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Can't find divorce papers to re-marry

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Hi there

I am 34 years old and have been married once to a Thai national. We divorced 6-7 years ago. My current long term girlfriend and I would one day like to marry although no date has been set. I do not have my divorce certificate from before. I misplaced them a couple of years back. I know that in order to marry here foreigners need to have a freedom to marry document which confirms that any previous marriage was dealt with in the right way ie divorced and papers to boot. We got married in Bangkok in a small registry office, so I am thinking of going back there to get the document. Or does anyone else have any ideas?

Many thanks in advance

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I've had to get replacement marriage certificates in the past and presume the proceedure to replace divorce papers will be the same.

First get a police loss report. A simple proceedure that takes a few minutes at any police station.

Take that police loss report to the Umphur preferably where you were divorced.

They will issue a certified stamped copy of the divorce paperwork which is accepted in Thai courts. They will not issue a replacement divorce certificate.

The costs are minimal so get a few copies while you're there.

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Today I got my free to marry document from Embassy. I have noticed a number of other postings on here about this very same subject. Perhaps you will look further under Marriage Divorce. Most of the comments deal with whether to self reveal proper divorces from overseas, so the advice is along these lines. With a local marriage I think it is pretty important that you are on the up and up about this. I think divorcing in Thai and then marrying in Thailand places you in a little bit more exposed position with regard to disclosure. Good luck.

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I have a complicated situation. I married a Thai woman in 1997 in Denmark. I am French. I legalized the marriage in the French Embassy in Denmark and so i am officially married in both France and Denmark.

We never legalized this marriage in Thailand. So we don't have any marriage certificate from the Thai Authorities. We got one child in 1999 but we separated in 2001. We both live in Thailand. When it came to divorce, we approached the Thai authorities. But of course they told us that we are not married in Thailand so we must deal with Denmark. We approached Danish Embassy in Bangkok but they told us as we are not resident in Denmark anymore, it won't be possible to get divorce in Thailand. When we approched the French Embassy, they told us bring divorce certificate from Denmark and we will cancel the French marriage. It has been like this for many years and we sort of give up about this divorce. 2 years ago, I got a new lawyer and explained him the case and he said he could manage it. I didn't believe as we tried so many time with so many lawyers...but i said ok. It took about one year until I was in the Amphur where my wife is from to sign both of us and got a divorce certificate from the Amphur!

I then got a certified english translation (from the MOFA) and French Tranlastion from the French Embassy). I submitted those translations to the respective Embassies. The French told me that they need the divorce certificate from the Danish authorities while the Danish Embassy told us we still can't get divorce certificate from Thailand.

In clear, we have a divorce certificate from the Thai Authorities from which we actually never got any marriage certificate but we can't get one from Denmark or France where we got marriage certificates!

My "ex wife" and me are in good relation and there have never been in dispute to request the divorce.

Anyone has any advice on this?

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