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When turning right and waiting for oncoming traffic to clear, the trick here is to be as close to the center of the road as possible so that the fool on the bike wanting to over-take on the right may be put off by having to go over to the other side and face the said oncoming traffic, and so over-take on the left, or wait. However, most likely said fool will still try and pass on the right and dodge back in before the oncoming traffic, but Somchai's law says this time you'll be in the on-coming vehicle and hit him head on...

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My understanding of what the OP is saying is this:

The motorcycle driver, coming from behind the OP, who was stopped and waiting to turn right, tried to pass by him on the inside of the lane ...or pass him going down the center line of the lane and probably more or less slightly over to the right and into the on coming lane....which is illegal .

If the motorcycle is coming from behind and wants to pass the stationary car then he would stay to the left and near to the left hand curb at the left side of the car if passing by the stationary car, which trying to turn right, with his right hand signal / blinker flashing red and indicating he has stopped and waiting to turn right

The bike driver is wrong for trying to pass the car in the manner that he tried and caused the accident.

I have been in taxi cabs while the taxi cab is trying to turn right and many times a motorcycle zooms by on the right hand side and sometimes just when the driver starts to turn right and then suddenly a motorcycle is veering around the right hand side of the car and nearly causing an accident.

The motorcycle(s) had plenty of room to go around the car on the left side but some morons choose to pass a stationary car that is waiting to turn right and try to zoom past the stationary car on the right hand side ...which is illegal and prone to cause an accident.

The driver turning right should not have to be looking in his rear view mirror or right hand side rear view mirror to see if a motorcycle or another car is sometimes trying to zip around the car on the right hands side while the car is trying to turn right just when the driver has the chance to start turning right .

IF......that is the way the accident happened then the motorcycle driver is wrong.....but they will still blame the foreigner anyhow...as usual.



Clearly Scooter at fault if vehicle ahead is stopped or slowing, indicating to turn right, only a suicidal maniac would attempt an overtake on the right of said vehicle, but alas in LOS...


It is Insane to drive here, because no one pays attention to the laws. Everyone drives as fast as they can, running red lights, stop signs, people ride they motor scooters on the wrong side of the street, straight head on, forcing you to get out of there way, they all ride like Rebels daring you to hit them, with hope that they will get some insurance money. Even when am walking on the sidewalks I have been run down by scooters, they think they are obove the Law. I have been hit twice by a scooter, now when I walk I carry a baseball bat, and am not afraid to use it.


"If he passed you on the right your responsible, cause you shouldn't turn right before the road is clear."

Are you joking? The motorcycle tried to pass him on the right, which he shouldn't have done if the driver had his directionals on. Perhaps if the OP checked in his side view mirror more carefully before turning, it could have been avoided but most likely the motorcycle was driving quickly and wasn't careful.

Only the police can say who is at fault but my guess it is the motorcycle. As long as the OP has a Thai driver's license, insurance in his name and no witness challenges his side, he should likely be free of blame. However to make things simple police usually make it 50/50 blame unless one person confesses to wrong doing.

I am glad that you and your son wasn't hurt. I wouldn't do it any different but never loose your temper at the scene of an accident.

Good luck and get a lawyer

wanna bet? no matter how stupid or ignorant the motorcycle driver is, it always the auto drivers fault! ask the cops! that's the way it is in this country. time will tell but in the end the driver of the car will have to pay. bet on it! this is not confined to falangs although the falang is automatically guilty, i know a thai teacher who had the same type accident, she had to pay because she was driving a car, so the police told her.

It would seem you and many others posting on this thread with claims of " it's always the foreigner or car drivers fault " choose not to read the experiences of other posters.

I posted way back that i have been involved in 2 accidents with motorbikes, first accident no blame whatsoever, the second accident is still on-going but i have been told it was my fault.


Traffic going straight ahead has right-of-way to traffic that is turning-off.

