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Thai Commerce Min to focus on senior German tourists

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Min. of Commerce to focus on senior German tourists

BANGKOK, 2 June 2015, (NNT) - The Ministry of Commerce is switching gears to focus on senior German travelers, after surveys indicated growth potential for the tourist demographic.

Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP) Director-General Nantawan Sakuntanaga quoted reports from the International Trade Promotion Office in Frankfurt, Germany, which indicated the country has the second highest number of senior citizens in the world, after Japan.

The report said Germany currently has 17 million senior citizens, adding that the number would jump to 24 million by 2035. Ms. Nantawan disclosed that her agency would hold an event promoting Thai products in Germany, in order to tap into the market.

Ms. Sujitra Tanomsup, Director of the Commercial Section, Royal Thai Consulate-General in Frankfurt, stated that the majority of Germans over 50 prefer products with exceptional design. She added that health-related products, cosmetics, garments, ornaments, and various massage services are popular among senior German tourists.

However, she stressed that marketing for these products should be subtle and avoid emphasizing their target demographic.

-- NNT 2015-06-02 footer_n.gif


"Ms. Nantawan disclosed that her agency would hold an event promoting Thai products in Germany, in order to tap into the market." .... So are they going to send a bunch of slappers from the bars over there then? You handsome German men you..


".........and various massage services are popular among senior German tourists."


"However, she stressed that marketing for these products should be subtle and avoid emphasizing their target demographic."



Massage products eh?

I seem to remember that back in the 1980s one of the biggest knocking shops in Hannover was called "The Thai Haus".

I hasten to add that I only know that because the bus to the British Military Hospital drove past it!:unsure:


German tourist are complete different of Thai menthality !!

1.) No corruption ;

2.) Fixed and correct prices ! no cheating !

3.) Prices in Germany one of the lowest world wide -

for example. a beer 0,5 lit in sup market less than 0,5 Eur = is about 18 baht !!!

how much you pay chaepest for this in Thai ??? min double - 50 thb !!

A simple menue - just say vienna escalope I can get for as much as 3,1 Eur = 120 thb, and I get min 150 grm of pork,

In thai, for a dish rice with pork, 70 thb, maybee 5 brm - if a better restaurant 100,-thb and still les than 10 grm of pork !

4) Travell expenses - Thai airways charge 50 to 100% more than any other airline;

( BKK Samui could be more expensive tha FRA - BKK )

5.) Accomodation : Germans like to be in Spain, Portugal, prices not higher - quality is double from Thai for same price;

6.) Language : go to mallorka and every 2nd seller speaks German perfect !

7.) Correct and normal traffic, no cheating police, roads are very save;

THIS are only a few points which you can compare and found answeres how thais can - or would like to handle !!!


Germans also can read and see the statics in Thailand. Why would they want to come here?

very simple, they just will not come to retire in Thai !!

If you discuss with them,

only negativ views, exceopt the weather !! and sea -

But If they there for longer time, they will realise the weather most over the year is not pleasant as they think,

and the sea - just dirty and stinky !!


"Ms. Nantawan disclosed that her agency would hold an event promoting Thai products in Germany, in order to tap into the market." .... So are they going to send a bunch of slappers from the bars over there then? You handsome German men you..

I heard they are sending LB,s


Germans also can read and see the statics in Thailand. Why would they want to come here?

in movies they see the kindness of thai people and the Glory of the King-dom !!


She stressed in a press release "that marketing for these products should be subtle and avoid emphasizing the target demographic."


A cunning plan, Baldrick. A very cunning plan.....


She stressed in a press release "that marketing for these products should be subtle and avoid emphasizing the target demographic."


Don't tell the crap they're crap.


Soi 27 in Naklua is also named Soi Kraut..... It's full of the fokkers... Many have very tired old ladies who speak German.... Probably cast offs from the FKK scene where Thais are valued. Not many young Germans here nor many approaching retirement age...


What,s really needed are the old olifield hands, who each spent an average of around $12,000 every month that they were in Pattaya ! One of them would be worth a hundred of these things they are shipping in from one of the world,s most highly populated countries :)


German tourist are complete different of Thai menthality !!

1.) No corruption ;

2.) Fixed and correct prices ! no cheating !

3.) Prices in Germany one of the lowest world wide -

for example. a beer 0,5 lit in sup market less than 0,5 Eur = is about 18 baht !!!

how much you pay chaepest for this in Thai ??? min double - 50 thb !!

A simple menue - just say vienna escalope I can get for as much as 3,1 Eur = 120 thb, and I get min 150 grm of pork,

In thai, for a dish rice with pork, 70 thb, maybee 5 brm - if a better restaurant 100,-thb and still les than 10 grm of pork !

4) Travell expenses - Thai airways charge 50 to 100% more than any other airline;

( BKK Samui could be more expensive tha FRA - BKK )

5.) Accomodation : Germans like to be in Spain, Portugal, prices not higher - quality is double from Thai for same price;

6.) Language : go to mallorka and every 2nd seller speaks German perfect !

7.) Correct and normal traffic, no cheating police, roads are very save;

THIS are only a few points which you can compare and found answeres how thais can - or would like to handle !!!

I met a charming retired German couple and their retired widow friend at Abu Dhabi airport when they were waiting for a connecting flight.

I speak pretty good German and so we chatted a lot. They had an apartment in Spain and lived in Munich. They normally spent the summer at home and winter in Spain. They wanted a change and had booked to come to Thailand for a month - Bangkok, Pattaya, Chang Mai. They said they new many Germans who were getting fed up with Spain.

They also said it was cheaper to be in Thailand than Germany for living costs.

I've no idea of the prices in Europe these days, but that's what they said a few months back.


"However, she stressed that marketing for these products should be subtle and avoid emphasizing their target demographic."

So she's hoping none of them read this article or hear her statement?

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