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Americans split on whether Clinton cares about their needs


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Ben Carson, yes a far right wing extremist hate monger and twisted Christian "fundamentalist" (in similar ways that Iranian mullahs are "Islamic") AND a good doctor in his field, has almost has no chance of being nominated.

So why waste any more space here posting on his OFF TOPIC candidacy?

Because you called the man that has been awarded "38 honorary doctorate degrees and dozens of national merit citations. In 2014, an American poll conducted by Gallup ranked Carson sixth on a list of the most admired men in the world" an extremist hate monger and twisted Christian fundamentalist.

Continue this on a thread about the no chancer Carson. Not here.

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think on the bright side folks.......the most inept president in the nation's history be gone

Now be kind.

George W. Bush's primitive paintings are rather charming.

I actually like them........But the paintings from that German guy were also good.

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Ben Carson, more than most. He is a right wing extremist and also a hate monger under the cover of Christianity, kind of like PUTIN.

He should stay being a doctor, thank you very much.

But at least he hasn't been involved in any cover-up? eh ?ermm.gif


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I suspect that the far left and the far right might prove the political spectrum is a CIRCLE.

There is much the two extremes actually agree upon. Hating the TPP is one example. thumbsup.gif

Here is a good read as to why Hillary can not win - or won't have any options if she pulls it through.


Bernie Sanders the communist. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

NOT, ... but that shows either a lack of understanding terminology, or a desire to misdirect others. The expats from Scandinavia certainly know the benefits and faults of Democratic Socialism, and Sanders calls himself a “democratic socialist,”

As Sanders explained in a 2006 interview with Democracy Now!:

I think [democratic socialism] means the government has got to play a very important role in making sure that as a right of citizenship all of our people have healthcare; that as a right, all of our kids, regardless of income, have quality childcare, are able to go to college without going deeply into debt; that it means we do not allow large corporations and moneyed interests to destroy our environment; that we create a government in which it is not dominated by big money interest. I mean, to me, it means democracy, frankly. That’s all it means.

It does turn out that his platform lies solidly in agreement with Americans on issue after issue. His fault? He's blunt and speaks his mind clearly and unambiguously... Wait! That's what is unique and refreshing about him.

Take a look at the link below for more about where he agrees with the majority of Americans.

Oh, and yes, mocking his candidacy DOES put you with the majority of the news media... BUT, "there is really something genuinely worrying about the concept of a news media largely owned by millionaires (and in some cases billionaires) who employ millionaire anchors and writers shunning the one candidate in favor of major redistribution of wealth away from America’s top earners and into the middle class."


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Off-topic, inflammatory, troll posts and replies removed. Comparisons to other possible candidates is acceptable, but let's please try to to discuss other possible candidates in detail and let's try to keep any discussion in the context of Ms. Clinton.

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Assuming Obama also makes you vomit, when Hillary gets two terms, you can then write a book:

16 Years of Vomiting!

I really don't know what you are on about. Why don't you write in a more gentlemanly manner and stop the vomit stuff.

I could not support Hillary because she has accepted too much money (10 million USD I believe is the number) from anti gay African organizations. (says homosexuality is on a par with incest and bestiality and is 'a devilish type of thing')

I don't believe that one of her competitors, Dr. Carson has accepted any money from anti gay African organizations and that gives him a leg up as far as I'm concerned.


Edited by lostoday
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Assuming Obama also makes you vomit, when Hillary gets two terms, you can then write a book:

16 Years of Vomiting!

I really don't know what you are on about. Why don't you write in a more gentlemanly manner and stop the vomit stuff.

I could not support Hillary because she has accepted too much money (10 million USD I believe is the number) from anti gay African organizations. (says homosexuality is on a par with incest and bestiality and is 'a devilish type of thing')

I don't believe that one of her competitors, Dr. Carson has accepted any money from anti gay African organizations and that gives him a leg up as far as I'm concerned.


That post was like boiled down disingenuousness on steroids.

OK, enough is enough.

Welcome to my ignore list.

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Assuming Obama also makes you vomit, when Hillary gets two terms, you can then write a book:

16 Years of Vomiting!

I really don't know what you are on about. Why don't you write in a more gentlemanly manner and stop the vomit stuff.

I could not support Hillary because she has accepted too much money (10 million USD I believe is the number) from anti gay African organizations. (says homosexuality is on a par with incest and bestiality and is 'a devilish type of thing')

I don't believe that one of her competitors, Dr. Carson has accepted any money from anti gay African organizations and that gives him a leg up as far as I'm concerned.


That post was like boiled down disingenuousness on steroids.

OK, enough is enough.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Feel free to point out anything I have said that is not true or documented.

I can understand your frustration but honestly it is just beginning as more and more accurate information about H. Rodham Clinton comes out.

Since you mentioned it I would agree that Mrs Clinton is "disingenuous on steroids." I doubt that I would have put it that way but after all you did write it.giggle.gif

I guess if you can't debate with the adults in a civil manner all you have left is the ignore button.

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Jingthing, are you being serious?

OK, let me explain.

"The only Politically Correct candidate - Black. Muslim. Woman with uncertain sexual orientation" - that was my joke. My way of having fun.

Seriously speaking, I am not an American, do not know the candidates and do not care who will be the next POTUS.

