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Do You Think Immigration Gonna Stop Thousands Farang From Coming Back To Thailand Next Month?

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You'd think not, but in the end - simply the Thai Govt can do as they please. :D

And they will, this is part of many things to come.

Maybe next year Retirement visas will come under the spotlight move to 1,000,000 and year 55 years old up wards who knows :o

The Ministry of Tourism and TAT won't be happy about it.

The new marketing slogan, “Thailand Unforgettable” - guess it works.

TAT has set its 2007 targets at 15 million international visitors and 82 million domestic trips, respectively generating estimated revenues of 547.5 billion baht (US$ 14,573 million, at August 2006 exchange rates) and 377 billion baht (US$ 10,055 million, at August 2006 exchange rates).


Thailand can't afford to lose hundreds, thousands farangs, nobody wants Thailand to be like Phuket right after Tsunami.

True mate!

It's a load of <deleted>........In LOS, nothing suggested gets implemented. Wait and see.

Some Minister will lose his head and job soon.


Thailand can't afford to lose hundreds, thousands farangs, nobody wants Thailand to be like Phuket right after Tsunami.

Hi troll - High Season is just starting and the #'s will be as high as ever.

It is just the visa runners that are having a case of the wet panties over this.


If people are worried, all they have to do is apply for a Tourist Visa before they leave home. :o

Mind your that will put pressure on the Embassies and Consulates and turn round times may be longer.


This country is probably not nearly as dependent on people who do all the visa runs as the people doing the visa runs are dependent on the country. Remember, these people are not all that significant in the overall scheme of things, economically.

Thailand is not the poor, underdeveloped country that it was 20 years ago. Now, there is a middle class that is looking around and sees a lot of what they consider as "undesirable" people. Add to that a fair amount of nationalism and xenophobia and you have what you have today.


And they will, this is part of many things to come.

Maybe next year Retirement visas will come under the spotlight move to 1,000,000 and year 55 years old up wards who knows unsure.gif

This forum should be for facts,not fears!

On what EVIDENCE do you base this supposition?

Why are you a rumourmonger?

This country is probably not nearly as dependent on people who do all the visa runs as the people doing the visa runs are dependent on the country. Remember, these people are not all that significant in the overall scheme of things, economically.

Thailand is not the poor, underdeveloped country that it was 20 years ago. Now, there is a middle class that is looking around and sees a lot of what they consider as "undesirable" people. Add to that a fair amount of nationalism and xenophobia and you have what you have today.

The above post hits very close to the mark. The people who have money already have a proper visa. It's the people who live month to month who now have a problem. Myself and many of you know people who have no business being here. They beg, borrow, steal and scam to survive and Thailand won't miss those kinds of people.


I also fail to believe that this will be enacted as stated but to those that say Thailand doesnt get much benefit I dissagree (and I am not a low life border hopper / English teacher before you characterise me)..

Phuket is one of Thailands richest provinces, Patong is its richest town.. This towns bread and butter is the regular traveller and the long stay tourist.. As well as effecting the live here border hoppers these rules drastically effect others too.

On another forum we are discussing who is effected so far its only legit tourists.

One is working rotation in Iraq, wheres he supposed to get his visa at the end of rotation Bhagdad ??..

A couple others are working on oil rigs, not going to be able to get a tourist visa there..

My own brother lives in Bali and visit Thailand a lot.. He will be 3 times since July at the end of this month with a trip to UK after that he cannot return and transit for a week through Thailand...

Another has invested into a nightlife joint.. Comes into the country every month or so for a long weekend from KL.. Should he apply for a single entry every time for the weekend ??

These people are all legitimate tourists.. They all spend LOTS of money.. None 'live' and work here.. Yet for some the process of getting tourist visas will be in a practicle sense impossible. Saying to the frequent traveller 'just get a tourist visa' for each entry is simply not a realistic answer and they will go elsewhere.


"Lowlife border hopper"

Esxcuse me ######.

Just becasue some people go on a visa run every month doesnt make them lowlife. I am not scum. In fact, Id bet I contribute as much to this country as you do.

