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NATO believes Russia can take over Kiev, Baltic countries within 2 days

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Better Isolationist than World Police No. 1

What's the alternative? Russia? China? Because it's a pretty undisputed fact that when a void, in anything, happens something will take its place.

A political system where life is valued higher than money. The UN.

UN has like twice the amount of members that are dictatorships compared to democracies. And even if was 100% democratic members it would still be worthless to do anything at all as before they even took a decision any kind of conflict would have ended about a decade ago. And are you telling me that if Russia, you know a veto member, invaded nation X that they would vote for others to go to war with them?

I can imagine many ways how to strengthen the military role of the UN, but that would be off topic here.

The question of dictatorships is also not a topic here. But let me remind you that "democracy" usually means temporary dictatorship of a majority, which of course raises further questions.

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The source is Sputnik news. Please note that this is part of the Russians troll factory. They are no longer feeding the 'alternative' news to only to their own people, but also to the rest of the world.


I would appreciate if the Sputnik news would not be referred anywhere.

Of course, Radio Liberty is no propaganda at all...


I guess the Germans, French, Italians, Spanish, and British ought to be preparing to do something to defend the EU, then. This one is not an American problem. Otherwise, I'd be developing an appetite for borscht if I was European.

The U.S. has defense agreements with NATO and with the countries you name. Are you saying those treaties should be unilaterally abrogated hy the U.S.? If the U.S. is eventually going to have to commit resources, and even troops, if any of its treaty partners are attacked, does it not have an interest in trying to pre-empt such attacks? Very very easy to say "this one is not an American problem", but how true is that in point of fact?

If your treaty "partners" are unwilling to do their share in preparing their own defense, then yes, cancel or disregard the damn treaty.


Hmmmmm, Where Did All The American Bashers Go, Awfully Quiet Out There...

Hi! Can't bear to disappoint you. So. . . a little much needed education coming your way. Best have the hypertension medication handy.

IS, like its predecessor al Qaeda ,would not be the threat it is had the US not backed its founders - a breakaway group from the so-called Free Syrian Army which, of course, was also supported by the US and its Western allies in its abortive attempts to overthrow the Assad regime.

If you thought Al Qaeda, a CIA rent-a-mob originally recruited to bog down the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, was bad news al Baghdadi's head choppers are arguably a much greater threat to world stability than the late un-lamented Osama Bin Laden ever was.

Now to the Russians, whom the West is painting as villains rather than victims of US hegemony.The fact is they had little choice but to contest the Ukraine, the loss of which would have robbed them of access to their only Black Sea naval base.

Now this nuclear armed and formidable foe (just ask the Nazis!) is becoming dangerously paranoid as the West continues to cynically renege on a deal struck during the reunification of Germany which promised an end to Nato expansion eastwards.

So there you go - a couple of contemporary conspiracy theories to chew on. All tinfoil hat rubbish of course, but at least a refreshing change from the Cold War rhetoric churned out by Western media to keep us all in a constant state of terror and, of course, totally malleable.

Thank goodness I never bothered to demolish that old fall-out shelter in my back garden.


Russia is running around with portable crematorys, to burn the soldiers bodies immediately to hide their losses on Ukranian Soil, reported by mainstream media today.

I do appreciate your sarcasm!

. I wish it wasn't ...

and if they do, what will bankrupt europe do ?

Obviously you've never been to Europe, otherwise you'd know it's not bankrupt. In fact, it's one of the richest parts of the world. I suggest you take a visit and see for yourself before posting such naive nonsense.

It also sounds like you don't know that Russia is also in Europe. Maybe a few geography lessons are in order.


It is a good thing that the new space lazars have been recently launched,

the vaporizing of men and equipment will begin when the magic line is crossed!

Actually I am a bit surprised that there has not been a spike in UFO reports seen over the Russia and Ukraine border areas. Maybe the aliens are content to have a bit more tension between the nations

before they come to have another look at all of us. My mother used to show me the

reports in the early 1950s when there newspapers had articles on the unrest around the world, and

the reports almost at the same times of more sightings of UFOs and other strange events.

Now we are all fed the news by the media, of what they think we should see and know.

Ahh. Modernization and even more secrets kept by all of our governments!

I just hope that I can enjoy a few more years of retirement before too many

nuclear weapons go off around the world!


So I guess the massed troops which are 30 miles within Russia and witnessed by a Reuters reporter in Russia, are not there either. Unless of course, the plan was to sneak these massed troops (enough to threaten Nato) across the border into East Ukraine at a later date so they can join up with the troops already fighting with the Eastern Ukrainians.

It would not be the first time that Reuters made false claims, now would it? coffee1.gif

Actions and words folks, actions and words... This is more saber rattling by NATO in an attempt to maintain their ludicrous position in the Ukraine fiasco, by shouting fire when there is none... They have done this over and over again for the last year... If Putin wanted to take Ukraine, he would have done so... The point is that he hasn't and won't, even with NATO poking Putin in the ribs by holding military training maneuvers on Russia's border... No, Putin is playing the long game and has the rest of the BRICS behind him, as evidenced by both Chinese and Indian troops marching in the May Day parade in Moscow... The end game is the collapse of the EU, one country at a time, with them joining the Eurasian trade block... Greece will be the first... The EU is done and is only awaiting the first domino to fall, which will most likely be GRexit, which will cause the 26 trillion Euro derivatives chain to collapse...