You should have:

1. Seen them of course, check mirrors and look over your shoulder into the dead spot.

2. Given them right of way.

Is that a Thai road law or just what you are thinking is the proper road related laws here in Thailand related to left hand side driving rules

I would surmise in any other country with left hand side rules.......a car that has stopped and attempting to turn right would have all other vehicles either stopping behind the vehicle turning right.... or.....if there is another lane to the left or enough room and clearance to the left they can maneuver around the car trying to turn right .......but Not going around the stopped car on the inside, right hand side and in effect into the other lane of oncoming traffic.

That would not be safe at all...anywhere in the world.

When I was in Saigon for 6 months I had a rental car and several different drivers take me around to various factories while I was watching and observing the various drivers I had driving me around.

They drive on the right hand side of the road but I noticed several times when there was a 4 lane road condition and we are at an intersection attempting to turn right the driver would stay in the center lane and attempt to turn right from that lane while having to wait for the curb lane traffic to pass by before the driver would or could finally turn right at the corner intersection, while all the vehicles in the curb lane went straight ahead and none turning right.

I was asking the secretary: "What is the driver doing??....while telling her he should be in the curb lane to turn right ...while I was told that In Vietnam, that is the traffic laws with the curb lane used to go straight ahead and can not be used to turn right.....but the inner lane is used to turn right when at the intersection ...and in effect cutting in front of any car going straight ahead in the curb lane.

I thought this driver or the other drivers are wrong or stupid...... because what a stupid road and traffic rule if that is actually the road and traffic rules they abide by.

Sure enough when I had other drivers it was the same stupid driving while waiting and waiting while no other car and driver would give way to the driver and car attempting to turn right, from the inner lane, while some of the drivers simply lost patience and start to cut in front of the next car amongst the line of cars continually going past and straight ahead in the curb lane and then forced to give way when the impatient driver cuts in front of them to complete the right hand turn.

Just dumb ...plain dumb ..but those where the traffic rules in Saigon.



If he passed you on the right your responsible, cause you shouldn't turn right before the road is clear.

Nonsense !!! The bike should of gone to the left of the car turning right.


I argued that I'm British, we are trained to a high standard, when I make a turn I use my indicator at all times.

I'm geniunely curious, if British drivers are so highly trained why is there so much road rage in the UK? There are many road rage incidents from the UK posted on Youtube which probably just the tip of the iceburg.


Inflammatory posts and replies have been removed. I think members who think it is cute to use "fink" instead of think should revert to using think, otherwise is trolling.


motor bikes here are supposed to stay in the left hand lane

This was argued in a previous thread and most farangs on TV believed they were entitled to occupy any lane they pleased-- especially the center of the right lane which they deemed the safest.


If he passed you on the right your responsible, cause you shouldn't turn right before the road is clear.

Nonsense !!! The bike should of gone to the left of the car turning right.

What the bike SHOULD have done is not always what happens in Thailand or elsewhere in the world for that matter, and unless the OP has witness that his indicator light was on, it is word against word.

Probably there will also be marks on the road at which side of the road center line the bike hit the car, which will also play a role in the decision the police makes.


Had a accident in my car in kalasin, indicated to turn right, gave room so vehicles can pass on my left, as i made my turn into the garage a car came speeding up on the right to overtake me, i pulled to the left he bounced of my car into a ditch, was being driven by a 21yr old idiot and had his G/Mother in the back. his car a mess both of them had cuts to the face. When the RTP turned up said insurance can deal with it, 2hrs later they arrived and of course had a discussion on who is at fault, one said 50/50 my insurance said when hell freezes over it was idiot fault for overtaking. Lucky for me the women in the garage had it on video and you could see all their cars going pass on the LHS of me and the young fool came speeding up on the right and hit me, other insurance said ok 100% idiots fault, they paid for all repairs on our car and only 50% on his.

Best thing to do is let insurance company sort it out and have a brew


You can argue the rights and wrongs of the accident till the cows come home, having been involved in 2 accidents with motorbikes at U'turns i believe the outcome will depend on 3 things :

1. How serious they were injured.

2. How strong your insurance rep is ( i hope you have class 1 )

3. The attitude of the policeman filing the report.

Both my accidents were very similar with impact on rear passenger door, first one, I was totally absolved of any fault. The second one where he was seriously injured is still not 100% concluded after 6 months.

