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Expats -- how much are you tipping food delivery people?


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40 Baht, every time, could be his last ride on a bike coming to you.

Only do the delivery thing once every 6-8 months max

Dont care about BS 10 % bla bla bla.

And have no care about the nation that has screwed tipping up all around the world bah.gifyou know who you are

On a funny note , last week i did see a pizza motor cycle guy come out of the gates of a temple .

but could have been a quick cut through for him, but was funny to see at the time.

. You re in a No Bashing Zone, Thankful The Cheap Charlie's didn't Make It Over The Pond...
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40 Baht, every time, could be his last ride on a bike coming to you.

Only do the delivery thing once every 6-8 months max

Dont care about BS 10 % bla bla bla.

And have no care about the nation that has screwed tipping up all around the world bah.gifyou know who you are

On a funny note , last week i did see a pizza motor cycle guy come out of the gates of a temple .

but could have been a quick cut through for him, but was funny to see at the time.

. You re in a No Bashing Zone, Thankful The Cheap Charlie's didn't Make It Over The Pond...

so your one then, violin.gifviolin.gifviolin.gif

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40 Baht, every time, could be his last ride on a bike coming to you.

Only do the delivery thing once every 6-8 months max

Dont care about BS 10 % bla bla bla.

And have no care about the nation that has screwed tipping up all around the world bah.gifyou know who you are

On a funny note , last week i did see a pizza motor cycle guy come out of the gates of a temple .

but could have been a quick cut through for him, but was funny to see at the time.

. You re in a No Bashing Zone, Thankful The Cheap Charlie's didn't Make It Over The Pond...

so your one then, violin.gifviolin.gifviolin.gif

. I come from a Tipping Society, Not a city in China , as a matter of Fact I Overtip, so all u Cheap Charlie's get riled up, 55555
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An ex girlfriend of mine, about 2 years ago, used to do delivery work.She said Farangs were the best for tips, usually 40 or 60 baht. Sometimes the farang gave her 100 baht, but usually because he had no smaller change.

On one occasion she had to go to a fairly new condo block in Pattaya. It was pouring rain and it took a while to find it. The food order was heavy and she had to go up 20 floors. The bill was over 1000 baht and the Thai customer gave her 3 baht tip. Naturally, I was the person, she vented on. How lovely.

This... Ask a Thai person how much they tip for some perspective and they will tell you NOTHING... My GF tells my I'm crazy for leaving a 20 baht tip in restaurants because khon Thai never tips...

To all you exprats that use western standards to tip in Thailand, thanks for perpetuating the view that we are all rich...

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. I come from a Tipping Society, Not a city in China , as a matter of Fact I Overtip, so all u Cheap Charlie's get riled up, 55555

Its not so much of a tipping society it is one where people are happy to see restaurant staff underpaid by their employers. To me that = uncaring society.

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. I come from a Tipping Society, Not a city in China , as a matter of Fact I Overtip, so all u Cheap Charlie's get riled up, 55555

Its not so much of a tipping society it is one where people are happy to see restaurant staff underpaid by their employers. To me that = uncaring society.
. Ridiculous Statement,Corporate Greed
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Tipping is bad for business , I tip but not always .

I stay in China for some times , no tipping ,and I went out much more .

It's ok to leave 20 bath , I even give the gasstation people a tip if the nice and smile .

Many nice people around .

But tipping not good for business , I would have a business I would have a Singh and say no pipping necessary !

But I would pay my people a good wage too . Not just 15000.00 a month I would start every one at 25000.00

To bad I can't owne a place 100 % oh well time to take it easy .

You would pay your staff right away 25.000 Baht, regardless what business you ran?

Can I ask, did you just arrive in Thailand on the banana boat?

Well, he did say " I would have a Singh and say no pipping necessary"

It would be pretty funny to see a Sikh walking around his business saying "no pipping necessary please", with a sideways nod of the head.

...so, in answer to your question...yes.

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. I come from a Tipping Society, Not a city in China , as a matter of Fact I Overtip, so all u Cheap Charlie's get riled up, 55555

Its not so much of a tipping society it is one where people are happy to see restaurant staff underpaid by their employers. To me that = uncaring society.
. Ridiculous Statement,Corporate Greed
I agree its Corporate Greed and to me that's a sad reflection on the society that allows it to happen. "I'm alright so have no interest in your welfare"
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I only tip change (not lower than 10 baht or course) or add 20 baht on top. Most places charge a delivery fee and for small orders, delivery + tax+ tip will be like 25% of the food cost and on top of that sometimes I have to wait 1 hour or more just to eat. 10% is too much for orders over 200 baht if delivery charge is already included.

