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High-ranking Thai army man sought for trafficking of Rohingya in South


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About time,

I did think it was impossible to have 1000s of Refugee spread an area Controlled by the Military, without them knowing

If a Maj -Gen as involved I doubt he hasn't got a few dozen underlings "Following Orders"

It will be interesting to see where this goes in various directions starting with did the BIB clear this with anyone or just decide to get on with it ?

I hope they just announced it , I reckon they would be pretty peeved actually. They have taken all the blame so far in area they did not control. Whats the betting they try and spin the Army bloke as pro Thaksin.

Could be Big blow to certain peoples integrity and question the competence of his old bosses ect

Integrity ? Thailand ? Nah.

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But But didn't the army, the very top of the army assure that no military officers were involved.

However this seems to be a police generated investigation which might explain a lot. Seems the children will never be likely to play nicely.

so you would rather they just cover it up then you wouldn't be posting this garbage

I personally would prefer they arrest this person and charge him and that you remain silent as you really have never had anything constructive to say on here, my evidence is the above post

and by the way - children were playing nicely and happy at a local market in Trat until red terrorist low life thugs decided to present them with a grenade and murder them - can you honestly live with that

I think you missed the point. The police have been saying for along time that the military control the area and they are therefore in difficulty bringing investigations to conclusion. The navy and the military have been pleading innocence. I have no doubt there are police involved in this too. However the reference to children playing nicely was a cute way of saying the police and army hate each other and protect each ther. The police are the children right now and are not submitting to any military cover up. I guess mow the international stage has shone the spotlight the policeman figures better to try to keep the spotlight off himself by taking the risk of doing something so at least he can say he didn't do anything.

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"The junta launched a crackdown on human trafficking syndicates after the country was relegated by the United States to Tier 3, the lowest level, in its Trafficking in Persons report last year."

All the military/government knew exactly what was going on and it wasn't until USA pushed them down to the lowest level that something actually happened. There always has to be the fall guy/s while the other higher ups walk.

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About time,

I did think it was impossible to have 1000s of Refugee spread an area Controlled by the Military, without them knowing

If a Maj -Gen as involved I doubt he hasn't got a few dozen underlings "Following Orders"

And a few dozen colleagues of equal and higher rank joining in.

Will they find him?

Will they try?

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Arrest warrant,issued,thats like giving the wrongdoers a heads up

to do a runner,bet they have not frozen his assets either.or are they

expecting him to turn himself in,

regards worgeordie

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But But didn't the army, the very top of the army assure that no military officers were involved.

However this seems to be a police generated investigation which might explain a lot. Seems the children will never be likely to play nicely.

so you would rather they just cover it up then you wouldn't be posting this garbage

I personally would prefer they arrest this person and charge him and that you remain silent as you really have never had anything constructive to say on here, my evidence is the above post

and by the way - children were playing nicely and happy at a local market in Trat until red terrorist low life thugs decided to present them with a grenade and murder them - can you honestly live with that

I think NongKhaiKid was being facetious

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Lt. Gen. Manas Kongpan was identified by the Pattani Provincial Court for the Kru Se Mosque killings in November 2006. Not only was he never arrested, fired or tried, he was promoted to Head of the ISOC in Ranong. The ISOC was previously the CSOC (Communist Security Operation Command) that is famous for burning countless communist suspects in Red Oil Drums with petrol in the '70s. In 2007 he ordered Rohingya boats to be pushed back out to sea which received worldwide TV coverage. Yet it seems that now he is suspected of being behind the people trafficking since that time. Based on past history, he is more likely to end up with another promotion than any conviction for the current atrocities that have occurred under his watch.

Unless he has to finally be made an example of since the downgrading of the nation and the international community are watching. Then he becomes an anti Muslim martyr, hero and eventually Prime Minister for keeping Thailand safe

Edited by Linzz
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how hard would it be, to start an anti corruption cell and check assets of all military personel and see if it reflects their real income

Might find out too much, the idea isn´t to bust everyone who is guilty, just those that aren´t in the right ¨club¨

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But But didn't the army, the very top of the army assure that no military officers were involved.

However this seems to be a police generated investigation which might explain a lot. Seems the children will never be likely to play nicely.

so you would rather they just cover it up then you wouldn't be posting this garbage

I personally would prefer they arrest this person and charge him and that you remain silent as you really have never had anything constructive to say on here, my evidence is the above post

and by the way - children were playing nicely and happy at a local market in Trat until red terrorist low life thugs decided to present them with a grenade and murder them - can you honestly live with that

I think NongKhaiKid was being facetious

I thought it was a nice example of sarcasm myself. clap2.gif

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Book him Danno! People like this makes me sick - making Johnny Walker and pussy money off of the very sad plight of these refugees who are desperate and fleeing for their lives. This world is sad.