Leaving this decision to Americans I am confident they will make the worst possible choice according to their democratic rights.

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Her election would probably mark the last time there was an effective two-party national election in the USA unless, during her term, the stuff really hits the fan.

What planet have you been living upon? Do you not realize that the two-party system has been ineffective since soon after 1971 when Lewis Powell released his "Powell Manifesto" that called for the conservative business community to unite and defeat once and for all times the "leftist" threat from the "counter-culture" as well as to over turn the Keynesian policies of Roosevelt's New Deal despite the fact that those same Keynesian policies helped lead the USA into a post-war era of success. This is most clearly seen after Obama ran on "change" and then changed nothing and kept the same old fiscal policies in place. Hillary, the scarlet woman of Wall Street, is not all that different than her Republican rivals other than she is more willing to throw the poor a few more bones than the misanthropic Republican party and their rabble who are busily drinking the Kool-Aid propaganda of FOX news which is fed by the politics of hate used to divide and conquer the lower classes.

Perhaps Bernie Sanders is independent enough to break the cycle of corruption promoted by the US Chamber of Commerce (the voice of the ruling Corporatocracy) and their evil allies in the US Supreme Court. So perhaps Hillary will stumble giving Bernie a slim chance. But given the track record of democracy ranging from the US to the UK to Russia to Thailand, the dark side of the force seems to be ascendant everywhere. Democracy does not survive gross economic inequality. As one keen observer friend of mine noted, the world seems to be using Cambodia as its role model.

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Uh, you have quite a bit of that backwards. Keynesian policies did not help America after WW2. They were actually a hindrance. Capitalism ruled. The rest of the world was in shambles, but not the U.S.

And it is republicanism that makes the west strong, not democracy. Just FYI. If you care....

Sorry to be off topic, but it needed correcting. I'll stand in the corner now.

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Her chances of being president are excellent. She will easily be nominated. Then she runs against a republican. In that race, she only needs one more electoral vote than the republican. She hardly needs overwhelming support to be president. Just one more electoral vote.

So now we're down to a close race, LOL? One electoral vote? LOL

Mark this spot. She doesn't have a chance. The bad news just keeps coming, and note it's the main stream media, AP and the poll was done by the liberal CNN. I'm tellin' ya, JT, the Dems themselves are out to get her. smile.png

Even with her flaws, Hillary will gun down whatever the best the Reps can scrounge up. I picture a show-down on Main Street, by the OK Corral. Hillary at one end, with shiny pistols on each hip. The 19 Reps facing her from 50 paces. Hillary pulls out both pistols and fires away, bang bang bang bang, floors them all, but leaves one Rep wounded in the knee, to go limping back to his camp to tell the others 'don't mess with her (using a word which sounds like 'witch') - she's wicked.'

Really? Clinton would know anything about the little people? It will depend on how far she can run from Obama. Which ain't far since the dems have gone so far left now. That will leave a sour taste for the 30% that decide the presidency.

That's odd. Most commentators have been bellyaching about how far right Obama and the Dems have gone. I'm somewhere in the middle. I still like Obama, but think he's become too mainstream - too cuddly with Wall Street shysters.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Uh, you have quite a bit of that backwards. Keynesian policies did not help America after WW2. They were actually a hindrance. Capitalism ruled. The rest of the world was in shambles, but not the U.S.

And it is republicanism that makes the west strong, not democracy. Just FYI. If you care....

Sorry to be off topic, but it needed correcting. I'll stand in the corner now.

I think John Maynard Keynes had a big battle with the USA after WWII and lost if I remember correctly. But wasn't the man who soundly trounced the Brit, Keynes a Democrat by the name of Harry Dexter White acting for Roosevelt? Just to make sure your correction is accurate.

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Assuming Obama also makes you vomit, when Hillary gets two terms, you can then write a book:

16 Years of Vomiting!

I really don't know what you are on about. Why don't you write in a more gentlemanly manner and stop the vomit stuff.

I could not support Hillary because she has accepted too much money (10 million USD I believe is the number) from anti gay African organizations. (says homosexuality is on a par with incest and bestiality and is 'a devilish type of thing')

I don't believe that one of her competitors, Dr. Carson has accepted any money from anti gay African organizations and that gives him a leg up as far as I'm concerned.


You have got to be kidding me? It is these religious groups that are screwing up. They are giving money to someone who is not going to change her position on gay marriage or homosexuality.

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Assuming Obama also makes you vomit, when Hillary gets two terms, you can then write a book:

16 Years of Vomiting!

I really don't know what you are on about. Why don't you write in a more gentlemanly manner and stop the vomit stuff.

I could not support Hillary because she has accepted too much money (10 million USD I believe is the number) from anti gay African organizations. (says homosexuality is on a par with incest and bestiality and is 'a devilish type of thing')

I don't believe that one of her competitors, Dr. Carson has accepted any money from anti gay African organizations and that gives him a leg up as far as I'm concerned.


You have got to be kidding me? It is these religious groups that are screwing up. They are giving money to someone who is not going to change her position on gay marriage or homosexuality.

10 million USD? I hardly think so. It is a African Church. They don't have that much money. Who have you ever heard of who does not know they give or not know they receive 10 million USD? Not in the real world. Both parties were aware of what was going on.

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