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Revenge Of The Thai: Part Two


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Dear Foreign National in Possession of Property in The Kingdom of Thailand:

It has come to our attention that you are in possession of land in Thailand in violation of Thai law. Further and of much greater concern is the fact that your attempt to circumvent this law by creating a dummy corporation to hold this land in your behalf constitutes a criminal enterprise.

As this corporation consists of anywhere from 4 to 7 Thai national nominee shareholders and has no business purpose other then possessing land for your personal use it has been declared invalid. The laws governing these practices and the consequences of violation are clear.

To wit:

Thai land holder law;

1)Presenting papers obtained on false pretense( Articles of Incorporation) to the land office in order to transfer land title constitutes fraud and is punishable by monetary fines and/or prison terms.

2)Land obtained in this fashion must be disposed of within 180 days( Good luck with that)

3)Land not disposed of within 180 days will be considered abandoned and will become the possession of The Kingdom of Thailand

Thai Corporate Law;

1)Presenting falsified application for registering a corporate entity(use of

nomonee shareholders)constitutes fraud and is punishable by monetary

fines and/or prison time.

2)A Thai national who acts as a nominee shareholder is subject to fine

1,000,000 baht and/or 3 years in prison

3)A foreign national who pays 1 or more Thai nationals to commit a

crime on his behalf is guilty of racketeering with triple damage for

each offense.

Purchasing residential real estate, legally or illegally, is not “Investing in Thailand”but is in fact speculation causing an irrational exuberance in the price of land resulting in highly and artificially inflated prices out of the range of Thai nationals. It is reasonable and desirable to enforce the law of the land to end this spiral and allow Thailand to return to the benefit of Thai. To facilitate the repatriating of these illegally possessed land Thailand will be offering a time limited amnesty period for Thai nationals who were exploited into participating as nominee shareholders in return for their testimony against the controlling interests in these fraudulent corporations.

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Xenophobia denotes a phobic attitude toward strangers or of the unknown. It comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning "foreigner," "stranger," and φόβος (phobos), meaning "fear." The term is typically used to describe fear or dislike of foreigners or in general of people different from one's self. :o:D:D

Most rich western countries have no such qualms about selling land (hey, they can't take it away)

or other assets to foreign nationals. Their attitude is "Show us the money".

Hey ... That's probably why they're rich. :D


Edited by naka
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This country needs a revolution. The better off 'Thai' haves here in LOS who treat the poor as dogs are the biggest problem. They want their workers to work 12 hours a day for 30 days a month for less their their child's bus fare. In a country that is way too cheap already they are unwilling to pay a slight amount more to hire a Thai. they opt out for a Burmese worker who they can have more control over and who is more likely to be slave-like.

The only problem with foreigners buying land in Thailand comes from the Chinese and Taiwanese who use corruption to settle in Thailand. When it comes to corruption and the exploitation of Thailand by foreigners, Thailand isn't willing to publicly address the problem. The invasion of Thailand is over. It happened long ago with the help of traitors. Why all the fuss now? Because the Thais see a few white faces.

The Thais need to have some laws but laws that address the real problem.

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