"Lowlife border hopper"

Esxcuse me ######.

Just becasue some people go on a visa run every month doesnt make them lowlife. I am not scum. In fact, Id bet I contribute as much to this country as you do.

also the careful observer will note, that just because some people have the proper visa doesn't make them NON-lowlifes...


And if you read what I was saying, I mentioned it so that posters that get on thier high horse didnt make that accusation / slur to negate what I was attempting to say.

Perhaps my attempt at wording was made badly.. My dissagreement is with people who instantly think anyone who dissagrees with this rule or is effected by this rule is instantly some kind of 'low life' or must be an underpaid english teacher hanging round nana..


"Esxcuse me ######.

Just becasue some people go on a visa run every month doesnt make them lowlife. I am not scum. In fact, Id bet I contribute as much to this country as you do."

Poorferang - I am with you on this mate. In my eyes, there is almost a class system evolving amongst the forum, specifically the new visa law threads, in which many people with a long term visa and (especially the retirement visa crowd) are looking at we humble border hopers with condescension.

I can’t get a long term visa. I have to fly under the radar and border bounce. But I do pull 120K from the UK every month and every penny of that goes into the Thai economy.

On the other hand, you have some border hopers who sell timeshare illegally and scratch out a living for 20K month... But it’s no ones business to judge these guys.

Maybe the very people who think it serves us border hoper’s right were the very people who came here 20 years ago because LOS was viewed as the land of the free, with laid back laws. Now the tide has changed and some of these folks think the new stricter policies are a great idea. Well they would wouldn’t they? They had 20 years to settle here and kick back on a fat pension.

Actually I think the new laws are fair enough - but in typical Thai style we only had two weeks notice which IMO is very unfair. I have severe headaches now trying to sort this out.

And if you read what I was saying, I mentioned it so that posters that get on thier high horse didnt make that accusation / slur to negate what I was attempting to say.

Perhaps my attempt at wording was made badly.. My dissagreement is with people who instantly think anyone who dissagrees with this rule or is effected by this rule is instantly some kind of 'low life' or must be an underpaid english teacher hanging round nana..

there are too many prats who are always preaching from the pulpit.personally, I can't understand why they are like this.So many people here are too quick to jump on the slagging bandwagon.Must make them feel good.dorks!

Agreed. This is really short term notice.
If your guys are not sure, try to do a visarun before the so called Oct 1, or wait to see what's gonna happen after Oct 1. Let them catch some rich weekly Japanese golfer first.

And if you read what I was saying, I mentioned it so that posters that get on thier high horse didnt make that accusation / slur to negate what I was attempting to say.

Perhaps my attempt at wording was made badly.. My dissagreement is with people who instantly think anyone who dissagrees with this rule or is effected by this rule is instantly some kind of 'low life' or must be an underpaid english teacher hanging round nana..

there are too many prats who are always preaching from the pulpit.personally, I can't understand why they are like this.So many people here are too quick to jump on the slagging bandwagon.Must make them feel good.dorks!

Agreed, when the crackdown on Investment Visas was mentioned a lot of people were getting a taste of their own medicine.

PS. I hold a Non-Imm O visa (through marriage) so I am in an unbiased position - at the moment!

On the other hand, you have some border hopers who sell timeshare illegally and scratch out a living for 20K month... But it’s no ones business to judge these guys.

If they're working, then they should have an appropriate visa. If they are working illegally and therefore not paying taxes, I would imagine that it's just these types that the new regulations are designed to catch out and rightly so.


"Lowlife border hopper"

Esxcuse me ######.

Just becasue some people go on a visa run every month doesnt make them lowlife. I am not scum. In fact, Id bet I contribute as much to this country as you do.

also the careful observer will note, that just because some people have the proper visa doesn't make them NON-lowlifes...

I have a very good friend in Bangkok who has been doing a month to month for ten years. I know for a fact that he spends at least twice what I spend every month. He is now very upset and talking about moving to Macao to live. The strange thing is that he is over fifty and easily qualifies for a retirement visa. :o

"Esxcuse me ######.

