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Rick Perry goes at it again, launches 2016 bid


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Where Texas Ranks ... in computing Rankings -- keep in mind that Texas has about 4 million Illegal Aliens who are poorly educated, speak little English, use a lot of Welfare and GENERALLY DRAG DOWN ALL STATISTICAL FIGURES...

Well, I sure can't vote for this guy. He can't even control his borders.

Governor Perry is not in charge of Border Security even for his own state - the Feds are.

The Obama Admin has made it very clear - the U.S. Government is in charge of Border Security ... and Illegal Immigration Control -- in this case both Security and Control are Oxymorons.

The fact that you do not know this tells me that you know very little about the U.S. Government .. .The Border Patrol is part of (another Oxymoron) the Department of Homeland Security with a Cabinet Secretary reporting directly to Obama...

States like Texas with Governor Perry and Arizona do what they can to secure the border... but Federal Lawsuits by the Obama Administration pulled all such authority back to the Federal Government.

Despite this Governor Perry has (under court limitations) created special units to deal with it as best can be - (the Ilegal Alien problem). And by the way - under Federal Statutes those in the USA Illegally are termed Illegal Aliens - the official designation under law.

I know quite a bit about the Constitution. But this is Perry we are talking about and Texas. And he seems to be able to solve all other problems, but the one he can't is someone else's fault.

You must be joking ... After several lawsuits of recent vintage Governors have little authority over the Border -- in this case the Mexican Border and next to none over illegal aliens - States cannot deport people. You are totally clueless about this issue ...

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