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Security Guards


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Ah yes security guards. I'll never forget the look on the face of our complex's security guard......I did a spot check on him at 2 am.....nowhere on the property.......figured oh well I'll deal with him tomorrow.......decided to go downtown to a few casinos (Las Vegas) to check things out......imagine my surprise when I spotted our 'security guard' playing a slot machine......I tapped him on the shoulder and said, "hope you're winning you need it cause you're fired"........... :D

stayed on Rambuttri before......hel_l yes we'll check out that blues place....... :D

you're back on my good side so leave your will at home.....I'll leave the sawed-off.....see mate I don't see so well anymore the sawed-off makes a crowd out of a person pretty fast..... :D besides it's too damned hot on Rambuttri at noon..... :D

first beer on me....cheers :D

well I lost my dad mate.....no offense meant......know how ya feel :D

cheers fella,

this is the go ok,

piss up rambuttri st, lager and blues music at "add the 13th" in november. :D

los is brilliant is'nt it and i frigging love it. :D

but i dont love the forum tonight as it's bloody boring me to death as nothing to really get into. :D

im going out on the turps,

cheers mate :o

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Ahhh security guards.. what stories I have to tell...

I live in a rented condo on ratchada, where, it would seem that security guards have access to room keys.

I often wondered why there was one panel in the roof always out of place, leaving a gap. I moved it back into place, and forgot about it.

Several days later I noticed it had been moved, which means someone had been in my condo. I then did a bit of a search to find out why....

Hidden video camera in my bathroom, it would seem that by closing the gap, I had cut off their entertainment. The security guards had the channel tuned in on their tv downstairs.

Im currently in the process of legal action against the condo.

This drama has taken 24 hour security to a whole new level.

Really sorry to hear about the VZ. It is truly awful. I hope they get what they deserve.

Wow. That has been my worst nightmare. My lock is not very good. That is why I have started moving my purse into my bedroom and locking the door. I appreciate your comments, because it reminds me not to become too complacent.

Thanks for focusing on the topic T.S., and not turning me into the topic like so many do here.

There are a lot of good stories, but there are also a lot of nightmare stories because of the lack of standards and enforcements.

I have lived all over south and south east Asia and the only country I have had burglars is Thailand. My advice to all ladies: 1. Do not get friendly with any of the condo staff. 2. Definitely do not get friendly with the guards. Politeness is all that is necessary. No wais, no food you don't need, no nothing! 3. Lock the door even when at home and even if you are stepping out for just a few minutes. Lock all doors and windows when asleep. 4. Don't wear too much jewelry. Thai office staff I know take off their jewelry when going out into the street. 5. Change your door locks and/or put on extra locks including a dead bolt. 6. Only have people you know and trust into your condo. If anyone else comes asking to speak to you for whatever reason, speak with them outside your door or not at all. 7. If you have to have condo staff and/or workmen in your rooms, let them in after you have put purse, valuables, laptop, out of sight. Don't entertain them. Get them out as quickly as possible. If they don't need to go into other rooms, shut those rooms' doors. 8. If you do have an 'event' send for the police. Maybe won't do any good but will show the condo staff and guards - and the manager - that you don't like being messed with. 9. And last, but not least, pay no attention whatsoever to nitwit men of which there are a lot!!! They are a waste of breath and time.

Thanks Roamin. I especially like point number 9.

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That's not to say there all places are like that, but I suspect the smug security 'lords' are either not so common or we just haven't encountered it very much. I can only guess they realize if they don't act in a professional manner, they'll be quickly unemployed.

Depends on the management. Where there is poor management guards - and all staff - will take advantage and not be polite or keep the condo/housing estate in good condition. Problem is its difficult to get rid of poor management. Any suggestions on how to get rid of a poor manager who bends over backwards to keep staff happy while allowing the place to become a pig sty?

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That's not to say there all places are like that, but I suspect the smug security 'lords' are either not so common or we just haven't encountered it very much. I can only guess they realize if they don't act in a professional manner, they'll be quickly unemployed.

Depends on the management. Where there is poor management guards - and all staff - will take advantage and not be polite or keep the condo/housing estate in good condition. Problem is its difficult to get rid of poor management. Any suggestions on how to get rid of a poor manager who bends over backwards to keep staff happy while allowing the place to become a pig sty?

I agree with your point. If management is slack in the manner you indicate, and won't do anything to assist the paying residents, then unfortunately there isn't much a person can do other than try to igniore it or move. In our case, the managers we've encountered also kept the staff happy but then the staff were reliable and helpful.

As for the management at the housing projects, the security staff have also been professional and seem to be able to keep their jobs. If they slacked off, any complaints by the residents would result in a cautionary warning, followed by termination if they continued with such misbehaviors. The management, which is also the sales staff, seem to be interested in keeping the residents happy as the main priority. The security staff are employees of the projects.

But I do realize that there are certainly places that are as you and others have indicated. We've been fortunate to have found what we consider to be good ones.

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Are you saying Men or Women? Huh? I don't think the aussies know what a nitwit is!