So true. Tenant of mine drives his car, motorbike taxi goes through the red light and goes straight under his car, and is badly injured.

Everything recorded on CCTV at the traffic lights, so it all on record that the bike taxi is in the wrong. Tenant even goes visit him in the hospital and gives him some money out of compassion.

The shit starts, I know he's wrong but he's poor and you rich farang, so can't you take rsponsibility.

Tenant's car is still in custody after 8 months, since case isn't solved yet.

Find that hard to believe.

How do you know the incident was recorded on CCTV? The only way your tenant could have known, if the police had informed him, which means the police would had viewed the said footage, therefore proving the motorbike guy was in the wrong according to you.

The police cannot impound vehicles for an indefinite period without a warrant from the court or the car owner had been officially charged with reckless or dangerous driving.


You can argue the rights and wrongs of the accident till the cows come home, having been involved in 2 accidents with motorbikes at U'turns i believe the outcome will depend on 3 things :

1. How serious they were injured.

2. How strong your insurance rep is ( i hope you have class 1 )

3. The attitude of the policeman filing the report.

Both my accidents were very similar with impact on rear passenger door, first one, I was totally absolved of any fault. The second one where he was seriously injured is still not 100% concluded after 6 months.

So true. Tenant of mine drives his car, motorbike taxi goes through the red light and goes straight under his car, and is badly injured.

Everything recorded on CCTV at the traffic lights, so it all on record that the bike taxi is in the wrong. Tenant even goes visit him in the hospital and gives him some money out of compassion.

The shit starts, I know he's wrong but he's poor and you rich farang, so can't you take rsponsibility.

Tenant's car is still in custody after 8 months, since case isn't solved yet.

Find that hard to believe.

How do you know the incident was recorded on CCTV? The only way your tenant could have known, if the police had informed him, which means the police would had viewed the said footage, therefore proving the motorbike guy was in the wrong according to you.

The police cannot impound vehicles for an indefinite period without a warrant from the court or the car owner had been officially charged with reckless or dangerous driving.

Tenant was shown the CCTV footage by the police. Car is still impounded, partly because the tenant spend most of his time in Europe, and the investigation is still ongoing.


You can argue the rights and wrongs of the accident till the cows come home, having been involved in 2 accidents with motorbikes at U'turns i believe the outcome will depend on 3 things :

1. How serious they were injured.

2. How strong your insurance rep is ( i hope you have class 1 )

3. The attitude of the policeman filing the report.

Both my accidents were very similar with impact on rear passenger door, first one, I was totally absolved of any fault. The second one where he was seriously injured is still not 100% concluded after 6 months.

So true. Tenant of mine drives his car, motorbike taxi goes through the red light and goes straight under his car, and is badly injured.

Everything recorded on CCTV at the traffic lights, so it all on record that the bike taxi is in the wrong. Tenant even goes visit him in the hospital and gives him some money out of compassion.

The shit starts, I know he's wrong but he's poor and you rich farang, so can't you take rsponsibility.

Tenant's car is still in custody after 8 months, since case isn't solved yet.

Find that hard to believe.

How do you know the incident was recorded on CCTV? The only way your tenant could have known, if the police had informed him, which means the police would had viewed the said footage, therefore proving the motorbike guy was in the wrong according to you.

The police cannot impound vehicles for an indefinite period without a warrant from the court or the car owner had been officially charged with reckless or dangerous driving.

Tenant was shown the CCTV footage by the police. Car is still impounded, partly because the tenant spend most of his time in Europe, and the investigation is still ongoing.

The tenant must have a home in Thailand with space to accommodate a car and again the car would not be impounded by the police unless ordered by the court or your tenant had been charged with a criminal offense. The said vehicle is the responsibility of it`s owner, not a police problem if the vehicle owner goes away.