Like some other posters have said, delivery boys make at least 300 baht plus tips, some share tips but most keep it themselves, hence in one night they easily make 400-500 baht.

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To all you exprats that use western standards to tip in Thailand, thanks for perpetuating the view that we are all rich...

To all you expats that don't even tip 1 thin baht in Thailand, thanks for perpetuating the view that we are all poor.

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10% always - even always in restaurants unless the food or service is terrible

I wonder how many of those "heavy tippers" are US nationals, as this is the one and only country in the world were excessive tipping is common.

tipping such huge amounts here in Thailand is destroying the local custom but some people from specific countries always think they have to apply their own absurd norms to all other countries and completely ignore local culture.

For sure 99% of Thai people do not tip as much as 10% in restaurants. Many do not tip at all. this is a Farang-imported thing. Don't believe me ? Ask a Thai friend then......

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To all you exprats that use western standards to tip in Thailand, thanks for perpetuating the view that we are all rich...

To all you expats that don't even tip 1 thin baht in Thailand, thanks for perpetuating the view that we are all poor.

tipping has been "imported" by Farang from Western countries (and one specific country that relentlessly tries to apply its own questionable standards to anywhere in the world) and 30 years ago, was more or less completely unheard of in Thailand and anywhere in Asia.

Then the Farang from some rich Western countries came and applied their own rules here.

I do tip too(my favourite hair stylist gets a nice tip, which makes me somehow feel guilty, as I have NEVER seen any local customer tipping him, even he is very popular and hard to get an appointment sometimes), but what many Farang here do is tipping way too excessively, severely damaging local custom and ANNOYING LOCALS as they do not get the same service from businesses anymore, due to the tipping foreigner being the preferred customer.

I wonder to how many THAI people have you talked about this topic ? They are the ones that matter as it is their country and their rules and custom should apply.

Tipping only started when the Farang arrived in South-East-Asia. Chinese, Japanese a.s.o. do usually not tip until today. It is rather an insult to tip someone (Japan). In Taiwan I made the mistake to leave a small bill on the bed of a 4-star hotel, I found the bill on the dressing table when I returned to my room later.

EDIT: I want to emphasize that I do not condemn tipping in general. In Hotels, even cheaper ones, I always leave a SMALL bill on the bed as those housekeeping stuff earn so little. But it has to be ACCORDING to local custom and not excessively because such thing is helping greedyness to grow, and then the same people tipping excessively are the first to complain that they have been ripped off by those businesses that learned how Farang throw around their money

Edited by siam2007
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40 Baht, every time, could be his last ride on a bike coming to you.

Only do the delivery thing once every 6-8 months max

Dont care about BS 10 % bla bla bla.

And have no care about the nation that has screwed tipping up all around the world bah.gifyou know who you are

On a funny note , last week i did see a pizza motor cycle guy come out of the gates of a temple .

but could have been a quick cut through for him, but was funny to see at the time.

. You re in a No Bashing Zone, Thankful The Cheap Charlie's didn't Make It Over The Pond...

so your one then, violin.gifviolin.gifviolin.gif

. I come from a Tipping Society, Not a city in China , as a matter of Fact I Overtip, so all u Cheap Charlie's get riled up, 55555

No your from the Wing Nut Society that have over tipped.

So now there is very little respect for the customers.

Noticed the sour faces and bad attitude of some staff.

Well done, good job crazy.gif

Edited by onemorechang
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40 Baht, every time, could be his last ride on a bike coming to you.

Only do the delivery thing once every 6-8 months max

Dont care about BS 10 % bla bla bla.

And have no care about the nation that has screwed tipping up all around the world bah.gifyou know who you are

On a funny note , last week i did see a pizza motor cycle guy come out of the gates of a temple .

but could have been a quick cut through for him, but was funny to see at the time.

. You re in a No Bashing Zone, Thankful The Cheap Charlie's didn't Make It Over The Pond...

so your one then, violin.gifviolin.gifviolin.gif

. I come from a Tipping Society, Not a city in China , as a matter of Fact I Overtip, so all u Cheap Charlie's get riled up, 55555

No your from the Wig Nut Society that have over tipped.

So now there is very little respect for the customers.

