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Does old husband and young Thai wife combo work ?

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So if all the old guys look 20 years younger than their age and are fit as a fiddle - what's with all the decrepit old wrecks I keep seeing round the place?

You need to hang out in classier joints.

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Yeah that's pretty weak. It's because

they can't afford to pay what a

Western woman would want for

selling herself to a relic. Why aren't

Hollywood stars and wealthy sports

men over here looking for young

tail? Because they can afford the

young tail in the West. Coffin-dodgers

are here because the women are

cheaper. Simple as that

My last 'gf' in the England was 23, that was 30 years younger than me.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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So if all the old guys look 20 years younger than their age and are fit as a fiddle - what's with all the decrepit old wrecks I keep seeing round the place?

To be honest I never see these fit young Thai hotties with older farangs in tow, in places such as, Ratchada, RCA, Thong Lor, Sri Nakarin, Lat Prao.

I never see these fit office girls in the CBD with elder farangs in tow.

For what takes place in lower Suk, I can only guess.

Some of the answers on here offer a fascinating insight into the human psyche, the words denial and delusional spring to mind.

No stories of the other side of the coin and the baggage these 35 year olds bring to the partnership, no tales of the lazy teenage hammock swinging stepsons who choose to stay at home and eat into the pension of some of our aging lotharios, rather than getting a job.

No wonder many turn to drink, its their only escape from the utter banality and boredom of their lives in paradise.

As for these fit young hotties, you are welcome to them, many of them had lives that were over before they ever got the bus south, no Thai man from a decent family wants them, no young farang guy here wants them, why would they, they can choose from hundreds of decent girls from decent families with no baggage in tow.

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So if all the old guys look 20 years younger than their age and are fit as a fiddle - what's with all the decrepit old wrecks I keep seeing round the place?

To be honest I never see these fit young Thai hotties with older farangs in tow, in places such as, Ratchada, RCA, Thong Lor, Sri Nakarin, Lat Prao.

I never see these fit office girls in the CBD with elder farangs in tow.

For what takes place in lower Suk, I can only guess.

Some of the answers on here offer a fascinating insight into the human psyche, the words denial and delusional spring to mind.

No stories of the other side of the coin and the baggage these 35 year olds bring to the partnership, no tales of the lazy teenage hammock swinging stepsons who choose to stay at home and eat into the pension of some of our aging lotharios, rather than getting a job.

No wonder many turn to drink, its their only escape from the utter banality and boredom of their lives in paradise.

As for these fit young hotties, you are welcome to them, many of them had lives that were over before they ever got the bus south, no Thai man from a decent family wants them, no young farang guy here wants them, why would they, they can choose from hundreds of decent girls from decent families with no baggage in tow.

A little bitter, perhaps? rolleyes.gif

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hahaha.... Let's just say I never really had a problem.

I always see these posts by young guys saying old fat guy with young lady.... Not everyone is fat and not everyone who is over 50 looks like an old man.

There are lots of guys who fit the fat old look but I also see many young guys who look a lot worse than many of the guys 20+ years older. It's the hole package that counts....

It's the hole package that counts....

a sentiment right up there with you are only as young as the woman you feel.

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Yeah that's pretty weak. It's because

they can't afford to pay what a

Western woman would want for

selling herself to a relic. Why aren't

Hollywood stars and wealthy sports

men over here looking for young

tail? Because they can afford the

young tail in the West. Coffin-dodgers

are here because the women are

cheaper. Simple as that

My last 'gf' in the England was 23, that was 30 years younger than me.

You realise that 10 minutes at a speed

-dating event don't count as a

relationship, don't you?

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So if all the old guys look 20 years younger than their age and are fit as a fiddle - what's with all the decrepit old wrecks I keep seeing round the place?

To be honest I never see these fit young Thai hotties with older farangs in tow, in places such as, Ratchada, RCA, Thong Lor, Sri Nakarin, Lat Prao.

I never see these fit office girls in the CBD with elder farangs in tow.

For what takes place in lower Suk, I can only guess.

Some of the answers on here offer a fascinating insight into the human psyche, the words denial and delusional spring to mind.

No stories of the other side of the coin and the baggage these 35 year olds bring to the partnership, no tales of the lazy teenage hammock swinging stepsons who choose to stay at home and eat into the pension of some of our aging lotharios, rather than getting a job.

No wonder many turn to drink, its their only escape from the utter banality and boredom of their lives in paradise.

As for these fit young hotties, you are welcome to them, many of them had lives that were over before they ever got the bus south, no Thai man from a decent family wants them, no young farang guy here wants them, why would they, they can choose from hundreds of decent girls from decent families with no baggage in tow.

A little bitter, perhaps? rolleyes.gif

Right now would prefer a nice ice cold lager,if you are offering.

