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Prayut's 'war on corruption' will kick off soon


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If the general acts on his words, then I would be one of the first out on the streets to cheer him, but why the one year wait. I read somewhere that in the end the people always win, but in the Thai society I doubt this, this is a country where the baht is worshiped more than anything else, where self preservation and not losing face comes before human life. Is there any hope for Thailand maybe one day in the distant future, men or women who are untainted by wealth might take control and serve the nation and not just the HI-Sos.

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Yes. Do start! But make sure cronies have been given time to dispose, hide, transfer assets obtained via corruption in the past. And I still wonder how career military men amass millions on a mere government salary. Care to guess?

Wel human trafficking was a nice little earner up until recently, to name one.

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Corruption starts in the home , mothers and housewives . I thought the campaign against corruption had already started , but there has been no sign of it around here . Police and school teachers are at the forefront in rural areas , so who will be actively involved in the clean up . Perhaps everybody will be sneaking on their neighbour . The surest way to illiminate corruption would be to get rid of entire Thai population .

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Maybe good news at last on the corruption front but it has to be done across the board.

Not just the top tier like the government officials but with the lower ranks such as the police and school teachers.

Heard one such case only last week. My wife has neices and nephews who are aged between 6 and 8 who go to the local village school.

The pupils are 'encouraged to save money' with their teachers, normally about 5B a day.

The neice came home the other day asking for my wife to now keep any money she saves as she does not want to give to the teacher.

This action was sparked when the nephew was told he had accumaleted savings with the teacher of 400B but he could not have it back as the teacher had no money to give him.

Some of the children were given back the money they saved by some teachers, but other teachers would not give back at all.

5B a day for 30 children in a class is a lot of extra cash to top up one's wages.

The parent's however are afraid to go and see the teacher or tell their children not to give the teacher money as they fear the children will be victimised by the teacher.

This is the sort of corruption that should be stamped on before the children except this as a way of life, and do similar when they grow up.

My wife has been a government teacher for 26 years and has never received any money from any corrupt act. Now school directors are a different story. But if she wanted a transfer to another school she would have to pay 200,000 baht to get it. I think teachers are at the bottom of the ladder in terms of corrupt government officials with little or no opportunity to jump on the gravy train.

Whilst i do not doubt the sincerity of your post doing the maths it does seem a lot of work for a small return and a lot of potential hassle from parents.

30 children x 5 baht a day x 180 days a year school is open = 27,000 baht a year that's assuming every child pays and the teacher returns nothing.

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Topic says it all "his governments claimed commitment," don't really need to read more as it's been a year.

so what did you expect?

1. day in government: removing corruption

2. day get a decent police force

3. day Thaksin in prison - harakiri of PT and Redshirts

4. day everybody happy

5. day everybody rich

6. day all Thai people have a kaukasian appearance

7. day step back and have democratic elections followed by a democratically acting elected government?


Which Western government got their plan done in the first year?

what are you.... dreamer or hypocrite?

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War On Corruption: "It was able to cut the cost of the NGV buses by Bt1 million per bus from Bt4 million, he claimed"

If there is to be no corruption, then please investigate why the NGV Bus Contract has been awarded to a company with no track record of manufacturing buses. When I was bidding for Thai Government contracts they often ask for >30 years experience in manufacturing a product, yet this company has only been doing research and development to manufacture buses in Thailand. I will be surprised if these buses last long in Bangkok.

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Thai talk is cheap. Let's see some actual busts of Tai big men, Thai bankers, and Thai business cronies. Let's see them cuffed, charged, indicted and arraigned and tried. Steep jail time handed out for those found guilty.

This misses the point, as well as the depth of the problem. Corruption is the issue that it is not simply because of some corrupt hisos. They are always with us, everywhere in the world. But in this case, acceptance, tolerance and practice of it is deep in the public DNA. Some prominent example-setting won't hurt, but it almost needs to be a cultural shift. That takes broad public awareness and acknowledgment, and I just don't see it.

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And the unusual wealthy Chief of Police Mr Somyot is going to be in charge of the fight against corruption?cheesy.gif

Mr P. Some friendly advice:

Start with your former colleagues above a certain rank within the armed forces. That should keep you busy for a decade or two.....................coffee1.gif

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Last year wifey overhead a middle-aged lady actually boasting how her policeman husband's promotion cost 10 million baht. The words were couched as a complaint of the expense, but were really to show that they had the dosh....a boast.

They pay the bribe, get the promotion, and the return is a bigger cut of the bribes further down the hierarchy....all the way down to the street cop.

With hundreds, if not thousands, of ranking policemen having their investments threatened, things may get ugly...there's hundreds of millions of baht that need to be repaid.

Do you have the balls, Sir, to fight the war to the bitter end? I hope so.

I do believe he does... Good post!

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so he have or will replace min 50% of all Immigration officers !! 555555

Why than new railway constructions are not on public tenders ??

Why not repeat microphoines for the parliament with electronic auction ?

Why than police call Israel secretely for spying devices ?

50% of thai officials are corrupt, and they have found already 200 !!

Where are the other 2 million officers and police corrupt fromm feet till head ??

Whats with all this village head mans ? Koh Tao , or amny other involved with the rice sheme

and all their other budget running under table ??

All this will be now open public electronic tenders ??

Whi believes - beleaves - me not !!

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The fight against corruption should be an unpolitical issue.

Taxpayers do not care, where and what corrupt People get caught, as long as the fight against it.
The complete confiscation of stolen money, bribes, black money, drug money, etc. should be carried out with full force.
The balance check of declared assets with the actual real assets should be mandatory.
Also the projection of possible income due to wages and salaries should be carried out.
If a subject can not explain the origin of the money without any doubt: Then asset confiscation.
I like the idea of a weekly list with 100 corrupt names on it.
And the investigation results, or the guilty should be made public.
The sum of the seized money should also be made public.
They should set up a fund from them they finance exclusively social projects.

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Thai talk is cheap. Let's see some actual busts of Tai big men, Thai bankers, and Thai business cronies. Let's see them cuffed, charged, indicted and arraigned and tried. Steep jail time handed out for those found guilty.

The easiest way to do this is to contact the banks and ask them to forward all information on deposits over 10 million bahts and the vehicle registry office to forward information on all high end cars. Problem solved. They like to flaunt their wealth.

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Thai talk is cheap. Let's see some actual busts of Tai big men, Thai bankers, and Thai business cronies. Let's see them cuffed, charged, indicted and arraigned and tried. Steep jail time handed out for those found guilty.

have you been sleeping for a year

Better than watching the Friday Teletubbies and think they are real! cheesy.gif

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Thai talk is cheap. Let's see some actual busts of Tai big men, Thai bankers, and Thai business cronies. Let's see them cuffed, charged, indicted and arraigned and tried. Steep jail time handed out for those found guilty.

Lets see him cuff himself first for having illegally at gun point over thrown a democratically elected government. just before another election as well. Surely there is no greater crime.

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