I have the BEST securaty guards, my friens & neigbours. You should try it some time!

yes we do mr jen's,

you could be accused of being one if you dont buy yourself a new dictionary. :D

cricky's mate your dictionary has all the spelling wrong. :D

jes--us fella,

dont worry about it mate, go and have some lager or something. :D

cheers jens :o

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I have a number of friends who work in the security business. The security guards here are definitely not a group to be trusted. They may keep thieves and others out of the building, but they are certainly capable of engaging in that behavior for themselves.

The main thing is, if something is missing, you know where to look first--at your own security guards.

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Now its MAN bashing time. Why NOT MOVE this to the ladies forum?

No, not man bashing time. There's a lot of good, sensible men who write on TV forums

I'll drink to that - I'd like to clink pints with all the good guys and ladies out there.

Let's carry on good people. As they say: "the dogs may bark at the side of the road, but the caravan keeps moving." :o

Scott: I've heard many others echo your sentiments.

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I've followed this thread with interest and must say I noticed something significant.

Men whose wives, girlfriends or female friends have had problems with security guards in the past are sympathetic and aware of the difficulties women may face. Men who have not experienced this second hand through a female friend don't have a clue what it is like to be a single woman (or what is perceived to be single) in Thailand. Alot of guys don't really understand the vulnerability women must confront every single day of their lives and therefor fail to grasp women's feelings and motives.

I cannot sleep with my curtains even partially open, I regularly have nightmares that wake me up of people staring in at me while I am asleep. Sounds paranoid? Well, consider this: when I was 17 years old I had a peeping tom regularly stare in my window. Nearly every night for 6 months--my dad tried chasing him off, we called the police. By the time they finally showed up he was long gone.

I don't smile at overly friendly men who appear to have inappropriate interest. Unfriendly farang b!tch is probably some men's reactions. Consider this: Since the age of 13 I have encountered at least 4 flashers. Always coming from overly friendly men showing an inappropriate interest.

So, next time you think about belittling Kat's concerns, ask a Thai female friend what she would do if she had a security guard smirking at her late at night.

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Whoa---I think some of this is getting a little off topic. I don't think anyone wants to be demeaning to women or anyone for that matter. The bottom line is this--these people are employees of your building (and subsequently of you).

What time you come home is of no concern to them.

If they don't stand up and salute you--file a complaint. If they completely ignore you and pretend they didn't see you, be glad.

There have always been security guards where I have lived. The later at night, the more interest they seem to have--probably completely out of boredom.

I've had reasonably good luck with being distantly cordial.

I know that for women it's different, but they are hired to protect you--if they don't, then it's time to talk to the management. New guards are a dime a dozen.

Where I currently live (in a Mua Baan), our guards are unbelievably nice--but the people paying their salary are the owners of homes!! I'd like to see them "leer" and some lady coming home at 2:00 a.m.!

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A freind worked at a school where a VCR and stereo were stolen, the suspected the security guards and sacked the lot without giving salaries owed. Two months later a top executive from the school was caught embezzeling money, it was also found that she had stolen the items.

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Maybe it wasn't meant to be demeaning, Scott, but it certainly came across that way to me.

I think many men fail to understand a woman's point of view (not having lived a woman's life) and therefor, since they can neither understand it nor sympathize with it, denigrate them for being overly sensitive etc etc.

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I’ve been in my place about a year with the same two guards. They watch all the comings and goings and when I have come home with various women friends, gigs and otherwise I get the little smiles as they help park my car. Over the past few months as one gig developed into a GF and started spending a lot of time here she got to know them and my maid who it turns out is married to one of them. Needless to say the building maids and security guards are watching and discussing everything. As my relationship with my GF was developing she was curious about one fairly long term gig I had and asked my maid about this woman that comes to my apartment sometimes and the maid responded “which one?” mmmm wrong answer but I guess she could use some coaching... :o

Anyway, I realized that I would be no match for the Thai relationships my GF has with these people. She’s a very chatty person with a little boy they all love so soon she was on the inside of everything. Now we know the Hi-So lady down the hall is really a mia noi who is in trouble with her BF because she snuck in another man – and then blamed the security guards for telling her BF. There are the gay couples with problems, the neurotic parents from Singapore and all manner of gossip from the building staff – who are yes always watching and smiling. They had wrong assumptions that my gigs were working girls just because we would often leave early in the morning but that was because we all have jobs and are get up and go types. But no harm in that assumption. She even told the GF that I always use condoms because she would see the wrapper in the trash. So good points earned there even if nosy and very personal information.

Now I must be a good boy when the GF is home upcountry because I know there are many eyes. The maid called the GF a few weeks ago to ask her to remind me to pay her and the security guys who have a car washing business on the side. It was the 3rd or 4th and I’d forgotten. Then the maid let the GF know that I’d been good, not coming home too late and always alone. GF ask how do they know and she said “well since your BF owes the guys money they have been watching carefully because they are hoping he will remember to pay and I make his bed – so we know for sure he is being good” Is all of this an invasion of my privacy? I guess so but I think it’s just human nature with that special very curious Thai element. They are just trying to figure me out.