Just becasue some people go on a visa run every month doesnt make them lowlife. I am not scum. In fact, Id bet I contribute as much to this country as you do."

Poorferang - I am with you on this mate. In my eyes, there is almost a class system evolving amongst the forum, specifically the new visa law threads, in which many people with a long term visa and (especially the retirement visa crowd) are looking at we humble border hopers with condescension.

Did you read my further post ??

I was critical of those that charactherise people as low lifes just becuase they visa run..

Jeez people need to read a little..


Someone on this forum mentioned that this new rule will affect only those who are poor and do border runs every month. The maximum 3 entries in 6 month rule will affect a LOT of people. What about those people from example Singapore and HongKong who come here weekly for a converence, some business meeting and a night out who stay in 5 star hotels and spent alot of money. They will not apply for a visa. Meeting will be somewhere else next time. Who cares, thailand loses big time.


Colnel Mustard - I agree. However i dont agree with some posters (on other threads) that almost gloat about the fact that guys like this are screwed. Seems harsh to me.

I think the system is unfair to many people. Without mentioning names 'I know a guy' :o who has a good account management job working with UK clients via email, pulling in a half decent salary every month. The only way he can get a 'proper' visa is to set up a company in LOS with 2 million baht capital and provide work permits for 2 people. 'He' hasnt got 2 million baht, the company he works for obviously wont pay it as they have no need for an offical Thai office and 'he' has no need to employ 2 people.

Why cant he just get a visa that alows him to work for an off shore company in LOS? If the salary is coming into LOS every month, whats the problem?

Now, he cant border bounce OR get a proper visa. It sucks.


This country is probably not nearly as dependent on people who do all the visa runs as the people doing the visa runs are dependent on the country. Remember, these people are not all that significant in the overall scheme of things, economically.

Thailand is not the poor, underdeveloped country that it was 20 years ago. Now, there is a middle class that is looking around and sees a lot of what they consider as "undesirable" people. Add to that a fair amount of nationalism and xenophobia and you have what you have today.

The above post hits very close to the mark. The people who have money already have a proper visa. It's the people who live month to month who now have a problem. Myself and many of you know people who have no business being here. They beg, borrow, steal and scam to survive and Thailand won't miss those kinds of people.

Spot on Gary. Many such chaps here and also others whose general behavior makes farangs look bad. The other day I was waiting at Immigration for my turn. The idiot sitting next to me (farang) reeked of booze. He was bothering everyone else waiting. I ignored him. He eventually turned to me and says, "hey mate excuse me I think I have the bird flu". Expressionless I replied, "maybe you'll die in a week". He was startled for a while but then said, "maybe 10 days". I continued to ignore him.

"Lowlife border hopper"

Esxcuse me ######.

Just becasue some people go on a visa run every month doesnt make them lowlife. I am not scum. In fact, Id bet I contribute as much to this country as you do.

also the careful observer will note, that just because some people have the proper visa doesn't make them NON-lowlifes...

I have a very good friend in Bangkok who has been doing a month to month for ten years. I know for a fact that he spends at least twice what I spend every month. He is now very upset and talking about moving to Macao to live. The strange thing is that he is over fifty and easily qualifies for a retirement visa. :o

Gary, this is very strange indeed. Especially since his location is BKK where he can process paperwork easily......doesn't make sense. Can't understand why he would be 'very upset'. Heck on the retirement visa he doesn't have to make a border run at all.


Gary, this is very strange indeed. Especially since his location is BKK where he can process paperwork easily......doesn't make sense. Can't understand why he would be 'very upset'. Heck on the retirement visa he doesn't have to make a border run at all.

I PM'd you. You'll understand. :o

This country is probably not nearly as dependent on people who do all the visa runs as the people doing the visa runs are dependent on the country. Remember, these people are not all that significant in the overall scheme of things, economically.

Thailand is not the poor, underdeveloped country that it was 20 years ago. Now, there is a middle class that is looking around and sees a lot of what they consider as "undesirable" people. Add to that a fair amount of nationalism and xenophobia and you have what you have today.

Get rid of the dead beats :o:D:D

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