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Given the huge money involved, follow the paper and ATM trails, check the bank accounts, check for evidence of unusual wealth and connections with superiors and subordinates, etc. etc.

Hardly rocket science, is it?

Oh, wait...

Absolutely wait. Where are the rockets in Thailand?

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Flashback to 2015-01-30

"More than a dozen Thai government officials -- including senior policemen and a navy officer -- are being prosecuted for human trafficking, junta officials said Friday, as they vowed "zero tolerance" of the trade." News article Thai officials prosecuted for human trafficking

To date there has been no further information regarding the navy officer. Of course a conviction might damage the navy's defamation case against two Thai Reuter reports who reported on possible naval involvement in human trafficking. It would seem that zero tolerance may refer more to zero military convictions.

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But But didn't the army, the very top of the army assure that no military officers were involved.

However this seems to be a police generated investigation which might explain a lot. Seems the children will never be likely to play nicely.

so you would rather they just cover it up then you wouldn't be posting this garbage

I personally would prefer they arrest this person and charge him and that you remain silent as you really have never had anything constructive to say on here, my evidence is the above post

and by the way - children were playing nicely and happy at a local market in Trat until red terrorist low life thugs decided to present them with a grenade and murder them - can you honestly live with that

But he's been bubbled by the Police hasn't he ,I wonder if that was Oked by the top brass. He may have been so blatant that they had no choice , They did announce there was no Army involved. Which really was a shoot yourself in the foot statement. Because no ones involved until they get caught unless of course it tuns out to be a "Misunderstanding" biggrin.png

That will teach him to leave his fingerprints on the Thai Beer Can he dropped!clap2.gif

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they tried to protect him, tried to cover it up, but when they couldn't they threw him under the bus (where he should be I grant you)

Really? You have absolute 100% proof of your statement and can back it up?

What I think you have is speculation and wishful thoughts on your part.

I do agree that if it can be proved then yes he must go to jail, but like a lot of people I would like to see proof and evidence first, unlike you and many others like you seem to want a kangaroo court on TVF.

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I wonder what the deputy PM's next anouncement will be.

Only 2 days ago it still was this.

Army link with trafficking not found yet: Thai deputy PM

"We agree that high ranking officials were involved in trafficking of people. There are police among them. But so far, we haven’t found any army officials to be involved in this," General Tanasak Patimapragorn, who is also the foreign minister of the country, said at press conference during a Special Meeting on Irregular Migration in the Indian Ocean in Bangkok.

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But But didn't the army, the very top of the army assure that no military officers were involved.

However this seems to be a police generated investigation which might explain a lot. Seems the children will never be likely to play nicely.

so you would rather they just cover it up then you wouldn't be posting this garbage

I personally would prefer they arrest this person and charge him and that you remain silent as you really have never had anything constructive to say on here, my evidence is the above post

and by the way - children were playing nicely and happy at a local market in Trat until red terrorist low life thugs decided to present them with a grenade and murder them - can you honestly live with that

What are you talking about? The nation was assured there were no army people involved in trafficking.This seemed incredible given the heavy army presence and influence in the affected areas.

The only two possible explanations for the top brass definitive statement were dishonesty or incompetence.I had earlier assumed the former ( given their track record of lying) but giving these idiots the benefit of the doubt perhaps it is the latter.It seems completely incredible however there were no other senior officers involved.We shall see.

Your reaction to a perfectly fair observation was an irrelevant rant.

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So now we know why after so many years the southern insurgency problems are never solved because high ranking army personnel is very busy making money over human trafficking. However, lets see if this guy will be transferred to "inactive post" again and the taxpayers' are continuing to feed him until he dies.

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they tried to protect him, tried to cover it up, but when they couldn't they threw him under the bus (where he should be I grant you)

Really? You have absolute 100% proof of your statement and can back it up?

What I think you have is speculation and wishful thoughts on your part.

I do agree that if it can be proved then yes he must go to jail, but like a lot of people I would like to see proof and evidence first, unlike you and many others like you seem to want a kangaroo court on TVF.

He's still low hanging fruit if you know what I mean. He looks like a big fish in the media at the present, but he's just another fish in the pond regarding trafficking. He certainly can't be the head of it all. There are three ranks above him and then there are the police who are under the rule of politicians.

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