I dont know, but from some of the posts some make, bitter would be putting it mildly.

Can only report from what I have observed with working alongside some of these train wrecks over the years.

Heck even the Thais told them do not get involved, never mind their girl is always different.

For some of our aging lotharios, get yourself out to the suburbs of Bkk, plenty of middle aged 40 year olds with houses that are paid for, pensions coming in every month and no worthless family members in tow or living with them.

These women dont want or need your money, they dont need it.

Drunks and others of the ilk dont bother to apply.

You wont find these women, they find you.

What others choose to do with their money or who they take up with doesnt bother me one iota, why should it,it dont affect me.

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No stories of the other side of the coin and the baggage these 35 year olds bring to the partnership, no tales of the lazy teenage hammock swinging stepsons who choose to stay at home and eat into the pension of some of our aging lotharios, rather than getting a job.

No wonder many turn to drink, its their only escape from the utter banality and boredom of their lives in paradise.

Great Scott, swap the stepson for

a decomposing father-in-law lurking

in the bike shed and I'd swear you

were talking about marko.

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Sounds like you hang around with the crowd of women.

My wife is 29 years younger than me, and the most important factors are that she is not a bar girl, a drinker, a gambler or a party girl. Her parents are long deceased. Things are fine.

It amazes me that so many guys here get involved with questionable characters and then they wonder what went wrong.

"Questionable characters" ? I love TV so full of self righteous pontificating gentleman. All with unscrupulous character.

"jacksam", has a prostitute as a partner, thats why he is sensitive.

Do YOU know that..........?

Yes I do know and you would if you read "jacksam" previous posts. He is a old aussie doc. with a younger hooker on a daily / weekly wage. That is why he is soo sensitive

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I do not know if works or not....but Thai young women follow many models in Thai society and looks like it is OK for them.

Starting with a very well known and respected Thai personality always on the news, over 60 years old, married many times already. The last time divorcing his 40 something respected and beautiful wife, and placing her in public shame, when in reality he already was living with a 25 years old, and having his baby.....and still a "secret". Probably farangs do not know who is this personality, but EVERY Thai women knows and gossip about.

Ask your wife or GF.

Edited by Muzarella
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  • As the OP wrote

"I believe in Thailand married ladies who are much younger, perhaps looking at age gap between 15 - 25. Has it ever worked for any of you ? As early as the beginning, how do you broach the subject to her parents who may be as old as you ?"

this is where you need to show your hopefully more mature intelligence..... There is a great number of years between my much younger wife and myself...... It took a while but I planned it this way .....I wanted to retire in Thailand ...... studied the Thai Culture and ways, and understand that the older folks are to be shown respect in all things. That is one reason why I get the respect shown to me..... as I chose a wife with parents younger than me.tongue.png

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That reminded me. Was watching a interview with a famous japanese comedian about 70 who married a 25 years old model

And he was laughing how when he went to meet the parents. He was 30 years older than them

And how he got along really well with the grandparents who were the same age

He had a big grin on his face haha

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I thought I'd ask a question for the old fellas with the young Thai girl;

What do you do together that you both love?

I'm not talking about cooking, driving around the country together, or raising your children.

I'm wishing to know what real common loves you have together?

Perhaps, what drew you together in the first place?

Do you have similarities, passions as individuals that suit or complement one another?

Do you crave to do activities together outside of your home or family life?

I have everything in common with my girl (20 years younger) and it's very simple. Up in Isaan they are so far behind the times with music everything really everything I introduce her too is new and exciting. There are people here in the village never been to our main city 50ks away let alone any form of real travel. We were out with people the other day never seen an escalator in a mall. Someone asked me if aeroplanes have trees and roads up in the sky. Some have never been in a car. Where I live only 15 year ago no electricity, water from a well and crap in the bush. I love watching her learn and develop. It works for us

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I thought I'd ask a question for the old fellas with the young Thai girl;

What do you do together that you both love?

I'm not talking about cooking, driving around the country together, or raising your children.

I'm wishing to know what real common loves you have together?

Perhaps, what drew you together in the first place?

Do you have similarities, passions as individuals that suit or complement one another?

Do you crave to do activities together outside of your home or family life?

I have everything in common with my girl (20 years younger) and it's very simple. Up in Isaan they are so far behind the times with music everything really everything I introduce her too is new and exciting. There are people here in the village never been to our main city 50ks away let alone any form of real travel. We were out with people the other day never seen an escalator in a mall. Someone asked me if aeroplanes have trees and roads up in the sky. Some have never been in a car. Where I live only 15 year ago no electricity, water from a well and crap in the bush. I love watching her learn and develop. It works for us

That kind of makes it sound like you have very little in common. Fair enough if it works for you, though.

