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Graft panel to probe MPs, Worachai over amnesty bill

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Graft panel to probe MPs, Worachai over amnesty bill
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission has decided to launch a criminal inquiry into alleged abuse of power by Worachai Hema for sponsoring the amnesty bill in 2013 and 310 other MPs for voting to adopt it.

"[The NACC] will conduct an investigation on criminal charges. Discharging them from their duty will not happen," Wicha Mahakhun, a member of the NACC, said yesterday.

Demotion as a punishment was also dropped after the constitution of 2007 was superseded by the provisional charter of 2014, he said.

The anti-graft panel had reportedly received a petition in August, 2013, to probe Worachai and the other members of the ruling Pheu Thai Party for overstepping their authority in proposing and adopting the bill.

On May 14, 2014, the NACC agreed to accept the case for investigation.

Bill conflicts with 2007 charter

It was said that the amnesty bill conflicted with Articles 122-125 of the 2007 constitution, which stressed the primacy of the people under the constitution and protected politicians from being overridden by the interests of any group in particular.

This also included the infringement of the United Nations Convention against Corruption of 2003.

In 2013, Worachai proposed the controversial amnesty bill and the other MPs voted to adopt it.

The bill had passed its first reading and could have granted amnesty to the leaders of the red shirts and the yellow shirts.

Also, it could have allowed the return of exiled former PM Thaksin Shinawatra.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Graft-panel-to-probe-MPs-Worachai-over-amnesty-bil-30261358.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-01


These 4am back door deals are coming back to bite them in the ass. Chickens, roost comes to mind.


"...The anti-graft panel had reportedly received a petition in August, 2013, to probe Worachai and the other members of the ruling Pheu Thai Party for overstepping their authority in proposing and adopting the bill..."

...and the Red Shirt big game safari hunt continues with no restrictions on weapons used...


"...The anti-graft panel had reportedly received a petition in August, 2013, to probe Worachai and the other members of the ruling Pheu Thai Party for overstepping their authority in proposing and adopting the bill..."

...and the Red Shirt big game safari hunt continues with no restrictions on weapons used...

And well over due. Hopefully they will set their sights on Jatuporn, Nattawut, Arisman and the other tettorists finally bringing them to justice.


"stressed the primacy of the people under the constitution and protected politicians from being overridden by the interests of any group in particular."

I don't see any provision that exempted the military, the PDRC or the Democrats. Every military coup after 1933 ABOLISHED the constitutions and claimed AMNESTY for their illegal actions. Clearly, the so-called "primacy of the people under the constitution" is a fantasy. If equality under the law is to be applied, it should be applied to ALL GROUPS.

If the NAAC needs a "smoking gun" for violation of the 2007 Constitution, it need look no further than the NCPO's Articles 17, 44 and 45. The Thai people might do as well without any constitution.


"stressed the primacy of the people under the constitution and protected politicians from being overridden by the interests of any group in particular."

I don't see any provision that exempted the military, the PDRC or the Democrats. Every military coup after 1933 ABOLISHED the constitutions and claimed AMNESTY for their illegal actions. Clearly, the so-called "primacy of the people under the constitution" is a fantasy. If equality under the law is to be applied, it should be applied to ALL GROUPS.

If the NAAC needs a "smoking gun" for violation of the 2007 Constitution, it need look no further than the NCPO's Articles 17, 44 and 45. The Thai people might do as well without any constitution.

Which part of

"The anti-graft panel had reportedly received a petition in August, 2013,"

did you miss ?

Mind you, feel free to submit your own petitions to the NACC regarding the coup and the Interim Constitution from mid-2014.


As I've said before ... PT are all going to be out of action very soon ... with the MP's, "leaders", etc all being banned for 5 years ... then we'll get those elections ...


"...The anti-graft panel had reportedly received a petition in August, 2013, to probe Worachai and the other members of the ruling Pheu Thai Party for overstepping their authority in proposing and adopting the bill..."

...and the Red Shirt big game safari hunt continues with no restrictions on weapons used...

"big game safari hunt continues with no restrictions on weapons used"

Yeah, kind of reminds me of those many happy times when those self-same "peaceful reds" were out with their grenades, IED's, RPG's, assault rifles etc in Bangkok taking pot shots at civilians (including children with their market bombings) and military ... there didn't seem to be any restrictions then on what weapons they chose to use to kill or try to kill people either. At least at the moment the current "government" is only using the "law" rather than actual "weapons".

But you keep those rose-tinted glasses on and see the world the way you've been told to. Good boy. Thaksin would be proud of you.


As I've said before ... PT are all going to be out of action very soon ... with the MP's, "leaders", etc all being banned for 5 years ... then we'll get those elections ...

Of course that's the plan isn't it. Let's get rid of all the opposition so that we can have a "democratically" elected puppet government who will do the will of the "Bangkok Elite" and drag this country down even further into the mire.


As I've said before ... PT are all going to be out of action very soon ... with the MP's, "leaders", etc all being banned for 5 years ... then we'll get those elections ...

Of course that's the plan isn't it. Let's get rid of all the opposition so that we can have a "democratically" elected puppet government who will do the will of the "Bangkok Elite" and drag this country down even further into the mire.

You must have been reading TS's rule book.


"...The anti-graft panel had reportedly received a petition in August, 2013, to probe Worachai and the other members of the ruling Pheu Thai Party for overstepping their authority in proposing and adopting the bill..."

...and the Red Shirt big game safari hunt continues with no restrictions on weapons used...

Not to mention somebody overstepping their authority and committing a criminal offence in May 2014.

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