I’m sure however it is very different for a woman. My guess is that 90% there is no harm even if it is obnoxious. There is an element of responsibility we each take. My GF is a lot younger than me and I’m sure people assume all sorts of things – what can I do but know my heart and not let it bother me. You choose to be an independent woman who comes and goes as she wishes and people are going to have judgments. So yes I think the watching you get is real and it’s normal and best to just ignore it. The suggestion above to be more in control and assertive might be good. However I would worry about the 10%. If someone is really giving you the creeps and a dangerous vibe that is worth paying attention to. Trust your instincts and be very careful.

Good luck!

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Thanks a lot Valjean. Everything you described was exactly what I was talking about. Everyone is completely into your personal business, with no sense of boundaries whatsoever. It drives me up the wall. And there is nothing you can do about it, because it is where you live. Your personal space is completely violated, and no one sees this as a problem.

And yes, it is different for a single woman. Completely different. It's not smile and wink, wink. It's assumption about everything, even your person. And from there, they can make assumptions about your character based on their values about women, and take it upon themselves to decide whether you are asking for something bad to happen to you or not. And all when you are simply minding your business.

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Kat, Having read some of the real bad things that can happen to you, didn't you wish you never opened this can of worms? Cause If I was a single woman and already freaked out, don't you feel more uncomfortable NOW? than you did in your OP?

Good luck to you.

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Kat, Having read some of the real bad things that can happen to you, didn't you wish you never opened this can of worms? Cause If I was a single woman and already freaked out, don't you feel more uncomfortable NOW? than you did in your OP?

Good luck to you.

jens has got a fairly good point there kat,

as some times its better not to know to much, as some one has always got a better story than our selves.

btw kat, what date are you leaving for the states?

if you keep reading this thread you'll be gone in about 30 seconds time.

cheers kat, and one day we will have that drink as you always come over as a top person. :o

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Hello Kat,

Guess it was either you misunderstanding me or more possibly my poor expression in English that has upset you earlier. I honestly believe I know what you are talking about and agree that it is difficult sometimes being a single woman in Thailand. Well, actually most parts of the world! (to be precise, woman single or not is hard already, my observation) But do take into consideration that I have no bleeding idea who you are and that security old man is. Everything would be based on assumption.

Anyway, better keep my mouth shut. Hope this post is not going to irk you that much. :D

I risk not being called sweetie ever again. Hehe, just joking. Call be an ###### if you like. :D

Actually if you look clearly at your own..s..e...l..f OUCH! I J U S T T A S E R E D my...bloody self........... Shut the <deleted> up! :o

BTW, sorry.

Edited by meemiathai
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Hello Kat,

Guess it was either you misunderstanding me or more possibly my poor expression in English that has upset you earlier. I honestly believe I know what you are talking about and agree that it is difficult sometimes being a single woman in Thailand. Well, actually most parts of the world! (to be precise, woman single or not is hard already, my observation) But do take into consideration that I have no bleeding idea who you are and that security old man is. Everything would be based on assumption.

Anyway, better keep my mouth shut. Hope this post is not going to irk you that much. :D

I risk not being called sweetie ever again. Hehe, just joking. Call be an ###### if you like. :D

Actually if you look clearly at your own..s..e...l..f OUCH! I J U S T T A S E R E D my...bloody self........... Shut the <deleted> up! :D

BTW, sorry.

jes--us thai, :D

you been smoking waccy tabacci or something ? :D

cricky's mate how can kat understand that lot if my top self cant get a handle on it ?

im the one that usually confuses people and you are usually a tad coherant. :D

i think it would be a cracking idea to have another go at it as kat might have a nervous breakdown trying to suss out that little ripper post of yours.

beauty mate,

cheers friend :o

have another crack fella :D

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  • 10 months later...

I think Security Guard in Thailand are more vigilant and alert than any other places. As for my Guards at home. when ever i come home from shopping at the super market i am sure to bought them something to eat. As my home is just at the Onnut main road and its traffic everyday . They do give a very big smile and salute when ever they see me driving thru 55555

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Hello Kat,

Guess it was either you misunderstanding me or more possibly my poor expression in English that has upset you earlier. I honestly believe I know what you are talking about and agree that it is difficult sometimes being a single woman in Thailand. Well, actually most parts of the world! (to be precise, woman single or not is hard already, my observation) But do take into consideration that I have no bleeding idea who you are and that security old man is. Everything would be based on assumption.

Anyway, better keep my mouth shut. Hope this post is not going to irk you that much. :o

I risk not being called sweetie ever again. Hehe, just joking. Call be an ###### if you like. ;)

Actually if you look clearly at your own..s..e...l..f OUCH! I J U S T T A S E R E D my...bloody self........... Shut the <deleted> up! :D

BTW, sorry.

jes--us thai, :D

you been smoking waccy tabacci or something ? :D

cricky's mate how can kat understand that lot if my top self cant get a handle on it ?

im the one that usually confuses people and you are usually a tad coherant. :D

i think it would be a cracking idea to have another go at it as kat might have a nervous breakdown trying to suss out that little ripper post of yours.

beauty mate,

cheers friend :o

have another crack fella :bah:

Just read my post again and had no idea what I was talking about. :D Can't stop laughing! :bah: quite embarrassing!

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