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Two pieces of advice I would give to any visitor

1). Don't use the "mini van" transport

2). Don't use these ferries to the Islands. Or for that matter. "anywhere"

General ThaiVisa member advice appears to be don't come to Thailand at all.

Though those that give such advice with their continual moaning and whining and still choose to live here by choice ( Those that actually do live in Thailand that is, I suspect most don't), shows that Thailand has faults the same as everywhere else, but it ain't as bad as forums like this one make it out to be, else they wouldn't be here themselves would they.

I am one of those who do live here and yes Thailand has it's faults but it is by far in a class of it's own. This is a very dangerous country in many aspects and little is done to improve on safety standards in just about everything and there will be very little progress in this for years to come owing to the culture. Those that fail to realize this are truly in denial

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Two pieces of advice I would give to any visitor

1). Don't use the "mini van" transport

2). Don't use these ferries to the Islands. Or for that matter. "anywhere"

So let's get this right....my high and mighty friend. We are to use private taxi and speed boat? ..infinity more safe...NOT....what's your farang country like...no issues?


I have been living 8 years full time on a boat, and was a lifeboat volunteer.

I have seen all sort of cause of shipwreck, among them the "true-hull inlets" are a real problem unless verified regularly and probably changed after a certain number of years, even though no problem could be detected visually.

Oxidation inside cannot be seen so after some year it looks OK but it could be thin like cigaret paper due to electrolyse .

A number of boats have sunk only due to broken true-hull.

I am almost sure many in Thailand are not rigorous enough with the true-hull problem. In Europe many boaters are not either.

I have seen a true-hull breaking, while moving a pipe in a boat kitchen, hundreds of litres pours in no time, fortunately there is very little pressure it is not difficult to stop "if" someone is present to do it, otherwise it will be thousands of litres in a few minutes only, very scary!

Normally every responsible boat owner have a set of wooden cone of different diameter to plug the hole, and above all they are easy to find in seconds.


How do these underwater rocks move? The skipper (ha ha) of a ferry boat makes several trips each day throughout the year and, subject to tide winds and currents

takes the same course so should no all the underwater obstacles. Maybe the skipper's read about the Costa Concordia.......


Two pieces of advice I would give to any visitor

1). Don't use the "mini van" transport

2). Don't use these ferries to the Islands. Or for that matter. "anywhere"

General ThaiVisa member advice appears to be don't come to Thailand at all.

Though those that give such advice with their continual moaning and whining and still choose to live here by choice ( Those that actually do live in Thailand that is, I suspect most don't), shows that Thailand has faults the same as everywhere else, but it ain't as bad as forums like this one make it out to be, else they wouldn't be here themselves would they.

My goodness, 16 posts for the rose-coloured specs brigade to chime in. Must be something of a record.

I've lived in Pattaya for a good many years now, love the place and wouldn't live anywhere else, but c'mon, criticism where it's due. Two ferry sinkings in a short space of time, doesn't it deserve just a little whinge? Throw in the speedboat crashes as well and that's a fair bit of shipping headed for the bottom of the bay. Don't even get me started on the bus crashes.


He said he did not know what caused the water to leak into the boat. A hole in the hull might be the answer or just his boat is so old it’s just falling apart at the seams when it is fully loaded, he will have to complain to the last inspectors who issued his last sea worthy certificate for public use.


They should give every passenger a life jacket as they board these old decrepit boats.

I was on a ferry to and from Koh Lan yesterday. It was old but certainly not decrepit, but the main thing is that there were more than enough life jackets available for every passenger on board, and it was full.

I'm can speculate that the boat that sank also had sufficient life jackets, that's probably why all the passengers were saved! No-one died, no-one drowned, so what's your point?

Speculation as to the reason the boat sank is superfluous, so you can criticize as much as you like, but until the actual reason is known, you're wasting your time.


So they have had two boats sink.

Must have been really scary for the passengers, especially those with children.

So after the first boat sunk they learned, what?


At least some new dive spots.....

NO, the authorities learnt nothing. As normal, the tea money was to good to upset the payments.


The boat sinking is just the same as buses crashing, plane doors not closing, footpaths not being repaired, police unable to do their duties, soi dogs left to breed and spread diseas and so on

This is Thailand... Its incompetent and with every passing day, it continues to slide under that stupid rock, it has created.....

You would think the Thais would be ashamed of the antics and going ons.... But nope... someone else it at fault, not my problem!


This is nothing new and nothing Thai specific. There was a dive boat positioned permanently out at sea on the GREAT Barrier Reef - it had a large hole in the hull and the pump and generator ran 24 hours a day to keep the boat afloat, passengers were never told.