Noticed the sour faces and bad attitude of some staff.

Well done, good job crazy.gif

. I Never see Sour Faces, it's the Land of Smiles when I walk in...
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I really don't get tipping people for doing their job. I really don't care how much they make. As for delivery if it is a service, they charge a lot anyway. If it is a chain fast food place, they add it in the bill. There is no way that I would pay a tip on top of a service charge. I pay exact amount and I am certain that I get the same quality of service and friendly greetings as the morons paying 20+ baht. I think I want to be a delivery driver if there are enough fools tipping 20 baht each. 20 deliveries a night + salary would make them earn more than most teachers.

I guess I'm one of those "morons" who tip delivery people. The amount of money is negligible to me but can make a difference to them. Say a meal somewhere. And I get a small sense gratification of making someone else's day slightly better. Maybe it's similar to the satisfaction that others get from gratuitous name-calling. But I wouldn't know about that.

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I really don't get tipping people for doing their job. I really don't care how much they make. As for delivery if it is a service, they charge a lot anyway. If it is a chain fast food place, they add it in the bill. There is no way that I would pay a tip on top of a service charge. I pay exact amount and I am certain that I get the same quality of service and friendly greetings as the morons paying 20+ baht. I think I want to be a delivery driver if there are enough fools tipping 20 baht each. 20 deliveries a night + salary would make them earn more than most teachers.

I guess I'm one of those "morons" who tip delivery people. The amount of money is negligible to me but can make a difference to them. Say a meal somewhere. And I get a small sense gratification of making someone else's day slightly better. Maybe it's similar to the satisfaction that others get from gratuitous name-calling. But I wouldn't know about that.
Definetely not a moron, it's a Feel Good Thing, especially those kids pumping gas, il always give them a few bob for a coke, now you know they don't make much and The Smile is Priceless...
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tipping has been "imported" by Farang from Western countries [...] and 30 years ago, was more or less completely unheard of in Thailand and anywhere in Asia.

You say this as if it's automatically a bad thing. Why don't you explain WHY it's a bad thing, rather than just assert that it is.

Then the Farang from some rich Western countries came and applied their own rules here.

I do that often. Sometimes I wear shoes in my house. I never drink with a straw. Sometimes when I'm introduced to somebody I've never met before in a business setting, I reach out and offer to shake their hand (usually after returning their wai). Wow, look at all the local customs I'm damaging!

The strangest thing is that you go on to say that you tip sometimes and find it has usefulness. Make up your mind!

I wonder to how many THAI people have you talked about this topic? They are the ones that matter as it is their country and their rules and custom should apply.

Well my three Thai brothers-in-law always leave 20 baht on top of the coins that come back from the change. I've talked a few waiters and delivery people who seem to enjoy it. How many more do I need to talk to before you'd be okay with me leaving them a tip?

Tipping only started when the Farang arrived in South-East-Asia. Chinese, Japanese a.s.o. do usually not tip until today.

Yes you keep saying this, but you don't explain why it matters.

Look - everything you've said is based on emotional appeals to tradition. If one is a reactionary conservative, then he probably hates it any time "traditional" things change. Can you objectively identify the specific ways in which a local custom has been damaged? How is such damage measured? All three of my Thai brothers-in-law tip when I go out to eat with them, but their parents never do. Seems like the times, they are a changin' eh? I can hear the old folks now: "Look at those young whippersnappers just doing whatever they want and damaging our customs!"

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I got new york pizza delivered and it was exactly 400 so i didnt tip him. He walked off very angry shakeing his head.

That will be the fault of the nation over the pond.

Job well done,

The guy only wanted to pay the cost of the pizza, nothing wrong with that.

his choice.

Give it a few more years and he will kick your car in on the way out.

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I got new york pizza delivered and it was exactly 400 so i didnt tip him. He walked off very angry shakeing his head.

That says alot.

I've never tried that on a delivery here.

But on the other hand, New York Pizza probably get an unusually high percentage of American customers and you know how we are with tipping culture!

Edited by Jingthing
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I got new york pizza delivered and it was exactly 400 so i didnt tip him. He walked off very angry shakeing his head.

That says alot.

I've never tried that on a delivery here.

But on the other hand, New York Pizza probably get an unusually high percentage of American customers and you know how we are with tipping culture!

So finally you admit it are the Americans that are to blame for this.

Edited by Anthony5
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I got new york pizza delivered and it was exactly 400 so i didnt tip him. He walked off very angry shakeing his head.