I think it is a close to accurate claim. Russia must be prepared to defend against Nato and they are doing it on their side of the border. Nothing unusual about that. What I can't figure is why anyone would take this perfectly logical happening and turn it into something like the Russians are covertly crossing the border with mobile crematoriums. That is pretty much like Saddam ripping babies from incubators. People seem to need taking a news report and twisting it into something it isn't. It could at best be a half truth.


So I guess the massed troops which are 30 miles within Russia and witnessed by a Reuters reporter in Russia, are not there either. Unless of course, the plan was to sneak these massed troops (enough to threaten Nato) across the border into East Ukraine at a later date so they can join up with the troops already fighting with the Eastern Ukrainians.

It would not be the first time that Reuters made false claims, now would it? coffee1.gif

Actions and words folks, actions and words... This is more saber rattling by NATO in an attempt to maintain their ludicrous position in the Ukraine fiasco, by shouting fire when there is none... They have done this over and over again for the last year... If Putin wanted to take Ukraine, he would have done so... The point is that he hasn't and won't, even with NATO poking Putin in the ribs by holding military training maneuvers on Russia's border... No, Putin is playing the long game and has the rest of the BRICS behind him, as evidenced by both Chinese and Indian troops marching in the May Day parade in Moscow... The end game is the collapse of the EU, one country at a time, with them joining the Eurasian trade block... Greece will be the first... The EU is done and is only awaiting the first domino to fall, which will most likely be GRexit, which will cause the 26 trillion Euro derivatives chain to collapse...

I think it is a close to accurate claim. Russia must be prepared to defend against Nato and they are doing it on their side of the border. Nothing unusual about that. What I can't figure is why anyone would take this perfectly logical happening and turn it into something like the Russians are covertly crossing the border with mobile crematoriums. That is pretty much like Saddam ripping babies from incubators. People seem to need taking a news report and twisting it into something it isn't. It could at best be a half truth.
. Geez People Google is your Friend, Google Mobile Crematorys it comes from Bloomberg View, it's been reported...I know ,I know ,it's Mainstream Media, CNN, Wash Times, Liveleak,BI

and if they do, what will bankrupt europe do ?

Obviously you've never been to Europe, otherwise you'd know it's not bankrupt. In fact, it's one of the richest parts of the world. I suggest you take a visit and see for yourself before posting such naive nonsense.

It also sounds like you don't know that Russia is also in Europe. Maybe a few geography lessons are in order.

Guess he means bankrupt EU which belongs to bankrupt banks.

Banks are bankrupt if they can't pay their debts, ie cash their customers.

EU is actually a bunch of robbers, and their population are hostages.

Now EU is hungry for land and natural resources again, Russia needs to defend herself against EU robbers, and neither Russia nor Ukraine are part of EU.

BTW, most of Russia (Siberia) is not in Europe but in Asia.


I'm quite sure Germany would beg the USA for help if they get paranoid about the Russians.

Maybe US left some Pershings in Mutlangen which could be reactivated. They are ballistic weapons with small neutron bombs to kill humans and save the hardware.

Be rest-assured Germany would use them to defend their cannibalistic economy, even if half of the Germans would die. Which would actually solve the problem, because after Germany wouldn't be so overcrowded anymore. And I would still be able to get my money from Germany, that's all what counts.

Of course, they will be coming up with all kinds of religious ceremonies.

"Your mother country needs you now! Fight for it! Rather dead than red!"

I wonder how many would obey the call for collective suicide this time.


I didn't really believe it, but there are now lots of news items out there about this. If true, and only a few really know, it's crazy.


. Thank You for Investigating...

Still none of NATO's business.

Violations of the Geneva Convention should be investigated, stopped and eventually prosecuted by the UN (a stronger UN than today)


I didn't really believe it, but there are now lots of news items out there about this. If true, and only a few really know, it's crazy.


. Thank You for Investigating...

Still none of NATO's business.

Violations of the Geneva Convention should be investigated, stopped and eventually prosecuted by the UN (a stronger UN than today)

A stronger UN would be great. But now, just look at the debacle we have next door in Cambodia. An absolute disgrace and waste of money.


The story of the mobile crematoriums was released by Bloomberg this spring following a visit to Kiev by House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry who accompanied NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow into Kiev in March. They were informed by both US and Ukrainian sources that this story was legit. It is a silly story and is so unlikely it comes across as a joke. The story was also kept cloudy by comments regarding classification of the information. I am curious to what US sources were present in Kiev at the time and why it would be classified. I understand the frantic seach for evidence that Putin is lying and I am sure there are hundreds of agents from several countries digging into the goings on in East Ukraine but this one does not pass the smell test for me.



