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Americans split on whether Clinton cares about their needs


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Americans split on whether Clinton cares about their needs

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to spend the summer building a case that Republicans are out of touch with the public. But many people aren't convinced she empathizes with them, either, polls suggest, in a potential early warning sign for the Democratic front-runner.

Clinton's approach to defining the Republican field echoes one President Barack Obama used successfully in the 2012 campaign against GOP rival Mitt Romney, a rich man who struggled to make the common touch at times with his policies and persona.

Yet average Americans appear to be split on whether Clinton can relate to them, in the face of scrutiny about her family finances and the Republican argument that she and husband Bill, the former president, play by different rules and have amassed wealth in ways that are inconceivable for most people.

About 47 percent of Americans said Clinton cares about people like them in a CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday. That's down from 53 percent in the same poll last summer. An ABC News/Washington Post poll released the same day also found a slight decline in the past year on a similar question, with 49 percent saying Clinton "understands the problems of people like you" and 46 percent saying she doesn't.

The dip in Clinton's ratings on attributes like empathy coincides with a decline in her overall favorability from the time she was Obama's secretary of state. Her current levels mirror how the public viewed her during her failed 2008 White House campaign.

Dan Pfeiffer, a longtime Obama adviser who left the White House this spring, said it's too early for the numbers to cause anxiety in Clinton's Brooklyn campaign headquarters. But he added that "if this trend doesn't reverse itself over the next many months, it should be a cause of concern."

Empathy was a focus of Obama's re-election bid against Romney. The Democratic incumbent relentlessly argued that Romney's policies and personal wealth left him out of touch with most Americans. By Election Day, 81 percent of Americans who said they voted based on whether a candidate cared for people like them backed Obama, according to exit polls.

Clinton campaign officials say they care less about how Clinton is viewed in isolation on the question of empathy and more about how she is compared with specific Republican challengers. While no major polls have done such a head-to-head comparison, a Quinnipiac survey last week found large numbers of Americans undecided on whether many Republican presidential hopefuls — among them Marco Rubio and Scott Walker — care about their needs.

And the ABC News/Washington Post poll had worrying signs for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, with 55 percent of Americans saying he doesn't understand the problems of people like them.

Clinton will use a June 13 rally to argue that the GOP field as a whole is out of touch on gay rights, immigration, climate change and more. She has also been highlighting her differences with Republicans on economic issues, financial reform and budget priorities.

While the GOP race is wide-open, with more than a dozen candidates expected to vie for the nomination, the Clinton campaign plans to cast the field as monolithic on policy.

Republicans, however, see an opportunity to turn the question of empathy against Clinton. They've already started trying.

Republican pollster David Winston said the intense early focus on such issues gives Republicans an opening to define the terms of the debate over the direction each party wants to take the country.

"If she doesn't have a product on the shelf — her ideas — what's the point?" Winston asked.

Since the start of the year, Clinton has faced questions about her family foundation's fundraising practices and acceptance of money from foreign governments, as well as her decision to use a private email server at the State Department and destroy personal emails during her tenure in the Obama administration.

Clinton's personal wealth has also created unwanted attention. The Clintons reported last month that they earned more than $30 million in combined speaking fees and book royalties since January 2014.

Clinton campaign officials argue that the individual issues have not affected the way the public views Clinton but the cumulative effect of the scrutiny has.

Her early campaign strategy suggests Clinton and her advisers are aware of the need to present herself as more relatable to Americans. While her failed 2008 White House bid emphasized her toughness and experience, the first months of her second campaign have highlighted her family background and her early work on women's and family issues.

During small round table events in Iowa, New Hampshire and elsewhere, Clinton has frequently referenced her roots as the daughter of a father who was a small business owner and a mother who overcame a difficult upbringing and abandonment.

She's also centered policy discussions on pre-kindergarten and daycare options for young children, as well as the plight of those with mental health problems and addictions to heroin and prescription drugs — calling it a "quiet epidemic" striking small towns and rural areas.

"I want to be the president who takes care of people," Clinton told voters in New Hampshire last week. "I consider that my highest and most important responsibility."

AP News Survey Specialist Emily Swanson contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-04

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"I want to be the president who takes care of people," Clinton told voters in New Hampshire last week. "I consider that my highest and most important responsibility."

I wonder how the voters would split on the issue of her obviously wanting to continue Obama's program of "fundamentally changing" the USA to European-style socialism (aka a "Nanny State").

Nanny Hillary has a ring to it, doesn't it?

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Of course she dose... what as silly question, as long as she, and her hubby, can money

out of it....

This Clinton woman has so many skeletons in her not so well hidden closets, and so many

unanswered questions, I doubt very much of her chances to win the white house...

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Her chances of being president are excellent. She will easily be nominated. Then she runs against a republican. In that race, she only needs one more electoral vote than the republican. She hardly needs overwhelming support to be president. Just one more electoral vote.

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Her chances of being president are excellent. She will easily be nominated. Then she runs against a republican. In that race, she only needs one more electoral vote than the republican. She hardly needs overwhelming support to be president. Just one more electoral vote.

She, and her Nanny Party had better be praying that her private email server wasn't hacked.

Her election would probably mark the last time there was an effective two-party national election in the USA unless, during her term, the stuff really hits the fan.

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Her chances of being president are excellent. She will easily be nominated. Then she runs against a republican. In that race, she only needs one more electoral vote than the republican. She hardly needs overwhelming support to be president. Just one more electoral vote.

