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Expats -- how much are you tipping food delivery people?


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I have learned that many or even most places that add an automatic service charge to bills here are not distributed fairly (or at all) to the workers.

And this is my problem because . . . why?I received a service for which I have paid. Why should I pay twice? My employer does not pay me twice for doing my job.

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Tipping is bad for business , I tip but not always .

I stay in China for some times , no tipping ,and I went out much more .

It's ok to leave 20 bath , I even give the gasstation people a tip if the nice and smile .

Many nice people around .

But tipping not good for business , I would have a business I would have a Singh and say no pipping necessary !

But I would pay my people a good wage too . Not just 15000.00 a month I would start every one at 25000.00

To bad I can't owne a place 100 % oh well time to take it easy .

You would pay your staff right away 25.000 Baht, regardless what business you ran?

Can I ask, did you just arrive in Thailand on the banana boat?

Edited by Anthony5
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I have learned that many or even most places that add an automatic service charge to bills here are not distributed fairly (or at all) to the workers.

And this is my problem because . . . why?I received a service for which I have paid. Why should I pay twice? My employer does not pay me twice for doing my job.

I understand your POV entirely.

If nobody tipped on top of service charge places, if the businesses didn't share the charges and/or pay them decent salaries, presumably over time they wouldn't be able to hold onto service workers. Nice theory that probably doesn't work in reality though.

This thread isn't about morally judging people who don't tip. Why people tip or not, and how much, can be complicated.

Edited by Jingthing
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I have learned that many or even most places that add an automatic service charge to bills here are not distributed fairly (or at all) to the workers.

And this is my problem because . . . why?I received a service for which I have paid. Why should I pay twice? My employer does not pay me twice for doing my job.

I understand your POV entirely.

If nobody tipped on top of service charge places, if the businesses didn't share the charges and/or pay them decent salaries, presumably over time they wouldn't be able to hold onto service workers. Nice theory that probably doesn't work in reality though.

This thread isn't about morally judging people who don't tip. Why people tip or not, and how much, can be complicated.

I'm not sure about this, where I come from and most countries I have traveled to, a tip is not seen as mandatory and yet it works.I'm also from the opinion, if you want to run a business you should pay your staff adequate, and not rely on the customer to pay your staff.

I know where you come from a tip is mandatory, but in Thailand it isn't.

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I have learned that many or even most places that add an automatic service charge to bills here are not distributed fairly (or at all) to the workers.

And this is my problem because . . . why?I received a service for which I have paid. Why should I pay twice? My employer does not pay me twice for doing my job.

But I bet you get a bonus if you do your job well right ?

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I have learned that many or even most places that add an automatic service charge to bills here are not distributed fairly (or at all) to the workers.

And this is my problem because . . . why?I received a service for which I have paid. Why should I pay twice? My employer does not pay me twice for doing my job.

But I bet you get a bonus if you do your job well right ?

I sure do! It's called continued employment.

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According to one of my students who delivers for KFC, he gets 21 baht out of the 40 baht delivery charge.

Thanks for that.

That's pretty crappy.

I don't usually ask the workers as I tend to think they won't always say the truth.

Are they are on salary as well?

So if we know that we know about KFC but that is only one place.

Edited by Jingthing
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You are talking to a former pizza delivery guy.

First off....you get your pizza hot...and get if first....if I know you, and you tip well.

Otherwise, I might remove some sausages and replace them with (insert imagination).

Typical "delivery boy" mentality.

Another reason why I don't tip.

Infact people like you, and sadly they exist, as shown and exposed, tampering with peoples' food is such a gross pastime.

Though luckily the people will never know your dirty fingers have been toying with their food.

Typical...should be a tip off.

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According to one of my students who delivers for KFC, he gets 21 baht out of the 40 baht delivery charge.

Thanks for that.

That's pretty crappy.

I don't usually ask the workers as I tend to think they won't always say the truth.

Are they are on salary as well?

So if we know that we know about KFC but that is only one place.

Unless they get an additional salary, or KFC pays for the bike and gasoline, that would be a reason for me not to order from this company.

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I'm also from the opinion, if you want to run a business you should pay your staff adequate, and not rely on the customer to pay your staff.

You know where the money for payroll comes from, right?

Of course i do, and I consider it very wrong that a company falsely want to advertise with low prices because they don't pay their staff, then expect the ignorant customer to pay the salary to the staff.

There are 2 parties here that may lose out, that is the ignorant customer and the staff, while the company creates false competition on the back of their staff.

It would be fine if it was listed on the price list that a certain percentage of tip was mandatory, but what they do is simply abusing their staff for their own benefit.

Edited by Anthony5
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I have learned that many or even most places that add an automatic service charge to bills here are not distributed fairly (or at all) to the workers.

All the more reason to tip the delivery person. Even if the restaurant charges 10%, I normally assume the waiter or waitress is seeing only a percent of that if anything. Sometimes I inquire about that. Are you getting this entire 10%? Many times they say no. Serious resorts, with smart management like the Four Seasons, let the staff pool the entire 10%. They have waiting lists for staff, and very low defection rates. Good on them. Clever. Good management. Forward thinking. Visionary. Very un Thai. So, I add a tip regardless. What does a dollar mean to us, really? It means alot to them.