If the police are holding the said vehicle while the case is being investigated on suspicion that a serious criminal offense had been committed involving your tenant, than the police would had also confiscated your tenant`s passport and prohibited him leaving the county until their investigations are completed.

Either there is more to this case than you are saying or someone is trying to discredit the police with exaggerated tales?


So true. Tenant of mine drives his car, motorbike taxi goes through the red light and goes straight under his car, and is badly injured.

Everything recorded on CCTV at the traffic lights, so it all on record that the bike taxi is in the wrong. Tenant even goes visit him in the hospital and gives him some money out of compassion.

The shit starts, I know he's wrong but he's poor and you rich farang, so can't you take rsponsibility.

Tenant's car is still in custody after 8 months, since case isn't solved yet.

Find that hard to believe.

How do you know the incident was recorded on CCTV? The only way your tenant could have known, if the police had informed him, which means the police would had viewed the said footage, therefore proving the motorbike guy was in the wrong according to you.

The police cannot impound vehicles for an indefinite period without a warrant from the court or the car owner had been officially charged with reckless or dangerous driving.

Tenant was shown the CCTV footage by the police. Car is still impounded, partly because the tenant spend most of his time in Europe, and the investigation is still ongoing.

The tenant must have a home in Thailand with space to accommodate a car and again the car would not be impounded by the police unless ordered by the court or your tenant had been charged with a criminal offense. The said vehicle is the responsibility of it`s owner, not a police problem if the vehicle owner goes away.

If the police are holding the said vehicle while the case is being investigated on suspicion that a serious criminal offense had been committed involving your tenant, than the police would had also confiscated your tenant`s passport and prohibited him leaving the county until their investigations are completed.

Either there is more to this case than you are saying or someone is trying to discredit the police with exaggerated tales?

I know from your post history that you know always everything better than the people involved, so I don't even know why I bother to reply to you.

Maybe you could ask your policeman son, as he will find out for you., because I feel you're going there with your remark that I want to put the police in a bad light.

There is no need for that, because police in Thailand can't be further discredited. Read the news.

Tenant has indeed a home, that's why he is my tenant, since he rents one from me.

Tenant hasn't charged with anything, since the investigation is still ongoing, so he is free to leave and come as he want.

I parrot what I am told, by my tenant who I know as a honest person,and I can't care less if you believe it or not.



Hate to admit it, but with an accident between me and a thai here i would consider bolting.

The system is simply not fair enough here to pretend things would play out fairly or work out like they would in a more civilized society where people have rights and impartial investigations can be done.


You need a Lawyer.................don't say or do anything without a Lawyer - I was in the same situation, we were turning into the Temple on beach Road Jom Tien, a German on a motorcycle tried to pass us on our right he hit the rear bumper/quarterpanel of our truck as we were turning into the Temple - really messed up his Bike - He kept yelling tourist police, I called a friend who sent his Lawyer, the tourist police tried to convince me to pay for the bike & hospital bill for his passenger, "or you will have Big Problem with Immigration" I waited until the lawyer came and he told everyone to go to the Police Station - we went and the guy nor the Tourist police (also spoke German) never showed up - You were in the right if you had your blinkers on and had already started to turn.thumbsup.gif


Hate to admit it, but with an accident between me and a thai here i would consider bolting.

The system is simply not fair enough here to pretend things would play out fairly or work out like they would in a more civilized society where people have rights and impartial investigations can be done.

If not too bad I'd tend to agree.

I had a collision at a set of lights in Sattahip. Both of us were in the wrong and he (minni van) clipped my pick up, not bad, but enough to leave his rubber off his wing mirrors on my wing.

I just carried on.


i agree that the bike driver is at fault when you look at the correct laws, but this is Thailand .

I am a car driver myself and I have been close to similar accidents several times , especially when you're turning right in U-turns. The bikes behind you don't care much about you using indicator lights or not , they just drive at high speed and that's why you as the car driver should pay attention all the time , I look in my side mirrors every second while I turn my car , looking for speeding bikes from behind. I have been close to accidents several times but when you see the bike just in time you can avoid it.


