatality is, the sad thing is the Thailand government should understand exactly what went wrong and then regulate and license all bungee businesses to ensure that it does not happen again. The horrible fact is that deaths occur in the same way and nothing changes.


Bungee jumping is a kind of madness among the new generations IMHO at least. blink.png

OK accident happened for lack of security probably that is what's happened in Phuket.

BUT did everyone know, I did not ,that Injuries occurred also despite safety measures, generally relating to the abrupt rise in upper body intravascular pressure during bungee cord recoil. Eyesight damage is the most frequently reported complication.Impaired eyesight secondary to retinal haemorrhage may be transient or take several weeks to resolve. In one case, a 26-year-old woman's eyesight was still impaired after 7 months. Whiplash injuries may occur as the jumper is jolted on the bungee cord and in at least one case, this has led to quadriplegia secondary to a broken neck. Very serious injury can also occur if the jumper's neck or body gets entangled in the cord. More recently, carotid artery dissection leading to a type of stroke after bungee jumping has also been described. All of these injuries have occurred in fit and healthy people in their twenties and thirties. Bungee jumping has also been shown to increase stress and decrease immune function.

A few lines copy/paste from Wikipedia, I always thought instinctively this activity was kind of suicidal now having read those lines I am convince!

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