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WUZ having some sake with a japanese man and noticed a chopstick in his pocket. I asked him why he carries wood around and he says thats my vlitoris I says yes it is. Then he dropped a piece of sushi on his lap and started giggling.

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According to one of my students who delivers for KFC, he gets 21 baht out of the 40 baht delivery charge.

Thanks for that.

That's pretty crappy.

I don't usually ask the workers as I tend to think they won't always say the truth.

Are they are on salary as well?

So if we know that we know about KFC but that is only one place.

I didn't ask about his salary but he volunteered the info anyway. He said he makes 15,xxx monthly. I'm not sure what the "xxx" means, if that's the variable amount due to delivery fees or what.

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20 to 50 baht all depends, Is my Pizza hot, and Ice cream frozen?? if so, Tip at least 10% These guys don't make much, bare minimum wage - in the US I tip deliveries and Taxi drivers..............but thats just me.wub.png

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This 10% tip should also apply to a massage too! so if you have an oil massage for 200 baht then at the end you perhaps would be generous to give the lady ( or man..) a 20 baht tip.

But now we have farang giving a 100 baht tip which not only is ridiculous but now all of the Thai ladies will expect it! causing big problems in Pattaya.

C.S wai2.gif ( your Thai Visa friend... ) x

but now all of the Thai ladies will expect it! ...................and this concerns you why?? Tipping is a personal act, who cares if they expect it - I have never been told my tip is too low in Thailand - in the US, Cambodia or Middle East YES, but never in Thailand. whistling.gif

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An ex girlfriend of mine, about 2 years ago, used to do delivery work.She said Farangs were the best for tips, usually 40 or 60 baht. Sometimes the farang gave her 100 baht, but usually because he had no smaller change.

On one occasion she had to go to a fairly new condo block in Pattaya. It was pouring rain and it took a while to find it. The food order was heavy and she had to go up 20 floors. The bill was over 1000 baht and the Thai customer gave her 3 baht tip. Naturally, I was the person, she vented on. How lovely.

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tipping in thailand is always a gesture of generosity, and in most cases welcomed, not like in japan, where tipping is an insult! in japan it is below ones dignity, to give or take tips in restaurants and hotels, they get a good salary anyway, they dont like alms, as if they are beggars.
but sometimes, in thailand, they dont appreciate it, for example, for a 100 baht massage, i always have given 20 tip, never got a thank you. in the future, i will not tip in massage saloons.
i dont know, how much a pizzaman earns for doing his job, but if my next-door myanmar lady with a child earns less for doing her cleanig-job (and that is most likely), i rather give the money to her.
i rather give 1000 baht to one person that i know, than 50 baht to 20 unknown people.you cannot support everybody.

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I tip 10 to 15% and at a restaurant with two or more people at least 100 THB. I never pay a taxi driver less than 100 THB and sometimes 50 to 100 THB above meter is he drives good and does not have one of those loud mufflers, PS also does not have Thai music breaking my ear drums.

I have pretty good retirement and enjoy being generous with the people who are trying to make a living, little regard for the profession/mafia beggars.

Is this a great country or what ??

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I tip 10 to 15% and at a restaurant with two or more people at least 100 THB. I never pay a taxi driver less than 100 THB and sometimes 50 to 100 THB above meter is he drives good and does not have one of those loud mufflers, PS also does not have Thai music breaking my ear drums.

I have pretty good retirement and enjoy being generous with the people who are trying to make a living, little regard for the profession/mafia beggars.

Is this a great country or what ??

. It's a Feel Good Moment, You know They Don't Have Much, 30 baht is a meal for the Thais, Yes it Is A Great Country...
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"Door to Door" and "Waiters on Wheels" says on the menu booklet no service charge but then when I look at the bill there is a service charge. (I think these two places are the same, alway the same operator.) I will pay 30 -40 baht if there is not a service charge. I do not pay 10%. Whenever I give the tip, the fellow acts very appreciative so I was wondering if people give anything extra. Sounds like on this forum they do. I think even the "Cheap Charlies" should; afterall, these guys are trying to make a decent living --not on the streets doing nothing.

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On one occasion she had to go to a fairly new condo block in Pattaya.

It was pouring rain and it took a while to find it.

// the Thai customer gave her 3 baht tip.

From your message I understand that she took longer time than expected to deliver.

From the customer point of view it's a long wait = bad service = no tip.

Don't forget the definition: a tip is a reward for a very good service.

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20 to 50 baht all depends, Is my Pizza hot, and Ice cream frozen?? if so, Tip at least 10% These guys don't make much, bare minimum wage - in the US I tip deliveries and Taxi drivers..............but thats just me.wub.png

50 baht is chump change for most of us, but to a delivery person its a meal. They ride those bikes with steaming pizza in hot weather so we don't need to get our fat asses off the sofa and go into the heat.

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40 Baht, every time, could be his last ride on a bike coming to you.

Only do the delivery thing once every 6-8 months max

Dont care about BS 10 % blah blah blah.

And have no care about the nation that has screwed tipping up all around the world bah.gifyou know who you are

On a funny note , last week i did see a pizza motor cycle guy come out of the gates of a temple .

but could have been a quick cut through for him, but was funny to see at the time.

Edited by onemorechang
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