So now we're down to a close race, LOL? One electoral vote? LOL

Mark this spot. She doesn't have a chance. The bad news just keeps coming, and note it's the main stream media, AP and the poll was done by the liberal CNN. I'm tellin' ya, JT, the Dems themselves are out to get her. smile.png

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Really? Clinton would know anything about the little people? It will depend on how far she can run from Obama. Which ain't far since the dems have gone so far left now. That will leave a sour taste for the 30% that decide the presidency.

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This split shows a few things. In the upcoming episode of the American Political Clown Show called the presidential elections, voters will probably be forced to choose between one of two dynasties. If that happens, Jeb versus Hillary, she will win. If the Right wing nuts field a moderate who at least believes that there just might be something to the unlikely notions of climate change and evolution, he will win (because no one thinks they can field a female candidate). Unfortunately, the front runners to fill that slot have either hired child molesters and then forgiven them (Huckabee) or made enormously vapid and stupid statements (Santorum, Cruz, and the entire road show of B list actors).

Again, both sides are more concerned with power and prestige than being good representatives of the people -- and these are the people who will have their finger on the trigger of the American war machine, coming soon to a combat theater near you..

The mind boggles.


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Hillary is playing the long game now.

She knows what she's doing this time.

The long game includes not appearing on any national TV shows or giving interviews or having public gatherings because...

That is correct.

There is no logical reason to get engaged in that way at this early stage when she already has the nomination locked up.

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Hillary is playing the long game now.

She knows what she's doing this time.

The long game includes not appearing on any national TV shows or giving interviews or having public gatherings because...

That is correct.

There is no logical reason to get engaged in that way at this early stage when she already has the nomination locked up.

Right. Because every time she runs into a reporter she gets asked about scandals instead of her "candidacy."

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Hillary rightfully hates 1%ers. She thinks they are losers because she and Bill are .001%ers.

Can't 'like' this enough! Well said.

She will be whatever [she thinks] will get her elected, but she is an arrogant, self-entitled, wholly-owned subsidiary of Big Business, in poorly-fitting populist duds.

I will make every effort to see she is not elected, meaning I will push the pin in a different hole. That's all I can do...

Vote for Bernie.

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She's pacing herself.

You'll see later what this is about.

The idea that she isn't going to be an advocate for poorer people compared to ANY republican is absurd.

Sure I would like Elizabeth Warren now myself ... but that's politically impossible following Obama and there is also her lack of foreign policy cred.

Hillary is it. Deal with it.

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By the time of the actual election, the "scandals" will be fully digested and largely irrelevant. Hillary haters wouldn't ever vote for her anyway, blown up Fox News "scandals" or not.

This isn't Fox News, JT. It's the liberal MSM. This latest poll is CNN and the AP and The New York Times are trying to destroy her. They want to get rid of her. If she goes out and runs into a reporter she gets grilled.

It's her own party that wants to lose her because of her baggage. Her poll numbers are dropping and when other viable candidates realize she's vulnerable there will be competition. The "long game" isn't on her side.

The reason her poll numbers are dropping among those who would be her supporters is the negative from the liberal MSM.

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Yeah, I know that's your narrative and you find it comforting, but it's wrong. She will definitely be nominated. The democrats have nobody who could even come close. Take that to the bank and worry about the general election.

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Based on their bank account balances, no, they do not. bah.gif

Based on their bank accounts (and sure we don't know all of the bank accounts) they care about their (own) needs......

USA needs a honest president after these last 2 crocks....

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By the time of the actual election, the "scandals" will be fully digested and largely irrelevant. Hillary haters wouldn't ever vote for her anyway, blown up Fox News "scandals" or not.

This isn't Fox News, JT. It's the liberal MSM. This latest poll is CNN and the AP and The New York Times are trying to destroy her. They want to get rid of her. If she goes out and runs into a reporter she gets grilled.

It's her own party that wants to lose her because of her baggage. Her poll numbers are dropping and when other viable candidates realize she's vulnerable there will be competition. The "long game" isn't on her side.

The reason her poll numbers are dropping among those who would be her supporters is the negative from the liberal MSM.

The Clintons have been in the spotlight for a long time, so there is little to uncover. The 'scandals' if you can call them that, were being waged by the far right wing since way back in Bill's day.

That said, my perception of her has changed toward the negative. I am reasonably sure there is a strategy behind all of this. She hasn't really pulled out the big guns yet and the biggest of them all is Bill.

I never cared much for Obama (I would have much preferred Hillary over him during the last primary), but when Bill Clinton introduced him, it was a mesmerizing speech. They don't call him 'slick Willy' for nothing.

As far as the Clintons and their wealth goes, I have no problem. They have seen lean times and they have seen good times. They do not have family fortunes backing them and not invested in any particular business sector. They have spent their lives as public servants. It's provided well for them, no doubt.

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The strategy is that she plans to win so will peak at the end. She's lowering expectations so she can exceed them later.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I will have to admit you are right, JT.

She is succeeding beyond her wildest dreams in the lowering of any expectations.

Before long she won't have anywhere to go but up. thumbsup.gif

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I suspect that the far left and the far right might prove the political spectrum is a CIRCLE.
There is much the two extremes actually agree upon. Hating the TPP is one example. thumbsup.gif

Here is a good read as to why Hillary can not win - or won't have any options if she pulls it through.

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