The story of the mobile crematoriums was released by Bloomberg this spring following a visit to Kiev by House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry who accompanied [/size]NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow into Kiev in March. They were informed by both US and Ukrainian sources that this story was legit. It is a silly story and is so unlikely it comes across as a joke. The story was also kept cloudy by comments regarding classification of the information. I am curious to what US sources were present in Kiev at the time and why it would be classified. I understand the frantic seach for evidence that Putin is lying and I am sure there are hundreds of agents from several countries digging into the goings on in East Ukraine but this one does not pass the smell test for me.[/size]


Though this one may turn out to be a bit crazy, Putin has been caught in lies before. These are well documented and admitted by him. Thus, few put much credibility to his statements.


Even if Putin might lie sometimes, he's not the one that started manipulation of the international opinion.

Remember a Tex who failed to eat a peanut but still started a war?


The story of the mobile crematoriums was released by Bloomberg this spring following a visit to Kiev by House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry who accompanied [/size]NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow into Kiev in March. They were informed by both US and Ukrainian sources that this story was legit. It is a silly story and is so unlikely it comes across as a joke. The story was also kept cloudy by comments regarding classification of the information. I am curious to what US sources were present in Kiev at the time and why it would be classified. I understand the frantic seach for evidence that Putin is lying and I am sure there are hundreds of agents from several countries digging into the goings on in East Ukraine but this one does not pass the smell test for me.[/size]


Though this one may turn out to be a bit crazy, Putin has been caught in lies before. These are well documented and admitted by him. Thus, few put much credibility to his statements.

Putin may be a liar but he has made no comment on the mobile crematorium. So, this point, it has nothing to do with Putin.



The story of the mobile crematoriums was released by Bloomberg this spring following a visit to Kiev by House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry who accompanied [/size]NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow into Kiev in March. They were informed by both US and Ukrainian sources that this story was legit. It is a silly story and is so unlikely it comes across as a joke. The story was also kept cloudy by comments regarding classification of the information. I am curious to what US sources were present in Kiev at the time and why it would be classified. I understand the frantic seach for evidence that Putin is lying and I am sure there are hundreds of agents from several countries digging into the goings on in East Ukraine but this one does not pass the smell test for me.[/size]


Though this one may turn out to be a bit crazy, Putin has been caught in lies before. These are well documented and admitted by him. Thus, few put much credibility to his statements.

Putin may be a liar but he has made no comment on the mobile crematorium. So, this point, it has nothing to do with Putin.

You mean other than the fact his troops are on the ground in Ukraine and are being killed in action? Even he admits his troops are there. Just on "holiday".giggle.gif

I know this is speculation, but connect the dots. If it gets out that lots of Russian soldiers are being killed in Ukraine, his popularity at home will go down? Interesting he just created this new law. It all ties together:


Putin makes Russia's peacetime military deaths a state secret

(CNN)For years, the tally of Russian troops who died at war has been a state secret. Now, President Vladimir Putin says his government won't reveal the number of military deaths during peacetime either.

A new presidential decree puts Russia's military losses "in peacetime during special operations" on the country's list of state secrets alongside "information disclosing losses in manpower in wartime," Russia's state-run TASS news agency reported Thursday.

Critics of the Kremlin were quick to tie the move to the simmering conflict in Ukraine.

"Not only is this decree a blatant attack on freedom of expression, it also has sinister undertones that will intensify speculation President Putin has something to hide -- specifically losses incurred by Russia's military in Ukraine," John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International's Europe and Central Asia Director, said in a statement.


The story of the mobile crematoriums was released by Bloomberg this spring following a visit to Kiev by House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry who accompanied [/size]NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow into Kiev in March. They were informed by both US and Ukrainian sources that this story was legit. It is a silly story and is so unlikely it comes across as a joke. The story was also kept cloudy by comments regarding classification of the information. I am curious to what US sources were present in Kiev at the time and why it would be classified. I understand the frantic seach for evidence that Putin is lying and I am sure there are hundreds of agents from several countries digging into the goings on in East Ukraine but this one does not pass the smell test for me.[/size]


Though this one may turn out to be a bit crazy, Putin has been caught in lies before. These are well documented and admitted by him. Thus, few put much credibility to his statements.

Surely you jest. A former KGB Agent would never be involved in deceptive practices or lie, would he?


Maybe Russia only want a test of NATO's readiness to defend Ukraine.

"Truth" is what the enemy believes, and professionals have their ways to publish disinformation.

Believe me, I'm a professional liar.


Russia is running around with portable crematorys, to burn the soldiers bodies immediately to hide their losses on Ukranian Soil, reported by mainstream media today.

I do appreciate your sarcasm!

Umm..I'm afraid he really believes in that..Bad case..Treatment is impossible..sad.png


Better Isolationist than World Police No. 1

What's the alternative? Russia? China? Because it's a pretty undisputed fact that when a void, in anything, happens something will take its place.

A political system where life is valued higher than money. The UN.

ROFL. Oh yes, The UN. That's the answer. Like, fer sure, dude. 55555555555555

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