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I guess it does haha. But I believe we're both very happy. That's the main thing. I see how many relationships fail back home for all sorts of reasons age being none of them. I feel more secure in my relationship here

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Today...3 sets of tennis followed by climbing gym with my wife.

I swam 2kms after and then we cooked dinner at home.

I don't think too many (if any) men over 50 will be doing activities such as this with their younger wives.

The combo will work on the proviso the older gent "props" up the younger girl.

Not in all cases but for the vast majority.

The younger Thai women on the whole prefer same in their man.

But, if she has a disadvantaged background, she'll go for the older foreign man.

A good middle class girl will not.

It works when there an income stream or security.

You're kidding yourselves to think anything other.

I scorn your activities. Sex is a far, far more enjoyable workout.

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attachicon.gifHillary-Clinton.gifA lot in common. An American woman about my age photo #1 Or Photo #2. Now be realistic. Who do I have more in common with?

Please post your Photo and we will decidetongue.png

Not me but my double - could be my twin. But that does bring up the question are you shallow enough to link commonality with appearances? Shame on you. I am a deep person with good character and morals and a deep sense of empathy. I am kind to animals take care of people with less than me, visit the sick and in general a saint. If you base your opinion of people on physical appearances I feel sorry for you. I know the American lady in the above photo and let me assure I have nothing - nothing in common with her. I don't care what she looks like. I honestly have nothing in common with that woman. And I have never had sex with that woman.


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"Questionable characters" ? I love TV so full of self righteous pontificating gentleman. All with unscrupulous character.

"jacksam", has a prostitute as a partner, thats why he is sensitive.

Do YOU know that..........?

Yes I do know and you would if you read "jacksam" previous posts. He is a old aussie doc. with a younger hooker on a daily / weekly wage. That is why he is soo sensitive

That's the way to do it. When they start to get blase and lazy, trade them in on a new model. Cheaper than being married.

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attachicon.gifHillary-Clinton.gifA lot in common. An American woman about my age photo #1 Or Photo #2. Now be realistic. Who do I have more in common with?

Please post your Photo and we will decidetongue.png

Not me but my double - could be my twin. But that does bring up the question are you shallow enough to link commonality with appearances? Shame on you. I am a deep person with good character and morals and a deep sense of empathy. I am kind to animals take care of people with less than me, visit the sick and in general a saint. If you base your opinion of people on physical appearances I feel sorry for you. I know the American lady in the above photo and let me assure I have nothing - nothing in common with her. I don't care what she looks like. I honestly have nothing in common with that woman. And I have never had sex with that woman.

Your only fault is you are too humbletongue.pnglaugh.png

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As for these fit young hotties, you are welcome to them, many of them had lives that were over before they ever got the bus south, no Thai man from a decent family wants them, no young farang guy here wants them, why would they, they can choose from hundreds of decent girls from decent families with no baggage in tow.

I'll agree with the 'no Thai man wants them'

But strongly disagree with 'no young white guy wants them'

As far as I can see, young white guys are fishing in the same pool as old white guys.

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As for these fit young hotties, you are welcome to them, many of them had lives that were over before they ever got the bus south, no Thai man from a decent family wants them, no young farang guy here wants them, why would they, they can choose from hundreds of decent girls from decent families with no baggage in tow.

I'll agree with the 'no Thai man wants them'

But strongly disagree with 'no young white guy wants them'

As far as I can see, young white guys are fishing in the same pool as old white guys.

There is a guy posting here who has had 40 "anti old guy in Thailand with young women posts" out of the last 50 of his posts. Now you know the guy is obsessed and must as you said be upset because he is fishing in the same pool as the old white guys.

I remember reading somewhere about a young guy who had his wife stolen by an old Farang football coach in Bangkok. It must be rough but that is what you get fishing in that pool.

If you want an educated Thai good girl then you had better be an educated good Farang guy. Age is not the first criteria.

Same thing with a pig farmer. If you want to marry a Thai girl to farm pigs you should be a pig farmer yourself. I would think that the girl thinks about the pig farmers expertise a long time before she considers his age - and age and experience probably outweigh him being a handsome young guy.

Edited by lostoday
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As for these fit young hotties, you are welcome to them, many of them had lives that were over before they ever got the bus south, no Thai man from a decent family wants them, no young farang guy here wants them, why would they, they can choose from hundreds of decent girls from decent families with no baggage in tow.

I'll agree with the 'no Thai man wants them'

But strongly disagree with 'no young white guy wants them'

As far as I can see, young white guys are fishing in the same pool as old white guys.

True statement. I'll have to admit that this old vs. young debate bores me to tears. But after 10+ years of intense observation, I can confirm with near certainty that there is very little difference between the types of Thai women that are with old and young farang guys. Definitely fishing from the same pool. Some things never change.

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