One afternoon the boat I was working on as a dive instructor had to moor up alongside because our engineer HAD to fix the pump is it suddenly gave up the ghost. and when I say had to fix - I mean it!!!

this was in Aust on the ' Great Barrier Reef' so dont think this is a Thai issue, just greed, which is prevalent and more obvious here - but dont think it is exclusive!



The Pattaya bashers are out again, btw are uan ozzie basher hahahahahahha. Seriously, there have been many disasters thru out the world with huge ferries, so whats the problem with a little 38 seater lol


" 82 passengers, who are officials from the Buri Ram Court, "

Must be a lot of crime in Buriram

Nice to get a long week-end junket

I wonder if the court paid out of petty cash (government money) or all 80 or so paid for the trip. remember the 2 buses to take them and food and booze. ???

OK pleased they all made it, and hope the boat man gets done for lack of care of ship. A big get together ---sounds like a dip in the till as well as a dip in the sea.


They should give every passenger a life jacket as they board these old decrepit boats.

Life jackets Personal Flotation Devices are provided on these ferries Sot.


The problem with boats sinking is easy to fix - just change the name of the company.

They did the same with airplanes airlines;

remember " One To Go airlines " disappeared and began " Orient Thai Airlines "....

Sure they did and will do the same with buses company ...


I always take 2 childrens inflatable swimming jackets when i got to Koh Chang and Koh Samet, for my son and daughter. You just never know, better to be safe than sorry. Glad to hear there was no fatalities ths time round, but it's only a matter of time, these cowboy boats need to be properly regulated.

How about those that whinge about other people whinging?They could also be called whingers and unhappy with certain aspects of life in Thailand?

Two pieces of advice I would give to any visitor

1). Don't use the "mini van" transport

2). Don't use these ferries to the Islands. Or for that matter. "anywhere"

General ThaiVisa member advice appears to be don't come to Thailand at all.

Though those that give such advice with their continual moaning and whining and still choose to live here by choice ( Those that actually do live in Thailand that is, I suspect most don't), shows that Thailand has faults the same as everywhere else, but it ain't as bad as forums like this one make it out to be, else they wouldn't be here themselves would they.


there is something strange and unique about thai mentality, when you look at Wikipedia at the most deadly roads in the world, and Thailand on number 4 is the only country in that end of the list that most of us even remotely would consider civilised, and they are only road deaths... not counting all the other deaths, like e.g. boat or plane accidents... until some Thai people start talking about this in a straight way, I have and reserve every right to criticise Thai people's immaturity and irresponsibility, regardless of where in the world I am, however even more so since Im in Thailand and love Thailand very much, enough to be here and enjoy the good sides, and enough to even bother trying to make a change by discussing the problems...

So, to the Thai people, if you want to shut the critics, reflect on the truth of the situation and improve, then you will shut the critics, not by whining about being criticised !

Strange to find you living in a country you can’t even find remotely civilised and I don’t know what would qualify to be elevated to the civilised status according to your dictionary.

Yes, you have a right to express your opinion and you can reserve that right too, it is part of humans to express themselves and called free speech. Still if you reserve that right you must also expect that there are people that disagree with you and find that your comment lacks any maturity or responsibility because you accuse all Thai people without even considering that your allegations cannot be generalised.

Immaturity and irresponsibility are character attributes that only can be applied to individuals but not to a whole people.

Yes, there was a problem with the boat and that is the responsibility of the owner and the agency that is supposed to check that public transport vessels are properly maintained. Certainly it isn’t the responsibility of people outside the scope which you seem to think it is.


Just last week there was discussion about the 30 baht fare. I suggest that this fare is inadequate to properly maintain these boats and that proper inspection by authorities is needed on a regular basis including a haul out once a year. If a boat's bilge pump is running all the time then the boat should not be operated.


The wife says this is the same boat that killed 6 before the owners just changed the name. I really hope i am misunderstanding but she was clear imho.


They really should up the fare to 10k baht/head, so they could keep those boats maintained. To me it looks like it must be costing millions a day.


A couple of off topic posts removed.

The topic is not about airplanes or air bags in cars

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Thai definition of boat: Device that floats on top of the water until it sinks.

That definition also applies to every boat ever made in the history of mankind.


So they have had two boats sink.

Must have been really scary for the passengers, especially those with children.

Sounds to me like they were already taking on water before but used a pump to pump it out all the time. Until the pump failed, they were able to keep afloat. Hitting a rock sounds very strange to me as they will know the route very well anyway.

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