Signaling to turn is an indication you intend to turn. It doesn't give you the right of way to turn. You still have to wait for all clear. The OP is in the wrong but it will take time to get sorted.

In most countries a motorcycle is considered a motorized vehicle and cannot share the same lane side-by-side. It is also illegal to change lanes in an intersection. If the OP was making a right turn waiting for a break in oncoming traffic it would be illegal for a motorcycle to pass on the right effectively going the wrong way into oncoming traffic. Don't forget that Thailand drives on the opposite side of the road so a right turn would be more like a left turn in North America.


Thanks for input everyone. To clarify: I was stopped with directional on. Headlights on. I always keep them on for visibility. Line of cars was backed up behind me. Motorbike broadsided my car as I was turning.

You must not have looked in your mirrors as you said it clipped your front. That means it was quite close already. Had it clipped your back it would be more in your favor.

If you're in the turning lane with your indicators on NO ONE should pass you on the right because that would mean they are creating another lane or they're driving in the oncoming lane the wrong way.


the bizarre thing is, they think they are clever for driving like that because they get to the destination quicker.

Driving moderately and safely, within the rules of the road (not stopping immediately to drive over a pedestrian footpath instead of using the road's u-turn 50 meters down the road) is stupid to them.


Are you people nuts, op stated he was waiting to do a right hand turn, so in that case nobody has the right to overtake a turning vehicle.i don't care what country your in.In Australia they had to put signs on buses and trucks let let fools like u know do not overtake turning vehicle.obviously some of you guys shouldn't be driving.


After reading some of the replies on this forum I prey that some of you are not out there on the road, as you seem to have no Idea about the road rules...maybe just obtained your licence under the table!!!!!!


Traffic going straight ahead has right-of-way to traffic that is turning-off.

You should have:

1. Seen them of course, check mirrors and look over your shoulder into the dead spot.

2. Given them right of way.

Drivel ,that means at any time when you have to do a right turn EVERYONE behind you can pass you whilst doing that turn, let me know how it turns out when you try it ,especially if you are driving a bus.

Well you made that determination (drivel) quickly.

The OP did not mention whether he was indicating his right turn, and I am unsure how many lanes there are on this road he was exiting. There is a chance he looked like a parked or stopped vehicle. This happens a lot in Thailand, it is full off idiots, many imported. My first day out in my truck I nearly knocked a lady off her bike who, at the traffic lights, decided being on my right in a right turn only lane, was the place to be to go straight on. That forced me to learn another pre-turn action. Having a left turn signal on also does not prevent being overtaken on the inside!


Traffic going straight ahead has right-of-way to traffic that is turning-off.

You should have:

1. Seen them of course, check mirrors and look over your shoulder into the dead spot.

2. Given them right of way.

Drivel ,that means at any time when you have to do a right turn EVERYONE behind you can pass you whilst doing that turn, let me know how it turns out when you try it ,especially if you are driving a bus.

Well you made that determination (drivel) quickly.

The OP did not mention whether he was indicating his right turn, and I am unsure how many lanes there are on this road he was exiting. There is a chance he looked like a parked or stopped vehicle. This happens a lot in Thailand, it is full off idiots, many imported. My first day out in my truck I nearly knocked a lady off her bike who, at the traffic lights, decided being on my right in a right turn only lane, was the place to be to go straight on. That forced me to learn another pre-turn action. Having a left turn signal on also does not prevent being overtaken on the inside!

The plot deepens,,, But it seems many here lost it a while ago. coffee1.gif


My 49-year Old BKK Thai Wife Say:


Big Car [vs] smaller scooter or motorcycle.

Car Always Wrong In Thai Eyes.

Yep We are now back to the subject of Thai culture. I goes back to the Days of the Elephant. HEY your Elephant trod on my foot,or swashed

my cart. or sat on me.thumbsup.gif

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