. Expect a Sneezer Next Time, You Must Be So Proud of Yourself For The Windup...
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I got new york pizza delivered and it was exactly 400 so i didnt tip him. He walked off very angry shakeing his head.

That says alot.

I've never tried that on a delivery here.

But on the other hand, New York Pizza probably get an unusually high percentage of American customers and you know how we are with tipping culture!

So finally you admit it are the Americans that are to blame for this.

. Didn't you read reply earlier, American Society is to Blame, Geezus. 555555555
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Perhaps their expectations vary depending on how posh or slummy your place looks. Like if it looks like a crack house with rats ... different than if it looks like lifestyles of the rich and famous ... coffee1.gif

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tipping in thailand is always a gesture of generosity, and in most cases welcomed, not like in japan, where tipping is an insult! in japan it is below ones dignity, to give or take tips in restaurants and hotels, they get a good salary anyway, they dont like alms, as if they are beggars.

but sometimes, in thailand, they dont appreciate it, for example, for a 100 baht massage, i always have given 20 tip, never got a thank you. in the future, i will not tip in massage saloons.

i dont know, how much a pizzaman earns for doing his job, but if my next-door myanmar lady with a child earns less for doing her cleanig-job (and that is most likely), i rather give the money to her.

i rather give 1000 baht to one person that i know, than 50 baht to 20 unknown people.you cannot support everybody.

I think you misunderstood the tipping culture in Thailand a bit here . One of the few places where tpping is expected is in the massage places. Most of the girls do not have a salary and live on tips from the customers. So for a good 200 baht, 60 minute massage she expects at least a 100 baht tip. No wonder why they never thank you for a 20 baht tip .

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tipping in thailand is always a gesture of generosity, and in most cases welcomed, not like in japan, where tipping is an insult! in japan it is below ones dignity, to give or take tips in restaurants and hotels, they get a good salary anyway, they dont like alms, as if they are beggars.

but sometimes, in thailand, they dont appreciate it, for example, for a 100 baht massage, i always have given 20 tip, never got a thank you. in the future, i will not tip in massage saloons.

i dont know, how much a pizzaman earns for doing his job, but if my next-door myanmar lady with a child earns less for doing her cleanig-job (and that is most likely), i rather give the money to her.

i rather give 1000 baht to one person that i know, than 50 baht to 20 unknown people.you cannot support everybody.

I think you misunderstood the tipping culture in Thailand a bit here . One of the few places where tpping is expected is in the massage places. Most of the girls do not have a salary and live on tips from the customers. So for a good 200 baht, 60 minute massage she expects at least a 100 baht tip. No wonder why they never thank you for a 20 baht tip .

I usually give 50 baht for massage, but I was leaving Thailand for a few months and wanted her to remember me, so I gave her a 100baht, she almost fell over, she was so Grateful, this was in Naklua, so I guess she was dealing with Cheap Charlie Russians...
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Tipping only started when the Farang arrived in South-East-Asia. Chinese, Japanese a.s.o. do usually not tip until today.

Yes you keep saying this, but you don't explain why it matters.

Look - everything you've said is based on emotional appeals to tradition. If one is a reactionary conservative, then he probably hates it any time "traditional" things change. Can you objectively identify the specific ways in which a local custom has been damaged? How is such damage measured? All three of my Thai brothers-in-law tip when I go out to eat with them, but their parents never do. Seems like the times, they are a changin' eh? I can hear the old folks now: "Look at those young whippersnappers just doing whatever they want and damaging our customs!"

It doesn't matter until people start getting angry for not getting a tip.

At that point it becomes very clear the local custom has been screwed up.

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I try hard to not to tip. As I said to my Thai wife "You don't get rich by giving money away". I am very proud to say she is just as tight as me.

As for food delivery. we never use that service as our food is far superior.

So I gather you are a Rich man now then ???

Of course you have a big pile of cash from all the money you didnt tip to people in your lifetime.

Ps. What food is far superior btw , im curious.

He just may be a rich man. The rich give the lowest percentage of their wealth to charities etc. The poor give largest. That is a fact world wide. Like joke about woman lecturing "if you didn't smoke, you'd have enough money for a Ferrari now". Reply: "So where's your Ferrari?" I always tip delivery guys. 20-30 baht isn't going to make or break me, and these guys on motorcycles need to save up for funerals... would be nice to know if companies give any of that delivery fee to the drivers...

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